5 Great Reasons To play Rogue in WoTLK

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hey guys my name's lama and today we're continuing our series and looking at five reasons to play each of the classes in wrath of the lich king and today is going to be the turn of the rogue but just before we dive into it i would like to thank my wonderful patreon supporters that you are seeing up on screen right now the fact that you guys provide the support to me means the absolute world to me and i could not be more grateful but now let's dive into it with reason number five to play a rogue in wrath of the lich king classic so in at number five we're taking a look at stealth runs now stealth runs are something that is going to be a little bit of a question mark moving into rather the lich king classic before we are able to get our hands on it because of the fact that we don't know what things are going to be most lucrative on any given server that we're going to be able to attain from stealth runs or just how viable stealth ones are in regards to the new dungeons dependent on things like the mobago ranges and things that can't be accurately assessed from looking at private servers with all that said however there will definitely be at least a few viable stealth runs just like there was in the original classic as well as tvc classic that proved to be both lucrative from a gold making perspective as well as also now that the levels are increasing potentially going to be lucrative from a personal perspective with regards to going back to old content and getting yourself some of the rare mount drops for example i can certainly see anzu being two-manned by a rug and a druid used to summon it for you when you are at level 80 as well as potentially a great many other things so that is one that's worth considering but perhaps not the most important hence why it's in at number five in at number four we're going to talk about poisons now this is basically just a quality of life change but poisons are going to get two small little revamps the first one is going to be a little shuffle round in terms of what each of the poisons does having some little extra effects on some of the more utility poisons and things which ultimately isn't going to prove all that helpful but some things such as for example the fact that there is a poison that now provides an end rage remove is going to be helpful for occasional things with your rug which just adds a little bit of utility but the big benefit here is going to be the quality of life that you are now going to be able to just purchase poisons outright which is going to be absolutely huge as you are no longer going to have to worry about poison skills or getting the appropriate mass and things you're just going to be able to go and restock from a vendor for all of the poisons that you're going to want which is going to be very helpful as well as just make playing rogue feel that little bit better speaking of feeling that little bit better in at number three we are going to be discussing the new ability fan of knives now rogues don't really do well outside of cooldown windows when it comes to aoe and that is something that is finally going to change with fan of knives now fallout knives unless you really build yourself into it for doing dungeon cleaving sort of environments isn't going to be the greatest ability it's not going to set the world alight but the fact that you do now have access to in aoe ability is going to be incredibly helpful say for example when you are taking power dungeon that has a mechanic where you need to do aoe damage even if it's not particularly heavy hitting or of course any packs where there is sufficient amount of mobs that doing any aoe damage is going to be better than trying to do single target damage to that pack fallonize is going to open up the potential for you to be able to do some of this damage for your group for your group in an aoe capacity and as i alluded to if you were to spec into get the appropriate glyphs and talents it can actually be a pretty decent ability so if you are speccing out for a dungeon spec specifically and then a fan of knives build is certainly something that you will be wanting to consider now in at number two while we're talking about dungeon utility and by extension rage utility just the same tricks of the trade is finally introduced for rogues now put very simply tricks of the trade is misdirection for rogues as opposed to hunters and this really does flesh out that utility kit even more for rogue not they've ever really been lacking in utility but they just keep getting all of the toys and while threat is not as big of an issue in wrath as it is in the previous expansions it is still certainly something that is going to be present and something that people are going to have to worry about when tanking but beyond that having tricks of the trade is also going to enable ways of pulling from range for classes that want to use los mechanics or things like that or also just for generating that bit of extra threat for your tank right before you get to pop all of your cooldowns as your rogue to be able to go absolutely wild now it's not going to be a game-changing change just like some of the things we discussed previously but trickster trades certainly is going to make a rogue a more appealing choice for your dungeon runs comparative to what they would have been before it was introduced and finally at number one my perfect reason for picking a rogue to play in wrath of the lich king the same as my top reason for picking a rogue in any other expansion is the fact that they are the gods of pvp now i don't play that much pvp anymore in the classic environment at least i did play quite a bit on retail and i did play somewhat when the current eras that we have in classic were the retail versions however if i were going to try and get back into pvp it would never enter my head to be doing it on anything other than a rook i'm pretty sure if i asked you to raise your hand if you had never been embarrassed by a rogue in pvp there would only be a lot of raised hands and a lot of liars in the audience right now rogues are always going to be the absolute kings of pvp and if that is something that appeals to you then i find it very hard to recommend anything else not to suggest that others aren't also going to be absolutely ridiculous but the toolkit that is available to a rug and the sheer fun of being able to completely control and completely dismantle an opponent in pvp is something that i think is fairly unparalleled by the rug in any given expansion and as such that is why i'm putting it at my number one spot to play a rogue in wrath of the lich king by all means this is very subjective and if you disagree with me by all means let me know down in the comments below but for now guys thanks for watching i hope you agree with my list and i hope to hear from you down in the comments below as to what class you'd like me to take a look at next but for now catch in the next one laters [Music] you
Channel: The Tired Llama
Views: 7,597
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wow, warcraft, wrath, wrath of the lich king, wotlk, class to play, wrath prep, preperation, rogue, poison, lockpicking, tricks of the trade, tricks
Id: gOjqqf9643M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 52sec (412 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 04 2022
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