5 MINUTES AGO! Rick Harrison Just Hit The JACKPOT

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I'll 2,000 I'll take it I'll take it at auction you're looking at 50 Grand at least my heart skipped a beat this was an absolutely fabulous Vine I mean I can't really afford to take anything less than 10 all right 10,000 that's a deal so how much you think I can sell it for now it'll probably sell for about 160 to 175,000 a seller walks into the shop to sell his illuminated books got uh some illuminated books bianic edition of The Works of Charles decock and I hope I'm saying that right where in the world did you get these an uncle book collector left them for me all the drawings and the paintings in the book are hand done they're not printed limited to 10 numbered registered set of which this is number six do you know when these were printed I believe in the 1700s copyright I mean the prints small but it looks like 1903 even though my book expert is not around today I still feel confident making an offer on Rick asks for an offer how much you want for $6,000 sounds good I can't go six you got to come down from that the problem is they were sold as collector's items to begin with how about 3,000 000 they're special these aren't quite perfect 1,500 bucks H I don't think I can take that I'll go 2,000 I'll take it I'll take it all right I'll meet you right up there and we'll write it up an expert checks out the book They're illuminated books they're printed right around 19900 I paid a grand a piece for him wow this is beautiful that these Pages here these are all printed on Vellum and it is very very expensive very hard to work with takes a lot of skill and a lot of effort this is two volumes the 48 volume set and if you had all 48 volumes at auction you're looking at 50 Grand at least but you don't have the entire set the volumes themselves don't have a lot of value on their own so $500 each however these volumes have original artwork many people do know John Sloan he was an artist who did a lot of the drawings in here I'd say that they' probably fetch 2500 to 4,000 at auction ni sweet they didn't hit a home run but I'll make a little money when she said 500 bucks my heart skipped a beat customer walks in with a heft y load of silver the old man is crazy about silver he's going to be like a kid on Christmas morning when he sees this if they want less than face value well we'll see what we can work out got these bars and this thing alone's almost 75 lb most people don't realize until 1964 all us dimes quarters half dollar silver dollars we all made out of silver Rick wants to make sure they are all silver coins all right I just got to make sure you know it's all silver coin it's really important for me to scan all the edges on these to make sure there's no modern coins in here uh do you mind if Pi go away just to make sure they weigh the right amount no problem so you have 3,372 o of silver in the late 1990s silver was down to $3 an ounce this is's going to be difficult to buy you know why when you're talking this much money there's too much temptation to put a bar of steel or something in the center so you're saying this might not be pure silver what I'm saying is there might be a chunk inside that's not pure silver can we test this thing um yeah drill a few holes in it give me a few minutes if everything checks out I'll pay you doesn't check out I'll give you an address where you can send it the process C of testing these items is not difficult but interesting first off you have to drill deep enough to make sure there's not a Lead Core or some other metal in the middle of the bar then you melt out all the filing until they liquefy and you create a small button the last step is dropping some nitric acid on it and seeing what color it turns when nitric acid reacts with pure silver it turns a creamy white okay here's the deal yeah it's all right it's fine the coins 33390 for these bars right here 42 equals Rick does the calculations and offers a price $10,000 $91 well let's make a deal that is the deal you can't go like15 no on $110,900 I'm probably going to make 1,500 bucks off you so what's your best price you give me today I'll go 111,000 even I'll go up 112 no no no there's no money to be made for it yeah I mean that's what I can do I can do um 111,000 well I bought it 12 years ago for way less than that 111 sounds good to me all right it's deal 111 today I'm walking out with over $100,000 Rick shipped a golf oil sign to a restoration point I bought this amazing Gulf oil sign this was an absolutely fabulous find I had it shipped directly to Rick Dale's to get restored it's an old rusted outside I literally found this in a metal storage container in the back of this Army Surplus place what' you pay to ship this thing it was like 1,200 bucks to ship it where are we going to put it ask Rick if I got a great deal they discuss its potential value are these things collectible the sign is collect period but make it worth its weight in Gold this is a fine what' you pay for this I paid $ 1,500 for the sign yeah no he stole it I'm me like less than $3,000 it's got a lot of pitted rust it looks like it fell and it just ripped the frame up the frame is going to have to be rewelded fixed how much you think it's going to be about 10,000 the cooler I can make this thing the faster I can sell it is it going to wreck my budget if I put neon on it's not going to destroy your budget they discuss on the repairs do you want to do the dark blue like this you're the guy okay look at this thing with neon look how big it is I got the stand I got the pole I got everything it's like literally found a holy grail of garage sides and how much thing I get for it with the pole lit up I'd say 25 Grand see Arc of the Covenant look at this thing this is great you'll realize I am a genius Rick and Cory go to check on it I can't wait to show you it's pretty cool I mean they just don't make stuff like that anymore they would never go to the trouble to Candle it offside like that what I did on this side this is not your original side so I bought a an old sign and I cleaned it up bu best as I could and I cleared it so now you've got two sides that's an original on that side then we're going to look at the other side all right well let's look at the other side oh that is an absolutely amazing I'm in a time machine right now yeah how much can I get for this beauty you think I'd say 25 I think I get 25 grand out of I almost feel like you just replace it with a brand new sign no point my man I appreciate it all right I'll get you paid and uh take care of it yep all right I guarantee you I will get $25,000 for this a week after I put it on the internet this is lit a man brings in a movie poster a movie poster I was want you to take a look at oh I'm getting excited I have a autograph P fiction movie post got about 13 autograph signatures on it this is absolutely amazing one of my favorite movies of all time I truly believe this is Quinton Tarantino's best movie okay so it looks like everybody signed it did have this many autographs on it's pretty amazing Bruce Willis John Travolta Samuel Jackson how much were you looking to get out of it, 1500 Rick decides to seek an expert's opinion is there any idea how many are out there it's not a very big number actually a couple years ago I saw one without any signatures on go for over $6,000 so is this the real deal so where the reproduction comes up short and I mean that literally is in is in the length has to be 40 in tall see we're coming in just a hair under 40 and so that raises some concerns the other is in the image her chest has a printers error in the reproduction that it's white specks and unfortunately sir I see some white specks here in her chest so this is a reproduction of the poster okay would even get you a $5 milkshake another expert comes in to inspect the post if you had the entire cast assembled on this poster you'd be looking at $115,000 or more uh everything's in different pen I have no idea if it's legit or not I want to take a look at just the autograph comparison Samuel Jackson straight through beautiful autograph I'm not seeing that there um John Travolta John Travolta is quick to the point sise once again I'm not seeing the correct letter formations here Tim Roth kind of just flies through it someone looks like they're trying to mimic that here it's pretty obvious that whoever did this had no idea what even some of the signatures even look like so none of them are real absolutely not somebody putting this together there's no doubt in my mind that one guy just signed all these so sorry uh better luck next time it's been a long day I think we going go have a Roy Al with cheese a cigar box that might have once decorated the Oval Office enters the shop up Kennedy's cigar box he used in the White House and inside are the remaining unsmoked cigars I'm asking $95,000 so where did you get it Mrs Lincoln as personal secretary befriended a man named Robert White and she gave quite a few items to Robert White so I made a private deal with the white estate to buy some of the items Rick takes a closer look for more details this is the auction catalog there is a picture in here the box contains 11 handrolled cigars wrapped in clear plastic eight there's a few missing so someone smok three of the cigars that's how I got it how much are you asking well as you know the other comparable one went for a million bucks or so Rick asks for an offer and tries to negotiate I'll give it to you for 95,000 I think the auction estimate was 100 and it didn't meet it I'll give you 50 Grand that's cash right now 70 what do you think son I wouldn't pay more than 50 Grand pops I'll go 60 all right it's all on you I'm out 65 and you got a deal 60 Grand I'll give you 30 Now give me the rest of the paperwork I'll give you the other 30 got it man all right Rick receives a call from his friend who repairs helicopters and his customer wants to sell one so this is it huh no actually this is it it's all there yeah I know you said it was in a crash but looks like a pil of junk to me it was just involved in hard Landing did the pilot die in this thing the pilot and passenger were both f so why in the world did you buy this in the first place I wanted a challenge I thought it would be fun to be able to buy it and rebuild it myself just didn't work out I don't have the finances to to rebuild it I just don't think I can do anything with this this is much worse than anything Larry told me about an expert in this field comes to answer Rick's questions what kind of helicopter is this the model number is a schweer 300C now this aircraft was originally designed for the military and they did all of the flight training in the Army uh with actually designed to crash and be able to be fixed in the field this whole front cab I can typically rebuild within about 2 to 3 weeks so did the motors survive the crash they did these pulleys these are $20,000 a piece these are all okay the expert states that the helicopter could be fixed and gives Rick an idea of the costs so how much would it be just to rebuild the whole thing estimate would be 100,000 I I just don't see where there's any money to be made the retail value of this is about 150,000 bought this off the insurance company for $10,000 so that's what I'm looking to get out of it I mean I can't really afford to take anything less than 10 all right 10,000 that's a deal man thank you thank you very much even if I don't fix it up I can always sell it for parts and I can make like 5 grand when the repairs are finished Rick goes to check the helicopter this thing looks amazing it's like a real helicopter a month ago this thing was a scrap Heap basically everything on here had to be rebuilt it just took time and you know uh knowing how to do it so I think I've made the $100,000 Mark you were looking for so how much you think I can sell for now it probably sell for about 160 to [Music] 175,000 a guy comes to the back of the shop with a unique car and Rick goes out to check you got to be kidding me Delby GT350 Gone in 60 Seconds the movie This is the real thing not a clone huh the real deal this is it only 1175 made total Rick explains why it's a unique car and takes a look inside there was right around 100 modifications Shelby did to make the GT350 it improved its performance its handling and its Style got 63,000 original miles on the car and uh he signed the glove Fox so how much you I to get out of it my asking on the car is 125,000 I'm going to call up a buddy of mine have him come down here and help me figure out the price not sure if it's legitimate Rick asks for an offer and calls in an expert for help what really makes the difference right now is the test [Music] drive you can drop a Porsche for the price of this car back there the test drive was awesome at it's a solid car what do you think it's worth I'd say anywhere between 100 to 110,000 bucks thanks so much see you soon Lu buddy I'm not going to negotiate I will give you 100 Grand there's no money past 100 Grand 105 no ma actually you're going to go not one di Mar you got a deal let's go do some paperwork Rick receives a call from a man to check on some hard rock photographs from a hotel that was recently closed down so here it is wa that's absolutely amazing the Hard Rock Hotel here in Vegas was the probably considered like the coolest hippest hotel maybe in the world Rick takes a closer look at the pictures okay Deborah Harry absolutely Blondie I'm assuming this is kiss of Japan yes is that Michael Jackson these are unpublished limited edition prints by Neil Preston and what's this over here so this is actually collage also by Neil Preston about in Le Zeppelin this is him on tour for 7 years with these guys but then this Rick this is the Holy Grail of the entire collection Freddy Mercury he was like no no other singer of the world has ever seen so you acquired all this from the Hard Rock I did I have 50 pieces and how much do you want I want 150,000 for them I want to call some money down to take a look at these Rick decides to call an expert mean right down at the bottom it says 13 of 15 so there was only 15 of these made and this is number 13 correct and I personally signed it and wrote his name and where it was shot and everything and it's the real deal I brought you a copy of my new Queen book just to show you there's the famous shot Michael Jackson these were hang hanging at in the Hard Rock in one of the restaurants and they're the only prints that I ever made from those frames and these pictures were shot at the famous Jackson family compound those are the only ones in existence that is correct everything is completely legit and check all the boxes Rick wants a second opinion he wants $150,000 for 50 pieces what do you think these by themselves if they're in good condition these could easily be $40,000 so this is a platinum print it is the rarest print it's the most complicated to make 68,000 not a problem so if I buy all of these 50 pieces probably sell them within a year I'd say that's fair how much you think I'll get retail all of this together retail 200,000 Rick offers a price let's come up to 130 most of the stuff I got to reframe 95 how about 100 well I guess I'm going to pay 100 Grand then thank you so much Rick and Chum come to check on an Infamous white Bronco the OJ Bronco I've never seen anything quite like this sort of weird cuz OJ and his friend what was his name ac they both had identical Bronco but this is the one everyone knows the infamous car chase and OJ's actually got destroyed right correct I own the white Ford Bronco the murders were June 12th OJ was supposed to turn himself in on the morning of the 17th he didn't I've been offered $500,000 for the Bronco I turned it down so here it is so how did you get this thing at the time of the Bronco Chase I was OJ's agent OJ agent shares some details which we probably didn't know three or four things in the past like 30 years everyone remembers where they were at when the Challenger crashed everyone remembers where they were at on 9/11 and everyone remembers what they were doing when they saw the OJ Chase so this is like an early 90s Bronco yeah 92 low mileage how many miles on it about 36,000 so is that the same license plate that was on it when oh yeah pull up photos you'll see AC sitting here and then this license plate in fact same frame holder and you're looking to sell this thing yeah I'd like to obviously you drove it in here it runs good and why don't you take it for a drive I get the back seat Rick and Chum take to the freeway for a drive on the phone with the police he like negotiated I want to go see my mom where were you at during the CH oddly enough I was behind the Bronco by about maybe 400 y right behind all the cops the helicopters amazing it was very sural no I'm definitely intrigued the problem is putting a value on this thing is almost impossible there hasn't been another one that is sold tough moment comes for Rick let's see how the deal goes how much you want for this a million three it's a one of a kind yeah worldwide more people have seen this vehicle than any other vehicle on Earth I mean this thing like I said massively iconic car you know I mean rarely do you see a 92 Bronco in this shape but it also has that bad stuff associated with it it's a lot of money okay I could drop down to, 250 you might get that or even more at auction I'm going to pass on it okay with something like this it's so much of a gamble because there's nothing to compare it to its price I'll never sell the Bronco for under a million dollars I know it's worth we see Rick in the middle of the desert searching for something so I'm in the middle of the desert in search of a tank for the Shop's lot apparently there's an authentic Sherman tank for sale so are we close almost there that's it right there that's the sermon let's check out that tank and learn more about it holy the tank the guys are looking at right now is an M4 A3 Sherman it's the only Sherman tank in private hands that was actually used in the Pacific Theater real Marines jumped into during eima um it was finally taken out of service when they hit the turret at the turret bearing we met the gentleman who had to back it out still alive today when they raised the flag on Mount sarashi I mean it's probably the most iconic photo of all of World War II there seems to be a problem with it well guys there's a major problem with this tank it's made out of wood you know what that's for the Japanese had magnetic mines sticky mines that they would run up and stick to the side of a tank Marines had to improvise and put wood paneling on the side to protect themselves and everything works inside every everything works Rick wants to personally test the Tank's functionality before making any decisions how much you offer this thing I'm looking to get a million and a half but we get to drive it you can drive it and you can shoot it the guy's asking $1.5 million that kind of money I'm thinking about it but before I do anything I'm going to have to fire it wish me luck let's see what it can do before moving into negotiations that was amazing that was awesome nice job re the door of that car was up for like 4 seconds what do you think Alex speaks for itself Shermans are the most desired American tank from World War II fire as well one that we know of that sold in the last year that wasn't documented to being at any major battle was sold for 1.2 million so at 1.2 million I I think that's a fair price it's amazing it's got amazing history everything about it it's absolutely great but um i' so out of the ballpark for me but I really really appreciate the day it's been an unbelievable day thanks man amazing day a man brings in bills from the 19th century I've got some of the bills from the 19th century what you have here is education money to like fund education or no it was just to educate people about beautiful works of art getting married in a month I spent $7,500 on this if I don't get my money back I'm going to have one pissed off fiance it's like one of the few bills where Martha Washington's on it if you lived in a rural community you would never get to see art there were no nearby museum so they figured hey let's put them on money there's 70 different grades of a piece of paper money the grade on these things is so important this is worth anywhere from like $200 to $25,000 depending on the condition of it an expert arrives to provide further detail these are silver certificates from 1896 and this one is the $1 note this is history educating youth history is going to educate us on the back George and Martha the $2 note we've got science electricity and steam in this one we've got civil war heroes Grant Sheridan and I thought this was just a bunch of naked women on a bill the $1 note we got a centerfold right here he continues discussing their potential value this notes wor $700 $2 notes got a horizontal fold this notes $2,500 this note's got a very light Center fold this note is worth $7,500 thanks Leonard anytime take care buddy how much you want for him I'm thinking 10 grand I'm thinking 8 Grand risk I took is just worth more to me than $500 I'll let you make 1,000 bucks off me and not a dime more $88,500 is it period you got to think man 1,000 bucks is a good profit on a complete gamble you know what for $11,000 all right thank you for watching and as always like And subscribe for more content
Channel: Trend Set
Views: 130,066
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Keywords: animation, tv show, movie, entertainment, movies, hardcore pawn, deals on pawn stars, pawn stars, pawn stars deals, hardcore pawn deals, hardcore pawn customers, best of hardcore pawn, deals on hardcore pawn, les gold, seth gold, chumlee, rick harrison
Id: P_Ow1HUv-6w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 58sec (1198 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 11 2024
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