7 Productized Services That Will Make You $100,000/month (One Person Business)

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no matter what skill you have you can make $100,000 a month with it I know this because I have done it with multiple different businesses if you are a graphic designer developer copywriter marketer videographer ugc Creator whatever it is and you're struggling to scale your business it's because you are operating in the old way now there is a new way to sell your services that will make you way more money and it will make your clients way happier and the best part is you don't have to learn anything new all you need to do is tweak your business model and change how you are framing your services so in this video I'm going to show you what this new model is how seven different agencies are using it at scale and at the end I'm going to share what business I would start if I was starting all over with no skills this graphic designer offers unlimited Design Services for $5,000 a month but the catch is you can only make one request at a time and each request takes 48 hours to complete his clients simply list every design request they have on a Trello board and then when he starts working on one he moves it from the request panel to the active panel once it is complete he uploads the design file to that tile and then his clients give feedback directly on the trell board this is called async communication and it basically eliminates all meetings and makes client communication a breeze clients can even sign up and pay the monthly subscription directly on on his website without a sales call if they choose this saves everyone time and maximizes your profits right now he has 24 clients paying the monthly subscription with zero employees you can do this with graphic design video editing website development copywriting or even software development like we did at our agency wgmi Labs the number of services you can productize are endless the best part is these agencies can run on autopilot because you can just hire people people to do all the work and it won't cost you a penny out of your pocket because of the positive cash flow cycle basically the productized model takes a traditional service and turns it into a digital product that your customers pay monthly for you do this by systemizing a single service and turn it into a repeatable process that you charge a monthly subscription for now if you want to learn how to set up that system for yourself we created a free productize agency training in this free training my business partner Brandon will show you exactly how to productize your service and to sell it at scale he will show you how a productize agency works and walk you through all the systems and processes whether you are looking to start a new business from scratch or just turn your existing agency into a productized agency this training will show you the full picture so if you're interested click the link below this video and sign up for that free training now let's take a look at some different product High Services keep in mind you can productize almost any service these are the ones that I just found the most interesting and relevant to me boldly is a productized staffing company and why I like this one is because it doesn't really require any hard skills you're just pairing people together let me explain people who are successful in their field are constantly bombarded with hundreds of messages a day emails speaking requests meetings proposals the list goes on sorting through the noise is exhausting so to combat that they hire executive assistants they are responsible for sorting through all your DMs messages emails and only sharing with you the most important ones executive assistants set your schedule represent you in meetings and even can send payments on your behalf they serve as a filter for your life and they see everything you are essentially trusting this person with your life so it's not an easy role to hire for enter ble.com they pair Executives with fully vetted executive assistance here's how it works boldly first screens executive assistant for deep business experience and desire to support a winning team then they start speaking to Executives to understand their business and their specific needs next they match you and they let you speak to your executive assistant to make sure it's a good match before you sign up once you choose an EA they will learn about your business learn how you like to work and even learn the tools that you like to use to get started once you find the EA that you want you just pay boldly a monthly subscription to hire them so what's interesting here is that boldly actually pays the EA salary directly and then they just charge Char you a little more on top and they get a spread for that service of matchmaking their entry-level package is $2,360 per month for 40 hours of work and so I can imagine that the EA gets paid $2,000 a month and then boldly gets $36 as a service fee in 2023 boldly hit $4.9 million in revenue for a subscription-based staffing service it basically allows you to find highquality virtual assistants quickly so that was probably one of the of the most unique product High Services I have seen and I hope that helps you with inspiration for something that you could start now on to the next marketing is all about testing you don't just make one ad or one funnel and call it good you are constantly testing new offers copy ad creatives and funnels roo.com saw this as an opportunity to offer unlimited digital marketing tasks what makes this a great product I service is that businesses always need new marketing assets somewhere in their funnel so in theory if you get a client they will never be done with your services this means they'll pay you forever as long as you're getting them results grobo offers unlimited requests revisions and brand profiles you can request any of these 13 different skills all with a turnaround within Less Than 3 days I like grobo because they have mastered the product High system with a large team and the single request mechanism spreads the workout across multiple different team members which makes this the most scalable marketing agency model out there let's say they have a marketer a designer a developer and a copywriter on their staff when a client requests a logo the designer starts working this means that that client is actively using their one active request on a designer and now the marketer developer and copywriter are free to work on another client request this is a beautiful balancing act that helps grobo make millions of dollars per year helping people with digital marketing tasks this is only possible thanks to airtight systems and clear processes and again if you want to learn what those are click the link below and sign up to our free productize agency training okay so moving on selling on Amazon is a must for any business in 2024 and though it is relatively straightforward there are still a lot of little details that you have to be aware of many local businesses might not know what the best practices are so that's where the 5day startup.com comes in for $3,800 they will consult you on your strategy and offer you everything you need to grow on Amazon listing SEO infographics product Graphics ranking boosts and even PPC ads on Amazon if you join their $5,000 package they will even create your accounts listings product launches and make a dedicated website landing page so basically they will run your entire Amazon store for you this is a great deal for local businesses who might not be techsavvy and are looking for a new distribution Channel and if you have a good product then it should pay for itself and then some this oneman business generates $960,000 per year by helping people with their Amazon businesses one thing to note here is he has a Blog on his website that helps him rank in Google search this SEO strategy helps him get customers for his productized agency now when people search how to start an Amazon store his agency's website will be one of the first to show up if you want to learn how to to get customers for your productize agency I just recommend going to Alex Heros $100 million leads free course and you will never struggle to find customers again speaking of getting customers cold email is a very timeconsuming but effective way of doing Outreach but learning about the deliverability regulations and the entire process is a lot of work from buying emails on Outlook to warming up the emails with instantly to doing the targeting on list kit then testing the actual copy head lines and flows there are a lot of moving parts and it is something that you have to scale slowly so delegating this to an agency is something that is very common meet cold email. Studio cold email Studio helps businesses find more customers by planning and executing cold email Outreach campaigns for $3,000 a month they will discover your ideal customers set up your entire outbound campaign strategy and manage it all what's great about this agency is that they solve your entire problem and deliver you an outcome all you have to do is sign up and get ready for an influx of new customers the simpler your service is to understand the better remember rich people sell outcomes and solve the customer's entire problem not just one part of it a lot of copywriters start cold email copywriting agencies but this limits them because this means they can only work with companies who already have a cold email campaign set up which is a small Market if they solve the entire problem their Market could be companies looking to add a new acquisition channel to their business it's a little more work for a much larger reward and this oneperson agency makes $240,000 per year offering cold email Services now maybe you don't have a product yet but you do have an idea for an app the development process can be very intimidating for non-technical people bigma designs hiring developers and project management is no simple task that's why my friend Jacob clug started his own no code development agency crime. digital he helps large companies and creators bring their software ideas to life and the cool part is they do it with no code tools so it's faster and cheaper for $9,000 a month you get a full development team to build you anything you want a SAS MVP no problem they built YouTube Creator ax SAS MVP Creator now in just a matter of weeks a custom affiliate tracking tool that you can use internally at your business you got it the possibilities are endless you have a full development team at your fingertips this saves you the time of hiring training and managing and guarantees quality work no wonder he's making $120,000 a month at just 20 years old all right now I want to do a few rapid fire product services that I think could work really well the first one is going to be Consulting SL coaching if you have expertise in any field any sort of experience that you think is worth sharing you can charge 500,000 even $2,000 a month just for weekly calls with people who are looking to improve in that industry another one would be organic short form script writing there are a lot of Tik Tok and short form accounts who do Recaps of entrepreneurs life stories or how their business works and though it's really simple content to make the research and telling the story the best way takes a lot of time so someone like me who is good on camera and reading a script I would love if I could find a competent person who could research these stories and then actually write the script for me then I just spend a few hours going through 10 different scripts that way I could get bulk Mass short form content out so that's another one that I see could make you a few extra thousand a month without too much work on your end and it's something that I would need every single week so I would continue to pay you forever now finally what is the produze agency that I would go back and start if I was starting completely from scratch well I like making videos and right now ugc content is more popular than ever five 5 years ago Brands only wanted to work with influencers with millions of followers but now user generated content is becoming more and more popular because it feels authentic so Brands will send these random Everyday People their products and that person will make a few videos of them actually using it in person just using it on their iPhone and recording a very raw and authentic style of content and so the agency that I would start is I would create a productized ugc agency well I will guarantee you eight videos a month using your Brand Products so this would be really helpful for large e-commerce Brands and they would have no problem paying you $3,000 a month let's say you're a girl and you want to promote a makeup brand you would just reach out to 20 makeup brands they would send you five different products and then you would just be responsible for making eight videos per month of you using different products demonstrating the benefits and just using your creativity they will then take those and use them on their social media use those as ads even use them on their website to demonstrate the effectiveness of the product and this can be paired really well with Tik Tok shop and Tik Tok affiliate links and I think I could easily get three or four clients in my very first month of doing this if I had a system down so if I were to start all over again I would start a ugc produ eyes Service Agency where I'm making brand videos whether it's just product videos of supplements or makeup demos if I was a girl whatever it may be this is something that's really in demand and you constantly need new ones as a company who's trying to promote your products you don't want your ad creatives to get stale I think that's a really big opportunity for anybody out there especially if you like working from home so guys that's going to do it for today's video we have a full course on how to productize any service we walk you through how to set up all of the Trello boards all of your stripe payments how to do the onboarding type form applications everything you need so if you want to learn how to do it step by step go ahead and join the wgm academy but other than that hope you have a wonderful day and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: Brett Malinowski
Views: 102,809
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: one person business, online business, make money online, productized services, solopreneur business ideas, business tips, how to make money online, how to get clients, productized service, justin welsh, starter story, productize yourself, social media growth, self improvement, online marketing, how to productize, self mastery, the game podcast, alex hormozi gym launch secrets, design joy, one person business model, one person business ideas, brett designjoy
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 53sec (833 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 12 2024
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