5 Car Arguments I'm Tired of Hearing...!

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i just came back from houston texas sorry for not uploading in a while my neighborhood was switching over to fiber which meant i didn't have internet for the two days that i just came back if you're interested in why i was in texas then be on the lookout for my multiple vlogs covering the journey and event i promise you it will be an absolute blast to watch and i want to share those memories of you guys if you still haven't watched any of my vlogs then well you're missing out just click on them right now i won't even be mad if you leave this video to go see them they're worth checking out i'm glad a lot of you guys are starting to watch them in fact because i've been putting a lot of work in those vlogs now on to this freaking list video that the majority of you are here to stay for here are five car arguments i'm tired of hearing some of which are repeated in past videos so the first one like i mentioned is something you've heard in the past from my previous videos but i'm gonna put a twist on it so it's you just hate it because you can't afford it alternatively you're just jealous because you can't afford it people like to use this phrase if you don't like a car they like for example hey i don't like the acura nsx just by saying that phrase i guarantee you some 12 are in the comments it's like you just hate it because you can't afford it i very well can't afford it but there are other things i'd rather buy my money than a car that i don't like and the funny thing is the people who make this comment can't afford it themselves half the time so it's kind of a double standard you're gonna use this to win an argument only to be realized that you yourself are going to lose argument when you use this phrase too because you also can't afford it the easiest way to debunk this argument is just the fact that we all have a set of eyes and individual standards for example i don't like suvs you can literally show me any suv in the world and i'm gonna hate it and it's not because i can't afford it you could give me two million dollars to buy an suv and i won't buy an suv because i'd rather use it for literally anything else other than an suv because i have a set of eyes and using those set of eyes i've determined i don't like the way they're styled and based on my individual standards i don't like the way they ride i don't like the visibility in them i don't like a lot of aspects about them that i'd rather just get like a wagon or freaking hatchback or even a truck instead because those are my individual preferences basically it's not about money there are some people where even if money wasn't an issue they would still hate something or they still wouldn't want it so using the whole you just can't afford it it gets extremely tiring the fact that i still see this in 2021 means that people's brain cells are shrinking more and more and more the next car argument i'll talk about is built versus bot if you ask me there's no shame in buying a car instead of building it because it's the money that you work for therefore it's money that you're allowed to choose how to spend and if you choose that to buy a car then sure go for it over 50 percent if not even more these days of cars that you see a car meets are bought cars not built cars and the whole idea of build is really overused if you're someone who literally assembled an slc or factory 5 or any kit car in your garage that's a built car because they quite literally had a bare chassis how to source the engine source the transmission that's building you're restoring a classic that's building when you're really bringing back engines that wouldn't even start and making it start that is building but when your sony was literally just cutting springs and lowering your car and then said build this is a build bruh 100 long springs and 800 rep wheels build and those are the types of people that usually hate bought cars the most despite in my opinion being well still a bought car they just went to a dealership bought a car smacked a cold air intake smack some lowering springs if not they just cut their springs and then just then start acting like they've built their car like they've really assembled it their god's gift to the world they're the most genius mechanic ever and that all stems from the fact that the idea of a build is becoming too lenient if you just have a stock car people are way too quick to hit you or even in my case my car is far from stock i'm gonna put a list of things that my car has but people are too dumb to see it because get this my car isn't lowered that's right lower the cars equals build look at my bill look at this bot anime cars aren't a build they say as they have a freaking lowered car and wheels like oh there congratulations you have like 100 bucks and springs and like maybe 800 bucks and rep wheels yeah you're such a build bro you're such a build if you can't tell i'm a little angry and sarcastic about this one yeah i've been spending too much time on facebook and facebook has the most toxic car community of every single car i mean i'll tell you right now like i thought twitter well twitter is just bad because they turn everything political reddit's pretty bad too but facebook by and far the worst you know instagram and tick tock even at least tick tock for as cancerous as it is it's a bit more positive there but holy crap everyone and their mom on facebook thinks they have a build once they're lowered and if you aren't lowered they think you don't have a build you could really mod your car to the moon but if you aren't lowered and your fitment isn't on point you're the one who's the bot car you're the evil bot car that they that you got from a factory and oh no you're mr rich and they have to take you down as they use their rusted crap box and just oh i just i just hate this can we can we go back to the days we're built for spot it actually had like this argument actually had value to it when we were really just trying to get hot rods to beat supercars that i i can we return to those days this is so stupid i hate how this argument has evolved now before i get even angry i'm gonna move on to the next entry which might make me well even angrier so the next argument i hate is once again one we've heard on this channel but i'll go more into depth for it so modded versus stock but from a performance standpoint you know this you've definitely been to a comment section where you're like watching two cars go head-to-head and it's a review video sometimes it may even be one based in europe or it might be one based in america or even japan now you always have that guy in the comments always who's like well actually if you uh slap the cold air intake onto all that car and then changed its header setup and then put a tune on it and have it uh dialed by a vengeance super try hard edge lord punisher skull racing you will get really good power and will smoke anything in there you have to realize not everyone a wants a modded car b even likes the platform that you just talked about modding and see most importantly they may live in a country that doesn't even allow modding there's a reason why a lot of car comparisons are stock to stock it's just all down to personal preference when you use mods to win arguments it's just stupid because there's no end to it using mods to win arguments it really is more about money these days than it is skill if you're someone who uses a modded car because you are able to skillfully tune and build a stock engine to its limit test its limits break its limits and then find new limits that is something worth celebrating that is something i still respect and from uh even from a modded standpoint versus stock that's something that i think is still important for example that's why 2jz's and ls's and rbs have stayed in relevance for several several decades but the problem is when people use this monoverse stock argument nowadays they don't refer to the platform they refer to engine swapping or transmission swapping or building things to the moon for example by the time you start like engine swapping cars you can make a smart car fast if you throw enough money at that doesn't mean the smart car is the greatest platform in the world basically modded versus stock from performance standpoint there is no end to it because whoever has more money is going to win that interaction the only time i still respect this argument is when people talk about modded platforms is when people talk about stock versus stock platform format ability another argument i hate is this one actually harkens back to kind of what people used to do with mmrpgs so if you ever played any mmorpg like world of warcraft or runescape you probably have the idea that anyone who is better than you is a no life nerd and anyone who's worse than you is a freaking noob people still do this as full grown adults and with cars so there are people out there who think anyone who has a better car than them is using daddy's money and anyone who has a worse car than them is a clapped out teenager and why why are people like this why can't we just all get along so the reason i got this idea was i was actually browsing through facebook yet again i really need to get off this website but maybe i shouldn't because it's giving me great fantastic ideas for videos so there was a group of people called you know i'm probably not gonna say it because i just realized it's gonna give their group attention i'm gonna i'm gonna butcher their name like montana street racers or something like that that wasn't the actual group name that's just an example using but their group name was like the equivalent of that but just a different state and another illegal activity thing you would think people part of a group like with that intense of a name would have like decently nice cars with decently nice builds right no they were literally kias and nissans with window stickers i'm not even joking nothing under the hood no aftermarket wheels no lowered like like the furthest thing from a build literally just window stickers with their club name on it and then one of them even said ceo on and the entire comment section is people understandably make ridiculing them because the video was presenting it in an unironic fashion it was showing rap music blaring it showing like this all this edgy editing zooming in and out like wow look at how cool and outlawy we are and ended up being really cringe honestly i hate using that word winstworthy's probably a better way to describe it then they started getting all defensive saying you guys are just making fun of us because you have downey's money and when they say daddy's money keep in mind these guys own base model kias and sentras a teenager who works enough shifts and just has the self-control to save money can buy one of these at 18. and heck i would know when i was 17 years old i had a br at the time a brand new nissan sentra that i had purchased using money that i made as a teenager if you go to trade school doesn't need an expensive degree doesn't require expensive loans doesn't even require good grades you can get fantastic paying jobs right now because trade schools trades in general are a shortage in america because everyone and their moms sent their kids to college the point i'm making nice cars like v8 camaros or v8 mustangs aren't unobtainium even for younger people it's not something that's always down these money or you can do it as someone who applies yourself and you don't have to go to college get a degree i have friends who are in the military who own really nice corvettes or have a really nice motorcycle collections and so on so forth if you are good with money you know how to manage it pursue a career you balance your personal life you can get the things you want in life the reason i find this specifically toxic is like if they could laugh at themselves i would respect them it's like yeah we get it we're just starting up you know that's how it is but when you start putting others down you start putting other people's success down just saying you're just hating me because your success is fake your dad gave you that money that just made me respect people like that infinitely less your immediate line of defense is to put someone else down now the final argument i'll cover for this video is when people say people just mod for attention believe it or not this is this phrase is said a lot in the car community too it's not just something non-car people say though i would say non-car people say it the most car guys will say it to each other a good example i'll use is from my own personal experience people are like hey bladed you just put anime on it just for attention just a minute we know that's what you did in 2019 here's a vlog a vlog that a lot of you guys didn't watch but a vlog that basically said i'm going to put an anime sticker on my corvette here's a video in late 2019 of me doing said thing putting an anime sticker on my corvette are people really surprised of this natural progression makes video of buying corvette makes videos seeing friends with anime stickers says will do same thing for corvette does same thing for corvette then does full thing for corvette wow who would have guessed i did it because i actually wanted to because again this goes back to the first entry personal preference you are not going to have the exact same preference as me you can see it as ruining the car that won't change the fact that i still did it i did it because i genuinely enjoy it i generally enjoy the way having an anime design looks on my car i actually like the way it flows the challenge that it brought to even do it and then the inspiration it brings to other weebs when they look at and say wow that's cool i also want it and the camaraderie it brought by being part of the community of atasha and making tons of new friends which by the way if you want to watch the video of me if a whole bunch of natasha's going across the country you better watch the next vlog of us driving houston because we had some insane i'm gonna put them on screen right now these are the types of cars that were in that vlog and a lot of you probably aren't expecting those types of cars to have a tasha on them i found my perfect place in the car community you can't build a car that everyone is going to like but you can build a car that you will like no matter what you do to your car even if you leave it bone stock people will still hate it and when you think of it like that especially if you own a car then you should just mod it to make yourself happy the people who hate your car when it's stock will still hate it when it's modded so why try to impress anyone other than yourself at that point why try to mod for someone when you know that with each and every mod you're putting on it's going to make it more and more something you like that's the cruel reality of mods in general is that that's why they reduce sale value there's something you wanted to do the car the stock car was the one that was designed for mass appeal the moment you change wheels that's on you the moment you change cold air intake that's on you you start changing pulleys you start getting a bigger blower that's all on you you start slamming it down you start cambering it out you start putting arrow kits on it that is all on you that's going to be it for this video i hope you enjoyed make sure to check out my vlogs make sure to be on the lookout for my newest vlog i'll probably come back to this video and link it once it is up so you can just click on it right here when it is up other than that thank you for watching and see y'all next time bladelet angel out
Channel: Bladed Angel
Views: 177,520
Rating: 4.9321856 out of 5
Keywords: Stupid Things Car Guys Say, More Stupid Things Car Guys Say, Modded Cars, Overused Car Jokes, 5 Car Arguments I'm Tired of Hearing...!, Stupid Things Non-Car People Always Say!, Non-car guys, Car Guys, Types of Car Guys, Built vs. Bought, Bladed Angel
Id: hcdU0NHsG68
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 16sec (796 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 15 2021
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