NO SUGAR Strawberry Jam Recipe with Step-by-Step Water Bath Canning Tutorial

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today I want to share with you a no sugar strawberry jam recipe and if you want to take things one step further I'm gonna share a step by step water bath canning tutorial so that you can can your no sugar strawberry jam and store it in your pantry hi sweet friends I'm Mary and welcome to Mary's nest where I teach traditional cooking skills for making nutrient-dense foods like bone broth ferments sourdough and more so if you enjoy learning about those things consider subscribing to my channel and don't forget to click on the little notification bell below that'll let you know every time I upload a new video well this Jam couldn't be easier to make all you're gonna need are two pounds of fresh strawberries 1 cup of water and some no sugar or low sugar pectin now this is a one pound container of strawberries and that's about 4 cups of fresh strawberries and we're going to have 2 pounds so we're gonna need about 8 cups of fresh strawberries and the first thing we wanted that we're gonna want to do is just give them a good wash well I've got my strawberries all washed and now what we want to do is tell them now you can the easy way is if you want you can just slice the top right off or if you want you can go down a little deeper with your knife sort of getting the core more or less of the strawberry now as you slice the tops off of your strawberries or corer them whatever way you want to do it don't throw any of this out you can use this to make a wonderful strawberry vinegar and I have a video where I show you how to do that and I'll be sure to link to it in the AI cards and in the description below now once you remove the tops all you want to do is start slicing up your strawberries it's nothing fancy because you'll see what the next step is gonna be but you just want to make them a little smaller than their hole size as I'm slicing these up I just want to give you a little tip that when you make a no sugar Jam whether it's strawberries or any other type of berry or fruit the riper the fruit the better because you're really relying on the natural sugars in the fruit to give it some boost of flavor now this recipe makes six eight ounce jars also known as half pint sized jars of no sugar strawberry jam and in order to make those six eight ounce jars we need four cups of crushed strawberries now I'm just going to hand crush these with a fork because my strawberries are nice and ripe so hopefully it'll go smoothly but if you want to make this really easy you can certainly pulse them but do it quickly and don't let it become like real mushy you want it a little chunky you can certainly pulse them in a food processor and what I like to do is just sort of anchor a few with my hand and just so that they don't go flying and just work my way through little by little mashing all of the strawberries and I'll take a close-up picture and overlay this so you can see exactly what it looks like as I do this and as I go through the process of mashing these strawberries I'll just start filling my cup over here to see when I get one full cup well now I've got one cup of crushed strawberries here so I'm going to go ahead and just transfer this to my bowl and then I'm going to continue crushing the rest of my strawberries until I have a total of four cups crushed now as I'm finishing up these strawberries I just want to mention that if you would prefer to make a low sugar strawberry jam you can definitely do that and I have a video where I show you how to make that and I in that video I also walk you through the water bath canning process so if that's something that interests you you can watch that video as well it's a very similar recipe obviously just there's just some sugar well I've got my four cups of crushed crushed strawberries here and now I just want to get every last little bit off of my plate all of the juice make sure you don't waste anything and don't worry if as you're crushing up your strawberries your two pounds of strawberries if you have a little more than four cups crush a little less than four crushed cups it's not an exact science but it's gonna come out to be about 4 cups crushed and that's perfect if a little under a little over don't worry since I'm gonna be water bath canning this Jam once it's made I need to go ahead and get my water bath canner ready because everything needs to be done very hot and very quickly but if you don't want to water baths can this Jam and you just want to put it in your refrigerator once it's made I'll put the time stamp in the description below underneath this video and I'll also put the time stamp in the pinned comment as well because I know for some of you it's a little easier for you to find the pin comment and so you can jump ahead to where we start making the jam now if you do want to water bath can this Jam the first thing that you need to do is get your water bath canner ready now I have an electric water bath canner you don't need this you can use a plain old stockpot that'll work perfectly you can also use the traditional stovetop water bath canner if you have one of those but be sure to check with your manufacturer your stove manufacturers guidelines to make sure that those stovetop water bath canner zhh are safe to use on your stovetop now if you have an electric water bath canner like this or you have a stovetop water bath canner chances are it came with a rack like this but if you're going to be using a stockpot and you don't have a rack like this no problem you might have a cooling rack that you use for your baked items that will fit inside your stockpot and that'll work great but if you don't have anything like that don't worry since you're gonna be canning you're gonna have canning rings and canning rings can make a great rack for you to use in your stockpot and all you're gonna do is just put them in a pattern like is if you have a round rack like that and then you're just going to take a little kitchen twine and taut or twist ties whatever you have and just link them together and I'll overlay a little video so you can see what I'm doing and exactly what I'm talking about so you'll just go around connecting all of them like I started to do here I've connected one outer one to the middle one and then another outer one to another outer one and so on and so forth and then you're just going to go all the way around connecting them with little twist ties or as I said some kitchen twine and then you're going to have a great rack that you can put in the bottom of your stockpot that your jars will go on top of next you're going to want to make sure that your of your canning jars ready and you just want them clean washed with warm hot soapy water and left left to air dry is fine they're going to be going into the hot canner anyways while they're waiting for the jam so that'll help keep them clean next you're going to want to make sure that you have your rings and then normally with your rings maybe when you bought your jars they came with rings and lids if not you're going to want to make sure that you do have your rings and you're going to want to make sure you have new lids every time you can something whether your water bath canning or pressure canning you want to make sure that you have new lids unless you have like the Tattler reusable lids but for the most part you're going to need brand new lids if you don't have those reusable ones every time you can now I just want to mention I'm using these that are pretty little jars but if you just have these plain they are nice they have a little crystal pattern on them but if you just have the straight-up eight ounce jars that are made for Jam you can also use these as well now canning rules and regulations so to speak do change over time and there are sort of different schools of thoughts now different schools of thought on in terms of the bans and the lids basically the bans if they've been washed in warm soapy water and dried and left to air dry they're fine they're all ready to go in terms of the lids it's pretty much the same thing you can just wash them with warm hot soapy water allow them to air dry and keep them clean and be ready to put them on top of your jars once you put your jam in another way of doing it which is how I was taught which I believe now is sort of considered the old-school way is to keep them in hot water just for a minute or two so that they're nice and clean when you get ready to put them on to your jar and the reason for that is you know whenever it comes to canning being very neat and clean is very important so that you don't introduce any bad bacteria into your into your product that you're canning but you do need to be careful if you keep these in hot water because I will show you these have a little rubber lid a little rubber ring around the lid and that is what helps you see it's right around here it's sort of a burnt orange color and that's what helps create the suction and make a nice tight seal you never want to boil these if you were to boil them it can loosen or not loosen but damage that little rubber seal there and so that can make it very difficult for this lid to create a good seal on your jar and so some people feel that keeping them in the hot water can also create that problem so the new canning rules often say just have them nice and clean wash them in a warm soapy water let them air dry and keep them clean what but before you're ready to put them onto your jar next what we're gonna do is put our jars into our water bath canner and fill it with water and start bringing it up to temperature because this will keep the jars nice and hot and be ready to receive the jam but as I put them in I like to just check and make sure they're in good condition and that there's no cracks or imperfections especially on the rim of the jar now we're going to do this again we're gonna check it when we take them out too to make sure nothing happened when they were submerged in the hot water waiting for the jam but it's good the first time around just to give them a little look-see and see how they're they're holding up how they've held up maybe from previous canning adventures so I'm just going to go ahead and get all of these jars in here and you you don't want to have them touching you want to give them plenty of room next you want to fill your water bath canner including filling the jars with water so that there's enough water in here that the jars are covered by at least an inch to at least an inch or two inches above the top of the jar well I've got this all filled and the water is about an inch or so over the top of my jars and I'll overlay a picture so you can see exactly what that looks like now what we want to do is bring this up to a simmer so that they're staying nice and hot in in the water and normally what I do is bring it up to a boil and then once it comes up to a boil I turn it down to a simmer and once simmering then I proceed with making my jam well this is nicely simmering and before we make the jam what I want to do is go over the other equipment that you're going to need two water baths can first you're going to want to draw a lifter second you're gonna want some kind of funnel this is a very clever funnel because it has the headspace measurements on it which come in handy because depending on what your canning determines how much headspace how much basically airspace you need to leave between the item that you've put in your jar and the distance up to the rim of the jar so this is a very clever funnel but any funnel you have will work next you're going to want to have some type of ladle I like this ladle because it has a little hook here on the end and that makes it very easy to hook on to the side of your pot in between ladling the jam or whatever you're canning into your jars but again any ladle will do next you're going to need what's called a de bubbler now if you don't have one of these don't worry you can use a knife it works just fine but what's clever about a de bubbler in the case of this particular one it has little notches here and I'll take a picture and overlay it hopefully you can see it up close but it's it is difficult to see but there are markings here that show 1/4 inch 1/2 inch 3/4 inch 1 inch so on and so forth so you can measure on your jar to see if you have the correct headspace so this are very clever 2 bubbler so you'll definitely need one of those then finally what you're going to need is one of these little sticks that have a magnet on the very end and this is what you use to lift the lids that you're going to put on top of your canning jar now I've got my lids here they're all washed and huh soapy water allowed to air dry and I've got them on a clean paper towel and so when we get ready to put our lids on our jars that have been filled with the jam we'll just go ahead and this will pick that right up I won't have to touch it with my hand put it down onto the jar and everything stays neat and clean and as to all your equipment you want to make sure that it's been washed in hot soapy water and is clean and that's why I've got this sitting all on a nice clean dish towel ok now that we've got all of the canning information out of the way we're ready to make our jam now to make your jam you're gonna want some type of nice big pot and the reason is we're gonna be bringing this up to a boil and it can sputter and make a little bit of a mess if your pots not big enough you also want to be very careful not to have any of its butter onto you and potentially get burned so a nice big pot works great the first thing we're gonna do is take our strawberries that we crushed our 4 cups of crushed strawberry and add that to our pot now the next thing that we're going to do is add in our water but I want to mention something about the water many of you have written to me and told me that you're on keto diets or some sort of autoimmune vehicle protocol diet and that you cannot have fruit juice you can have certain types of fruit like berries but you can't have fruit juice and so making this Jam be acceptable to your particular diets would require you using water as your quit however if you don't follow one of those diets and since this is a no sugar Jam but you'd like to try to give it a little bit of sweetness from something other than white sugar instead of this one cup of water you can add one cup of juice you could add one cup of white grape juice you could add one cup of apple juice some mild flavored mild colored juice and that'll help boost the natural sweetness from the fruit juice as opposed to adding sugar however if you want to make it keto friendly or autoimmune protocol friendly if I'm saying that correctly then you just want to go ahead and and have your one cup of liquid B water so just go ahead and add in that water right in with your crushed strawberries now the only other ingredient that you're going to need is pectin and this is just commercial pectin that you can buy at your grocery store and you're going to want to look for the pectin that says that it's made for using a less sugar or no sugar recipes and you can buy it in a box like this this is from the sure jell company and this has one packet inside which is exactly the right amount that you would need or if you do if you are new to canning but you find over time you enjoy canning and you want to buy your pectin in larger amounts you can buy it in containers like this this is put out by Baal and this is also a low or no sugar needed pectin now today I'm going to go ahead and use this pectin and if you're if you are using something that's packaged in a larger container like this as opposed to the box you're going to want to use four and a half tablespoons of the no sugar pectin if you're using the box it's very easy you're just going to use the whole packet that's right inside of here now I'm going to bring you over to my stove for the next part but basically what we're going to do is we're going to bring this up to a boil and as we're bringing it up to a boil we're going to keep stirring it and we're going to scratch relie add in the pectin and keep stirring and once we get it up to a boil we're going to let it to the once we get it up to a boil that we can't stir down so no matter how much you stir it it's still rapidly boiling we're going to boil it like that for one more minute and it's gonna really be boiling you're gonna keep stirring it and we're gonna go one more minute now before we go over to the stove the first thing that I'm gonna do is put a plate into my freezer and the reason for this is we're going to put a little bit of the jam on this cold plate after we've boiled it at a hard boil like that for one minute to see if it's gelled properly and I'll show you what the test for that is there's one other thing I want to mention to you as we go over to the stove and bring this Jam up to a boil you may see some foam develop now don't worry about that all you're gonna do is skim it off because you don't want that included in your jam however another way to tamp that down is by adding just a little bit of butter and you don't need much for this amount of jam maybe a half a teaspoon of butter will help control that phone however if you don't want to add any fat to this that's fine you don't need to worry we're just gonna skim off the phone well this Jam looks wonderful I'll take a picture and overlay it and any foam that kind of came around the sides I just removed that it's very easy to do I you just take my spatula and just lift it off like that one two three I'll overlay a picture so you can see me doing that we brought this over to the stove as I shared with you earlier and we brought it up to a boil that we could not stir down and as we were bringing it up to a boil we were at gradually adding the pectin kept stirring kept stirring once we reach the point where we couldn't stir down the boil we continued to let it boil for another minute and now I've removed it from the stove now I just wanted to get my plate out of the freezer to show you how to check if your jam has gelled up a pro really but you really probably don't have to worry because modern-day commercial pectin that you can buy does a very good job but what you're going to do is just get a little bit and put it on a plate like this and sticking to my spoon and then I'll show you as it cools on the plate how to check if it's perfect so you'll just give it like a minute or so to cool and then you're going to take a clean finger and you're just going to pull it through like this and see that the jam stays separated then you know it's well gel now I'm going to take my joy lifter and I'm going to lift my first jar out of the water bath canner and I'm just going to empty the water out of it be very careful because that's hot water and then what I'm going to do is I'm going to just take a clean paper towel and put this out of the way so you can see and then I'm just gonna go over the rim of the jar to make sure that wall was in the water bath canner it didn't develop any neck sometimes something can happen you can get a little crack or something now we're gonna do this again with vinegar before we put the lid on but I always like to just do that step just to make sure nothing happened during the simmering process now we're gonna get our ladle and we're going to start to ladle are gorgeous jam this is just beautiful the color is glorious and we're gonna start ladling this down into our jar now for jam we want to look back of you for Jam we want to leave a quarter-inch headspace now as I shared with you earlier this funnel is terrific because it's got the markings and when I see it come up to the quarter-inch headspace marking I'm gonna stop filling it but if you didn't have a funnel that had these markings again most bubblers will often come with this headspace headspace markings and so you can just use that and merge that down into your jam and make sure that you've got that quarter-inch head space next what you want to do is take the D bubbler and just go around in there to make sure that you don't have any airspace now don't worry if you do find air pockets and the Jam decreases down that's okay because you can easily ladle in a little bit extra now you want to take your clean paper towel dip it in a little bit of white vinegar and then you're going to take it and you're going to go all around the rim of your jar to make sure that it's completely clean before you put your lid on because you don't want any jam in the way because then your lid won't stick securely then once we get the rim of our jar clean I'm going to go ahead and take my little magnet tool I'm going to take heavy it sticks right to the lid it's beautiful and then I'm going to put the lid right down even on top of my canning jar then once you get your lid properly positioned you're going to take your canning ring and you're going to put it on your jar now the only purpose that the canning ring serves is to keep the lid in place during the processing process so all you want to do is put your ring on start to screw it and the minute you feel resistance stop and then just turn it a little bit more and that's what's known as fingertip tight don't use any brute force and really tighten this the reason is during as I said the ring is only to keep the lid in place during the canning process what happens is if there's any air in your jar it's going to leach out and then once you take it out of the hot water bath and let it cool the lid forms a tight seal and you hear the ping and then you remove the ring after 24 hours so if you were to do brute force what would happen is that none of the air that may be in your jaw would be able to escape and the pressure would just start to build up and potentially your jar could break so you really want to avoid that so remember I know I say this a lot of my canning videos you just you're just gonna go until you just feel resistance just until you feel some resistance and then a little tighter that's it so once we've got that ring finger tight we're just going to take our jar lifter again securely and put that down into our water bath and then we'll proceed with filling all of our other jars and then we'll crank this up for the canning process already well I've got my jars in my canner I'm gonna put the lid on and what's in and I've turned it to the canning mode which is gonna bring it up to a full rolling boil once it comes up to a boil I'm gonna let it boil for 10 minutes and now if you're doing this on the stovetop in a stovetop canner for a bath canner or in a stockpot you're gonna want to do the same thing bring it up to a boil and let it boil for 10 minutes now I want to mention one other thing hopefully I was speaking a little louder so you can hear me over this but I want to mention one of the things I did not add any vinegar to my water I used to do that because I have very hard water but in learning from other Kanner's there's some difference of opinion whether to add the vinegar or not and what they have found was that over time adding the vinegar to the water caused their rings to start to discolor so I've decided not to add vinegar to my water anymore and if my jars look a little cloudy on the side from being in the water bath then I just washed them up and they're fine well this has been boiling for 10 minutes my timer just went off so I'm gonna turn this off and then I'm gonna remove the lid just gonna let it calm down a little bit be careful because whether you're doing this on the stovetop or in one of these electric water bath canner they are boiling at quite a good clip and the water can bounce out and I don't want you to get burned and always open a little way from you because it there is a lot of steam that comes out now you're gonna want to let these sit in the hot water for five minutes before removing them from your canner now while they're sitting in the canner I just want to talk about questions and also diagnosing problems but before I talk about that I just want to mention one other thing when we started this process I talked about why I don't want to put vinegar into my canner because I've learned from some other canners that can cause some discoloring and degrading of your rings and even though you can't use the lids again you always have to use new lids you can reuse your ring that's really basically forever and so you really want to try to keep them in as good condition as possible and speaking of those Kanner's that i learn these various tips from i wanted to mention some of them to you and i will put links to their channels in the description below underneath this video and I'll also put it in the pinned comment because I know for some of you it's a little easier to find the pin comment but if you enjoy canning and you want to learn about what a bath canning or you want to learn about pressure canning especially pressure canning these gals are terrific well actually it's there's one fella in the group but the one person is Linda from Linda's pantry she's got lots of canning videos she's terrific I've been watching her for years and then there's Lisa over at Sutton's days she has a lot of pressure canning as well as water bath canning both Linda and Lisa have water bath and pressure canning as do all of these folks and then there's man over at more to life and she's just lovely and again lots of great caning and then Heather over at the needy homesteader and even though it says needy it's like with a K as in kneading bread so in addition to her candy videos she has a bread baking videos and a lot of other things as well and then there's Carol over at the thrifty chic housewife very cute channel name and the lovely lady and she's got a lot of great caring videos and then finally the one gentleman in the group is Paul and the name of his channel is Paul's rule of thumb and Paul is a very nice fella and he really I mean most of his channel is caning you can really learn a lot from Paul so highly recommend recommend his channel if you're an especially pressure canning but all of them they're all terrific and all do lots of canning so I definitely head over and give them a look now talking about questions I want to mention that yes I have other water bath canning videos I know sometimes I get in comments and questions if I do any canning and I have a whole playlist of water bath canning videos and they're really directed at beginners and they go step by step by step start to finish covering the whole water bath canning process and I'll be sure to link to that playlist in the I cards and in the description below I have a low sugar strawberry jam I have pickles I have tomatoes I also talked about I go over all the equipment that you need all the supplies you need different books that are helpful so be sure to check that out especially if you're a beginner and the other question that I get is can you use alternative sweeteners when making a jam that you don't want to have any sugar in it and yes you can and mostly the sweeteners that I'm being asked asked about are the like basically zero calorie or close to that sweeteners and if you wanted to add something like a stevia to this you would add just 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon of the liquid stevia now if you wanted to use like monk fruit or I think the other ones are cold that are sometimes they're mixed but I think they're based with erythritol something like that and then you have Splenda and things like that what you need to do is you need to look at the instructions of those different sweeteners and find out what is the equivalent of one cup of sugar and then that is the amount that you would add to your jam up to three cups so if and I I don't use these so I don't know but for example if Splenda was a one to one one cup of sugar to that one cup of Splenda equaled one cup of sugar then you could add up to three cups of Splenda to give your jam the taste a low sugar Jam and what if you wanted to go full sugar usually the full sugar jams have about 6 cups of sugar but if you just are making a low sugar Jam that has a nice fruity taste yet with some sweetness then you would go up to no more than 3 cups or whatever the equivalent was of the sweetener you were using to 1 cup of sugar now diagnosing problems probably the most common problem when it comes to water bath canning is that when you remove your jars from your water bath canner and are letting them cool on your counter and speaking of letting them cool on your counter you're gonna want to put down you know a couple of layers of a nice cushiony dish towel or if you've got one of these what are they cooled like little dish you know sort of padded dish strains these work really great too and when you take them out you want to make sure which I'll show you you want to keep them very straight that's just that this thing is cooling down from being so hot on top of there but what if you don't hear the ping don't necessarily worry you might be out of the kitchen or something you might miss it what you want to notice is is the top depressed you know the the little canning lids have like a little little dimple on top and it's somewhat raised when it's brand new and after going through the canning process it sinks down a little so that's what you're gonna look for and if for any reason you don't get a good seal and that little dimple does it isn't you know that didn't sink down a little bit that's okay sometimes it'll happen to one or one or two jars every now and again all you have to do is refrigerate it that can be the first one that you use and if you find that canning just isn't your thing don't worry I have you covered as you know I'm a big fermenter and I've got playlist after playlist of showing you how to make all different kinds of ferments and I'll be sure to link to those in the I cards and in the description below if that's something that you want to look into alrighty well it's been about five minutes so let's go and take our jars out again a good strong grip with your jar lifter and don't worry about the water on top we'll just block that a watch but it pinged very quickly and what you want to do is be sure to keep them upright so you just keep them upright whoops Oh didn't mean to bang that but just keep them up that thing to just keep them upright and just keep taking them out nice and straight oh that one thing too so you just go ahead and keep getting all your jars out until you're done and then we'll let them cool now I took a picture from overtop so that you can see in case you don't hear the ping you will notice when you look at the top and even if you go over it with your hand you'll feel just this just the slightest indentation or or basically you won't see that little bit of raised dimple anymore that you would have seen on the on the lid that had not yet gone through the canning process so that's a good way to tell to now you know to tell that it's sealed now you're going to want to wait 24 hours and after 24 hours you're going assuming they've all got a good seal on them and then you're gonna remove your ring and then you can store this in your pantry and it'll be shelf stable for now ball says that their lids are shelf-stable for up to 18 months now I know some Kanner's they'll say oh it can last a lot longer than that but the official word from the ball canning lid manufacturer used to be one year but now they say their lids are improved and and should keep your your food shelf stable for 18 months so that's good news but one thing I want to mention is you do want to remove this ring and the reason is if you leave the ring on and for any reason the lid loosens over time the the contents would be exposed to oxygen and the but the ring being in place would cause the lid to reseal again but that would be a false seal and when you go to open it say you remove the ring and then you open your jar you may find mold so it's best to always remove your ring before you put your canned good away for storage so definitely keep that in mind now if you've enjoyed learning about water bath canning be sure to check out this video over here where I have a playlist of all sorts of water bath canning videos and I walk you through step by step start to finish and I think you're gonna really learn a lot and see over there in my Texas Hill Country kitchen love and God bless
Channel: Mary's Nest
Views: 263,378
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: No Sugar Strawberry Jam Recipe with Step by Step Water Bath Canning Tutorial, No Sugar Strawberry Jam Recipe, No Sugar Strawberry Jam, Strawberry Jam Recipe, Strawberry Jam, Step by Step Water Bath Canning Tutorial, Water Bath Canning Tutorial, Water Bath Canning, Waterbath Canning, Step by Step Waterbath Canning Tutorial, How to water bath can jam, How to water bath can strawberry jam, canning, how to make jam, how to make strawberry jam, marysnest, marys nest, homemade jam
Id: O6elzPRVcXI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 23sec (2243 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 20 2020
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