5 Minecraft Houses You MUST SEE In 1.16!

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hey hey can you guys see me I'm gonna already to everyone to calm down is that unspeakable right there nope that's us back but it's so many beautiful everyone is so excited right now because I am about to reveal the five winners for the creative build battle challenge but everyone is going insane on the chase cat saver let me explain to you guys what is going on two weeks ago I told you guys to hop on the server and build a minecraft house out of a block it could be any block you could even do mini blocks it just has to be a giant minecraft block and well it has been two weeks so today we're gonna take a look at who has won the competition and the winner the first place winner will receive a million dollars on the Skyblock server now before I show you guys these crazy builds I want to let you guys know that if you didn't win or you didn't get a chance to compete we will definitely have more build battle competitions in the future for sure we're actually gonna do one next week so stay tuned and get your building skills ready guys hop on the server the IP is on the screen and also in the description below I'm so sorry to interrupt the Minecraft video it was probably not important I was probably just dying by a creeper or failing anyways that's not the point I wanted to tell you guys that we have tons of brand new products and shirts over at www.seannal.com again at fifth place in the competition is see it B DS now it's right behind me here no not that one no it's it's this one over here guys look at this oh my gosh this competition you had to build giant minecraft blocks and made houses out of them now this is our fifth place winner and he has decided to build a bunch of different blocks and make an entire city out of them this is absolutely insane let's to around this property and then we're gonna take a look at spot number four and then number three then number two and then our number one winner so stay tuned I washed out the whole video because he might have one as we walk in were greeted with a giant chest house a giant bed a giant magma blocked it actually has lava a giant enchantment table cake and it just keeps going guys so let's look at what some of these houses have is a giant Minecraft chest and if you go inside is nothing but storage and there's so a lot of room to put even more storage pretty cool this is a shulker box whopper wow I'm impressed this next one is a giant green bed that has been turned into a house and if we go up here it is a spot where you can store all of your armor what in the world and then of course we have it the actual bed that you can sleep on right here we got the giant enchantment table and if you walk in of course you have an actual enchanted table that you can use so basically the creator of this plot basically took all the blocks made them giant but then inside is like the actual block is usable that is so cool this one looks crazy this is the magma block and you actually have to walk under there and then come up and this is supposed to be a bedroom how cool would it be to live in a giant magma block we got the giant cake here and this is the kitchen of the town so we got brewing stands we got chest storage we got a table to eat at and a kitchen to cook some food across from the kitchen we got the giant pumpkin and of course we have farms in here growing but not just one but another farm on the second story and another farm on the third story leaving the first town and going up to the second town we have a bunch of different blocks as a giant stone block a giant crafting table I mean it just goes on and on and my favorite one the giant unspeakable head now this isn't really a block but this one is pretty cool so I'm assuming this is Unspeakables house nice little fireplace nice little kitchen go upstairs nice bed to sleep on at all who was that oh no no no no no I tell you guys - aw SD texted me the other day and he said that if I hit 10 million subs then he's gonna make another youtube video I don't know how I feel about this - being in my house but we gotta hit 10 million subs because I want to see what kind of video this dude's gonna make the giant emerald block oh it's a jacket thrown that is so cool this is I guess this would be a parrot cage or an armorstand cage another one right here this is so sick the giant crafting table we have a painting a little reception desk and then I'm guessing up here we will have there's not a crafting table in here so at least we have a bedroom and some chests and some really powerful swords but I don't where's the crafting table let me help fix this there we go that is much much better oh the crafting tables outside ah I see look it's a giant daylight sensor house how cool is this what nope and then going on to the third story is the giant piston and also the giant minecart inside the giant minecart we have a small little roller coaster ooh some storage it looks like a little bedroom a little seating area this is so so cool let's go inside the giant piston oh my gosh this place is huge bro and it looks like the Creator is definitely still building water cuz this piston is not finished alright now we're at the top of the piston and we have a whole nother bedroom we got bookshelves we got a closet we got a bed got so much stuff we also have a balcony that looks over all the other creative plots absolutely insane now that is our number five spot let's go through our number four spot coming in at our number four spot I'm sorry if I say the name wrong lack you pvp Finn I think that's how you say it but his build is right behind us check this out oh my gosh who was that Shane he basically built a giant statue of me a giant bed a giant crafting table furnace and it looks like I'm in a house trying to craft something and there's also a chicken in a minecart I don't really know what the inspiration behind this was it also seems like that he plans to probably build more but what he's built so far is just insane I mean it's massive I am very very impressed by this this is an insane house the only figure needs is some functional and crafting tables but those take just a second to place but I mean this is crazy how long did it take them to build this and the fact the detail is what amazes me even the flooring looks like a giant with wooden planks the detail that has gone into this is crazy I mean it looks exactly like a crafting table there's even carpet here on the top to add more detail to it the detail in this build is absolutely insane and that is why it is deserved our number-4 spot no chicken even has banners as eyes that is so cool what are you doing in here buddy are you trying to go somewhere I don't really know you know did the track ends right there yeah just don't die okay this build is absolutely crazy let's go on to our number three spot our number three spot goes to Megan mine and the house is right behind me I mean it is just absolutely massive it is a giant brick house I mean this is just crazy and if you look at the amount of detail that has gone into the inside this thing it definitely deserves a number three spots go into the property the proper way let's fly around here the entrance I believe is on the other side Megan the Builder of this plot literally took every single inch of the plot and made it usable except for over here there's just like a couple layers of grass missing but this is just insane this right here is the entrance you can see we have double wooden toys one of them and being open and then if we walk in the whole entire house is covered in giant giant blocks so we have the giant anvil so you can go in here and it's a bunch of tools and armor and basically what you would use an anvil for a bunch of diamonds a bunch of gold a bunch of leather a bunch of cobblestone a feathers anything you name it there's anvil has it and then we got the giant crafting table this is just full of chests I mean a massive massive storage room of stuff Megan took every single giant block that was placed in here and turned it into a house I really want to see what's in the diamond block I'm curious where is the entrance to this diamond block up his no way it's right here I found it I found it okay so we have a pool oh it's swimming pool what in the world is they wait and is a go underground way it goes underground and where does this go oh my gosh wait there's an entire underground cave system to go to the jukebox the cake all the other blocks my gosh okay do we want to see the cake okay so now we're at the cake an entire underground like subway system how cool is that that is insane so now we're going into the jukebox this is weird walking through all this glowstone this is the jukebox blog and it looks like a disco party in here as it should what's going on up here what is this the jukebox goes into another block I have I don't even know where I am where in the world am I this place is huge I think I might be in the armor back to the diamond block okay wait now wait this is the second story of the diamond block wait there's a hole what is going on my head is hurting I'm confused there's some fire pits up here behold the belly of the torch oh we're in a giant torch oh my gosh so there's a giant torch on top of the diamond block and that's what we're just in this is crazy this is I think the third story of the diamond block we have like a cool seating area and then back down to the first which is the pool and then I guess if you go under there technically that it's the undergrad I don't even know I'm so confused Darren's breakable I've been watching your videos for almost two years now and I started watching them a summer of 2018 Wow I think didn't I start YouTube then just kidding I've been doing YouTube for way too long I'm getting oh there's gray hairs I hope you enjoyed the house or houses I love it this is insane I'm also a fan of moose shark and press and this is awesome I see how some of the houses connect that is how the jukebox connects to the chest and then to the bed and then to the diamond block and then we're up in the torch I mean this is just crazy guys there's a giant armored stand with no armor on it but it still has a house in it can I go in there we go there we go look we have an entire house under here and this probably goes somewhere no it's just a little and there's a little room over here and then it probably leads yep this is back into the subway system that goes to all the houses so crazy whoa this is sick I don't know what house them in but there's a giant speakable carpet oh wait this is the armorstand oh this is the armor stand with the armor so there's two armor stands one of them has red armor on it this is just crazy that is what we were just in right there that is so cool okay good job Megan and her team for creating this awesome build now let's go teleport to our second-place winner guys I'm excited to see this one right behind me is our second-place winner you can probably guess that this house is made out of wood a giant wooden block and that is indeed correct look at this this place is massive you have a giant welcome entrance right here I mean what in the world this place is huge okay let's go into the entrance into a giant wooden block but guys wait till you see the inside because you walk through and you go on the inside and it's like an entire I don't even know how to explain it there is our second place contestant sammy nova that is the creator of this plot it's so funny that we run into the creator as we're showing them congrats you won this person has hand built this entire place and two weeks this is really really impressive and this is not all guys this is just one story out of three so we have a giant water bucket house now I think this place is just awesome I don't really know how to get in where where do you get in the giant water bucket up here it is right here giant water bucket house the ceiling is made out of water there's a whole living room a whole second storey is so cool every single block inside this giant place has been transformed into some sort of house even a barrier block how cool is that there's a giant bookshelf block that has been transformed into a house every single one of these are crazy crazy houses so cool I'm just amazed I know I have said the word crazy and cool like a thousand times this video but I am amazed on what you guys can build in just two weeks there's a lot of other people here check it out the build as well we also have a giant cactus on a sand block and if you go inside here all sand themed this is so awesome oh my gosh and it's like three stories four stories four story cactus sand block house the best part about this place is there is a giant water elevator system to take us up to the next story so now we're going up to the second story of this massive place and then we have even more blocks so you got a command block a diamond block a chest and emerald block a TNT block you name it it even gets more crowded up here and every single one of these blocks are houses and then we have a giant unspeakable laying in bed how cool is that okay I gotta see the command block this thing is sweet this is awesome and also I noticed that a lot of the houses are themed very similar this is a giant I don't even know a giant sword house there's a wooden sword a stone sword an iron sword a diamond sword and a gold sword on top and they made a house out of it and the flooring is made out of a bow this is the giant TNT block going inside we have the giant TNT house so so sick dude I am amazed oh look I got achievement I got diamonds how amazing well this is not all we didn't even look at all these houses but let's go up to the third storey and see what's going on in the third storey of the house what is going on up here we have even more blocks we have a giant beacon house a giant brick house a diamond door an enchantment table a bedrock house what is going on here this is insane we also have a giant beacon house I mean I think Sammy the creator of this place has used almost every single Minecraft block this is a three-story beacon house how crazy is that Sammy I'm absolutely blown away this place is amazing now before we see the number one winner that is going to win 1 million dollars on the Skyblock chaise crash server I want to let you guys know that second place third place 4th place and plays are not going home without a prize we are awarding second third fourth and fifth place $500,000 on Skyblock but the winner still gets the 1 million dollars the big cash prize so are you guys ready to see it first place let's go teleport to the plot oh geez here we go first place winner is any fire dog now the plot is right behind me here now I want to tell you guys why this person won 1 because this design is really really creative and to the detail that has gone into this build is absolutely insane this is our number 1 winner so it starts off here with the ground missing and there's these massive massive blocks I mean they are huge and the amount of detail you gotta remember guys all of this is hand-built when you're on the chase craft creative server you don't get access to world at it or anything every single one of these blocks was hand placed and then you're probably like huh there's a giant ladder here and it goes up to a giant island that is floating that has been taken out of the ground and it is a giant Skyblock island but it gets even better because all of this is a house where do I even begin with this build guys first I want to congratulate any firedog for winning first place you will be getting 1 million dollars on the Skyblock server so be sure to hop on sky block and spend some of that money this is just insane I mean like I said guys the amount of detail there's a giant bee flying the flowers the grass it all looks so so good he says right here before you go in sub 2 and speakable hit that like button and ring that bell you are the man subscribe get us to 10 million cuz I want to see what a swd is gonna release you also put the total build time on here about 96 hours what is this someone just gave me all of this stuff what the most powerful item in the multiverse I'm kind of scared who just gave me all this uh why is he that's got a creepy I don't really know where that came from as we enter the house you are presented with still an extreme amount of detail we come in and it looks like a giant library in this place you can go up to the next story here but he just keeps going so we have another story here with more books a little Reading area I mean guys the amount of detail this is just insane there's another place over here where you can hang out and read and then if you keep going up it kind of slowly turns into more of a house this is a beach area there's a giant beach area there's plants in there we got a place where we can sit and relax even throwing beach balls on the beach going up to the next story we have a bunch of plants going up to the next story it kind of turns into like a laboratory there's a bunch of brewing stands there's a bunch of stuff growing up here there's a bunch of barrels it gets really really cool and then we can keep going up and this is the top top story with more plants and basically the top story of the lab now let's go all the way back down because this is not it at all we can go down into the ground level which is where the diamond blocks are so let's take this ladder going down into the ground and then we are presented with what this is all hand built I am amazed we have a pin over here for pigs we have another one for sheep we have another one for cows and another one for chickens so their little huts and this is a giant farm area and then we have a giant wheat farm now this is probably the coolest way to build a wheat farm that I have ever seen in my life I mean it's all like floating islands that is one thing I love about this build is the fact that this whole thing is based around floating islands and any fire dog even took that into the inspiration for the inside with the farms with floating islands to match the outside I mean it's just crazy if we go in here we have some other farms we have fully automatic bamboo sugarcane melon and pumpkin farms that will automatically grow and show up in the chest and there's even a second story to this room which is a hangout area where you can just kind of hang out and enjoy the view of this massive massive property and then of course the storage look at storage system this is insane this says flip me for a secret what is this we have a door that goes into what in the world we have more storage and we have an end portal and then a little hangout area I mean just the amount of detail like what this is crazy this is so cool now if you think this is everything you are wrong there is a cool staircase right here that goes down and features the rest of the house and it just gets better and better and better I mean look at this so we have a couple different sections so that is the diamond block that you guys saw on the outside so this is kind of like the diamond block hangout area really really cool there's even windows in the or where you can see out little rubik's cube on the desk how cool is that and you can go down in here and there's a bathroom I mean what this is kind of the jungle forest section block of the house there's a cool enchantment table over here you can even flick the lever and take down or put up all the books around the enchantment table I mean what travel up to the second story and you're presented with a little hangout area which is really really cool and then over here we kind of go into a gold block section which actually has a chest organization system so if you come back from a long day of mining you can put all your items in here and it will automatically sort them throughout all of these chests right here and then above that is a cool fish tank like what and then a fireplace above that one but this is not just any fireplace this is actually a giant furnace so you can throw items in this chest let me give you guys an example let me get I have a bunch of iron ores throw it in here and it will start taking the iron ores and start smelting them in the giant furnace and they will end up in this chest when they're done being smelting and then you have all these cool bookshelves on the wall with all these items on them I mean like I said guys the amount of detail that have gone into this build is just in same and check this out the ultimate giant block redstone house these small versions so this is a mini version of the house that we are in right now I mean how who is that like it's like a little statue in the house see this is it sighs there's buttons here if I press this it gives me a crafting table and if I press it again it will take the crafting table away okay pretty cool and then you can press this button and it's gonna open up the flooring and it will take me underground to a nether portal system I can press this button and it'll give me another portal how amazing is that it's so unnecessary but it's so cool I mean that is just awesome you can press this button and it'll take the stairs away like it was never there I my mind is blown my gentleman that is our number one winner for the creative bill that Congrats to any fire dog for winning first place and congrats to all of our other contestants for winning second third fourth and fifth and everyone else that competed in the build thank you so much guys there was so many great submissions I mean it was really really hard to pick the top five it was so so difficult I mean look at this guy's I mean there is incredible build all around like just right next to this build we have this one over here it was so hard to pick some of the winners I mean look at these builds guys they are just in sane some of these bills were so insane that I really want to do a part two to this video where i showcase the next five best builds because the one right behind me is definitely one of them thank you guys so much for watching and thank you to everyone that participated in this huge competition I really want to do another one next week so let me know in the comment section below what kind of build battle we should do but I mean these guys back here that's insane if you guys are crazy thank you so much for the support and all the builds all the winners will be rewarded so go to sky block and see your new earnings but thank you guys so much and I'll see you guys soon and a brand new minecraft video peace Wow I think didn't I start YouTube then just kidding I've been doing YouTube for way too long I'm getting old
Channel: UnspeakableReacts
Views: 1,634,753
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, unspeakablegaming, unspeakable, mini game, mod, gaming, game, custom, map, crazy, spotlight, showcase, challenge, roleplay, modded, mods, games, maps, secret, redstone, command, mini-game, gameplay, playthrough, tutorial, traps, trolling, glitch, funny, moments, craziest, prank, pranks, no cursing, no swearing, creations, facts, minigame, how to, house, parody, troll, adventure, comedy, video, unspeakablegaming minecraft, troll smp
Id: JqfvZwlp7Qk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 49sec (1429 seconds)
Published: Sun May 31 2020
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