5 Brutal SkullCrawler Executions by MechaGodzilla || Animated Simulations

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[Applause] hidden under a clandestine facility hides the most malevolent and brutal man-made weapon of all time mecha godzilla in order to truly convert this into a real killing machine this giant robot had to go through a series of tests against live subjects with the objective of learning to wield its arsenal of weaponry with killing precision today the simulation arena will be bathed in blood as we demonstrate the many ways these skull crawlers would have been brutally murdered in order to train this metallic terror in the art of war this episode will get bloody so remember if you enjoy this content do not forget to like this video subscribe and get ready to witness five executions in mechagodzilla's temple of doom which is kinda similar to this place the doom tower a place found in raid our sponsor a really dope game available to download on both mobile and pc filled with over 600 unique champions and epic game modes to play just click the link below or scan this but back to this doom tower which is basically a huge dungeon filled with some really bad guys who were locked up by the arbiter but after thousands of years they're now threatening to escape and bring horror and destruction to all unless you come in and stop them of course to do this you must assemble a team of champions with abilities that remove debuffs lots of hit points and shield abilities that will secure a path to victory to level up your squad while you're not playing just plop them in this thing called the guardian ring and watch them level up by themselves literally while you're sleeping this month you'll partake in the path of light event where you choose from three branching paths to get the rewards you want the most on top of that you can also take part in the deliana chase event where new and existing players can win this champ just by playing for seven days between now and july 20th all new players can use promo code mydeliana to max her out to level 50. you might want to do this to survive the doom tower if you're new you're lucky because once you hit that link below or scan the qr code you'll get payroll 200k silver one xp boost one energy refill and one ancient shard so you can summon an awesome chip as soon as you start playing thanks so much to raid for their continued support on this channel and now let's move on to mechagodzilla's house of doom before we discuss the first method of tearing up our first skull crawler let's first discuss the disturbing architecture of this facility it's mentioned in the official art book that this location was in the shape of a pyramid with an inverted staircase that would siphon the essence of the dead titans and then be absorbed by mechagodzilla this mech would then benefit from this essence in some way or form whether this death energy came in the form of titan radiation or nutrient extractions is not 100 clear but the concept of having this mech literally ingest this corpse's matter is truly terrifying what's up guys jacob here over on dangervale we are really going in depth discussing the dark secrets of apex's sacrifice pit here and we mean that literally and a few more reasons why you would really hate being a skull crawler or any titan other than mechagodzilla here this video is going to be out on thursday june 9th so be ready for it so how many are we killing today guys glad you asked jacob today we pre-selected a total of five adult skull crawlers that are large and mature enough to take part in the following five executions that will test all sorts of different weapons now let's get ready to witness the first demonstration number one dismemberment we are beginning this list with the tearing of limbs in godzilla vs kong we witnessed this mac's immense forelimb strength by the way mechagodzilla lands critical hits against the g-man with ease punching him repeatedly and single-handedly tossing this 99 thousand ton kaiju like a ragdoll across hong kong in terms of limb strength this metallic titan would exert more strength than both godzilla and kong this poor skull crawler here won't just get ripped apart in a few moments but also flayed in the process by zooming into mechagodzilla's hands we find small buzz saws that resemble industrial grinders jared kracebski the creator of this mech mentioned that these were strong enough to bite into the titan hides this allowed it to have a much better grip against its victims given the strength of this mech we can now run the test and tear this skullcrawler limb from limb as we can see mechagodzilla's limbs are so strong that they could literally tear the skullcrawler's limbs straight from the sockets would mecha godzilla do this we will guess that yes mechagodzilla could also yank out the insides from this skull crawler too killing it in an instant you may think this is overkill but for the purposes of this simulation we need to put these weapons to the test to be 100 sure these are effective against larger titans also don't forget that during this testing phase mechagodzilla would have been controlled via psionic link taking commands from a human pilot in this case ren sarazawa so even if these moves looked a little bit too human-like it would be because there is in fact a human behind all of these tests number two meat grinders while we dispose of this corpse let's introduce you to another weapon the meat grinders these aren't the ones on its hands these are the grinders found inside its mouth yes these here are rotating discs that when put in contact with any fleshy tissue we'll bite into it and turn it into ground meat we were unfortunate to not see this in live action but that's why we are here to show you in this second demonstration mechagodzilla would have this titan stretched out in a position where it could use its mouth grinders a good place to test it would be here these grinders would now begin peeling the outer layer of skin followed by the outward layers of flesh veins and grind right through this creature's windpipe the blood loss would have killed this skull crawler in no time so far we have covered two melee weapons now let's switch gears and test some ranged weaponry number three explosive weaponry testing weapons such as missiles in a closed facility is risky but note that this is no ordinary base in the film we see that certain areas of this facility were resistant to powerful blasts such as the proton scream and remained relatively intact so it's safe to test some puny missile weapons here our third subject will now be eliminated at range let's now focus on where these missile launchers are located we witnessed two locations where these were placed the shoulder railed missile launchers along its back and some smaller launchers hidden on its shoulders but that's not all krachewski also mentioned that mechagodzilla would have had extra missile launchers hidden in its chest making this creature well equipped to launch a forward barrage of missile fire in this scenario the technology that we'll need testing would be mechagodzilla's ability to direct and target the vulnerable areas of this skull crawler once locked this titan's ai would then cue the missiles to strike and hit on the specified targets in this case the skull crawler never stood a chance getting bombarded from all areas only means that it would suffer severe third degree burns and if it survived mechagodzilla would simply approach it and finish it off before we initialize the fourth scenario we want to thank you guys for helping us blast through 500k subscribers so in turn we are now giving away not one but two sh monster arts mecha godzilla's to two lucky subscribers to qualify you must be subscribed to goji center comment on any of these videos telling us who you think would be the next villain in the next monster vs film and include this word in your comment winners will be announced in two weeks time okay that's it and good luck number four the proton scream in godzilla vs kong we were lucky to see this weapon in action against both godzilla and skull crawler number 10. this would have been the most powerful in its arsenal of weaponry and would have taken hundreds of billions of dollars to develop such a weapon in real life which is why it was imperative for this weapon to go through many rounds of testing to ensure that it was effective and powerful enough to inflict damage against all kaiju in the film we saw that this weapon was fired through the skull crawler's mouth but what if instead of hitting it here it was hit on another location our next demonstration will feature the next victim being held in this manner the objective to slice if projected long enough mechagodzilla's proton scream would penetrate through the skull crawler's skin flesh bones and make its way down the skull crawler's rib cage like a hot knife through butter we'd like to imagine that several tests like these were conducted to continue testing weapon upgrades in mechagodzilla's proton screen now that we've concluded our ranged weapon testing let's go back to the final and most brutal of all melee weapons found in mechagodzilla number five tail sides the last weapon we are going to test today is found at the very tip of its tail these two spikes can spin and split into two additional sides forming a four-bladed weapon that spins at high speeds giving it high piercing and liquefying power because this mech is manned by a human ren serazawa would have needed some practice getting used to using a prehensile tail since humans are not equipped with one in real life learning how to use this effectively was imperative against other kaiju that could use similar weapons effectively in this scenario our next skull crawler is now subjugated in this manner and the pilot will now aim for these two locations note that once these things pierce anything in the path of those spinning blades would have been literally liquefied completely destroying any organ that it comes across inflicting irrecoverable damage now that this tail successfully hits its target it will now finish off this skull crawler by accurately impaling it from its mobile orifice and turning this titan into a sack of pulp we now have completed our first round of tests and mechagodzilla is one step closer to becoming godzilla's nemesis admittedly it was mentioned by adam wingard that had godzilla not fought kong earlier this titan would have had enough energy to successfully defeat this mechagodzilla but having said this it was also mentioned that if a physical sample of this radioactive material was used to power this titan then mechagodzilla would have also been even more powerful unlike this reverse engineered energy sample made by apex this was just a sneak peek of what could have happened inside this clandestine facility of death what do you think would have happened if mechagodzilla successfully killed both kong and godzilla at the end of this film do you think that there were any other kaiju that would successfully destroy this mechanized titan let us know in the comments please remember to hit that red subscribe button below to be the first to watch our next upcoming videos thanks for watching and we'll see you in the next video [Music] you
Channel: Goji Center
Views: 690,573
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mechagodzilla skullcrawler, skullcrawler, mechagodzilla, godzilla vs kong, mega godzilla, execution skullcrawler, mega gojira, king kong, kong, king kong vs godzilla, jurassic world dominion, apex cybernetics, titans, monarch sciences, ghidorah, rodan, mothra, kaiju, titanus behemoth, titanus rodan, titanus scylla, titanus amhuluk, monsters, monsterverse, skull island anime, skull island kong, skull island 10 ways to die, titans size comparison, dinosaurs, t rex, t rex vs spinosaurus
Id: K8rQ47M3Cts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 22sec (682 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 15 2022
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