15 Canva Tips That Are Total Life-Savers! 💡 [FREE & PRO] | Ep. 06

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hi my name is Di and I am a canva verified expert Welcome to our Channel where you can learn everything about canva in this video I have 15 tips that will help you get the most out of Cana I'll share new apps features and hidden tools that you probably haven't seen yet also at the end of this video I will recommend you another video in which you will learn another 25 tips and tricks that you are going to love let's start with with the video and let me talk about tip number one which is a new app in canva that I really really love and I can see myself using it again and again if you are not really good at creating color palettes or knowing which colors to choose for your designs this is going to be a game changer you're going to go to canva.com from here select apps and then use the search bar to type shade and then hit enter this is the app I'm talking about and when you click here you will have a little preview of how the app looks inside in the editor and here it says from light to dark create Dynamic palettes discover the power of tone gradation easily create Shades that add depth and Beauty to your designs to use this app you can click on this button or this one depending if you want to use the app in an existing design or a new design you can also use it by go to a canva document so you are going to open any canva document can be a new one or an existing one I opened this design and now I'm going to show you how to look for this app inside the editor you're going to click apps on the left hand side and from here you are going to search for shade hit enter this is the app and this is how it looks you are going to select a color so you can either move this ligher here and select a color that you like or you can also insert a hex code in here I'm going to paste this hex code and then you just simply need to click add palette to design it is as simple as that you already have a new color palette from just one color you can see here the primary color this is the color that I inserted into the app and now I have three lighter Shades and two darker ones this app is completely free to use and also the first nine tips of this video are also free so anybody who has a canva account can be a canva free or canva Pro can use the features apps and tools that I'm going to show you tip number two is a new tool that allows you to add Borders or outlines and also around the corners of your media this can be photos or videos let me show you where to find the tool first let's add a photo and a video to this blank page and then I'll show you the tool so I'm going to elements going to photos see all and let me add a random photo here okay we have the photo and now let's go to videos see all and then let me add also a random video here let's go for this one okay I have my photo and my video now to access the tool you need to select either the photo or the video that you want to customize I'm going to select the photo first so I'm clicking on the photo and then you will see that this white bar or this toolbar changes if you are not selecting the image you won't see the tool for this tip so I'm selecting the photo again and this is the icon or the tool that you need to click when you click here you have access to add a border to your photo so let me me add a border you can see that now we have a black border and when you add a border you automatically have another icon appearing to the left called border color so you can actually change the color of this border that you have added I'm going to click here and as you can see I can change the color of this border now to round the corners of your videos or photos you simply select the media that you want to customize then go again to border style and from here you have the slider to round the corners so you can start by moving the slider to the right and you can see your media changing now if you move your slider all the way to the right you will see more of this rounding effect so play around with this slider until you find something that you like and as you can see the video is working and the photo I can leave it as it is or I can also add rounded Corners if you like this video so far and you would like to keep learning with us consider joining the membership on this channel you will see below this video next to the Subscribe button that there is a little button called join when you click here you will have more information about the two different tiers that we have there the special perks and the exclusive content we have some of our latest courses in there so there is a lot of value in our membership please consider it and I'm also going to leave the link in the description if you want to learn more tip number three is going to save you a lot of time and also is going to help your disang pop this is a new app in canva and now let me show you how to find it from the homepage go again to the apps section and from here you are going to search for type gradient at the moment we see a huge B Banner featuring type gradient which is the app that I'm talking about so if you see this Banner you can simply click on this button but I know that Cana is constantly changing this Banner you may not see the type gradient Banner here so if you don't see it simply type in the search bar type gradient hit enter and this is the app so from here you will see a little preview of the app and again you can use the app by clicking on existing design or use any new design I'm going to open one of my designs in the editor and I'll show you how to find the app from there from here open apps and search for type gradient okay this is the app so click on this icon this app is very very easy to use you basically are going to type your text in here you can select a font from here then go back you can also choose the alignment of your text and if you have decided to add more than one line to your text so let me break this line into two you can also adjust the line height and then you have the section where you can adjust the gradient on your text so you can change the colors from here you can also add a hex coat if you prefer and then you can also play around with this dots to position the gradient the way that you prefer when you are happy with your creation you are simply going to click add to Des sign and that's it you have text with a custom gradient if you want to edit anything about this text you can simply click again on the text go to edit and from here you can change the text if you want remember that if you want to see the change in here you need to click update element tip number four is the Tidy Up feature this feature was recently updated and now we can organize elements into different dimensions so as you can see here if you had a lot of dots that were not really well aligned you are able to select the dots and organize them with these two let me show you an example really quick in here so I'm going to duplicate these dots in here here and then I'll show you how easy it is to tie them up okay I think this is enough you have two different ways to use this feature you can either select all the elements that you want to organize and then hit the key alt or option if you are using a Mac then select shift and T this will automatically organize all your elements let me go back to my messy dots to show you the SE second way you can select all of your elements you will see that this little menu appear you're going to click on the three dots and then from here go to space evenly and then tidy app and that's it remember that this is a free feature in canva tip number five is a canva app that will allow you to bend warp and twist text this app will allow you to customize the shape of your text in very unique ways going to go to canva.com remember to open the apps section and then search for typecraft hit enter and this is the app as you can see you can actually change the shape of your text and come up with really really creative designs remember that you can use any of these two buttons to open the app or open it directly from the editor from the editor I'm going to follow the same steps go to apps and then type typecraft here's the app and from here you are going to type your text in here so I'm going to start with just one text box and from here you can select the font that you want to use I'm going to use Anton regular from here you can select a style so you can go for none unfield or outline I'm going to go for none and you can change the color in here I'm going for an orange color and to change the shape of your text you can play around with these dots right here so I'm bringing the dot in the middle all the way up and then I'm going to add element to design okay here I have my text box and now I'm going to add another text box I'm selecting the background of my design and now I'm going to add another text in here selecting the same font so Anon regular and this time I'm going to use a bright pink okay and now to edit this shape I'm going to draw drag this little dot at the bottom downwards and I think I'm going to go for this simple shape so add element to Des sign and now I have a very cool and unique design here if you want to learn more about this feature and you want to learn how to create these three warp effects you need to watch the video that I'm going to link up here after you finish this one tip number six is going to help you be more productive and it is also going to save your life if you don't know how to select the right colors for your designs let's say that you have a design like this but you are not quite happy with the color selection so far and you want to try something different you're going to go to elements you're going to scroll down and then select a photo that has colors that you like I'm going to go for this one and see what canva creates for me so I'm selecting the photo this is is now on my design and from here I'm going to right click on the photo and you will see that at the bottom of the menu there is an option called apply colors to page when you click here you will see that all the colors on your design changes automatically when you do that again and again you will see a different color combination on your design right click on the image and then you will see again few option that says apply colors to page but this time the icon changes because we have a shuffle icon when you click here you will see a different color combination on the design I think only the background changed but if I click one more time I will see a different color combination again and again I believe this tool is pretty pretty useful but not many people use it I would like to know if you knew about this feature already or if you just Discover it in this video let me know in the comments this Cana app is going to save your life and also going to save you money let's say that you need to make a great first impression you need a professional looking photo of yourself you do have selfies maybe you were on a party you were on a trip but you don't have a professional head shet let me show you how you can create one with just a simple app in Kaa as you can see here on this example I was able to create this professional head shot of myself from this photo right here this photo right here as you can see it was inside an airplane and there was not enough good light so you know what I mean you can come up with something really great with a not so great photo let's go to UPS and search for head shot Pro select this icon right right here upload a photo of yourself by clicking on this button I'm going for the same photo because you can use the same photo as the source and then create different outcomes I'm going to click open how do you identify I identify as female so I'm going to select this one right here and then generate we're going to wait a couple of seconds until the artificial intelligence creates our new head shot and there you go this is the new head shet that I have of myself it indeed looks very professional but I really want to hear from you guys if you think these two photos look like me I believe this app sometimes works really well but sometimes goes into a very different direction and the photos that it creates do not end up looking like ourselves so I would suggest that you try different photos of yourself different self until it generates a photo that really looks like you I'm pretty sure many of you already know about the copy style tool but I don't know how many of you know about the shortcut this can save you a lot of time so I wanted to share it in this video and for those of you who don't know the tool yet you can select any of the elements on your design and select this icon right here this one is the copy style tool you can click here and then select the item where you want to paste all of these characteristics to so I'm going to click on this Dot and you will see that all of the characteristics from this dot is being transferred and the sh cut for this tool it is this one it is alt or option if you are using a Mac command and then C and V let's say that I want to copy this style I'm going to select the element option command C or alt command C and then select the other element option command V or alt command V and you can also do something like this you can copy the style on one element and then select multiple elements and paste the style you can use this tool with shapes but also with text and media so I'm going to apply these characteristics of this text box to this one I'm hitting option option command C and then option command B there you go I'm doing the same with this media we have the rounded Corners here so I'm going to apply this effect to this photo here option command C and then selecting this photo option command V tip number nine is also a free tool if you didn't know in canva there is a brush that will allow you to blur little sections on your photos remember that the nine tips that I have shared so far are all free to use okay let me go back to the editor and we have this image right here let's say that you have some confidential information in here that you want to blur out you are going to select the image and from here click edit photo go to the effects section and click blur from here you have two different tabs you have brush and whole image this time we are going to select brush from here you have two different brush types the blur one and the remove the blur we are going to select a brush size so let's say that I want to remove or blur out the name of this person so I'm going to adjust my brush size to the left to make it smaller and then you can also adjust the intensity of this blur effect okay let me try it out and see how it look looks for the last name I'm going to reduce the intensity okay this is good now if you want to remove a little section or if you want to delete your blur you can use this brush that says remove and then remove the section that you have blurred out or you can also remove the blur from here I'm going to try again with this brush size and intensity and when you are done you can click on this Arrow to go back and you can close the edit window by clicking on this button one more time and then you will have your photo or your image ready to be used with your blurred section tip number 10 is a pro tip meaning that only canva Pro users can access this feature the last five tips that I have today are also only AA available for canva pro users but if you have a canva free account and would love to try canva Pro for free I have a special 45 day free trial in the description of this video I'm pretty sure many of you already know the background remover feature in canva but how many of you knew that there is a brush inside the background remover and this will allow you to play around with your images and create pretty Unique Designs let me show you this is an image that I was able to create with the head shot app that we saw recently let me know what do you think about this one this one I believe looks a little bit more like me I'm going to select this image and because I have canva Pro I can go to edit photo and then use background remover so when I click one time canva will automatically remove the background of the this image but if you click one more time it will give you access to the brush feature from here you can delete sections that you don't want to see in your image or you can also restore sections that maybe Cana removed by accident I want to remove the body of this image because I want to create a funny design in which I see my head floating so I'm going to brush out the body a little bit of the hair like this and that's it to go back click on this arrow and to close this window click edit photo I can remove this empty spaces from my image and then I can place this head whatever I want I can also replace the body by a cartoon so I can go to elements and search for cartoon body and place my face in here I really love this picture and I love playing around with it so I really hope that you like it as well tip number 11 is also a canva pro feature called Magic expand this feature will allow you to expand one photo or one image with artificial intelligence let's say that you have a vertical photo of yourself that you really like but you need a horizontal format a landscape mode so you can use it on your website or any kind of visual you're going to select your photo then go to edit photo and click on Magic expand as you can see from this icon you can extend the image in areas that we don't have but the artificial intelligence is going to fill out these empty spaces I'm going to click on this icon and then from here you can see that you can select a size you can either go for free form whole page a square format you have the horizontal or landscape mode in here you have vertical you have 54 45 43 well you have so many different sizes in here I'm going to go for 16 by 9 and then you will see in here all the empty spaces that the artificial intelligence is going to fill out for you so we're going to have something in here and in here when you're ready click magic expand and after a couple of seconds canva is going to give you four different options that you can choose you can preview the four options by clicking on them and if you don't like any of these options you can click generate new results this is one of the photos generated by Magic expand of course we have some issues in the image here and there but I believe the photo is still usable on tip number 12 I have a feature that I really really really really like because you can erase elements subjects or details from your photos with just a brush I have this photo right here I'm going to leave this one as reference and then I'm going to edit this one with the magic array I'm going to try to erase the Christmas tree that I have in here and then possibly why not these lamps so we have a clear background you're going to select the photo that you want to edit and then click edit photo from here you have the Magic Eraser click here you can adjust the size of the brush if you want and then you're going to brush over the image over the elements that you want to delete wait a couple of seconds and voila we don't have the lamps anymore I still have a little Mark here so I'm going to click on the mark wait a couple of seconds and it is gone I'm going to work here on my Christmas tree you can brush over the element or the section that you want to delete or you can simply Tab and erase the elements little by little and this is the final outcome as you can see we have an empty background behind me we just see a little shade of green in here if I had spent more time working on removing this section I would be able to come up with something better but I'm happy with the results on tip number 13 I have a feature called Magic grab with this feature you can take the subject on your photo and move it around in the photo so let me show you how it works you're going to select your photo click edit photo and then click magic grab this will automatically separate the subject from the background in the photo and as you can see I can grab myself this is pretty cool because we still see the background in I can put myself in a different place in the photo to be able to come up with a better design or simply a better photo on tip number 14 we have a pretty similar feature but this one will grab text from your images I found this photo on canva this is from the canva library and we have some texting here let's say that I want to change this text but of course because this is a photo I cannot do it this is just one image I'm going to select my photo click edit photo and next to Magic grab we have grab text you're going to click here wait a couple of seconds and then you will see that you will be able to edit the text in the image this is ready and let me show you that I can move and separate the text from the image if I want to edit this text box I can simply double click and I am inside the text box and I can type something different and last but not least important tip number 15 magic switch if you didn't know in canva you can change the size or the format of your designs with just a couple of clicks let's say that I want to transform this design right here I want to convert it into an Instagram post this is a l Cape mode formats and I want to convert it into a square one so on top of the screen in the editor you will see this button that says magic switch this is a cana pro feature when you click here you will see that you can resize your document to on Instagram Square format Facebook cover and you have so many different other categories in here or you can search for them I have these in here because these are the ones that I have used recently but if you don't see the one that you want you can find it under the category and then search for writing here or simply type on the search bar for the document type that you are looking for okay here is the one that I want to use in this particular document I have 37 pages but I only want to transform the last one so I'm going to open this drop-down this select all the pages and select only the last one click done and continue after after a couple of seconds Your Design will be ready so click copy and resize and then you can click open or open Instagram post and then you have your design ready if you want you can adjust your elements a little bit here and there and then it's ready to be shared here's the link to the 45 day free trial of canva pro or you can also find the link in the description and here's the video you should watch to discover 25 more tips and tricks this is it for this video and I hope to see you in the next one bye
Channel: Design with Canva
Views: 23,478
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: canva easy tutorial, canva for beginners, canva tutorial 2024, canta tips 2024, Canva tricks, Canva tutorial, graphic design, Canva Shade App, gradient effects, text effects, element organization, creative text designs, color palettes, professional headshots, photo blur, photo expansion, magic eraser, magic grab, magic text, resize designs, Canva hacks, design inspiration, graphic design tutorial, Canva tutorial for beginners, Canva magic, Design hacks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 32sec (1712 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 23 2024
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