EVEN MORE Stupid Things Car Guys Say!

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this is the third part of my series about stupid things car guys say you can watch the other two after this video because the series is not in any particular chronological order so for now stay with me here and let's get on with the video you know what really rustles my jimmies i don't like it when people start bragging that their modern day sports car can beat an old stock version of that same sports car for example someone with a modern mustang will like drag race at a stop light against some old guy who's just out on a sunday cruise in their old 1965 mustang and they'd be like in your face i'm so much faster you know it's always like some douchey teenager my guy you wouldn't brag about winning against your grandpa in a foot race now would you now in the perspective of cars that's basically what you're doing in the same vein that in a foot race your grandpa is you know he could have been a great athlete in his stay is one that would easily whoop your ass but he's old they're frail and with age comes a lot of deterioration with muscle so if you race him in a foot race as a young teenage something you know brand new fresh out of the box you're gonna whoop him it doesn't matter how fast your grandpa was how athletic he was in his past he's not gonna be able to beat you but that doesn't discredit your grandpa's accomplishments it's just overall a douche move to race your grandpa and then brag about it afterwards that's the same thing with an old stock sports car back in the day mustangs were fast yeah you know an old mustang v8 one of the greatest cars you could get on the planet beautiful affordable and pretty it moved you know they really move by modern standards yeah they're tragically slow they're insanely slow actually but that doesn't discredit the type of speed they had when they were new they're old now you know get over it just like your old grandpa they're old they're slower with resto modded cars obviously the story is different because that's like if your grandpa started to become a cyborg and then re-challenge you to a foot race because now ooh now he might actually win if he's in that cyborg get up and that's kind of how restomod cars are now you're taking old cars and basically doing all frankenstein stuff to them until they do become rather fast even by modern standards but that's not what this entry is about because i guess they just always want to stroke their ego everywhere they go and it's really sad just like dude look leave this old man on the sunday cruise alone he's driving his old mustang old corvette or old dad son he doesn't care about racing people who drive classic cars are like the least douchey people when you think of every single car they all come with some kind of stereotype whether it's a sports car and their wannabe boy racer vibe whether it's a luxury car and they want to be like oh i'm so rich vibe and stuff like that but when it comes like when i see any classic car beat a jag a porsche a datsun an old mustang you know even rather mundane ones i could see a freaking adorable hugo which by every stretch of the imagination is a piece of trash but god do i respect the drivers driving them and you know most people who drive classics and keep them in oem condition do not care about racing people so for the love of god leave them alone and if they do want to playfully race just to hear the sound of their engine you can humor them and when you beat them don't rub it in their face i know some grandpas who will they'll go around in their old stock mustang and they'll humor modern mustangs by like you know pushing hard in the gas because they just want to listen to their engine i can't blame them and they're going to lose then today but you'll see the other guy in the mustang they'll give them a thumbs up and that's what i'm talking about that's good sportsmanship that's the way it should be in my opinion just give these guys respect just don't stop racing grandpa's in foot races and bragging about winning is what i'm trying to say that's the best analogy that i could possibly use and i hope you guys can understand that in algae on the topic of old cars and everything i really hate about car guys and what they say is when they strip retro supercars of their title what i mean by that is oh well you see the you accurate nsx first channel the lamborghini diablo they were really slow by modern standards because a modern mustang gt which is like an affordable entry level i wouldn't even call a sports car it's more of muscle but let's be real non-car people calm sports cars a lot of people do it's a quote-unquote sports car and it's now faster than old super cars from like 20 30 years ago so they're like oh that means the intersection diablo aren't super cars anymore and okay here's an analogy i have for this one if you graduated college from 20 or 30 years ago with a degree after 30 years pass does your degree no longer mean anything like does your desire boss only come back up to you and like actually you're fired from your job now you need to re-go back to college no he doesn't you've been working for the company you've been learning as you've been working obviously it's different if you got a degree from 30 years ago and then stopped learning from that point on because then you would need to be re-educated but assuming they contributed to the society as well as stayed within the corporation and kept ranking up and learning more and more and even teaching people who kept coming in and training more rookies they're fine they don't need to re-get a new degree their credentials do not suddenly disappear just because their past standards were different than the modern standards that have changed that's the same with old supercars if they have met the old past standards of their time for what qualified as a supercar even if the modern standards of a supercar has changed they do not get stripped of their title as a supercar because that would be like stripping people of degrees as time goes on it just doesn't make sense credentials are credentials so the next time someone tries to convince you that an old ferrari or old lamborghini or anything like that isn't really a supercar because herder and modern sports cars just as fast use the degree analogy that i used now this one oh this is a bit more personal but i'm just going to throw it in this video because i also hear it said a lot recently especially to me and it's that vertical doors aren't that practical because they still have to worry about what's above them these next set of doors were actually built out of necessity by lamborghini but they have a big flaw and that is when you open them you gotta know what's above you because they open pretty high and if you're not careful you could bang them on a ceiling okay all right oftentimes you always have to worry about horizontal space horizontal space is a lot more limited than vertical space let's say you're parked outside in parking lot whether it's a mall lot a gym parking lot no matter what you have to worry about the guy next to you that space is rather universal the parking spot is somewhat same across the entire world so no matter what car you have having vertical doors would benefit that you know what you never have to worry about when you're parked outside hitting the freaking sky you're now in danger of your doors ever hitting the sky but you're very much in danger of your doors hitting the guy next to you and now you're thinking oh what about the indoors example get this most super cars or low slung exotics with vertical doors with their doors fully upwards extended out they are still shorter than suvs yup you know how many modern day garages can accommodate suvs yeah i don't think you ever have to worry about vertical space so if anyone tries to convince you that vertical doors have to worry about what's above them just give them a really stupid look just tell them last time i checked this the sky is a lot further than the guy next to you and even if it's not outdoors like i said indoor wise suvs are taller than most cars vertical doors and i know someone's going to mention what about an suv with a vertical door believe it or not you would still be okay you'd probably clear a lot of areas and that's because suv doors are smaller they have four doors so when the passenger door or driver door goes up for the suv vertically it won't increase the vehicle's height that much it really won't like i've seen big lifted trucks that still can go into like parking garages with like eight foot ten foot clearance just fine and a lot of people forget that cars in general aren't that tall when you first buy car the first thing you notice is actually how tall humans relative are to their vehicles like vehicles look so big on pictures they look so big on video games but whenever you step out of your car and look at it you're like man you're a shorty and that's probably why vertical space in my opinion is just never something you have to worry about if you do have an exotic car it is almost always beneficial to go up as opposed to going out because when it comes to having two massive giant coupe like doors they are very long and they definitely benefit from going up another thing that pisses me off it's not just really a thing that car guys say it's many things that car guys say that stems from a type of behavior and that's kind of being a douchebag know it all and i cover this a lot in a lot of my videos but i'm going to kind of exaggerate like on a certain example so something i get told or at least was told recently on my noobs guide series is that i wasn't thorough enough particularly on my headers video where someone's like i'm so disappointed you didn't talk about compression ratios and how an individual shops can affect products for example shorties from a good shop are going to perform better than long tubes from a band shop so you're really giving people misinformation by telling them that long tubes are always better than shorties in my opinion i wasn't because it's a noobs guide series i'm not going to get as complicated to talk about compression ratios i'm not going to tell them specific shops because you know why you can read online reviews i'm not going to hold people's hand every single step of the way there are thousands if not tens of thousands of local shops across the world you think i'm gonna review every single one of them in a noobs guide to headers video generally speaking long tubes will always perform better than shorties if you go to a band shop that makes really horrible long tubes that are outperformed by if you were to go to a good shop and get really nice shorties that's a very niche example it's not my fault you can't read online reviews in 2020 where literally everyone and their mother usually reads online reviews before visiting somewhere especially if it's something as expensive as modifying your vehicle that's not on me all right is it true that some shops put out better work than others to the point that like things that are traditionally bad could be better than things that are traditionally good yes but that is not the rule that is an exception another funny elitist thing i always get is when people try to mention really obscure facts they're like oh you didn't know that the reason porsches use stickers is because it's a reference to sir fuckington the third of blah blah you should be a super famous race car driver look i don't care i think it's ridiculous i think it's a dumb notion but i also find it charming i think porsche's with stickers as badges it's cute is there a history behind it sure but the guy was like oh you didn't know that you're not a real car guy i hate it when people say the oh you don't know obscure fact you're not a real car guy i can play this game all day because people usually tend to specialize for example you could be a total porsche purist and know all of the porsche obscure facts and call everyone else's fake car guy but you may have a total blind spot the rest of the tuner community so someone started throwing out some really obscure jdm facts now all of a sudden you don't know them does that mean you're not a true car guy that's not how this works because then we're just going to be sitting here all day calling each other not true car guys that's the most ridiculous type of gatekeeping i'm not against the idea of gatekeeping i've mentioned in my past videos you know i'm not some super entitled snowflake who's gonna be like oh my god like who dare you guys try to tell me like i get the fact that you can't just be someone who's like oh you know i've heard of like cars before so i guess that makes me a car guy you still need to have advert interest and you still need to be continuously learning about cars to be considered a car guy but you don't need to know super obscure facts or history or weird things like that for example if i were to randomly say faq off the top of my head the most fun one i always mention is the company vector because that's a company most people don't know about did you know the vector wxa uses super headlights most people don't haven't even heard of that car and even if they did and looked at it they couldn't tell that those are super headlights right off the glass having said that does that mean you're not a car guy can i start calling people fake car guys because they can't identify a really obscure fact no so i think that's a really annoying thing that car guys do need to tone down of all the toxic things we do in this community this final one's gonna rustle everyone's jimmies i know and that's gonna be when people say cars are just point a to point b this is actually something that non-car guys say but get this i don't think it's stupid what i think is stupid is what car guys say about it they get really angry when someone says cars are just point a to point b here's the reality of it a long time ago with video games i'm gonna use this as an analogy it used to be a tight-knit community but then as games became more and more available especially with the mobile phone industry there are a ton of quote-unquote gamers now even your mother may tell you she's a gamer because she plays some games on her mobile device and the truth is she's not a real gamer she's just someone who occasionally play games and the reason i mention this analogy is that's kind of what happened with cars there was once a time where very much just meant you're an enthusiast you know it was very rare for people to own cars a century ago but then everyone started owning cars because the reality of it is they are transportation in the same way that most non-gamers started catching on the mobile games because it was a way to kill time most non-car people would start using cars because it was an effective form of personal transportation their existence doesn't discredit the car community in the same way that like all those non-gamers or entry-level gamers playing mobile phone games doesn't discredit everyone else who still plays the more hardcore games any market if it's given this much time because you have to remember cars have been around for more than a century now of course it's going to hit mainstream eventually and when it hits mainstream there's going to be a lot of people who just use the market and the products that come from it solely for one purpose even if that purpose wasn't the original passion that went into it like the thrill of speed the amazing movement of cars all the engineering and mechanics that go behind it like there's a lot of people today that don't even know the damnedest thing about the vehicle that they drive to and fro from work that doesn't mean i think they don't deserve to own the car i think that's a very entitled way of thinking people like wow you know they're all just fake car guys we should strip them with all their cars they don't deserve to use cars because they don't appreciate them they have other things that happen in their life and some of these people actually do really love cars they don't love cars in a way that we can traditionally understand or consider though this is something that flipped me on the head anyways thanks for watching the video and also if you haven't seen the other parts make sure to watch them right here i'll link them right at this end card what do you know boom click them have fun it's i promise you they're very fun somehow the second part actually has more views in the first part regardless though that's gonna be it see y'all next time bladed angel out
Channel: Bladed Angel
Views: 337,555
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Stupid Things Car Guys Say, More Stupid Things Car Guys Say, EVEN MORE Stupid Things Car Guys Say, Stupid Things Non-car guys say, Dumbest Things Non-car guys say, Car Guys, Non-car guys, Stupid things non-car people always say, A Very Serious Guide About Car Doors, Ideal Media, Bladed Angel
Id: Vmdu5197z_Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 58sec (838 seconds)
Published: Thu May 07 2020
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