5 Awesome Linux Terminal Tools You Must Know

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what is going on guys welcome back in this video today I'm going to talk about five awesome Linux terminal tools that you should definitely know about so let us get right into it [Music] all right so we're going to take a look at five awesome Linux terminal applications in this video today and this can be very interesting to both Linux users but also for Windows users because on Windows you have the windows subsystem for Linux the WSL which you can use to run Linux inside of windows in a virtualized environment and then you can also benefit from these terminal tools also I think some of them might be available for Windows natively or at least you don't need to have the windows subsystem for Linux to run them on Windows but I would say they are primarily Linux terminal tools so when I created this list I wanted to include tools that are somewhat interesting and somewhat exciting not some basic terminal tools that we all know that are very basic even though they're very useful so for example if you have a Linux terminal here you can use tools like LS or grep or curl or wget and stuff like that those are very powerful and useful tools but you don't necessarily expect to find them in a list from a video video that says 5 awesome Linux tools right so those are great tools and there are a bunch of great tools on Linux but I wanted to focus more on tools that are not pre-installed on most operating systems on most distributions that are a little bit more I wouldn't call them Niche tools because they're quite popular and everyone that uses the Linux for quite some time probably knows them but they're not as mainstream as grep wget curl and so on and the first tool that I would like to talk about is a tool that works as a task manager or as a system monitor in the command line because there is this basic Linux application I think it comes pre-installed on most systems called top and top is essentially just a system monitor slash task manager in the command line now I don't ever use top I don't know what kind of keybinds there are so maybe you can kill processes or terminate them or it's just a monitoring tool or you can sort or something like that but top is very very basic as you can see here now something that's a little bit more advanced than top is h-top and h-top is what a lot of people use instead of top because it adds colors and stuff like that so you can also run h-top here usually you have to install htop and it's basically top but you now have also some keybinds down here you have some colors you can go through the to the different processes you can filter and stuff like that so you can OBS for example something like that um but I think that there's an even better tool than h-top or top and this is b-top and b-top is like h-top but even more uh user friendly and even better looking I would say so what you have here essentially is you have the CPU usage in the upper right corner you have the processes in the lower right corner you have the network usage down here you have memory usage so I think this is uh yeah this is RAM usage this is disk usage here and um you also can see that all these words here or a lot of the words here have a blue character at least blue in my color scheme here and when you press that character on the keyboard you're triggering that function so for example here I have all the different processes I can navigate here with the arrow keys through the processes you can also see this nice shadow effect here and I can also use the mouse even to click here on the different onto the different processes and if I go here now and I press f for filter up here I can look for a certain name for example obs or I can look for um maybe if I start a software speed crunch or something like that it's just a basic math slash calculator tool I can now look for Speed Crunch and I can do something with that process so first of all I can press enter to get some more details on the process or I can do stuff like terminate the process with a t button press or I can kill the process with k or more General I can press s to send a signal to the process including say kill and sick term I can also interrupt I can abort I can I can terminate I can um alarm I can quit I can do a bunch of different things here so let's go ahead now and terminate the process for example with t this will kill the graphical user interface as you can see speed crunch is no longer open up and this is what you can do for example with this tool you can also reverse the Sorting order you can get a tree view here to see which process started which other process you can also change what to the criteria for sorting is by using the arrow keys here um and we can do a bunch of different things so I can press D to get some more disk info I can press I to get some more IO info I can press uh the various Keys here one thing that's very interesting is I can also change this um time here in the upper right corner this uh I would say refresh time or something like that because right now it's 2 000 milliseconds meaning that um every two seconds I get an update in this interface here if I press minus a couple of times you can see that this is now on 100 milliseconds and everything's a little bit faster so you can see or I would say much faster so you can see I get updates all the time here everything's more active I can also slow this down by pressing plus a couple of times to maybe set this to one second or if I want a super slow update I can also do it every 10 seconds something like that then I would rarely even get an update here so you can see nothing is happening every 10 seconds I'm going to get a refreshing view here um I like to use something around a thousand usually something like this uh but this is a very nice tool and I think um that it's definitely Superior compared to top and h-top one thing that's super interesting here is the menu you can press M to open up the menu you can go to options and you can pick a color theme here so I'm obviously using one dark I'm using one dark everywhere in the terminal in neovim in b-top in pycharm in Firefox everywhere I'm using one dark but you can also use a different one for example Gruff box uh if you like that more you can easily change the color scheme of this application here and you can also change different other settings CPU settings memory settings and you can also with the p button load different presets different views of this application so this is a very Advanced system monitoring tool for the command line and it's one of my favorite tools to use and it's also quite fancy so it looks kind of professional if you want to flex a little bit with your operating system this is what you want to have running on your second screen uh so this is the first tool the second tool I want to talk about is a very basic tool it's not as fancy or sophisticated as b-top but it's very useful and it fulfills one specific purpose which is finding something and it does that in a fuzzy way I'm talking about fuzzy finder fzf essentially and fuzzy finder basically is just a tool that finds strings in paths so if I if I run it in a certain directory so if I go to downloads for example and I say fuzzy finder I'm going to see all my download uh all the files and directories listed that are in the download directory and then maybe I could go and type something like Antics to find this Antics ISO which is not fuzzy because I'm actually typing the name I could also type something like NTI and then maybe um six and then you would see that it recognizes NTI and 6 in here but it also recognizes that lubuntu for example has uh or lubuntu has uh NT and it has an i and it has a six even though the order is not quite the same and the six comes before the I and it's not exactly what we're looking for but this is the definition of a fuzzy search right so you can look for files in a fuzzy way and you can do that everywhere in the system so I can actually go to the root directory here I can start a fuzzy finder and then I can look through the whole system for a certain files so I can say Dot Lock to get log files or something like that and then I can maybe look for something else before that something like was wrong oh for ooh um and uh stuff like that this is actually now in my windows drive because I also have my windows Drive attached here um at Mount Windows as you can see but you can see I have some log files here and we can also look for hidden files if we go and say find dot pipe fuzzy finder in this case we get permission tonight because I don't have the pseudo privileges to do that so may want to say find quality finder like this ah now of course it wants a password this was not very intelligent from my site let me just run this again I'm not sure if my password just retype it okay three three incorrect attempts uh it's fine it doesn't really matter but this is how you can also do that so you can type find period maybe I can do that in now it doesn't even show what I'm typing what is that I think I messed up things here so if I say find dot fuzzy finder this also shows hidden directories maybe we can see that better in the user directory so here find dot fuzzy finder because now I can also find my init.vim file which is in config nvim in Advent for example uh just a nice little tool to use um it's very useful if you want to stay in the terminal and you want to find files quickly fuzzy finder so usually you also have to install it sudo apt install fuzzy finder at least on Debian based distributions and that is the second tool now the third tool is something that you probably already know I'm sure that most Windows users that are using the terminal uh regularly also know this tool because I think this is not a Linux exclusive tool I think this is just a general terminal tool that you can also use on Mac and windows but it's a very useful tool and it is ffmpack and ffmpack is essentially a tool that you can use to convert videos to convert videos to audio so you to extract the audio from a video to convert video files from one format to another format to change the resolution to change the frame rate to extract images to combine images into videos to combine images into uh GIF or to combine multiple images into a gif animation for example this is what you can do with ffmpack and in order to explain ffmpeg to you I'm actually going to already present the next tool so we're going to combine the two because the next tool is a tool that is very good at explanation so we're going to cover two tools here at the same time the next tool I want to talk about so the fourth tool in the list is tldr and tldr stands for too long didn't read you know this from all sorts of forums if you don't want to read this you just type tldr didn't read the whole thing but this is my opinion uh to your title or something like that and you can use this tool you have to install it so you have to say on a Debian based distribution pseudo apt install tldr and then once you have tldr installed you can just say tldr Dash U to download the pages and then you basically have a nice tool that shows you how to use other tools because let's say I want to use ffmpec now if I want to use ffmpeg what I have to do is I have to either look up the documentation or I have to say help and I have to look through all this stuff here if I'm lucky I might find a a man page so I might say ffmpack or man ffmpac and I will find a man page like this one here if I'm lucky oftentimes I'm not even going to find that and I can read through all of this I can play around with it but oftentimes it's just more convenient to use tldr tldr ffmpeg will show me how to use ffmpack in a simple way so let me just rerun this here this just gives me a bunch of examples here on how to use ffmpack and this already tells you what ffmpec is doing extract the sound from a video and save it as an mp3 ffmpeg-i for input video and then you extract the sound into an MP3 file or you save a video as GIF you can scale it with this command or you can combine multiple images here and you can turn them into a gif or into a video or you can extract a single frame from a video and save it in a specific resolution and you can also convert the Codex this is actually something that I'm doing for my videos so if you go to my video directory I think I have um this test directory here here I have a script converge dot sh where I am essentially using ffmpack to take the videos that I'm recording like this one right now and to turn them um into a format that DaVinci Resolve can handle on Linux because the premium version only supports a specific codec don't ask me why it's not linux's fault it's DaVinci's fault that they don't support uh the basic codec that everyone uses on Linux for free but you can also just use ffmpeg to batch convert all these files into the codec that you need and this is what I'm doing essentially I'm using ffmpack to produce my videos and there are many different use cases for this and this is basically ffmpeg now to tldr you can do not just ffmpeg stuff with that you can use any tool or most tools you can probably find some tldr page for so tldr curl if you don't know what curl is here you have some examples on how to use Curl or tldr um I think b-top will probably not be available but I'm I think h-top will be available because a little bit more mainstream so tldr h-top tldr cat tldr LS tldr W gets or awk all this stuff so you have all these terminal tools which you can use also fuzzy finder I'm pretty sure sort of tldr fuzzy finder and you can get simple straightforward examples of what you want to do it's not a complicated documentation because if you look at all these outputs here it's very simple very straightforward what you can do with that so look at curl for example you can download content you can download a file you can send data you can send requests you can pass usernames and so on if I go and say curl dash dash help I'm confused I don't know what to do with curl if I don't know what curl is I don't know what to do with that and maybe I can say curl dash dash help all to be completely confused or maybe I can say Man pages curl to get even more confused but with tldr I know what curl is about and I know how curl Works in a very simple way in a very simply in a very simple or with a very simple x explanation so those are the two tools fmpeg for the video audio stuff and tldr to get a basic understanding of what a software is doing or a terminal tool is doing now the fifth tool here I think it's quite obvious which one it's going to be those of you guys who follow my channel for quite some time know what my favorite terminal tool is on Linux by far it is neovim which is essentially an editor it's vi vi is just Vim or VI is just an editor Vim is VI improved and neovim is the modern version actually that's not the command and the Mr command is the modern version of VI or of them actually and I know what you guys are going to say in the comment section down below I'm using still an init Vim file I'm not using Lua I didn't have the time to read into it yet I have a quite old config it works well for me but yes I know it's not using Lua and I should update uh eventually but neovim is my favorite terminal tool it's actually one of my favorite editors I know for a large project bases for large code bases it's not very viable so when I'm working on a flask project a Django project with multiple components with multiple Blueprints and a lot of different HTML files interconnected stuff I'm not going to use any of them I'm going to use something like pycharm or maybe vs code usually pycharm um I'm not going to use any of them but if I just want to code two three four files or maybe a project that consists of up to 10 files neovium is very convenient because it's lightweight and you can customize it completely so let me show you I have a video on this channel I have multiple videos on this channel on neovim and Vim how to use it what the keybinds are why you should use it uh how to replicate my setup how to uh or or what plugins you you should know I have a video seven awesome Bim plugins that you must know about but essentially this is my configure so I'm not going to talk too much about new them here because I have so many videos already uh this is my config file I can use here a simple uh file Tree on the left um and I can also for example I have basic Auto completion if I say test file dot py import you can see here import and I can import numpy for example so I have Auto completion here you can see it's recognizing python 3.10 this is just in my opinion um the most powerful terminal tool because it's such a great editor and you can do so many things with that so for example um if I go to uh where could I go I could go to the to the prep deer to my directory here if I go into this directory here where I essentially have the script for the last two videos and for this one if I say now any of them open this directory I can just type AG down here because of a plugin I have and I can search through the text so I can say for example token and it will find every line where token exists in um in the file or something that could be token it's again a fuzzy search so you can see here it says o-k-e-n we don't really have a token here uh but yeah this is also this is on the terminal right so it's a very powerful tool I won't talk too much about it because it I I have too many videos on this already so those are the five tools now I wanted to also include two extra tools I didn't want to call this video seven awesome tools even though seven is a great number uh the reason I don't want to consider those to be like two other great tools because they're quite basic I wouldn't say that they're tools per se I think they're more like showing off some interesting stuff one of them is actually quite useful the other one is just for fun it's really useless unless you want to have some fun but the first one is actually quite useful and the two tools I'm talking about or first of all the first tool I'm talking about here um actually this is what I wanted to do uh the first tool that I that I'm talking about here is neofetch and neofetch is a tool that shows you system information so you can see here it's the username the um the host name or or yeah the operating system name here uh what OS it is what host it is uh what the kernel is uh how long the system has been running how many packages we haven't installed what the shell is what the resolutions of the in this case three monitors are what the desktop environment is uh what the theme is what the CPU is the GPU how many or how much RAM there is what the color scheme looks like you can also see here the ASCII logo of the operating system and it is a useful tool if you just want to look at it but it's also just a nice tool when you look at Linux terminal um or Linux setup screenshots you will always see neofetch running somewhere on the screen just to to impress people with the setup because it just looks nice to have your operator system information with the logo in the terminal so this is a nice to have and the other one is a really just just a completely useless fun script but it's nice to to have something that you can screenshot if you want to it's the tool called C Matrix essentially just doing some Matrix stuff and I I'm pretty sure tldr will have some explanation on this there you go so it shows you you can use different um parameters here so C Matrix C Matrix Dash C red gives us a red Matrix and if you want to flex in front of non-linux users what you can do is you can just activate here something like a tiling Window Manager and then you can open up a couple of terminals you can open up b top on the right this is actually the screenshot that I made a couple of days ago on my channel to announce that I'm now using Linux um here now we can say neofetch and here we can say C Matrix and then we can move this down a little bit and there you go now you have a nice uh desktop that you can screenshot here so that you can show people that you're using Linux by the way of course if you have Arch it's even better you can Flex even more but yeah those are my five or seven whatever you like Linux terminal tools that are in my opinion awesome and that you should have heard about so that's it for today's video I hope you enjoyed it and hope you learned something if so let me know by hitting the like button and leaving a comment in the comment section down below and of course don't forget to subscribe to this Channel and hit the notification Bell to not miss a single future video for free other than that thank you much for watching see you next video and bye
Channel: NeuralNine
Views: 274,066
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: linux, terminal, linux terminal apps, linux terminal tools, 5 awesome linux terminal tools, neofetch, btop, fzf, fuzzy finder, cmatrix, ffmpeg, tldr, neovim, nvim, vim
Id: ghWECXWi9kU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 5sec (1385 seconds)
Published: Sun May 28 2023
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