5 Brides-to-Be vs 1 Secret Divorcée | Odd One Out

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(upbeat music) - [Narrator] We brought together six brides to be. - Hi, my name's Jaclyn and I'm getting married. - Hi, I'm Savanna and I'm getting married. - Hi, my name is Heather and I'm getting married. - Hi, my name is Rachel and I'm getting married. - Hi, my name is Aimee and I'm getting married. - Hi, I'm Tatyanna and I'm getting married. - [Narrator] One of them is a divorcee. If the group discovers who the liar is, they'll split a cash prize. (upbeat music) If the liar survives, they win the entire prize. Who is the odd one out. - Cheers! (women laugh) - So when are you guys getting married? - We're getting married 11/11/22. - Oh cute, that's cute. - Nice! - August 20th for us. - We actually just decided we would like a September wedding, in 2024. - I'm getting married next month, on the 22nd. - Oh wow. - Oh my gosh, congratulations! (women laugh) - So I don't have a wedding date set yet just cuz my fiance is in nursing school. So, he'll be done in August. So sometime, probably next year. - Yeah. - Is when the date potentially will be. Yeah. - When you're engaged, like the first thing you wanna do is start planning your wedding. How are your wedding preparation's going? - Pretty good so far, we actually have a destination wedding. We're getting married in Minnesota so... - Are you from Minnesota? - He is. I'm from Wisconsin, so, my family's gonna drive over. - We actually wanted to do a destination wedding. However, a lot of our family members can't actually travel. So, we decided on doing a very traditional Mexican wedding. - Me and my fiance talked about potentially doing something really small, whether it's like a celebration in someone's backyard or just eloping. I think the older I get, the more realistic I wanna become about my finances. - Totally! - Cause it's so expensive. - Yeah. - How many people are you guys hoping to invite? - A hundred or less. - Yeah, we have very similar. - Oh really? - Well I have a really big family. - Yeah. - And she has a really big family, so, we're kind of hoping for it to be less than 200. - Did you guys know the proposal was coming? - No, not at all. (women laugh) - No, I mean I kept him sending her hints, you know she did it in a completely weird way. (women laugh) - She basically--- (bell rings) - I guess I just voted Savanna cuz we didn't really get much chances to talk. So I didn't really get to hear her story. (upbeat music) (buzzer sound) - I think people were suspicious of me because I wasn't like talking enough. Maybe, it was like more, not what I said but more of like what I didn't say, you know? - Okay. I feel like we should dive into details cuz I feel like that's kind of the first thing you forget if like your wedding was a long time ago. - Yeah. - What was the last vendor you guys locked down? Mine was our DJ. - Well, I'm still kind of planning, but I already went to see a couple of venues that I am interested in and I have my eye on one and that's in Chino Hills. It's a beautiful hacienda with like, I dunno, if you guys seen the horse stables and all that. - [Jaclyn] Every time Heather asked a question Aimee would answer first. So it would skip over me. So, maybe she's trying to just like quickly answer first. - I like reached out to a few photographers through Instagram but the people that I was interested in aren't available. So I gotta kind of figure that out. - How was your guys engagement? - Just engagement so far? - Like the proposal or? - Yeah, just a proposal. - Mine was unexpected. I mean, we had talked about marriage but I wasn't sure when or if it was coming but we went to Yosemite in September for the weekend and he proposed like at the beginning of the trip at the base of half dome it was very, it was perfect. - Beautiful. - Yeah. Mine was actually in Utah. I do, I'm an avid hiker. So, he took me on a hike that I really wanted to go to. It's called Lake Blanche. And she proposed to me basically after the hike which was horrible because I was like sweating. I looked horrible. So yeah, she was, yeah. - I heard Amy slip up pronouns a bit but even then I wasn't quite sure because I wasn't sure if her fiance had maybe transitioned and she was getting used to the new pronouns. - Well, I went to a work Secret Santa party. And so then I came home that night. We have a very small apartment so, there was like notes on the ground. So, then I'm following the notes to our little couch in the corner and then he loves memes and then it ends with like a Mike Wazowski meme, will you be my wife wazowski? And then I turn and he's on his knee and then I just cried. - Aww. - That's so cute. (woman laughs) (bell rings) - She did have like a little like she/he slip up. - She's kind of more in the middle area of things. Look I don't know. (laughs) It was kind of a shot in the dark the whole time. (upbeat music) (buzzer sound) - Bye guys. - Bye. - Because I was talking so fast, I did notice that I, you know mispronounced my pronouns and I was like, oh, I'm doomed. That's it. - [Host] Raise your hand, if you think the mole is still in the box and you would like to continue the game. Because you decided to continue the game. We're gonna throw in a new rule. Starting now, for every time you vote someone out who is not the mole, the total prize money will be reduced. - Okay. I'm curious what you guys think about divorce. - I'll go first, Connor and I are having a religious ceremony. So, we definitely look at marriage in a very spiritual way. It sounds super obvious, but like I don't want to get married if I ever think that there's divorce on the horizon. - Yeah, same. I guess when I say I do, I'm committed. And so I don't judge anyone who is divorced but I do understand that sometimes things happen. Yeah. - At least for myself, and again, same as you, like I know people that have gotten divorced and I just don't want to allow that to be part of it. If like we're really trying to show people Jesus love for them, so yeah. - For sure. - Let me put a spotlight on me, but I work in bridal. So, I'm actually a bridal stylist. So, a lot of times I get brides come in, who are actually like this wasn't the best thing for me. So now, this is my like rebirth. So, I believe that some people need the divorce to pretty much figure out their next step. But our end goal is to stay together for forever. - Is there any fears that you guys have about coming together in a marriage? - So I feel like it's not a fear with us, it's a fear like I wanna have babies, but then it's like money then it's like wedding money and honeymoon money and like just life, money overall. - Right. - So I feel like that's always a concern, but like I feel like, we're working it out together so, we can figure it out together. - Yeah. Yeah. - In dating him, I've come to know him as a person that I can trust. And I believe that together we're a really good pair and that we work well on instill conflicts that they do come up. - She said she was in the wedding industry. And I thought, you know if anyone can kind of make their way through this it'd be someone who's surrounded by wedding stuff. (upbeat music) - Heather and Rachel were giving off like big bridal, like excited energy. So, then it just kind of came down to Jaclyn. (buzzer sound) - I'm not like a really bubbly person. It may be perceived as someone who's not as, eager. - [Host] Raise your hand. If you think the mole is still in the box and you would like to continue the game. That's unanimous. - Okay. (women laugh softly) - So the game is over. If the lights turn green, that means you have voted the mole out and you all win. However, if the lights turn red, that means the mole is still in the box and you lose. (suspenseful music) - Yay! (women cheer) - I like winning. (laughs) So, it's just fun. - [Host] Will the mole please reveal themselves, in 3... 2... 1... - Oh. - Okay okay. - Hi everyone. (women laugh) - What's your story? - I was 20 years old when I got married. My ex-husband was 10 years older than me. I did it for the wrong reasons. I did it for my family's acceptance. They did not accept that I was gay. They come from a very traditional household where, they have always believed that once you're married, that's it. So to them, it was like an embarrassment. And it made me feel like. At the end of the day this is my life. This is who I am. I'm still open to marriage. I have a beautiful girlfriend that I am very in love with. And finally, my parents are very accepting of it. So hopefully, you know, maybe I'll be the one getting engaged. - Do you hear that? (women laugh) This is the biggest hint drop I've ever seen. (women laugh) (bell rings) - But you know, congratulations to all of you. You guys are gonna be beautiful brides. I'm very excited for you guys. - Thank you. - Hopefully when I do it next, it'll be for the right reasons and with the right person. - Okay. Unfortunately I do gotta take some of that away. - Oh I mean, not that much. - It's okay. - Woo! We did it! (women laugh) - Yes. - This will just barely cover some of the flowers. - For the vendors! - For the vendor. (women laugh)
Channel: Jubilee
Views: 841,306
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jubilee, jubilee media, jubilee project, middle ground, spectrum, odd man out, versus 1, embrace empathy, live deeper, love language, blind devotion, Jubilee Odd one out, odd one out married, brides to be, getting married, bride to be tips, getting married 2023, brides 2022, brides 2023, covid brides, jubilee odd one out brides, who is not getting married, who is getting married, wedding planning, jubilee wedding, jubilee marriage
Id: IqrOHNin6_Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 49sec (529 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 17 2022
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