5 Mistakes Beginner Skaters Make

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This is brilliant, and really applicable to a lot of skills. Language learning or martial arts or whatever. I used to skate as a kid and never really got anywhere, but watching this would have been really handy.

Also having a decent skateboard :(

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/ManicParroT 📅︎︎ Sep 30 2017 🗫︎ replies
there are five mistakes that beginner skateboarders make first up we have not fully learning tricks so you've just landed your first ollie and that's amazing you've just done something that about seven billion other people on this planet can't do so what do you do next well it's probably time to learn the next trick right well no no no no no right now it's most important that you just ollie lots and lots of Ollie's you'd be surprised how quickly you can lose a trick especially one that you've just learned if you don't practice them enough in my opinion the two most important things in learning skateboarding or confidence and muscle memory and the only way to get that muscle memory ingrained is to do something over and over again and I know you're probably thinking well I just tried an ollie 10,000 times and I finally landed it isn't that enough times to get muscle memory well the thing is you may have practiced 10,000 times but really you've only gotten everything perfect like the timing and the muscle movements one time which means that you now have to practice this correct movement which worked over and over again the other 9999 times definitely where progress and you were learning but the key here is to not just land the trick once and put a checkmark next to it and say you're done but to actually learn the trick fully and have it fully ingrained in your muscle and in your mind which pretty much goes hand in hand with mistake number 2 which is trying to move on to the next tricks to fast now I know that everyone's goal is to land a kickflip or a 360 flip or whatever it might be but these are things that take time and can't be rushed now there's a reason why people like Aaron Cairo will tell you to learn things like a 180 or a pop shuvit before you learn a kickflip even though the movements of a kickflip are nothing like those other tricks and that's because you need to learn how to be really comfortable on your board in order to have a solid foundation to start learning harder tricks so just like in mistake number one if you've just learned a kickflip you probably shouldn't go immediately trying to learn a 360 foot you're going to want to practice what you know in order to get really really good at it and then you can move on to the next step so on to mistake number three which is losing motivation when it comes to skateboarding it can be really easy for certain people to lose motivation when they've tried the same trick over and over again and they just can't get it sometimes it can just feel like you're never getting anywhere and you're not gonna progress and I think the way around this is just to try new and different things all the time even though you may really want to learn that nollie flip it may be best to just go and try and learn some other tricks that you've never tried before even if they're a lot easier this is the point that I really try and get across in my 8 any easy trick series when I say things like progression is progression even if you're just learning dumb little tricks as long as you're learning you're gonna stay motivated in order to keep going and then hopefully before you know it once you've learned some other random little tricks you'll come back to the one that you were trying and eventually you landed so what happens when you don't do this and you just let yourself get continually frustrated and defeated is mistake number four getting burnt out sometimes you'll be trying so hard and you'll be putting your all into it and you'll still fail and when you get into a situation like this it's easy to just want to quit and if the advice I gave before of trying different things doesn't work and you're just not getting anywhere just remember that there's no harm in taking a break sometimes it's best to just get off the skateboard and clear your mind as long as you have that drive in your mind of wanting to progress there's no need and killing yourself because you can't land something just take a deep breath walk away and come back the next day with a fresh mind and some new energy and finally the last mistake which is a really common one is comparing yourself to others I could go out right now skateboard all day long and feel like I'm doing great but then I can come home and watch the Johnny Geiger video and realize that I suck and there's people way better than me but this is a terrible way of thinking no matter what you do there's always going to be people better than you and worse than you and comparing yourself to other people is only a way to demotivate yourself when really what you should be doing is watching other people and getting inspired rather than sitting here and watching a Shane O'Neill video and thinking haribol I am compared to him or seeing a beginner trying to learn how to ollie and thinking how much better I am than them what I look at is the progression and the effort that they're putting in and I let that inspire me whether it's the basket weaving or playing the clarinet or skateboarding everyone progresses at different rates and they do it in their own way and the only one who really matters and who you should focus on when you're learning is yourself so as you can see all of these mistakes kind of flow into each other and overlap in different ways and that's because the same mistakes kind of pop up when you're learning anything for the first time skateboarding can be terrible and wonderful and frustrating and the best thing ever but as long as you're willing to give it your all and put in the work then progression will be your reward alright nothing cheesy just keep at it and know that you'll get out of it what you put into it so anyway I hope that just helps you and hopefully maybe inspired you a little bit so just keep it real anyways I'd like to thank you for watching and you can like and subscribe if you want [Music]
Channel: VLSkate
Views: 1,882,073
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: skateboarding, skateboard, skate, skater, skating, sk8, vilas, left, vlskate, atm, click, bones, ipath, real, world, hardware, tricks, trick, kickflip, heelflip, poway, security, fight, braille, vs, hater, bail
Id: AqvS3Wsv0N0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 23sec (323 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 11 2017
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