Drum Replacement MAGIC Using only Stock CUBASE Tools

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on my last video i talked to you about using a room drum sample on a live drum recording and i was using a plug-in called trigger to do so now in this video i'm gonna show you a very cool way you can do drum replacement by using all the tools we already have in cubase hey what's up my friend the chris salem here from mixdown online hope you're good hope you're well let's jump right in cubase and check what we have okay i have a drum recording that was provided by emilydrums.com this is not sponsored but i just want to make a quick shout out to emily for providing me with some very good recorded tracks okay so let's have a quick listen to what we have sounds pretty good and what i'm gonna do now is to add a let's go with the kick i'm gonna add a kick sample to complement the actual kik recording we have so instead of using a plug-in like trigger i'm going to do everything within cubase so first i'm going to double click on my kick recording audio event and that will open the sampler editor at the bottom and what i'm going to make sure here i'm just going to bring up the zoom so i can see what's happening all right so now i have all of those kick hits and i need to detect them somehow so i'm going to use the hit points tab that i have on the left zone of the project window i'm going to click on edit hit points i'm going to make sure that this is activated and that will create hit points out of those kick drum hits and to do so i have two parameters to work with the threshold and the intensity so if i use the threshold that will detect all of those hits by peaks okay and if i use the intensity it's gonna detect all of those hits by the intensity of the hits okay so i'm gonna just use the threshold for now see how that goes and there you go so i think the threshold is good enough so it detects all of my kick drum hits if for some reason i'm missing one of the hits i can actually add one manually by keeping my finger on out or option and just create one hit point anywhere i want which can be practical in some cases so i'm going to go and make sure that all of my kick drums hits have been detected and i think that's pretty good i'm just going to have a quick listen to the kick only that should be good so usually i'm going to just take the time to check the whole track to make sure that everything is okay on the kick drum usually it's pretty much easy on the snare you know sometimes depending on you know the way the the drummer plays you might have to work with the threshold a bit more carefully or maybe a blend of intensity and the threshold at the same time which can also be done um so now i'm happy with uh those detections and what i'm gonna do i'm going to go back into the hit points tab and go down at the bottom and click on create midi notes which is pretty cool so this will open the convert hit points to midi notes window and i have two velocity modes i can choose from the dynamic velocity and the fixed velocity i'm going to leave it too dynamic because i'm going to use for the samples i'm going to use a drum virtual instrument and usually with a vsti a drum vsti we have several samples per instrument like the kick drum will have several kick drum samples with different velocities and by selecting dynamic velocity that will create like midi notes with some velocity depending on how hard the drummer was hitting the drums you know or the kick drum in my case okay i'm going to keep the pitch to c1 and length to 1 8 of a note which is okay and destination i'm going to click on and select new midi track click on ok and at the bottom i should have a full midi channel with all of my notes okay so if i double click i'm going to have the midi event like the midi sampler editor at the bottom with all of my midi notes for my kick drum hits i'm going to select all of those notes and just bring up the full velocities you know all together um i think that's going to be good and i'm going to go and look for a drum virtual instrument so let's go and use groove agent and i'm going to go with the nashville drum sample pack so i have my groov agent 2 vst channel right here i'm just going to bring down the media event right on this vsdi channel let's open the instrument itself and this is what i have so that's the kick on c1 snare pretty cool all right now the cool thing about using a drum library like or a drum virtual instrument is that i have access to the mixing side of it you know the mixer which is going to allow me to balance the like the room mics with the overheads with the direct mic of the kick or the snare which is actually pretty cool so it gives me a lot of flexibility and you know creative options so if i only want to use only the room samples i can by just muting or just putting in solo the room channels from the mixer and same if i just want to use the direct sound or a blend of both you know i can do everything within the mixer which is quite cool so i'm going to leave it as its default value which is a blend of the whole mix like the whole drum mix with the direct sound and the room and we'll keep that as a sample i'm just gonna have a quick listen [Music] okay pretty cool something that i do all the time once i'm happy with the sound that i'm looking for i'm gonna bounce that into audio okay and let me just use render in place quickly to do so and there you go so this is my kick drum sound let me bring that beside my kick drum recording so what i'm going to do next is to make sure that the polarity is okay because this is something that can happen by when using and working with samples and real drums so what i'm going to do is just to listen to make sure that the polarity is good okay it sounds way fatter when the the polarity is reversed on my on those samples so i'm going to keep it reversed and so again this is super important to check and also to maybe you know in some cases maybe the alignment is not quite there so you can actually manually move uh the wave uh so it fits you know and works with the the original recording so this is something to check out and even if you're not bouncing in audio you know you can do the same straight onto the virtual instrument channel okay so if you want to keep it this way with your vsdi you can just switch the polarity again if needed listen first check which one sounds better and move on now another option i have instead of using a virtual instrument i can actually use like if i have like one shot samples that i want to use i can actually use the sampler track to do the same thing so what i'm going to do is to go and choose one of like a one-shot sample that i have here let's go with this one and i'm just going to select a sampler control at the bottom i'm just going to drag the sample straight into the sampler and this is what i have then i'm just going to make sure that one shot right here on top is selected and also fix pitch is also selected so this way the sample will play the same pitch on either keys you're hitting and by activating one shot it's going to play the full sample recording okay i deleted my midi event by mistake so let's create a new one this time around i'm going to click on fixed velocity keep that to 100 click on ok and then i'm going to drag the media event straight into the sampler track and there you go okay pretty cool so what i'm gonna do now is to listen to the blend with the kick drum the actual kick to see if that works well together [Music] same thing i'm just going to check if the polarity is good so that is another option you can use by using the sampler track which is super fast and easy to work with you can also create an empty groove agent instance if you want to and this is actually pretty cool uh let me just open that up i'm still going to use a one shot sample the same sample i'm just going to drag it straight into an empty pad that i have right here and i can just do the same thing bring down the midi event right into this virtual instrument channel and it's going to do the same thing the cool thing about using a virtual like an empty virtual instrument like groov agent is that you can load all of those pads with all of your favorite drum samples that you use on a regular basis so you can have like one row for the kick drum like kick drum samples the second one for snare drum samples and load that up save that as an instrument preset and you're always going to have access to those different samples within one virtual instrument which is actually super practical especially when you work with the same samples over and over again so this way that can be a time saver so there you go my friend this is how you can do drum replacement with the tools we have in cubase and if you have any questions or comments you can leave everything down below and if you're not subscribed to the channel yet please do so subscribe to the channel click that notification bell so you don't miss anything share and like if you enjoyed this video until next time take care and see you my friend
Channel: Chris Selim - Mixdown Online
Views: 13,614
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: audio, audio engineering, audio mixing, chris selim, cubase, cubase 9, cubase pro, home recording, home studio, home studio mixing, home studios, mixdown, mixdown online, mixing, mixing audio, mixing tip, mixing tutorials, music, recording audio, steinberg, the recording revolution, tips, tutorial
Id: Cn9pj3TJFoI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 43sec (643 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 13 2021
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