The KONG Species EXPLAINED - In-Depth analysis of Hollow Earth vs Skull Island Kong Specimens

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up next in the Monster vs Godzilla and Kong will once again join forces against a massive unknown Kaiju but will this guy get even bigger today on gochi Center we will explain how this dude went from being this big to this Colossal Titan in a matter of only 51 years while uncovering the mysteries of this guy's Origins and figuring out if Kong will grow even larger in the hollow Earth make sure you subscribe like this video and watch till the end to be properly informed before the next film drops coming up the Kong species growth explained this video will be divided into three parts which will cover all three essential clues that explain all we need to know to finally answer this question between the events of 1973 and 2024 Kong almost inexplicably grew from being 104 to 337 feet in height that's around 3.2 times bigger in a very short period of time here's a size comparison for you to see how this guy changed note how this animal has adult proportions even at this small size an infant would most likely have a larger head in comparison to the rest of its body and not be as muscular as an adult so why does this Kong look like an adult while only being a third of the size of this mature Kong we got a whole lot to explain in this video so pay close attention number one the Adolescent in Kong Skull Island we were introduced to Kong for the first time in the monster verse during the film it was explained by Hank Marlow that Kong was a teenager measuring at 104 feet in height this guy already dwarfed most creatures on this island but there was a problem a big problem this guy should have actually been bigger at this age but he wasn't there were other forces at play that hindered this Kong from experiencing his natural growth patterns on this island there was evidence of another pair of Kongs that lived here a while ago these guys Kong's parents these Kong specimens were at first glance a lot larger than the Kong we see here these guys guys were considered full grown by the author of this book but fast forward to GVK this Kong is also full grown so what the heck is happening here why are all these said full-grown Kongs not as big as the one from GVK well we have an answer for this and this was backed up by both authors of these graphic novels birth of Kong and Kingdom Kong if you didn't know these Titan species are affected by something similar to a phenomenon known as indeterminate growth which states that said creatures growth development levels are dictated by many factors such as space territory food and most importantly stress this is the big problem we were talking about earlier but what is causing this stress well let's begin with this Kong we mentioned that this guy should be bigger but he wasn't it just so happened that there was a certain someone stressing this guy out and perhaps the only reason why this Kong could not grow to a larger size ramarak also known as the big one this skull crawler of gargantuan proportions lived in the Subterranean caverns of Skull Island laying dormant but still considered a stressor nonetheless upon killing it in Kong's Skull Island this guy managed to finally unlock the next growth spurt and since there were no more predators to challenge it or to stress it out this Kong was able to reach its true adult size without any hindrances but hold on a second this doesn't explain why Kong's parents never reached full size well back to the comic we see that these guys were a lot larger than 1973 Kong measuring anywhere between 180 to 200 feet in height how did they get larger than this Kong but not as large as GVK Kong again with the topic of indeterminate growth even though these guys faced many large skull crawlers these two Kongs weren't alone they actually lived with many others of Their Own Kind who were around the same size because there were more of them their stress levels would have been a lot lower than Kong's because they lived in a group they had safety in numbers which would then possibly allow them to grow a little bit larger but not enough to reach full size unfortunately for this group of Kongs they never managed to grow large enough to effectively fend off a horde of skull crawlers which ended up wiping them out only this guy survived present day Kong now if we look at how big he was we can estimate he was around 40-ish feet in height almost half the height of Kong in 1973 but would all infant Kongs be this size probably not and here's why number two adult Kongs so proportionately if we look at these smaller adult Kongs and compare them to their offspring there is a certain ratio does that mean that The Offspring of these Kongs are the same size as this we're going to have to take an educated guess here and say no it's possible that the larger Hollow Earth cons had offspring that would rival the size of the 1973 adolescent simply because it wouldn't make any sense for a colossal column to give birth to something this small if for whatever reason this adolescent Kong were to be introduced to other adolescent Hollow Earth Kongs this guy would have been dwarfed simply because these two individuals grew up in different situations so back to this guy note that as soon as this skull crawler was killed Kong had a lot of catching up to do in terms of growth there were no predators to put a stress cap on its growth levels and he had the island all to himself meaning that the remainder of the resources here were all his the remaining space to grow was also in his favor fast forward only 22 years later and he already doubled in size another 20 years and he would have reached 337 feet tall a fully grown Kong specimen but this raises another question how do we know that this guy is actually fully grown to answer this we need to look at other clues that tell us that this size is indeed the maximum size of cons there are two main indicators number one archaeological findings discovered by Monarch Expeditions have uncovered cave paintings which depict confrontations between gojiras and cons by looking at these proportion versions they already closely resemble the size comparison between two fully grown Titans so yes the Kongs fighting the gojiras in the great Titan War were these guys not the miniature ones that got wiped out by the skull crawlers these Big Fellas the next clue is a lot more interesting number two the battle axis how is this an indicator of their maximum size let's go back to GVK to this clip when Kong holds up the ax for the first time while putting these weapons together these guys would create tools that would have been proportional for other animals their size this ax just so happened to be just the right size for this Kong anything bigger such as a larger handle for instance would have led us to believe that the axes were made for even larger Kongs so was Kong the biggest one that ever lived probably not just like us humans there are many of us who are very tall some that are more bulky and perhaps some that are somewhat short similarly we'd like to think that there was a similar variety within ranks of the hollow Earth Kongs since it's completely unrealistic to think that they were all the exact same size a good example of this is found in Godzilla Dominion where it is implied that there was another member of the Kong species a hollow Earth giant who kicked Godzilla out of his own Lair this fella had to have been massive it's unclear whether it was bigger than Kong but surely around the same size now will our present day Kong remain this size now that he lives in the hollow Earth or will he get bigger number three Hollow Earth Kongs now that we settled that this guy is full grown now the only thing left to discuss is if this guy will truly remain this size or gain any other special abilities keep in mind that in GVK we witnessed the very first time Kong set foot in the hollow Earth beyond the vile Vortex according to the Monster vs lore this is the birthplace of all the Titans housing a class of energy that is not found on the surface of the Earth that includes Skull Island prior to GVK Kong had only received nourishment from Skull Island and other surface dwelling sources now it's all different he now has access to an infinite amount of energy sources that could potentially help him health-wise in the last installment this guy was portrayed as a much mature and older Titan but we'd like to think that once entering his new home in a new environment Kong will once again feel rejuvenated once again jump starting his body to its full potential in terms of growth however it is actually possible that we have already seen the biggest Kong but if he still does grow it will most likely be a bare minimum in the next upcoming film both Godzilla and Kong will have to be at their full potential rested trained and in shape because whatever is coming up next will have to be able to prove a worthy matchup for not one but two alpha Titans we will cover more about this new Titan that could appear in the next film in a future episode but for now let us know in the comments whether you think Kong will change get bigger or just stay the same thanks for watching and we'll see you in the next video [Music] thank you
Channel: Goji Center
Views: 1,604,080
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Godzilla vs kong, kingdom kong, king kong, godzilla, kaiju, monsters, skull island, titanus camazotz, titanus behemoth, titanus methuselah, titanus scylla, rodan, mothra, ghidorah, titanus amhuluk, titanus tiamat, kong ancestor, godzilla dominion, marie anello, monsterverse titans, godzilla and kong origins, godzilla and kong, godzilla kotm, kotm, kong skull island, skull cralwers, dinosaurs, t rex, spinosauurs, indominus rex, indoraptor, scorpios rex, gojicenter, jurassic park
Id: 3Ta1S7GiAtk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 18sec (558 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 09 2022
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