5 Car Enthusiast Phases We Go Through!

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hey y'all bladed angel here and I'm a bit sick so my voice is kind of hoarse don't worry about it I'm gonna make this video because I haven't uploaded in a while in today's video we'll be talking about god I feel so low energy right now I'm so sorry yes I sound low energy I don't feel low energy anyways we'll be talking about the phases that car enthusiast has progressed car enthusiasts is that what anyways we progressed through becoming a fully fledged enthusiast keep in mind this isn't accurate for everyone but more so a generalization of what majority of us went through so let's get started the first phase I called the discovery phase someway somehow you found yourself getting interested in cars maybe it was the movie you watched the other day or the newest racing game you just bought whatever it is you've started to realize that something about cars or resonates within you and that you'd like to explore this blossoming passion as you enter the space this can be one of the most overwhelming phases as a car enthusiast because you aren't exactly sure which direction to head in if you grew up in a family that already loves cars then you probably won't feel that lost this is more so addressed to all those people who are like you know starting from scratch you know fresh-off-the-boat car enthusiasts they came from those enormous you know you gotta love cars all in your own anyways there are a lot of directions ahead and you know that can be both overwhelming and exciting but eventually you find a path to walk along this then leads you into the second phase and God forbid I ate the second phase but it needs to happen it's one of the most toxic phases during a car enthusiasts cycle but its existence you know despite being frustrating it's a necessary evil or it's a necessary step because it allows people to fully appreciate the world of cars and people get really passionate during this face maybe a bit too passionate as a fanboy you've found your reason to love cars but unfortunately you also think everyone else should love cars for the exact same reason you do the most common example is the average teenager you know the high pieces you know people who aren't fully fledged car enthusiasts still kind of sub normies you know semi normies they can be found loving cars because all they care about is a high horsepower no replacement for displacement my father's brothers uncles goldfishes corvette kin your car any day bro that lets all they ever freaking talk about is how fast cars are you know numbers numbers numbers numbers data data data data speed statistics PEX that's all they care about it's it's despite not actually owning the car that they're worshipping or that they're so intertwined or deeply in love with they will literally go to war with anyone on the internet from forums to youtube comment sections you name it they're gonna tell everyone else their cars garbage it's so funny because that happens to me all the time people like you know the real car guy played angel you just own a Mustang I'm like yeah what car do you own like well I don't own a car yet because I'm 12 so I don't have a license yet but when I do I'm gonna get a GTR at 16 and it's like yeah you go and do that you go and do that I'm not saying you can't get a gt-r at 16 but you slowly start to realize that you shouldn't call there people's cars garbage because that's not what being a real car enthusiast is and this is something that is really confusing to them because they don't really understand why people are a lot nicer than they realize cuz like I feel like a lot of the fanboys like I said most of the toxicity that happens is between them like amongst them like not like they don't actually go to car shows and talk to people's faces because that's a lot harder than just being a stupid keyboard warg once they actually do kind of slowly transition into the world of cars you know they're actually going to car shows they're actually talking with people about cars in the real world you know in clubs and whatnot they get really confused there's like whoa why is this like why are people not talking about speed statistics and specs they get really confused when they find those people who like rebuild classic cars not to make it fast like rebuilding a classic Chevy Nova just for the hell of it even if it's even if it's not even reliable they just rebuild it and that blows fan boys mind like they can't fathom or grasp why someone would do that they're like but it still exists do they like they can seize up and have and have like some I'm cursing so much in this by the way even I'm having the time my life right now because I've wanted to make this video for a while and they just get so baffled because well they Bertie sons smile like you know Sona faux Honda s2000 like why the hell's that guys so happy it's just an s2000 and that's the problem with fanboys or this phase in general they're always like it's just this it's just that you know it's just a Miata it's just this and they say all this while they're sitting in the backseat of their mom's Honda Odyssey again like I said they're their kids who don't even have a license yet because they take so much for granted because as a fanboy you can hate anything and not be aligned to anything in the sense that like you are not the owner of the vehicle that you love so much so you don't realize how hard it is to actually love that vehicle or actually be a car enthusiast so you can just sit on the sidelines and be a dick to everyone and everything and that's what sucks because that kind of brings me to the next phase a vast majority of them will enter this face actually and this phase is so crushing that it will single-handedly and their desire to become a car enthusiast like so many fanboys I will admit it right now a lot of fanboys don't actually become car enthusiasts a lot of them well they enter this phase called fleeting interest all the sudden they turn 16 and their parents didn't buy them that Nissan GTR they wanted and they're thinking to themselves you know why not it's their right to have that GT all their dreams all their love of their passion they deserve the GTR so why then why can't it be in their hands and all the sudden they've realized that that guy on the internet with a Mustang GT busted has asked to get it that college kid with the s2000 it's not just an s2000 to him he worked his ass off to pay for it and that's why he's smiling so much better the oh so great GTR that they wanted to crush all a competition with it's blistering performance numbers data and specs wasn't something that would just fall out of the sky and become theirs and to all the fanboys watching this video who transitioned into this fleeting interest phase the majority of you will probably I hope I hope you guys actually get out of it but the majority people like I said do actually end up leaving being a carton not becoming a car enthusiast and that's because they come to the conclusion that you know the world is cruel and that every supercar owner is a douchebag that people who actually love cars aren't the ones who end up getting cool cars that stupid non car celebrities and status symbol flexors are the ones who end up owning is a flexor is a word who cares anyways they're the ones who end up owning their dream car not actual car people that's kind of what upsets me you know if you're a fanboy who's like kind of in this fleeting interest phase ask yourself this how are you any better than those non car celebrities or status symbol wannabes what makes you any more deserving of your dream car compared to them I always hear the same excuse you know they say stuff like but I love my dream car I'll appreciate it more than I do I deserve it why do I become Patrick whenever I talk about my comment sections oh I got anyways yeah that's that's such a terrible argument you know I understand where they're coming from I was stuck in this phase for a long time I too was in a fleeting interest phase and you feel so helpless because you want to love cars but you don't have the money because you're a kid and even when you come to clusion to graduating college and getting like you know six-figure salary you still can't quite fathom the ability to own your dream car theoretically and that makes a lot of people just entirely give up on loving cars because no matter how hard like I'm going to speak from my perspective back when I was in this phase the way I felt in this phase was no matter how hard I dreamed no matter how much I loved cars no matter how much I felt like I deserved my dream car was don't hate me for this a lamborghini aventador hey I was a basic ass moto back then but no matter how much I felt like I deserved an invented or instead of those in non car celebrities I never even came remotely close to getting it and no matter how much I ran the numbers I couldn't fathom or figure out a way to get to it and I gave up you know so I gave up and declared the world was unfair and high school me simply resigned himself to owning a Nissan Sentra obviously I owned a Mustang now but you know that has come to later and you know what a joke looking back in it now I've realized how much of a [ __ ] baby I was like and how much of a [ __ ] baby boasts these fanboys are also you know I deserve an Aventador because I love it you know I kind of thought that to myself and then I kind of asked myself if I really loved it then I would bust my ass to get it night and day time and time again I'd worked so ridiculously hard for it and every ounce of that labor all those blood sweat tea and tears that would go towards getting closer to that dream and even when I've come so far I realize that I have so much farther to go because that's what love means that love will drive me to insane lengths and force me to push my limits so to the fanboys watching this video if you think you love your dream car so much that you deserve it prove it it's not enough to say that you love something turn those words into actions so don't you dare talk about anyone in their car you have no idea how hard some of us have to even get a fraction of our original goal and you can bet each and every one of us are still going day by day so I'll say it again don't you dare talk about our cars especially when your sorry ass hasn't even put in half the work we have so get up and stop whining about how you can't get your dream car because you can get your dream car because every second you spend whining and dreaming could instead be spent working and pursuing your goal so many people quit loving cars in this phase and never come back but if you have the conviction I ask that you keep pushing I escaped this phase the moment I realized that this world didn't owe me that I didn't deserve anything from it but that's okay because what I can't get handed to me I'll earn myself I know it's frustrating to see some sort of like you know people who grow up in rich families you know get a freakin Lambo or whatever super car right at sixteen you know that seems unfair and you don't even know that they don't love the car but even though you think you deserve the car more than they do you have to prove it you know you have to actually work towards getting that car someday you can't just go up to their face and be like I should be the one driving it because and at that moment you're more of an on car person than they are it doesn't matter how many specs or statistics or how well you can name you know that car or all of its what everything that you know about it that's not what the tale entitles you to owning a vehicle you work for what you want to own and once you do own it you feel so proud when you realize that you deserved it that you actually deserved it because you actually worked for it that's a completely different feeling with that realization that brings you to another phase called the revival of interest or revival whatever and I found myself so back to my perspective I found myself pulling through the fleeting phase and you know finding my interest in cars coming back to me except this time it was different so in this phase you don't blindly worship one car over the rest and you no longer feel the need to insult others based on what car they own you know as for mentioned in what I talked about in the free dangerous phase you realized how hard is and how far a lot of us have push ourselves to get the cars that we love and it allows you to become more open-minded and you realize that there's so much more to cars you know than what you initially thought which is so cool you know from the thrill of racing to the art of drifting to the nostalgia of times pass or just displaying satisfaction of working it becomes so exciting to see what everyone has their reason to love cars it's not just about numbers numbers numbers day to day to date a spec spec specs stats ants and you know everyone just initially fanboys always argue speed speed speed that's not what it's about and it's so cool to see why people love cars for what they do and it makes all of us so proud to be part of the car community you know we no longer becomes some dumb fanboys screaming from the outside in you know this time you're an actual and car enthusiast it's funny because during this phase you attend car shows you join forums to share car memes and you play video games just like you did in the discovery phase it's kind of funny how most of us when we first start out as car enthusiasts in the discovery phase we open up ourselves to so many pathways to loving cars yet for some reason and the vast majority of us and narrow it back down to one path and become so blindly devoted to that one path we shun others who walked on the other paths however to those of us who've made it this far we find ourselves converging back together and in a weird twist of fate that blind devotion that we had during our fanboy phase is actually what makes us more unique because when we converge back together like let's say let's say someone was a super big fanboy like I said the sterotypical spec spec specs you know speed speed speed they just care about all that garbage and not garbage I love that stuff to you but someone else became a car enthusiast because you know they were really into classic cars and that's so cool because when people converge back together you get to share your perspective and you know what path you walk along and then it like all merges back together because chances are that guy who's really into speed and fast cars he's gonna know more about that type of stuff compared to the classic car guy but the classic car guy is gonna know more about classic cars then that guy does but when you [ __ ] you like you haven't a greater appreciation of car communities a-hole but you still have your little niche that you're part of but it's so cool that you respect and learn about all these niches you know with that information eventually you gain the confidence and you work hard enough and you enter the final phase which some of us don't buy our dream cars right away but that phase is the owner phase and it doesn't matter what car yo let's be real doesn't matter any car that you own along the way to get your dream car great car because the thing is you may find your dream car changing like I said I laugh at my past self for liking a Lamborghini Aventador like you know a lot of people I know like I said a lot people like the Nissan GTR they may end up realizing you don't want a Nissan Fairlady that's a pretty cool car or they may even they may even jump ship entirely and be like you know what rx-7 those are life love roadies and you'll find yourself flipping and you'll also find yourself like like I said every teenager loves super cars so many fanboys orgasm over super cars once you become a more dedicated car and you get real taste you become a real and I'm not saying super cars are bad I love super cars to this day and to this day I still want to own one or something similar performance but God do I respect the hell out of so many other types of cars like I respect a well-built rotary that can rx-7 just as much as they do is super chronic you put that next to a huracán I'm just gonna respect our respect that just as much legit unless it's LS meds a joke I'm fine a fellas swab doc sevens as long if you have a good reason for it please don't LLL swap an rx-7 for the gigs if it had if it has a good running Rotary still for the love of God keep the rotaries are dying breed already don't make it worse and you know what the thing is so obviously today I find myself with the keys to a 2016 Mustang GT and sure it's not an Aventador but I'm so glad it wasn't because I'm not ashamed to admit that I've spun my car out while autocracy and that's just simply due to the fact that you know I wasn't prepared to deal if a car that has 435 horsepower that's also rear-wheel drive because the car that the only car that I drove before that you know my old daily driver was a 2013 Nissan Sentra you know a [ __ ] baby front-wheel drive 130 horsepower car but once getting back to the fanboy phase fanboy me thought had been so baller to be a teenager driving a Lamborghini Aventador but goddamn I so glad I did it because you once you actually own your first real car car like your car enthusiast car not like your little grocer you got a car like I said I respect all cars I loved my Sentra for what it did but at the end of the day it didn't allow me to become a true car enthusiast cuz the Mustang has a great community behind it so much aftermarket support perfect stepping stone and that's what I see my Mustang as it's a stepping stone and that brings us me back to this example is I am so glad that I realized how difficult that actually is it's not difficult anymore because I've gotten used to it but I'm so glad I can say that I got used to driving a car with this much horsepower and being rear wheel drive I have so much confidence that I daily drive my car in the snow and Indiana it's snowed so much and I still dry my car don't worry I wash it a lot too for all the people were like oh what about all the salt don't worry I do that I'm just so grateful because imagine if I skip to an event or I just skip right from the center to the vented or let's say grew up and some spoiled ass family I would have crashed that day one or you know first week or something I there's no way I would have been competent enough to handle like 700 horsepower even if it's all-wheel drive like if I smack that crap in Corsa I would have crashed it but I'm so glad that I've taken the stepping stone like it's like I said back into the beginning like so many fanboys twelve-year-old keyboard warriors they make fun of me for owning a Mustang GT but they forget that I'm a freakin college student I'm 21 like I'm on my way to owning a Sea for car I'm gonna get that cool car someday but you need I absolutely recommend it if you did not grow up in a car enthusiast family and you've never regularly consistently driven like it's been around 300 horsepower cars for the love of God don't buy super cars your first car I mean but like I said for the feather a few percentage that is thinking about it because you don't have to be 16 to buy a car because I know some people in college shoe or by the way I'm not using a script for this video if you couldn't tell I'm just talking off the top my head I like it more though I'm sick like I said that has nothing I do it anyways some people I know they purposely don't buy their first car to around 22 so actually a good example one of my friends he his first car was an Audi r8 not even kidding you it was a 2008 out er8 six-speed manual he burnt he completely destroyed the clutch in that car because he never owned a car his entire life he 16 year old didn't get a license he got his license around 18 years old but he kind of just you know drove with his parents car or his friends cars and all his friends and parent were just hitched rides of his friend say and his parents own like you know your typical Honda Accord Toyota Camry nothing fast right he he got a great internship got a great job out of college wanted to flex you know he wanted to flexi he's an actual car guy and that's a problem he's not an actual car guy so he went out bought an Audi r8 completely just blue it's good he ended up selling it three after only three months to owning it and he doesn't even want to be a car guy anymore like he's just like rather I wouldn't even call him car guy first place but he was so turned off by his sour experience running that car and it's saddens me because it was his fault like he didn't take the proper steps like I said to all the people talking about people owning s2000 Zoar Mustangs or you know Camaros or whatever cuz like I know fanboys loved hate on anything that's not a supercar understand that if you've never driven like one of those cars like a regular sports car your ass is probably going to ruin that supercar that you owe so loved so much once again this is applying to people who didn't grow up in car enthusiasts families because if you grew up in a Carthusian you're one of your freakin uncle's or grandpa's probably owns like in a thousand horsepower drag builds so you proudly know how to handle a supercar even even when you're like 16 but for the average non car like for that person for the car thesis you grow up and normy family get a sports car first you will not regret it because there's just so much to learn and it's so fun and like I said once you go through that face like you go through that you become an owner of one of these cars you fall in love so hard I bought the Mustang g/t purely as a transition car but I don't even know if I ever want to sell it like if I ever buy another car I'm not selling my Mustang GT I'm just gonna keep it I'm not using it as a trade-in and I say that now I don't know how if you're just gonna play but that's that's all I like because I fell so hard for it you know I love it now I love the community behind it like shout outs anyone wants a Mustang watching this video because the forum owners even just driving around you know GT owners wave at each other at least in Indiana they do you know for I only see like one GT owner once a week it's Indiana but god I love the community and it's more than CUNY it's just there's so much to love like I said once you own your once you just own a car love it to death like even if it's something lame like even if you don't get cooler arcs ever then you get an F B or F C rx-7 such a cool car or mark three super because I know one of my subscribers she she loves the Deaf out of my the superest shout out to you but Mark three super is like that's such a beauty turquoise you get like two to four grand and like a high schooler would look at these cars and think they're complete junk boxes but that's why car enthusiasts are so awesome because car these are gonna look at that car and be like that's the coolest crap I've ever seen and once you're the owner on these cars you're gonna understand why car enthusiasts think that because you're gonna fall so hard for that car and that's why the owner face in my opinion is such a beautiful face because you realize that you don't need a supercar to be happy and even if you do want one work hard for one it's all I have to say is keep pressing in whatever direction that you feel is right for you and I hope all you guys keep doing what you gotta do to get to where you want to go as always thanks for watching and see you next time bladed angel out hey guys look it's a Miata so for all the people who are bad to come and where's the Miata there's the freaking me out okay there is [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Bladed Angel
Views: 839,170
Rating: 4.911623 out of 5
Keywords: 5 Phases of a Car Enthusiast, 5 Phases of a Car Guy, Car Guys, non-car guys, Car Fanboys, Nissan GTR, Ford Mustang GT, Chevy Corvette, Honda S2000, Mazda Miata, things car guys do, Discovery, Fleeting interest, Revival of Interest, Car Owners, From fanboy to owner, fandom, toxic, hate in the car community, why I love cars, Bladed Angel
Id: _317DOO284E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 30sec (1290 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 27 2018
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