Most EXPENSIVE Items Ever Bought On Pawn Stars

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I'm even getting chills holding it talk about being speechless I got to stick with $100,000 this could go for $2 million at auction now these are crazy pricey but putting these things in the shop will bring people in my shop Rick goes to LA to see the largest complete collection of wily Wonka told me you had some uh Willy Wonka stuff some props from the original film why are you a fan voila wow this is the original hat that Wilder war in the original film looking pretty stylish the seller shows Rick a few items this is the golden egg and a golden ticket a genuine screen used golden ticket Wonka Bars those were they used on the set yeah and they still haven't melted props made of wood yeah we bought it at auction and uh the one big thing is that you want to make sure obviously it's authentic the crazy thing is that each one of these pieces these props came from Julie Don Cole played veroa salt so and what is that what would you want it to be that's the real deal is it the ever in Gob stopper yeah I'm even getting chills holding it talk about being speechless Rick asks for an offer how much you want for the Gob stopper I'm going to give you one price and that's that I I got to stick with $100,000 but let's face it it's the Everlasting go stopper it is literally in my mind the greatest movie prop ever I'll tell you what I would give you one Wonka bar and I'd give you the Everlasting Gob stopper for $5,000 but you can do it for 100,000 no all right so $115,000 and I get don't walk a bar I'm going to miss that Everlasting Gob stopper you got a deal I'm 7 years old again they're an amazing condition they have all the provenance in the world they're 100% legit and these collectors pay insane money Rick travels to New York to make one of his biggest deals yet so I'm here in New York to take a look at one of the most historical documents on the planet an original Declaration of Independence broadside and I'm about to take a look at one right now um definitely a wow moment this is an extremely rare July 1776 printing of the Declaration of Independence really cool about this one you can actually see the pin holes here in the corners which indicates that it was displayed publicly they were never ever meant to be saved an offer is made by the seller so how much you looking for this uh it's an exceptional condition at 2 million everything looks right on it but I just want a document expert to look at it so Rick decides to bring in an expert normally would have to take this out of the frame to authenticate it but I've actually seen this exact copy before compare this to all of the known copies there are the nail holes from uh back then which are not very consistent round nails like we have today they're all handmade and different Rick wants a short answer if it's legit all right so so it's 100% legit absolutely all right brass tax what is it worth I think this could go for $2 million at auction now I would love to give you like $1.4 million I mean it's a fair point you make about the fees I mean you know I know how it works I would sell it to you for 1.5 million I'll meet you in the middle 1.45 I think that's fair I I think we can both be happy with that I think we got a deal um oh my goodness I own the decoration of I said thanks again B yeah no it's been a pleasure we see Rick in London to buy some Banky art Banky is the most famous graffiti artist in the world and he recently had an original piece go for $12 million so here's a piece wo that's an original Bank SE so it's monkey Detonator yes made in 2002 that one is too absolutely this one is an original screen print he came up with his own particular style so when you see a banki you say that's Banky and it's literally the most popular art in the world now The Collector shows Rick the sertificate of authentication this one is edition of 175 and it comes with a certificate of authenticity it comes with a bill that was cut in half with a number and Banky P control will keep the other house to make sure it's original do you have the SE for this one yes the owner conserved the original how much well my client won 750,000 the rat the owner asked for £5,000 um I knew was coming here I arranged for local expert that was recommended to me Rick decides to get an opinion from an expert so what do you think about it it's an important work by him and it's obviously an early work by him I I mean Banks's rats are his signature but I think this is one of the special ones for me are they legit I need to check the certificates so I can tell from the certificate and by certain security features that this is a legitimate Banky if I make a deal you can get them all checked out we can just broker the entire thing through the shop it be a pleasure all right the big question what are they worth I would see this piece the monkey Detonator on a good day in auction 900,000 maybe more pounds pound what does this go for recent auction results we've seen this achieve £6,000 all right very nice to meet you thank you Rick proceeds with negotiations on the price wanting to make a deal £500,000 total that's $600,000 for this price we are a bit far especially that the market is PR high right now I'll give you £600,000 that's 720,000 americ un fortunately it's too far still do you think he'll take 650 that's 780,000 American I'm going to try to Rich him right now and get back to you congratulations we have a deal at £700,000 I offered 650 my client is a very tough businessman and believe me the market will continue to grow you won't regret it my family will think I'm nuts but okay we got a deal and hopefully Cory and Chum don't commit me when I get back to Vegas a guy comes to the back of the shop with a unique car and Rick goes out to check you got to be kidding me Delby GT 350 gotone in 60 seconds the movie This is the real thing not a clone huh the real deal this is it only 1175 made total Rick explains why it's a unique car and takes a look inside there was right around 100 modifications Shelby did to make the GT350 it improved its performance its handling and its style got 62,000 original miles on the car and uh he signed the glove box so how much I to get out of it my asking on the car is 125,000 I'm going to call up a buddy of mine have him come down here and help me figure out the price not sure if it's legitimate Rick asks for an offer and calls in an expert for help what really makes the difference right now is the test drive you can drive a Porsche for the price of this car back then the test drive was awesome man it's a solid car what do you think it's worth I'd say anywhere between 100 to 110,000 bucks thanks so much see you buddy I'm not going to negotiate I will give you 100 Grand there's no money past 100 Grand 105 no I'm actually going to go not one1 you got a deal let's go do some paperwork Rick receives a call from a man to check on some hard rock photographs from a hotel that was recently closed down so here it is wa that's absolutely amazing the Hard Rock Hotel here in Vegas was probably considered like the coolest hippest hotel maybe in the world Rick takes a closer look at the pictures okayy Deborah Harry absolutely Blondie I'm assuming this is kiss of Japan yes is that Michael Jackson these are unpublished limited edition prints by Neil Preston and what's this over here so this is actually collage also by Neil Preston about Le Zeppelin this is him on tour for seven years with these guys but then this Rick this is the Holy Grail for the entire collection Freddy Mercury he was like no other singer of the world has ever seen so you acquired all this from the Hard Rock I did I have 50 pieces and how much do you want I want 150,000 for them I want to call some money down to take a look at these Rick decides to call an expert mean right down at the bottom it says 13 of 15 so there was only 15 of the made and this is number 13 correct and I personally signed it and wrote his name and where it was shot and everything and it's the real deal I brought you a copy of my new Queen book just to show you there's the famous shot Michael Jackson these were hanging at in the Hard Rock in one of the restaurants and they're the only prints that I ever made from those frames and these pictures were shot at the famous Jackson family compound those are the only ones in existence that is correct everything is completely legit and check all the boxes Rick wants a second opinion he wants $150,000 o for 50 pieces what do you think these by themselves if they're in good condition these could easily be $40,000 so this is a platinum print it is the rarest print it's the most complicated to make 68,000 not a problem so if I buy all of these 50 pieces probably sell them within a year I'd say that's fair how much you think I'll get retail all of this together retail 200,000 Rick offers a price let's come up to 130 most of the stuff I got to reframe 95 how about 100 well I guess I'm going to pay 100 Grand then thank you so much we see Rick in the middle of the desert searching for something so I'm in the middle of the desert in search of a tank for the Shop's lot apparently there's an authentic Sherman tank for sale so are we close almost there that's it right there that's the sermon let's check out that tank and learn more about it holy the tank the guys are looking at right now is an M4 A3 Sherman it's the only Sherman tank in private hands that was actually used in the Pacific Theater real Marines jumped into during eima um it was finally taken out of service when they hit the turret at the turret bearing we met the gentleman who had to back it out still alive today when they raised the flag on Mount sarashi I mean it's probably the most iconic photo of all of World War II there seems to be a problem with it well guys there's a major problem with this tank it's made out of wood you know what that's for the Japanese had magnetic mon sticky mines that they would run up and stick to the side of a tank Marines had to improvise and put wood paneling on the side to protect themselves and everything works inside every everything works Rick wants to personally test the Tank's functionality before making any decisions how much you want for this thing I'm looking to get a million and a half but we get to drive it you can drive it and you can shoot it the guy's asking $1.5 million that kind of money I'm thinking about it but before I do anything I'm going to have to fire it wish me luck let's see what it can do before moving to negotiations that was amazing that awesome nice job BR the door of that car was up for like 4 seconds what do you think Alex speaks for itself Shermans are the most desired American tank from World War II fire as well one that we know of that sold in the last year that wasn't documented to being at any major battle was sold for 1.2 million so at 1.2 million I I think that's a fair price it's amazing it's got amazing history everything about it it's absolutely great but uh it's so out of the ballpark for me but I really really appreciate the day it's been an unbelievable day thanks man amazing day Rick heads to Orlando to seek out an octagonal 1915 Pan Pacific goldcoin for a customer one of the biggest coin auctions of the year in Florida right now this is the place where all the big money buyers are at the main coin I'm looking for here in Orlando is a 1915 San Francisco Pan Pacific $50 gold piece I have a customer he spent a lot of money in my shop and this is the coin he's looking for he takes a closer look and asks for the price so how much you ask him for $70,000 would you take 65 for it um no my customer wants to pay $70,000 so there's there's no money to be made they moveed to a different seller Mike says there's one other guy with one how much you looking for I'd sell for 48,000 48,000 but this one's been cleaned that's why it's 48,000 that's cheap for one of those my customer back in Vegas would never take this got to be next to perfect thanks man okay thanks for looking at it rick goes back to the first guy and tries to negotiate on the price I guess we'll go back to the other guy we do 66 I mean I have a customer for the coin I'm not you know this business I'm not making a lot of money on this and neither am I so out of courtesy I'll do 675 you got a deal man thank you very much making a little money is a lot better than making no money absolutely suit worn by the United States's first president is presented in front of Rick so is this George Washington's toit it is he's pretty fit guy no he was 6'2 but he wasn't a really large man if I could go back and have a cup of coffee with just about anybody in history probably be this guy to me he's one of the most amazing men in history he really is so where'd you get it it was passed down from family member to family member Rick seems to like it do we know the date on this thing I think it's from the 1750s or 60s a Washington was always very aware of how he presented himself on a piece like this what it's dependent on is provenance they're missing pieces that sort of thing so you enticed me with a sword that's not for sale and this thing right here does it have a price on it how do you think Rick reacts to the price well it's one of my highlights of my collection but everything has a price so how much uh I wouldn't sell for less than $3 million that's a lot of money I don't think I'd ever say this but I'm actually considering this I'm going to go think and contemplate about this for a little bit I'll talk to you soon okay thanks Rick Rick returns to the hotel to discuss the price I'm ready to sit down and have a serious conversation with him $100,000 for the Paul Rivier spoons and $3 million for George Washington's suit the suit yeah ask for $3 million but what's the best you can do 1.5 no I I appreciate your offer but it's really a major part of my collection how about $2 million the best price absolute best price would be 2 and2 million okay and you're firm with that absolutely okay well I guess the suit's out then I didn't get the suit but you know what it didn't fit me anyway a man walks in with a rare gem in his hands got a family heirloom check that out it's a site you sure it's just on a fancy piece of glass it's been in my family for generations and generations that's all I know I'm going to get 15 grand out of Rick I mean it's got to happen all right do you know anything about it yeah I guess it's an evening stone or something yeah the reason they call it an evening stone is because konai can actually fade in sunlight sure what you're supposed to wear in the evening I'm going to have Jeff my gemmologist check it out after a short conversation Rick decides to meet an expert Davey says this is kunite let's do some tests I was pretty excited cuz I don't always see kunite all stones have Clarity characteristics which can help identify them if it's glass most likely there's going to be air bubbles and so what I can see in here are inclusions that tell me that this is natural the expert takes a close look and shares details related to the gy but I won't know if it's a natural coai until I do other tests this is a refractive index machine and it measures the way light goes through the stone and as I can see through here it has the right refractive index to be coite so yes this is a real coite how much money let's see how much it's worth something of this nature with this size I'd probably estimate $30 to $50 a carrat okay how many carrots is a away 323.2 carats so we're talking at $30 a carat right at 9600 bucks right in that neighborhood yeah ballpark all right thanks Jee Rick tries to negotiate and get something out of it I feel it's worth 15 grand I give you five grand it's going to it for a long time 15 G 5 G 10 G I'll go 10 G's no please where are we going to end meet in the middle 75 I'll give you 6 grand 7500 6 grand 65 come on RI be a little bit more reasonable all right 65 all right a customer brings Rick what he claims is a ring given to a cardinal by the Pope I have a Cardinals ring I'd like to sell you baseball or football neither this kind oh this gu that's right I recently acquired it from a friend of mine my bottom dollar is 6,300 bucks this is mostly from a cardinal it's from the 19th century and we know that because of the Jeweler gentleman by the name of romont Marie romont Maurice is a big name in jewelry at this was manufactured by them it's worth a lot more money you know what the Center Stone is it's a garnet I believe it could be a garnet yeah Rick asks for its value but is unsure if it's authentic so how much do you want for it for the ring itself I'd love to get 6,000 I have to verify that it's actually a Cardinal's ring an expert arrives to verify its authenticity this is how we're going to recognize your office the pope presents you with a ring so one of the things that you want to find is some sign of the church in the 19th century any ring coming from the pope would have most likely the crossed keys of St Peter's on it unfortunately there is no other symbology of the Pope on this ring it is probably not a ring of office thanks man you're the best it's really disappointing that the Pope's Mark is not on this thing Rick seeks a second opinion and tests the stones before I make you an offer I want to go test the stones look at them underneath a microscope this is a hessite Gite Garnet it's a garnet yes orange Garnet they have different varieties all right um it's a garnet those are emeralds okay 1,500 bucks I won't do, 1500 the best I can do is 2,000 period the other problem with this ring is a big problem on a ring it's unsized $2,000 I'm not going to go up penny more you got a deal apparently you're blessed this seller discovered buttons dating back to the Civil War in her house I have some Civil War Navy buttons that I want to sell did you tear apart a jacket or something or I'm hoping to get $1,300 for them so you got any of the backstory on them or um I found them in a house that I purchased and I found out that the previous owner's grandfather was enlisted in the Navy during the Civil War it's got the eagle it's holding the anchor obviously it's Navy so what exactly are you looking for I just want to make sure they don't say made in China or something on them but they're made by different people so that kind of makes me wonder if they're all from the same period you have any idea of what you might want to get out of them I'm hoping 1300 kind of in a predicament here I need to get somebody down here and kind of tell me exactly what these buttons are Cory decides to enlist an expert oh yeah if we hadn't had the union Navy we wouldn't have been able to blockade all the ports South that made a huge difference it intercepted a lot of the firearms that the South was trying to bring in so it was an effective Fort is there any way to actually tell for sure they Civil War we didn't change the design on these buttons what we have to look at in order to tell whether there's Civil War is who made them and how they marked them that's nice that one was actually made in London now that's a different and some of these are not easy I think these are civil war buttons this is they they either 1850s or early 1860s all right gave me everything I needed buddy let's see if they can come to an agreement told me earlier 1300 I'm sure there's probably like a grading system for these pristine ones like this one I would say is in really good shape compared to this one not so much I'll start off around 200 bucks how about 1,000 I'll go up to 400 I'm not paying anymore though 600 and you have a deal I'll pay you five all right you got a deal deal you pack these up and meet me over there all right a seller brings in Ricky Bryant's 2004 Super Bowl ring I want to sell a ring today the mother of all Super Bowl rings I'm looking to get anywhere from like 22 to 21,000 for the ring all right where did you get this well I'm a broker and gentleman came in Ricky Bryan he's a wide receiver did a deal with me and never he came back to get it this thing weighs a ton oh it's from Super Bowl 39s when they beat the Eagles okay do you mind if I take a good look at it take your time Rick takes a closer look at it trying to figure out if it's real I just really really don't like this Justin's mark inside it uh Justin's is the company that made a lot of the Super Bowl rings no I mean this one looks hand engraved this is precision machine engraving inside of it some of the details raise red flags so Rick decides to call in an expert this looks like it's in sloppy hand engraving that has got me so concerned so how much were you looking to get out of it I was in the mid to low 20s I'm going to have to get somebody in here cuz it just doesn't look right the expert arrives to verify its authenticity it's cast in 14k white gold it's got 124 diamonds and also it says three out of four they won three Super Bowls out of the last four years unfortunately anytime you have a high-profile item counterfeits figure out creative ways to pass off fakes okay I see we got uh Justin's but it looks to be actually hand engraved rather than actually out of the machine the diamonds everything else looks to be legit just the markings on the bottom there they put so much into this ring gold diamonds and everything it didn't hit inside Johnson's normal ring engrave they actually had to have somebody laser engrave each and every ring as you see here so this ring is 100% legit and it's a pretty awesome so what do you think it's worth from about $30 to $35,000 thanks man do the best let's find out if Rick is going to negotiate the price and make a deal 22,000 um 18 why so low have you seen the economy I go 21 I know you have a Patriots ring but you don't have that Patriots ring I'll give you 20 Grand Pass 20 grand $100 bills if you go 20 you go 21 just because I need a Super Bowl ring for every one of my fingers deal deal all right WR them up jump another Super Bowl ring just what in the hell we need this is a dope one why another Super Bowl ring now that he has that ring in his hand I guarantee you it never leaves the case thank you for watching and as always like And subscribe for more content
Channel: Trend Set
Views: 14,926
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Keywords: animation, tv show, movie, entertainment, movies, hardcore pawn, pawn stars, deals on hardcore pawn, hardcore pawn deals, deals on pawn stars, hardcore pawn customers, pawn stars deals, best of hardcore pawn, les gold, seth gold, rick harrison, chumlee
Id: vpKwW062AJM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 16sec (1276 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 12 2024
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