5 Cheap Things That Expensive Cars Do!

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five cheap things that expensive cars do skateboard griptape as floor mats remember when Lamborghini actually made the Diablo super veloce the cheapest model since it weighed less therefore use less parts thus costed less yeah gone are those days because in today's day and age having less actually costs more if you want to replace the several thousand dollar option of super luxurious leather floor mats custom crafted and instead just get twenty dollar skateboard griptape well instead of saving money and getting some of those thousands back you're actually gonna get up charge because it's not just any griptape its Lamborghini griptape the good news is as an avid skater myself if you ever do need to replace that grip tape just get like grizzly griptape or Jessop or really anything other than the stock factory Lamborghini ones and then just have like a skater carve the pattern it's gonna look exactly that if my ex would be better because grizzly makes probably better grip tape that Lamborghini does I don't see them making skateboards and the whole reason the super veloce and svj feature this grip tape is weight saving and it's marketed like crap because of that hence the markup as well as the extreme aesthetic meanwhile if you were to do the same exact thing on your car you'd probably just be called a ricer and that's gonna be the common theme of this video is that really expensive cars get away of doing cheap things like this and don't aren't considered rice because a holder it's extreme when it doesn't because to them it's in the it's really out there you know and the next entry falls in the exact same logic which is stickers instead of badges so again if any cheap car were to do this you'd be considered a ricer or someone who's too cheap to go on Amazon and buy a replacement badge and instead just printed out a small vinyl well when it comes to the high-end Porsches they actually don't even have badges and instead come from factory with stickers and this is because badge is way too much silly they also bulge out too much which ruins the cars aerodynamics by the way that's not me exaggerating for humor that's actually Porsches actual reasoning for doing that yeah imagine saving a few grams from a badge and the improved Aero from who cares anyone is I guess in their perspective it did save the money and again it's seen in the same light as extreme weight-reduction bro look at all the lengths they went to and all the sacrifices they made and you know whatever it did again it looks really avant-garde and people praise it but if happens any other car not the same exact response my own a Porsche it's alright by the way this isn't me hating on Lamborghini or Porsche I just think they didn't go extreme enough especially like I said these are expensive cars they're actually higher priced than the base mall you're paying more for getting less and it doesn't make sense when if that was the case they should have gone all-out balls-to-the-wall like take a look at cars like the Ferrari f40 that colour didn't even bother having carpeted floors you can see the exposed carbon-fiber like the whole skateboard grip tape just seems so cute like if you really want to be extreme Lamborghini don't even bother putting anything there just show off the carbon fibre who cares if it gets dirty it's supposed to be balls to the wall race car an inconsistent message I'm getting here like if you really want to lose weight there are so many more actual extreme things that you could do then very I guess attention-grabbing ones like grip tape sticker badges we're so unique and cool like those are such random places to lose weight that it might be you aren't worth bragging about like these companies make a huge deal about it in the next entry you're gonna see why the Aventador especially for the super veloce it was cancelled out the decision to put grip tape actually gained weight back somewhere else you'll see outdated technology a lot of modern high-end luxury cars and supercars always have this weird quirk of just having horribly outdated technology or horribly misplaced technology for example how to open windows and a lot of supercars it really is never located in a logical area it's always the exact opposite of what any human with a functioning brain would put it when it comes to technology let's take a look at a 2016 Lamborghini Aventador super veloce so this cart still has an iPod connector but no Bluetooth compatibility which is rather strange considering the other Aventadors do feature bluetooth in this time it's not for weight reduction because instead of featuring bluetooth it has a freaking CD player yeah that's kind of weird so instead of a Lightwave Bluetooth system it went with a physical CD player that no one probably uses because who uses CD players in a 2016 Lamborghini so for a car that has skateboard grip tape for lightweight I think it just gained all that weight back with the freaking CD player nice one Lamborghini fortunately Lamborghini isn't even close to being the worst offender have y'all seen a 2017 Maserati GranTurismo MC Stradale yeah you should probably bleach her eyes before you do because that's probably gonna be less painful anyways I was recently in the market for several of these MC Stradale 's and honestly I was gonna bring one home to my garage probably because I'm Chinese and Chinese people for some reason really really like Maseratis but unfortunately I was far too shell-shocked by how crap it sentir was for how much they cost and keep in mind this is coming from Sony who drives a plastic fantastic American car so when I say it's bad it's pretty bad for $180,000 MSRP the MC Stradale has no USB no Bluetooth a 2007 GPS no reverse camera no push start no digital clock and still has a physical phone dial oh but by the way it does have six cup holders so hopefully that makes you feel better yeah that's right four seats and six cupholders I think it needs to donate some to BMW because that's an insane ratio anyways if you want to use bluetooth to connect your phone and call friends while you can't brother but as long as you remember their phone number you can still punch it in while dangerously taking your eyes off the road and using the lame phone dial thing the salesman tried to convince me that the MC Stradale does this for the sake of returning nostalgia you can't fool me these are fiat-chrysler parts and pirjo as well trust me I know cheap American plastic when I see it after all I've been seeing it every day of my life for four years now if I wanted a cheap American plastic car then I'd expect to pay the price for a cheap American plastic car none of marked to high hell by almost being 200 grand to then also feature bad technology because get this American cars like a used Mustang those axes still have better technology so even though they're plastic at least you have like Sirius FM and least you have more probably one of the better infotainment systems in the market I love the GPS in my 2016 and even funnier they'll be faster too honestly just get any other car get a BMW get a Lexus RCF get anything and if you want the sound get a used Maserati because the whole design language of modern Maseratis are they just reek of corporate greed they try to put as little as possible while charging as much as possible all under the guise of maintaining nostalgia where is something with lack of badges and the use of skateboard grip tape you know it's ridiculous but it's ridiculously charming at least lack of technology never comes off as charming in any way it just comes off as a really really dated and really really lazy car design it's no wonder why Maseratis tank value faster than an actual tank falling from the sky if you really want one get one used for like 45 grand and you're still gonna lose to a Mustang and BMW at the stoplight but at least you'll look slightly better than them while still having spent a far more reasonable amount than the original MSRP of 180 grand also PS please stop saying only real high-class men can understand the class and luxury of a Maserati every single salesman said it every single Maserati white knighting fanboy and youtube comment section says it I don't know why this is their go to insult because any real man as they put it would actually have a set of eyes and with those set of eyes they would know that wow this car is a ripoff you've heard the saying that a fool is easily parted with their money and you truly have to be a fool to easily part with 180 grand for something like this there are so many better things you can do with that money and a real truly high-class person focuses on building wealth again don't be fool who's easily parted with your money you work so hard for all this don't spend it on this don't support corporate laziness like this these words aren't out of hate rather they're out of former love I used to love Maserati I grew up admiring them they've been around for more than a century one of the few car companies that can say that and still be around just kidding they aren't as far as I'm concerned the childhood me who once cheered for Maserati on the tracks they're dead now there is no Maserati left they're just a shadow of themselves a fall from grace just an absolute disgrace they always beg little sister Ferrari for help or mommy Chrysler I've always wanted to have one in my garage but if I were to buy one these days it wouldn't even be a Maserati I'm buying I'd just be buying a glorified Fiat Chrysler car and that breaks my heart more than anything bus taillights Nissan headlights official Lamborghini design so everyone who knows about Lamborghini Diablos headlights you probably know that they're just Nissan 300zx ones but if you've watched my video about it you would have also learned that it had a rather tragic upbringing and this caused it to cheap out in many other places for this entry we'll just be flipping from the front to the rear if you want to learn more about the Diablo go watch that video now the rear taillights they're sourced from the same exact factory that you guessed it makes freaking bust taillights now it's not alone as many other high-end cars also do the same exact thing for example the McLaren f1 that's like how much is that car worth these days like 5 million 10 million I don't even know point is it has freaking five-dollar bust taillights as did the American hyper car at saline as 7 and just when you thought that Italy couldn't stop with Lamborghini well guess what the Pagani Zonda also uses the same bus taillights the Spiker c8 also uses these bus taillights honestly I could probably make a whole video about it many ways if this taught me anything it's that the importance of creativity with limited resources can sometimes trump the cheapness of said resources so I imagine they were really over budget considering that well these cars already have a rather obscene price to them so they're like look we got to cheap out somewhere somewhere the customers really probably won't care that much and they're like alright $5 buzz taillights here they go and when you look at cars like the Pagani Zonda they EXCI organize them in a rather creative way giving in that alien formation and it makes me forgive them a little bit now it's not to say that bus taillights for all the rage as Lotus preferred to borrow their lights from their wealthy husband Toyota the Lotus Esprit uses the same lightness a Toyota Corolla it didn't just stop with lights as Lotus would eventually use the entire Toyota engines and their vehicles such as the lease Exige and even their modern-day of Voris which brings us right to the final topic of this video not so bespoke engines and bespoke cars I have a whole video dedicated to this topic with extraordinary cars of ordinary engines if you want more of that in detail go watch that video the Pagani Zonda uses a Mercedes AMG v12 the million-dollar Koenigsegg CCS uses a $500 modified Ford Crown Victoria modular v8 now that's some serious talks oh but bladed it's a 4.7 now that 4.6 liter guys you can bore an engine it's not that complicated and honestly it's displacement only went up by point 1 liter Christian von Koenigsegg himself amidst that yes confirmed it is a Ford modular v8 as a massive Koenigsegg fanboy I don't see that as an insulting stain on their legacy rather I see it as humble beginnings everyone starts somewhere it's insane the swedish powerhouse that now makes fully built in-house bespoke masterpieces started by tuning your grandma's Crown Victoria engine that costs the same as your PlayStation and before someone calls me a hypocrite with the whole Maserati using Ferrari engines look Maserati took a good Ferrari modular engine and made it worse somehow and even less reliable whereas Koenigsegg took a cheap Ford engine and made it fantastic so you see the difference they're a great company with money somehow ruined an already great engine but a company just starting to made it extremely great that's why I praised Koenigsegg we're using a Ford engine but shame a Maserati for misusing a Ferrari engine even more humble he admits it you know me car companies try to hide the fact that they use an American engine and try to be like oh no we were always bespoke and high-class me and the reason I mentioned this is because the next topic does talk about those companies everyone in their mom uses a Corvette LS or LT engine I have a whole video series for videos dedicated to these cars I'm not joking check them afterwards more specifically check my most recent one which is 18 that's right count them 18 supercars that I found that use Corvette engines and try to market themselves as prestigious works of art and they charge for ridiculous prices some even in the millions and it's really funny seeing that fanboys constantly badmouth the Corvette for being a trashy American redneck car and that it's never gonna be a true supercar yet these are the same people who drool over these other supercars that use a Corvette engine so yeah that's right i'ma just chill here and laugh at American while those fanboys experience utter heartbreak go on other than that see y'all next time late angel app you
Channel: Bladed Angel
Views: 904,316
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 10 Expensive Rides With Parts Borrowed From Cheap Cars, 5 Cheap Things That Expensive Cars Do!, Cheap Cars That Look Expensive, 5 Cheap Cars That Make You Look Rich!, Lamborghini Freaking Diablo, Maserati GranTurismo MC Stradale Sucks, Maserati is garbage, Bladed Angel
Id: LvbUCWpS0Fc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 16sec (796 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 29 2020
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