Best Jobs/Classes To Start With | Tier List

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today we are talking about the best jobs to start into final fantasy 14 but not only to start into the game level up but also how you are yeah delving into or starting into end game content and which job is the best choice for doing so and for giving you a good gripe one good example for certain roles like the healer role the tanking role or dps role and also yeah giving you a good basic foundation to learn the game and know what you have to do in that game and i would say there are a couple of differences here that we want to talk about today and want to highlight some of these jobs for you like i basically did in my my full edited videos and there will be one of these videos coming out after i leveled all my jobs to 90 in and walker so stick around for that one as well but yeah today we want to have a very quick summary of what i think my initial impressions what might be the best job for getting started into final fantasy 14. um yeah the most obvious choice in my opinion and still one of the best choices you can have even for end game is a warrior which of course starts as a marauder uh but yeah we have the warrior here which you will become on level 30 and warrior is really really good it's a real starter class so you can directly start the marauder from this the base screen so yeah note that all these are jobs so that means every job is unlocked on reaching level 30 on a certain class some of these are the starting as the job directly like the red mage for example the reaper for example these are directly starting as their job and we have the the warrior for example that is sitting on the the opposite side starting as a marauder becoming a warrior level 30. and yeah warrior offers basically everything you need as a tag you have very very good self-sustain very impressive cell feeling um the rotation is not that difficult to get started into it and you have a very clear difference between burst phase and not burst phase where you can calm down you can focus on doing some defensive stuff in between and yeah you you're really a one-man army not only in dungeons i would say this whole one-man army aspect ends in big end game raids but it's a really solid choice to start with and yeah you can always choose a gun breaker later on or dark knight later on which leads us to i think the dark knight not being super beginner friendly i would cautionally place it here on b but c is definitely also possible because there are two main disadvantages the dark knight has darknet is first very busy dark knight plays very busy you have a lot of og cds you have a lot of stuff to click you have very difficult mechanics like tbn the blackest knight which is a shield that tries to mitigate damage and you only get a good benefit an offensive benefit um when this is successfully done like it has to be broken by enemy attacks and then the shield grants you advantages in offensive ways so um that's a kind of difficult mechanic you also have a lot lots of og cds that you need to weave in your rotation which is demanding for newcomers and might be very stressful if you don't have proper key bindings and setup so that's disadvantage number one at this advantage number two is that once you unlock the dark knight upon reaching heaven's word level which right now is part of the base game and also part of the free trial so uh that's definitely a good thing but on the other hand you're falling down with 20 levels so once you unlock the dark knight upon reaching ishgard for the first time you're starting the dark knight and start dark knight is getting reduced or your dark knight level is getting reduced by 20 levels and you start on level 30 as dark knight that's a big bomber for me um i know it's old design basically started in heaven's world they wanted to provide more time for you to enjoy the job to get used to the job which is fine i think it's fine but it's not kinda on par with what they should fix or what they should update into the new system where basically jobs are getting unlocked at the point when you start them with for example you reach level 50 you can directly start into a samurai or into a red mage for example you don't have any fallback you can directly smoothly transition over to these jobs with no problem agreed warrior is just super comfy to get used to also before level 70 the lack of a tbn is super annoying in my opinion since you don't get on demand defensive two before it compared to other tanks yeah exactly yeah like i said dark knight is really really not a bad choice i think no none of these jobs is a bad choice for beginners because uh getting used to them is kind of a demanding task on each job here but because yeah how complex the final fantasy 14 better system is but i think darknet is definitely on the edge of being difficult but yeah uh next up we got the paladin i would say the paladin in my opinion is is actually in the same spot as the warrior but it might be a slightly more difficult job or more advanced job because of how the rotation can be difficult later on on the other hand you have very very good self-sustain you have a very logical starting point with the gladiator that is introducing you nicely into the paladin later on um but yeah i think clemency is one of the the aspects that might stand out to make it difficult because you really have to optimize using it or actually not using it it's keeping away from your clemency to avoid losing damage and all that stuff um it's it's a hard decision i would say paladin is not worse than a warrior but has a very very smiled disadvantage compared to it when it comes to yeah the fact that you have to actively heal to get to the level of a warrior healing but then you lose damage and yeah you really have to know where when the sacrifice is worth doing and that's something a newcomer should not uh or will not have the knowledge about um yeah when staying at the tanks i think gunbreaker is the easy choice gunbreaker is definitely easy to start with but super busy maybe maybe yeah when i think it's it's not balancing so don't get me wrong you can play all these jobs they're all very very strong but getting used to them and getting started on these jobs is a different topic here so i think gunbreaker is a beat here uh slightly less good than warrior paladin because first it's a super busy class you have so much ogcd's that have to be precisely used in a certain way with your continuation ability and your mechanic then you also have lots lots of defensive tools that need to be weaved inside of that window where basically you're spamming buttons all over and kind of on the same level as the dark knight in certain parts of your rotation then you also have the disadvantage that you yeah just have to reach level 70 or 60 to start the gun breaker you have a more better transition than with a dark knight that's why it's above the dark knight because you don't have the the drop down levels you don't fall down to start with the gun breaker but i think overall it's a bit more beginner friendly with how the defensive cooldowns work you don't have the big disadvantage with tiben yeah uh like otis mentioned before level 70 it's kind of a mess playing it to arctic it's not fun sometimes it's really sometimes super boring because you don't have defensive active defensive tools i wouldn't put any melee tanks below b tier in my opinion but dark knight would be on the lower end until tb and all the job quests kind of suck as a palette in me yeah job is kind of a bit um annoying on on palin also fun but it can be very very annoying sometimes the the when it comes about or when we are talking about the job quest darknet is asked by far um i love the the dark knight job quest uh jack and break is also not bad but dark knight is definitely the best there all right so uh i think next up we should just randomly put these jobs in here uh summoner had been i would have been here somewhere in before and walker but right now sumner is a really really powerful job so you start as a conjur no conjurous white mage um as an arcanus right yeah thormaturge is blackmage arcane is the summoner as an arcanist but you can always switch whenever you reach level 30 you can switch to the summoner or you can choose a scroller which is definitely a good big beginner thing you can every time you want to make the the choice of switching to a healer or dps you can do that freely because you're leveling up both of them you're leveling up both of them at the same time by leveling each of them every time you level the scola the sumner levels with it every time level the sumner the skola levels with it so that's definitely a good thing and yeah i think an advantage no other job has the only thing that is kind of a bit more difficult than the natural getting started into a job is in my opinion that you have a pet even though it's significantly reduced and that your game rotation is i think the most straightforward that you can find in final fantasy 14 right now but getting started as a summoner at the first levels in particular might be a bit yeah bad not bad because the rotation is also very very very simple on low levels uh it could be boring a bit so i i would say we're not talking about best starting classes but also a bit fun it has to be a bit more funny to level up so i think that's what keeps the summoner a bit back from the s-tier spot but it's still a very very solid choice um it's definitely very boring at the starting levels okay uh let's just randomly put something here okay dancer dancer i would say is also on the same level as the summoner and right now it's a bit more complicated has become more complicated since the changes in ant walker where dancer had the complexity level had been increased a bit and summoner's complexity level had been reduced a bit significantly actually but yeah that's the way it goes but on on the other hand you are starting on level 60 as a dancer so you have to to level up another job to get there which might actually be a trait to put it down a line here yeah i think that's fine because this is not a traditional starting class you don't have a class that transforms into a dance on 30 but you have to start another job get it to level 60 and then you can go over to a dancer which is indeed a very easy job that's hard to tell we maybe we will change something later it's very easy to get used to the rotation is kind of simple you can learn it very quickly uh it's kind of fun to play uh but i think it has the same potential to be boring and the very first levels i i remember that when i played the dancer for the first time i was like why why should i play a dancer when there's a bard and machinist that are way more fun to play but yeah later on it gets much better oh man i don't know about this one i i think deter is a bit too much right it's not that difficult it is it actually is it actually is it's it's i think it's the most difficult job you can play in final fantasy 14 and that automatically makes it the worst beginner job but yeah it's also not fun early on uh it changes the rotation from what you're starting with into what you're doing on an endgame level so it's it's a mixed bag but it's a bad mixed bag yeah it's changing its place at every 10 levels exactly that's that's my biggest gripe here as well so yeah if if any job would be placed onto d tier i think we should start with a black mage okay bart on the other hand is a very very lovely starting class and i would say it might also be the eight year so these are my top recommendations sn8 here because bart basically introduces you very very fluently into damaging dps roles in general and you don't have any downsides because you have ranged attacks that means you don't have to get into melee range which is more dangerous most of the times than the far away range you don't have to worry about positionings timings and communication or movement and positioning communication with your team so yeah you can basically freely move you don't have cast times that black mage have red mage have and partially summoner has so yeah you you are a jack of all trades the rotation is kind of busy like i just tested out in aglaia you always have to keep your eyes tracked onto your rotation onto your procs onto what's happening onto your dots running um but yeah after that after that secured the job is easy to be to be learned to a certain point to a base level and very very solid option to start with that's that's definitely a good starting job it might be asked here as well but i think eight year when summoners ate here yeah should not be placed above or below the summer in this situation next up i think red mage even though it's not a starter job you can't start as a red mage you have to start another job then transition over to a red major level 50 but 50 is also very early point of the game where uh yeah you you still have a lot of msq to progress through and many dungeons to play in your future progress so that's actually a very very solid point to swap the job and try out another job and you can do that as rammage redmage is introducing you very nicely and as soon as you get the idea that casting a five-second cast mid-fight is wrong and you actually learned how that dual cast mechanic worked you're good and basically manage your mana the white and black mana start into your melee comb whenever it reaches 50 on both sides and yeah that's it that's basically the job you don't have to learn anything more in later levels there are some details of course you have cooldowns that work into this but that's the base thing uh use your dual cast mechanic to yeah cast out the big spells with dual cast proct and use the the short casts to get the dual cast effect proct so that's basically it and it's very straightforward but also very fun i think even on level 50 when the the rotation is kind of simple red mage is so fun i love it i love it raimage is easy but also rewarding and so fun to play okay next up let's throw in a healer definitely white mage is the easiest healer you can play it has some flaws on end game compared to the capabilities of the other healers but it's so straightforward if you want to be a healer white mage is your job white mage is just your job get started as a white mage that's my recommendation it's very straightforward healing is not being developed or being produced through certain mechanics or very difficult mechanics and and systems but basically you click a button that heals and it heals you have the lily system that automatically grants you procs that you get free heals on top of that uh which of course are not balanced maybe compared to the competition uh quite nicely but right now i think it's fine it's it's not thing you should be too worried about red mage has almost its full core mechanics at level 20. yeah like i said the dual cast is very early um the system of having a melee rotation that uses your mp uh your mana is very very early like i think level 10. i think on level 10 you have the first melee swing i don't know i can't remember right now but it's very very early and yeah the same goes for the white mage it's introduced very nicely you have a very good progression curve you level up and you learn all the stuff that you need to learn um piece by piece and not being overwhelmed by certain stuff and it's a base class you can start as a kanjura that will transform into white major level 30 and so on it's very very straightforward starter job in my opinion okay so next up uh let's throw in another healer which is a good not counter argument but a good opposite to the white mage and that's the scola uh scola had been the most difficult or one of the most difficult jobs in shadowbringers and before yeah maybe in shattering us let's let's keep it at shadowbringers level but they have improved many quality of life stuff oh the lich king is there yeah lich king is still so good you can't argue against lich king but yeah um d tier no no no d tier do you think do you think a skola is more difficult than the astrologian i i would say this i would say this i think skoda is still easier to play than an astrologer um in my opinion i can actually see these backgrounds sorry others wrapping the dark knight yeah i would say that's that's the case because you have ferry management uh ferry management you have your og cds that kind of sacrifice your resources you always have the energy drain possibility that you need to sacrifice for pushing out mitigation pushing out heal and that comes at a cost everything comes at a cost as the scholar compared to white mage in particular but when you manage to do that it's it's getting super efficient and super strong job but yeah to do that it takes a while to learn the job this job the only thing yeah you can also argue with the the sumner aspect that it's getting a bit more beginner friendly because you also level up someone can always switch to another dps job whenever you like uh which gives it kind of the edge over some other healers here hard to tell really really hard to tell um i think there's a baseline of difficulty on the healing aspect which is the astrologian you still have card management it's improved significantly i think when we would talk about the sergeant and shadow bringers or before that we would even place it below the black mage on beginner friendliness because it's just a messy job sometimes it's working out as intended and it's working out greatly but you have a lot of practice and a lot of work to put into this job uh to get started that's that's the only thing i can tell you um you can disagree guys i don't know what you think uh maybe this destroy i haven't played an end walker but i think from the changes that i read through and that i tried to make sense of it's still a difficult job especially with macro cosmos being a thing um yeah you would love to move or you would move them up both a tier yeah we can argue about that when we're talking about the sage i i don't know about the sage sage is the the problem child for me because i haven't played it at all and i think it could be very difficult to play um but yeah that's the reason yeah dancer is basically lower than a bard red mage in summer because it's not a base job and is unlocked later than the red mage and also has a kind of more complex rotation than machinist in my opinion right now um it's kind of straightforward still it's it's very very straightforward job choice if you would have the dancer as a base class it would be here but yeah because it's starting at 60 i would say it's it's beat here yeah dragoon being a base class with a lancer i can't grant it a good hired spot for beginners because it has so many ogcds and so much failure potential i would say it kind of matches very nicely with the dark knight here but it could also be on this spot you can place it wherever you want but i think if we compare that to a dance i think dragoon is a much more difficult choice i i think that's that's a fine thing and yeah when we talk about the dragoon with so many ogcds uh position is going wild very static rotation that you need to track that you really have to be precise about especially when you want to do the double dragon a double life rotation for example there are some very keen um optimizations that need to be done properly from the start and that's not just skill sealing it's really the skill floor on the dragoon is kinda kinda high so i i would say even that as it's the starter class as the lance and you're getting introduced into these mechanics quite nicely it's still a very difficult job in my opinion you can't really start as dancer exactly um that's that's the the the only thing why it's not a uh reaper kind of the same it's even later in the game because it's level 70 right you start the reaper at 70. um which is just 20 levels before end game so that automatically makes the reaper a kind of bad choice for beginners but on the other hand reaper is really really good if you you made it to that point and if you want to start into the melee roster coming from a ranged roster from the the caster roster tank gila roster and you just want to get into these positional system like i think reaper is very very straightforward because basically all the attacks that you have access to you can wait with them you don't have to force them into your rotation at a certain point if there's any bad situation where you you just can't fit any proper attack you just can wait with the reaper like no other job can so i would say reaper is a very very good choice for starters the only thing that keeps it back from eight here is the fact that it starts at level 70. that's the only thing there um so there's a reason why dragoon can't do mechanic their kit is hard yeah exactly dragoon is really really difficult um even though it's a starter class it's i think one of the one of the most difficult starter classes that you can find here when we're not talking about the ninja which can be considered a starter class because you can unlock it at level 10 then you swap over to a ninja coming from a rogue at level 10 to ninja 30 kind of makes it the starter class in my opinion as well but it's just not the the classical starter class that you start from the base screen so i would say it's a starter class still and one of the most difficult styler classes here and i wouldn't put it here because it's not more difficult than a dragoon in my opinion it it's hard to tell which is more fun because i know that many people love the dragoon but also many people love the ninja but due to the fact that it's not so much more difficult than a dragoon in my opinion because you have so many abilities like the ranged right torn stuff and all the flexibility in your rotation not much positional requirements because you only have your armor guard that is diversing your uh rear combo to the side combo it's not that much so you have to be more precise with the dragoon with your positions than on the ninja so the opener is busy as hell it's the most busy openers that you can face or that you can do because of clicking quickly very quickly but then having to be very precise with your uh ninjutsu management that's i think the most difficult thing for beginners to start with but it's not on the same level as black mage in my opinion it's still a bit easier to get started as a ninja as you would start into end game content as a black mage easy to learn for sure main issue with reaper is the low levels are super boring since they don't get stuff until very late yeah i i don't know why they design it in that way i would love to have the base kit introduced more early like on the red mage and samurai for example or yeah basically i think the right way is the best example for this um where the base kit you you start or you you receive when you start the job is very very fleshed out already that's that's definitely a good thing okay so uh this is the list is for the best jobs to start with into final fantasy 14 not only for leveling up or for getting started into the game itself but also uh starting into end game content uh feeling well about end game content doing your rotation comfortably and trying to dodge stuff comfortably without much issues and struggle so this is basically the best beginner to your list here um machinist in my opinion is definitely a very very straightforward job but it has one significant downside that it shares with the dark knight like i said you have the um you start at level 50 but then gets down voted or down leveled to level 30 again and especially as machinists it's very hard to get back these 20 levels because party fine i do define is is often very narrow when it comes to queueing as a dps job tanks and healers will have much more frequent queue times but yeah if you stick to fades or leaf quests or whatever i think you can catch up very quickly to level 50 again that's the reason why it's beat here because when you reach higher levels this is one of the easiest jobs to perform in endgame i think sumner is my top choice for easy rotations in endgame but machinist is definitely my second best choice for that it's so straightforward it's so easy and even if you don't perform the correct proper rotation precisely the base idea of doing big stuff when cooldowns are active and uh sticking to your big stuff then waiting for it again that's the main thing that that you have to look for and that's it once you you know that you you use your battery gauge from time to time to to summon your queen uh you do the white fire phase properly with hyper charge i think that's the only thing where where difficulty is being introduced to the machine is the hyper charge phase but yeah it's also yeah decent low level experience it's kind of nice to play a machinist on no levels um i think it fits quite nicely here because it's still in the big disadvantage to get de-leveled or down-leveled when you start it that's also working for the stratagen so yeah i think the storage on detail is kind of a good choice in my opinion um yeah monk is a starter class you start as a um a pugilist a pugalist however you pronounce that properly um you turn it into a monk and i think i haven't played it in end walker but so far from the changes that i have witnessed it's much more fluent now so i think i would put it here because it's still a valley job melee jobs are in generally or generally a bit tougher than other jobs because you have positions that you need to take care of to optimize for your damage um so basically melee jobs are a bit more difficult than other jobs here except yeah tanks or heaters have these aspects as well so maybe we should not track this too much but uh compared to that there are dps jobs like the sumner red mage or bard or machinist that don't have these positionals as a requirement it's definitely something worth considering because tanking is basically the same on all jobs they have to live with the same problems the same issues and the same responsibility but here you can just freely choose a dancer or summoner and yeah you don't have to live with the positional thing and on the monk it's being improved i can't give you the whole picture because i haven't played it in ant worker but as far as i know and i've seen the monk and told him i talked to my friends that play a monk it's still not the easiest job it's i i would say be tier is fine which of course leads us to the samurai that is the only job i would consider to be on the same level as a red mage summoner and bart from being easy because you start at level 50 that's one downside because yeah you have to start at other jobs like i said that same goes for the red mage um but on the other hand it's the easiest melee job right now at least when they have removed chitin and as long as it's still removed this job is so easy to perform one of the easiest jobs in its rotation and still i would say it's kind of very very satisfying to play a samurai even though i know that many people dislike the the kite and change i do dislike it as well but i think it's still a fine job so far um spell it backwards can't go wrong with that yeah i gave up monk after looking at the second resource i was like how can i optimize this yeah okay i think we're not talking about optimization but this basically this tier list is about the skill floor so um yeah it looks stylish as well yeah stylish is a bad argument because reaper is stylish as hell i think reaper outmatches many of the jobs when it comes to style and darknet does as well so that's difficult topic okay guys last but not least the sage that's definitely something where i need your help i haven't played the sage yet but as far as i'm aware the sage is very difficult to play i don't know if it's more difficult than astrologian but the base skill flow of a sage is might be very very high even though i have not seen sages struggle too much in dungeons that's kind of weird but i don't know you meant the summary yeah i was i was talking about the summer as well double weaving at monk is pretty annoying stylish is a bad argument for someone wearing a gray hat yeah that was all right you're right you're right i'm i never claimed to be stylish so uh that's definitely something to to mention it would be fun to see a t-list like this for controller gameplay maybe but i'm i'm definitely not the right person for that because i yeah i don't play on controller i can't tell you which is very hard to play on control i can just make guesses according to how many job spells or icons and buttons you have to press for certain jobs so that's the only assumption i can do here sage isn't hard at all in my opinion but it isn't obvious how to play it first glance especially since you start with so many spells honestly i'll put sage and c as it's a little easier after you know your skills okay yeah i think that's a good compromise because yeah skola is still hard it's also barrier healer sage has still the very bad disadvantage to start at level 70. but doesn't have the bad disadvantage of the astrologian that you get down leveled by 20 levels so yeah i would say c tier is fine i would i would stick with that as well reject controller become what you must but at the end of the day it's a lot of aoe heals and shots uh hots honestly i put sage yeah i would say sage is a very good spot in c um yeah i think that's that's kind of the thing now you might think why why we don't have any mali job and asked here which which job should i start with think about a and s here being super close like really really close and if you really need one piece of mind and one choice that you can choose over the others then it's the summoner because sumner is really easy on end game on its rotation it has every every advantage it can offer possibly offer because you have it's a natural starter class as the arcanist that can choose either a healer or dps job on 30 and levels up both of them at the same time yeah that's nothing that this where this can be beaten uh sumner is really straightforward right now yeah maybe maybe let's keep it that sumner is the easiest job to perform an endgame rotation and has some very very good advantages when leveling up uh yeah that's basically my tier list but of course stick around for the video if you're really interested in that in detail opinion and when i actually make more considerable thoughts about this and write them down in a script than just rambling about these uh very spontaneously [Music] you
Channel: Desperius FFXIV
Views: 161,906
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: FFXIV, Final Fantasy XIV, Stormblood, Heavensward, A Realm Reborn, Shadowbringers, Final Fantasy Online, Desperius, Desperius FFXIV, Summoner, BSW, SMN, Ranged DPS, Caster, Caster Job, Endgame, Guide, Tips and tricks, good, Clear, Farm, Yoshi-P, Nobuo Uematsu, True Endgame, Glamour, Support, Raise, Casting, Cool, Best, Sexy, Catgirl, FFIV, Endwalker, 6.0, Expansion, NEW, Larry, Elementals, Rotation, Tips, Tricks, Tier, Meta, Ranking, List, Rank, 6.01, Reaper, RPR, 6.1, Ultimate, Thordan Ultimate, Thordan, Xeno, Zepla, Asmongold
Id: 7GXxZ21jLNA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 14sec (2114 seconds)
Published: Mon May 30 2022
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