5 Bourbons and Whiskey you NEED!

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hey all welcome back to slb basement bourbon bar i am kurt ludington your resident host and bartender as you can see we don't have our normal setup that we usually do for mixing a cocktail together what we're going to do today is we're going to do well whiskey reviews now more than any other question that i ever have whether it be on our facebook page slb basement bourbon bar or instagram page slb drinks or even on youtube slb drinks by far the most popular question i get is what particular whiskey's bourbons rice scotch do you prefer and that's that's hard for me because i i kind of take it personal to to the extent that i'm really not an expert in the field of whiskey tastings and reviews i'm really not i'm pretty much a novice i'm kind of like everybody else that enjoys a good pour and has some whiskey bottles and enjoy different types of of whiskeys but in order to try to fulfill uh a majority of the questions and and and requests that i get i want to try to get through this and we're going to have a good time regardless so what i want to do excuse me not that long ago several months ago there was something that came up on reddit and it basically broke down what they did was they if they only had five bourbons or five whiskeys that they could choose what would they be and here's how they they broke it down into categories they broke it down into a daily drinker a cheat mixer what would you choose for a friday night pour what would you choose to impress a guest and then lastly what whiskey would you prefer to be a special occasion type whiskey something you only open every so often because it's a special occasion type of a whiskey now that came up on reddit and a bunch of uh youtube uh whiskey review shows that i watched personally to learn about different whiskeys they just they just tore it up and they went through this couple months ago but i'm going to use that same platform that same that that same breakdown and because i thought it it it would it would encircle a lot of different types of uh whiskies whether it be by price or or whatever so that's what we're gonna do and i'm all set and ready to go here a couple of caveats though again once again i am not a professional so i can only give you my personal reviews and secondly i can only i can only suggest bottles that i have either tasted or have now granted we probably have three or four hundred whiskeys down here i don't even know i don't have an accurate count so i've tasted a lot of whiskey but you know i'm sure there's some people that'll say uh the certain whiskey here well i think this one's better but you know if i haven't tasted it i really i truly don't know so before we get started though if you would please hit that subscribe button once you've done that hit that notification bell and that way you won't miss a single episode of the show please list your comments below i know we'll have plenty of difference of opinions and i think that's great because that's the way we learn okay today we're dealing with bourbons and whiskeys we're going to split this up into two shows uh i mean sorry bourbons and rise the next show is going to be specifically scotch whiskey but today we got bourbons and rice so the very first category is a daily drinker so it i have to be completely honest because i just it's just not me not to be honest so my daily drinker is without question wild turkey rare breed without question that's my daily drinker if you as you see this one hasn't even been open yet i've already emptied the other bottle last week that i had i just got this one a few days ago now the only real issue i had internally about picking the rare breed is this bottle is going to cost you 40 bucks maybe 42 43 excuse me if if you pick a daily drinker one would think that you would try to pick something that's more around the 25 range that's completely understandable there's so many options good options in that in that lower range you got some maker's mark maker's mark 101 a wild turkey i'm sorry makers mark yeah makers mark 101 while turkey 101 you've got some knob creek in there and some of their less expensive bottles that are excellent but in order for me to be truthful with you my preferred pour more than not is going to be wild turkey rare breed this bottle offers a little bit of proof it offers some great vanillas and burnt toast and just some just some real quintessential bourbon flavors that you'll find in this in this wild turkey rare breed now i will tell you this 99 of the time when i have a pour of this rare brain it's over a block of ice now you'll have a lot of professionals you have a lot of people tell you there's only one way to drink whiskey and that's neat well that's just that's just ridiculous the best way to drink whiskey is the way you like to drink it and that's the end of that story there's some whiskey's down here that i i prefer to drink neat there's other whiskeys that i have down here that i prefer to pour over a block of ice this particular rare breed is my preferred pour and i always pour it over a block of ice all right moving on to the next category the next category is a cheap mixer now i i came across this bottle only a several months ago but i fell in love with it for mixing bourbon cocktails it's old granddad 114. i can't speak highly enough for it it's going to cost you a little over 20 bucks maybe 25 bucks depending on where you're at but this bottle is fantastic for mixing bourbon cocktails i mean you got your you got your your basic bourbon flavors in there you got a little tobacco leather some vanilla there's some good stuff in there but what i love about it is the proof point the proof point is 114. so there's a lot of different uh bourbon cocktails that your bourbon is going to get washed out because the ingredients case in point not too long ago we put a ship we put a uh a youtube out there a video that we've made of several different bourbon cocktails and one of them was the blood and bourbon in that particular cocktail you have one ounce of blood orange juice and you have one ounce of lime juice and you have some rich simple syrup and the list goes on and on so once i pour in my ounce and a half i believe that cocktail had an ounce and a half of bourbon once i pour an ounce an half a bourbon let's say of angel's nv or something like that that's only 80 proof what do you have your bourbon is completely washed out now with this old granddad 114 that bourbon is still the star of the show which i love when i'm mixing up a bourbon cocktail is i want my bourbon to shine through and that's what you get with this old granddad 114. all right moving on to the next category is a friday night pour i i could not i could not and i could not get past this list without including at least one bottle of elijah craig barrel proof for these i think are 65 now i did hear that they might be going up a little bit but i promise you this even if they go up to 75 that is a fantastic buy for this for this line elijah craig barrel proof they come out with with uh three releases yearly what i have here has been my absolute favorite so far of all of them that i have and it's the c919 now they letter and number all their releases this was actually a 2019 release it's honey sorry for this but i bought three bottles of this when it came out because it was so good so this is actually the second or third bottle i don't even know but the c919 uh elijah craig burle-proof man it's just got all the amazing brown sugar caramel vanilla flavors that that everybody searches out in a bourbon and that's what you'll find with this elijah craig barrel proof another good pick i believe it was the two 2020 releases the elijah craig barrel proof uh b520 that one also is fantastic but still to this point my favorite is the elijah craig barrel proof c919 so on a friday night when you get home and your work's done you just want two minutes to relax yeah this has got a little bit it's got a little bit of a kick to it because it's barrel proof i'm sorry i'm gonna have to use my cheater sometimes on some of this but this is 136.8 proof and believe it or not i know this is going to sound crazy because i just told you i always have my wild turkey rare breed over ice 7 out of 10 times i drink this neat it's on a friday night it's when you want to chill out it's a little bit but it doesn't drink that hot it doesn't drink extremely hot you know you have some proof on your hands don't get me wrong but it doesn't drink extremely hot and it's just so satisfying and it's just freaking delightful so that is my friday night pour moving on to the next category impress your guests now if i had guests down here this was a no-brainer for me the rest of these i kind of i wish he washed around this took me several weeks several weeks believe it or not to combine these bottles could kept changing my mind this one was a no-brainer from from from the very beginning i had this chosen and this is a bardstown release my boy trenton picked this up for me because he knew i was looking for it this is discover series number four this has only been in the bar again probably a few months but my i mean it's just unbelievable and what i like about about bardstown once again i cannot i cannot recommend this bardstown bottle specifically uh this discovery series number four anymore i mean it's a fantastic bottle and all of the bard style releases are are exceptional okay moving on to the last category the last category is a special occasion bottle obviously one you probably paid a couple dollars for and something that is super super good and you don't want to just sit there every week and have a pour and and be done with the bottle in a month or two so this was extremely extremely difficult for me but i finally concluded believe it or not on an irish whiskey selection what i have here is red breast 27 year old you can't go wrong with any of the red breast releases any of the red breast bottles are very very good irish whiskeys this particular bottle uh is a single pot still irish whiskey and they have some writing here and even with my cheaters on them and have a hard time reading it but i want to try to read it for you but but basically this bottle is an explosion of fruit flavors i mean it's just an amazing whiskey it's 54 percent abv basically says a seamless medley of dark fruit blood orange and walnuts summer berries soft vanilla and smoldering oak i gotta be truthful i really don't get much oak out of this bottle if it is it's very little but however this bottle is truly amazing when it comes to fruit type flavors there's a little bit of earthiness to it so like it said on the label maybe some of the walnuts and so forth but the berry explosion that's in this bottle will just well just it's just dumb pounding i have never gotten that with any other bourbon rye irish whiskey i've never gotten these type of flavors and that strong of berry notes and any other whiskey than this red breast 27 year old now this this it's probably also because it's finished in uh port wide barrels so you know that port wine is going to lend a lot to you to your uh to your berry flavors now as you can see any whiskey that's 27 year old is going to cost you a couple dollars this one's going to cost you a few c notes uh i think it was uh babe close your ears real quick but i think it was actually five c notes for that bottle so i think she fell off the chair but she's gonna be okay she's gonna be fine however i've already had this bottle probably you know year and a half or two and it's basically a third gone so as you can see i'm gonna milk that out as long as i can this is a special occasion bottle this is something i'm only gonna open every so often and even you know a lot of times you know a pour consists of probably two ounces when i pour something like this it's probably going to be one ounce and i'm going to really really sip it lightly and enjoy it as much as i can and i'm going to try to lengthen that as long as i can so red breast 27 year old is my special occasion whiskey bottle so in review very quickly my daily drinker without question wild turkey rare breed my absolute favorite cheap mixer is this old granddad 114 my friday night pour has got to be this elijah craig barrel proof and my specific favorite release is the 2019 c919 now to impress my guest the discovery series number four from bardstown is immaculate and i would highly suggest most all of the bardstown releases and finally the special occasion bottle again the red breast 27 year old irish whiskey man i had a fabulous time putting this together it's kind of like one of my passions again i know i'm not a professional but i love dealing with bourbons and brides and whiskeys and scotch so i hope we all learn something here together today and thank you so much for joining us i had a complete blast doing this so as always though we're gonna ask you to please drink responsibly and then we'll see you next time right down here with me for part two don't miss it part two of our whiskey review scotch bottles using the same format take care and we'll see
Channel: SLB Drinks
Views: 353,068
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: best bourbons, best whiskeys, best whiskeys 2021, best bourbons 2021, most expensive whiskey, most expensive bourbon, rare bourbon, top 5 bourbons, top 5 whiskeys, top 5 drinks, bourbon, whiskey, rye, review, tasting, bourbonjunkies, whiskey review, bourbon review, reddit, r bourbon, /r/bourbon, 5 whiskeys you need, only need 5 whiskeys, bottles of whiskey, bottles of bourbon, chrap mixer, daily drinker, special occasion whiskey, whiskey to stay away from, adhd whiskey, overhyped
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 26sec (986 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 25 2021
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