5 Creepiest Missing 411 Cases

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/ThunderWolfWyvern 📅︎︎ May 16 2021 🗫︎ replies
it's a secret kept in plain sight one that you probably weren't even aware of north america has some of the most vast areas of wilderness anywhere in the world many of these regions cover thousands of square miles and have been established as national parks each year people disappear in these parks some are eventually found with unnerving tales to tell while others vanish without a trace retired police officer david pilates has been documenting these disappearances across the united states and canada for years and he's come to the frightening conclusion that there is something connecting these events out there in the wilderness something exists that we simply cannot comprehend and it's taking people for an unknown purpose these are the five creepiest missing 4-1-1 cases the stephen kubacki case this disappearance is one of the strangest among the missing 4-1-1 cases it began in february of 1978 when a student named stephen kubacki headed to an area called the lake michigan triangle this is a vast region and while not as famous as the bermuda triangle it's a place filled with mystery going back to at least 1891 when a schooner named thomas hume vanished there alongside her crew there have been many notable accounts of mysterious phenomena taking place there when stephen kubacki headed to this strange area he wasn't going to be on water but instead on land he had intended to go on a skiing trip there but when he never returned his family were worried a day after he was supposed to have come home they raised the alarm search and rescue teams headed immediately to the area where he was last known to have visited an ice-covered beach on the shores of the lake there the rescue teams made a worrying discovery steven's skis backpack and poles were found but he was nowhere to be seen the only other evidence that he had been there were footprints that bizarrely led across the ice up to the lake itself steven's family and the rescue team feared the worst however it appeared as though his footprints led up to the edge of the ice on the lake there was no evidence that he had actually headed into the water as the ice was unbroken it looked as though steven had come to an untimely end out there in the frozen landscape with no supplies or equipment with him despite their efforts the search was eventually called off and the family began to grieve but 15 months later on may 5th 1979 the doorbell to steven's father's house rang when the father opened the door he was overcome with joy his son had returned home alive and well stephen was completely shocked when his father told him that he had been missing for well over a year the truth was that stephen couldn't even remember any time passing at all from when he was out there on the ice one moment he was there and the next he woke up in pittsfield 40 miles from his father's home and 15 months since he had vanished he woke up in a meadow bizarrely the clothes he was wearing weren't his and beside him was a satchel filled with maps he didn't recognize any of these items and was certain that they were not his steven has never been able to recollect what happened to him and how he ended up over 700 miles from his last known whereabouts right before he disappeared although he was encouraged to speak with a therapist about what might have happened to him he maintained that he had no lasting psychological effects he had simply lost 15 months of his memory steven went on to earn a phd in clinical psychology and now dislikes talking about the entire affair but he's just one of many people found in the missing 4-1-1 case files collated by david palladis where a person seems to have been plucked out of existence while in the wilderness only to appear in a random location with no knowledge of what happened to them the question is where did steven go and will he ever remember the strange case of keith parkins one of the things that's most compelling about the missing 411 cases is that david pilates argues that they have been happening for a long long time perhaps even as long as human beings have been around certainly there are records over the last century that tell us about these strange disappearances take the case of keith parkins for example he was a two-year-old boy visiting his grandparents in ritter oregon back in 1952. they lived out on a cattle ranch and so keith was like most of the people involved in these cases out in the countryside away from the cities on that day while playing with his brothers on the ranch on april 10th of that year the unthinkable happened keith was playing near the house where his grandparents lived in fact it was by a barn that was used on the property people would come and go from that area all day it should have been safe and yet when his older brothers walked back to the house for lunch leaving keith to play on his own the boy simply vanished keith's family searched the property but there was no sign of him and he didn't respond to their calls within hours other people in the area started looking for keith this wasn't like today where there were sophisticated search and rescue teams in place but despite this they did carry out a strict search with over 200 people walking arranged in a line walking the area so that no blade of grass remained unturned but no matter how hard they tried they couldn't find the boy night fell and the searchers were particularly worried that a drop in temperature would be too much for the child the area was now covered in snow the next day the happiest outcome possible happened against all odds little keith was found alive at 7 00 am one of the researchers discovered him in a place called skull canyon keith was found face down in the snow his hat and coat were beside him and he had been so affected by the cold that he could hardly move much of his clothing had been ripped possibly from climbing through barbed wire fencing in the end keith survived his disappearance without any permanent injuries you might think that this was simply a case of a boy wandering off on his own and getting lost but david pilates and others argue that it was anything but normal you see it's the sheer distance the boy traveled he was found 12 miles from where he had last been seen the terrain is rocky and inhospitable there it would have been difficult for a healthy adult to cover that sort of ground in one night never mind a two-year-old to prove this point legendary outdoorsman les stroud who popularized the survival tv show format with his show survivorman was asked to see if he could make the journey even he someone who is highly skilled in these sorts of environments was not able to cover the distance in that amount of time less believes something else happened to keith parkins that night and the conventional explanation that he wandered off does not hold water theories range from a cougar taking keith to him having been abducted and released but as with the case of stephen kubacki and others could there be more to it perhaps a supernatural explanation are people encountering something in the wilderness that modern science currently cannot explain bessie and glenn clyde's encounter before we move on to more recent cases there's another famous disappearance from the past that david palladis argues was the result of an unknown force of nature what makes this case stand out is that two people vanished at once rather than just one back in 1928 a newly married couple bessie and glenn clyde were on the honeymoon of a lifetime they began the trip from green river utah where they used a large raft built to survive whitewater rapids to travel along the grand canyon the couple hoped to break the speed record for traversing the hundreds of miles down through the colorado river to needles california not only that but simply by completing the journey bessie would become the first documented woman to have done so the journey began on october 20th and by november 15th the newlyweds were well on their way to achieving their goals that day once they had completed the section of the river that they needed to they stopped at the home of emery colb emery was a photographer but also an experienced and renowned outdoorsman emery knew that the stretch of water ahead was the most dangerous part of clyde's journey he also noticed that bessie seemed very nervous about it especially since they had not brought life jackets with them emery offered his own life jackets but glenn refused for some unknown reason perhaps to keep the raft as light as possible after leaving emery behind the clydes continued on the water but they bizarrely picked up a tourist named albert gilbert sutro the next day and allowed him to hitch on the boat for a few miles after albert completed his leg of the journey with them the newlyweds were never seen or heard from again a search party was sent out for them eventually when they did not appear at their expected destination emery colb himself led the search team and they found the clydes raft on a stretch of the river up ahead it was completely undamaged and had not capsized some of the clyde's belongings were in the raft including bessie's journal in it she mentioned camping at a place called diamond creek sure enough there was evidence that they had indeed stopped there other than that no trace was found of the couple but this is not where the story ends many decades later in 1971 a tour group on a rafting trip stopped at the diamond creek campsite while there the tour guide told the story of bessie and glenn and how they vanished in that area that was when one of the people in the group an elderly lady claimed to actually be bessie she told the group that glenn had become violent and she had hiked out of the canyon to safety starting a new life out of fear this story was never verified and in fact the lady by the name of elizabeth cutler went on to recant the tale later saying that she made it up but elizabeth wasn't the only person who was suspected to be bessie clyde in may of 1992 an 81 year old woman named georgia white clark passed away in one of her bedroom drawers people found glenn and bessie's marriage certificate next to an old pistol this had led people to speculate that georgia was bessie but again this was never verified and no one knows why georgia would have a marriage certificate in her possession the biggest twist in the story is that emery colb himself became a suspect shortly after he died his grandson became a human skeleton on the property but the official investigation claims that it actually belonged to a john doe and emery kept it because no one else would bury the remains who knows what happened to bessie and clyde david pilates certainly thinks that it's possible that they fell foul of whatever is happening to people in national parks this seems to be a mystery destined to remain unsolved tom messick's disappearance one of the most disturbing aspects of the missing 411 cases is that david pilates has found a direct correlation between those who are elderly in those disappearances he states that this association is above chance and that it's as though whatever this phenomenon is that's causing people to vanish that it deliberately picks out people who are older one of the most famous examples of this is the tom messick case he was an 82 year old hunter who disappeared on november 15 2015. tom went on a hunting trip with family and friends to the adirondack mountains in upper new york including with his son he was an extremely experienced hunter and was very familiar with the area but despite this the hunting group didn't want to take any chances as tom hadn't been well in recent times for that reason they gave him one of the easier tasks in the hunting party they chose a spot near lily pond directly inside the george wild forest tom was asked to sit in a stationary position and wait for the rest of the hunting party to flush out their prey from the woods that meant that if any deer or anything else came running out of the woods tom would be able to shoot it with his rifle he was heavily armed experienced with rifles and he also had a walkie-talkie with which he could keep in touch with the group throughout the day while he waited furthermore tom's stationary position was not in the middle of nowhere he was only a few hundred yards from a parking lot in a road despite all of this tom vanished that day when the hunting party returned to where tom had been left there was no sign of him at all worried that he might have wandered off and fallen or have been injured the group scoured the area and began shooting into the air trained hunters like tom know that if you're in distress fire your weapon into the air to alert people of your position but no such sound was made the hunting party decided to spend the night in that spot hoping that tom would come wandering out of the woods or reappear on a nearby trail soon a large search party was formed made up of more than 300 people this included police helicopters forest rangers and experienced search and rescue teams as well as local volunteers they scoured the area looking for tom and even used a technique known as bump lines where they tied string together between trees creating a grid over the land ensuring that they searched every inch where tom could have been still they found nothing like all of these cases it was as if tom had vanished into thin air the story is tragic but it also became more perplexing as time went on you see at the very beginning of the disappearance the fbi got involved in the search they showed a lot of interest in that case according to david pilates who remember is an ex-police officer the involvement of the fbi was completely out of the norm they would normally not get involved in the disappearance of an elderly gentleman while hunting in the woods but in this case they did why to this day nobody knows all we can say is that something about the disappearance interested the federal agency at the time tom's wife of 56 years stated that one of the fbi agents confided in her that there was something very unusual about the case but they wouldn't expand upon what made this case of interest to them there's one final piece of evidence that makes this disappearance so unnerving one of the other hunters stated that he heard a noise coming from the woods that was unlike anything that he had ever heard before the sound was almost indescribable but it did have a crackling and a snapping aspect to it the hunter stated that this noise came from only about 150 yards away from where tom should have been at the time to this day the case remains unsolved a curious footnote however is that just nine days after tom's disappearance in a location 50 miles from where he was last seen another man again in his elderly years vanished without a trace while going for a walk some have connected the two disappearances leading some investigators to believe that whatever took tom was moving through the woods at speeds for several days until it found another victim the grandmother case in 2010 david pilates recorded one of if not the strangest of his cases it involved a three-year-old boy we'll simply call john while camping near mount shasta in california john and his family were enjoying the beautiful surroundings the family had chosen the banks of a creek as their campsite they picked that spot as it was widely known as a good area in which to fish but that serene location was about to turn into every parent's worst nightmare one evening around 6 pm as their son played they turned around and suddenly he was gone the father of the boy said afterwards that it was as if he had just vanished into thin air under their very noses panicked the family looked everywhere for jon covering as much area as they could in their mind he could not have gone far certainly not more than a few meters and yet john did not respond to their calls with no knowledge of where their son was the father had called the emergency services and police and park rangers descended on the scene and searched the area with all means available to them for five hours the sun had set and as time dragged on hope was slipping away then the miraculous occurred jon was found alive and well curled up on a patch of ground but bizarrely that entire area had been searched several times people were coming and going through that area looking for the three-year-old to investigators it didn't make any sense it was as though he had been taken by something and then returned to the side of a trail where he could be easily found the parents didn't question it at first they were just delighted that their son was alive and well often such disappearances do not have happy endings but while the danger of the situation was over this was not where the story ended three weeks after the disappearance and subsequent reappearance of jon his grandmother was looking after him at her home john had a pet name for his grandmother he called her cappy because her real name was kathy kathy became frightened when john suddenly said that he didn't like his other grandma cappy as much as her the boy was essentially saying that he had another grandma who went by the same name but this wasn't the case not to kathy's knowledge at least and so she asked john to explain what he meant that was when he told his incredible story he said that when he vanished from mount shasta he was lost in the woods then someone he called the other grandma cappy grabbed him she had the same hair and face as the real grandma and took him to a strange place he said that it was a cave filled with spiders she then carried out an examination of the boy that sounded eerily like a medical procedure before explaining to him that he was not from earth but somewhere else though his mother wasn't aware of this when a light inside the cave illuminated the other grandma cappy jon said her skin shimmered making her look almost like a robot the unusual woman then took john and brought him to the trail where he could be found john's real grandmother would have dismissed the entire story as a product of a child's imagination except for one thing a year previous kathy the real grandmother had been camping out in the woods in the same area where john would eventually vanish for five hours one morning she awoke to find herself out of her tent and face down on the ground with no memory of how she had gotten there on the back of her head was a painful small wound which kathy thought was from a spider when she returned to the tent she found her camping buddy violently ill he too had a strange bite on the back of his head what frightened kathy the most other than having no memory of waking up during the night was of what she and her friend had seen before they went to sleep they had heard noises in the woods all around them and so they shone their flashlights between the trees staring back at them was a pair of red eyes at first they thought the eyes belonged to a deer but after hearing jon's story kathy is now convinced that she had unwittingly seen the terrible gaze of the thing that took on her form to abduct her grandson in a year later thankfully john and his family are now fine and completely recovered but none of them will forget the strange events on the mountain that day thank you so much for watching if you haven't joined my discord and followed me on twitch yet you should definitely do so they're the first links in the description discord dot gg slash matthew santoro and twitch.tv matthew santoro we have a great community over there and i think you guys will really love it i'll see you over there and then i'll see you in the next video
Channel: Matthew Santoro
Views: 228,543
Rating: 4.9296365 out of 5
Id: -CU88ulujns
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 15sec (1215 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 31 2021
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