5 Extraordinary Sea Creatures That Will Blow Your Mind

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the ocean is a fascinating place and with the mayor of unexplored areas down there and with the thought that humans have only discovered less than 1% of all species that have ever lived just imagine what we would find if the ocean was drained I'm sure there would be creatures and fossils that we cannot even begin to comprehend now I will be doing a video soon on mysterious sea creatures such as a massive shark that was spotted in Japan that has never been seen since but this video is about creatures that aren't so mysterious but are truly remarkable and show us the endless possibilities the ocean is home to frilled shark just by taking one look at the frilled shark you can't help but think that it's a mythical creature but it's not the frilled shark is very real and this truly magnificent prehistoric species dates back to around 80 million years ago as you can imagine it's incredibly rare and gets its name from its six pairs of gill slits that make it appear like a fringe collar and unlike most shark species its mouth is located just below their snout and holds an estimated 25 rows of 300 needle-sharp teeth much different from the regular shark teeth we all know of because of this and the fact one has never been observed feeding it's believed they must feed off squid and small fishes especially since they are a deepwater shark generally swimming near the bottom of the ocean at depths of up to 4,000 feet so where can they be spotted while they have been sighted in a few places such as Australia New Zealand Southeast Asia West Africa Chile and the Caribbean and very recently a six-foot-long frilled shark which seems to be the average length of them was caught in Australia as you can imagine fishermen had no idea what they had accidentally caught and the same goes for one captured by fishermen off the coast of Japan every effort was made to keep this one alive but sadly it died this did give us the opportunity to examine this incredible creature though but led the frilled shark one step closer to extinction they are already extremely rare and what doesn't help is that they are believed to have the longest gestation period of any other creature taking as long as three and a half years this is why the species is labeled as near threatened but in reality there is no answer to how many frilled sharks are out there right now and since they live deep down in the ocean who knows how many or how large some of these sharks could be and for this reason you can see why the frilled shark is one of the most interesting creatures on the planet and are indeed one of the oldest still living animals we know of the peacock mantis shrimp the peacock mantis shrimp is possibly the most colorful and interesting little creature we know of is found in the warm waters of the Indian and Pacific Oceans and ranges from 3 to 18 centimeters long its body is an array of colors with its hard shell being predominantly bright green with splatters of red orange and blue and has extraordinary multicolored forearms but their appearance is not what makes the peacock mantis shrimp so fascinating it's the fact that they have the most complex eyes known in the animal kingdom they contain millions of light-sensitive cells and that eyesight is far superior than ours they can detect 10 times more color than a human and have the ability to see ultraviolet and infrared light each eye can move independently and the shrimp uses its amazing eyesight to avoid predators and to seek out prey their eyes are so incredible that scientists have studied this structure to see if it can be replicated for use in reading CDs and other storage devices but don't be fooled by their colors or their incredible eyesight they are in fact a very vicious predator I will repeatedly smash their hard shelled prey until they reach the soft tissue to feast on which leads us to their other extraordinary feature their ability to punch over 50 miles per hour finishing its strike in under three thousandth of a second the fastest recorded punch of any living animal it's so fast in fact that each of their strikes can produce small flashes of light upon impact this is due to the fact that when they punch it lowers the pressure of the water causing it to boil unlike some extraordinary sea creatures the mantis shrimp is not a rare or endangered species and can be kept in a saltwater aquarium at home but be aware as it grows larger as they have been known to punch their way through aquarium glass giant isopod the giant isopod are by far the largest member of the isopod family a species that includes a creature most of us will be familiar with the wood louse as you can see the giant isopod looks like a giant wood louse making it one of the strangest creatures we have found in the ocean they can be spotted worldwide living solitary lives on the seabed in depths of up to 7,000 feet at these depths the isopods are faced with practically unlivable conditions pitch-black extreme cold and ridiculous pressure which is all thought to be the reason for their enormous size is the result of deep-sea gigantism a yet to be explained phenomenon that causes deepwater creatures to grow much larger than similar species that habitat shallower waters other examples of this are giant squids and giant tubeworms all of which grow considerably larger than their shallow water relatives the giant isopod has a hard shelled segmented body which means it's both tough and flexible and when threatened it will roll into a ball to protect its fleshy underside much like a wood louse it has alien-looking highly reflective eyes that have a large field of vision and are very responsive to fast movement but are also incredibly sensitive to light as they live in the dark and mainly rely on their large antennae to help them navigate their way along the seabed as food is limited at the depth the isopods live they all eat almost anything that falls to the seafloor but have been known to prey on slow-moving sea cucumbers sponges live fish and were even caught on camera killing a trapped dogfish shark however giant isopods can live long periods of time without food when in fact when five years without eating whilst in captivity and for this reason and it's gigantic appearance the giant isopod is one extraordinary deep-sea creature the mimic octopus the mimic octopus is quite a recent discovery first being spotted in 1998 off the coast of Indonesia and is a true master of disguise unlike many animals who can camouflage themselves to blend in with their environment this octopus can actually change itself to mimic a number of different species the only known marine animal to do so it's adapted this ability by living in shallow waters leaving it extremely vulnerable to predators so in order to protect itself it can transform from a brown looking octopus into an array of different poisonous creatures to fend off its attackers but this also works as a way to fool prey into believing it's a less threatening creature only to devour them once they get close enough a venomous ol lionfish sea anemone sea snakes and jellyfish are just a few things it's been witnessed morphing into to change into the venomous soul it will pull all its arms in and completely flatten his body into the same shape as the soul and is able to propel itself to resemble the speed of the deadly predator the mimic octopus can make these transformations due to the fact they have no rigid elements to their structure so are fully flexible and able to bend their soft bodies into these intelligent shapes an interesting fact is that a female mimic octopus can lay up to 200,000 eggs when she hangs in strings from the ceiling of her lair she then protects and cares for the eggs until they hatch during this time she will not eat and as soon as their eggs hatch she will die the male will also die within a few months of mating but because of the huge amount of eggs they lay the mimic octopus is far from extinction mysterious squid now this next one's focus is actually a video that was caught a mile and a half under the Gulf of Mexico on November the 11th 2007 the clip was captured by a shallow oil company remotely operated vehicle as it was exploring one of the world's deepest oil and gas developments what the camera witnessed is a bit of a mystery I was going to save it for my mysterious underwater creatures video but I thought I would include it here because it is truly extraordinary take a look at this [Music] [Music] you you it's been nicknamed the long leg squid and could be a species of magna penis squid or big fin a species that are quite common worldwide but live in permanently dark zones of the ocean in depths of below 4,000 feet it's thought the magna penis squid can measure from 5 to 23 feet long and have forced slightly different variants of the species with shorter and different number of appendages that they used to pick up food from the seabed but the one in the footage appears have 10 appendages that all appear to be the same length and is the first of its kind to have been spotted because of this there really is a limited amount of information on it and whether it's the same genus the magna penis squid a distant relative to it or a completely new creature remains unknown but just look at that as extremely creepy yet magnificent at the same time and it's no wonder it's still confusing many marine biologists and as a constant reminder of the possibilities the ocean holds I wonder just how many undiscovered creatures must be down there so that's five extraordinary sea creatures I hope you've enjoyed this video and I'll see you next week for another one [Music] you
Channel: Top5s
Views: 8,866,465
Rating: 4.8661518 out of 5
Keywords: Underwater, Creatures, Prehistoric Shark, Mysterious Creatures, Undiscovered Creatures, Underwater Sounds, Frilled Shark, Megladom, Mythical Sea Creatures, Mythical Animals, Peacock Mantis Shrimp, Giant Squid, Strange Creature Caught, Huge Fish, Huge Squid, Giant Fish Caught, Giant Isopod, Big Finn Squid, Top Five, Top5s, Giant Octopus, Mimic Octopus, Giant Animal, Huge animal, worlds largest animal, worlds largest, worlds biggest, Huge mysterious creature caught
Id: X42bS-WN0kI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 53sec (593 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 12 2015
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