[5] American Lock 1100 Picked & Gutted

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hey everyone this is Edie Forrest and welcome back to another episode today we're going to tackle an American Lock 1100 a classic padlock that's a staple in any lock picker's Journey this lock is Infamous for its serrated pins and tight tolerances so let's see what we can do and if you're new here uh don't forget to subscribe and if you like the video leave a thumbs up I would really appreciate it so now let's get into it [Music] all right well in front of us we have an American Lock 1100 series padlock and this is a fantastic training tool for those who are venturing into security pin picking it is known for its serrated pens serrated key pins driver pins and spool pins all of them are serrated which can be a real challenge so now let's get this lock into device and it is I believe my first video using device I decided to start using it a bit more uh to get ready for nice Euro locks like this ASA uh we have the medical here sergeant and those are not really comfortable to pick in hands compared to padlocks that you can hold like this while picking these they're kind of small and I have very big hands and it yeah it's just not comfortable so I'm going to be using the vice a bit more let me adjust the focus so that you can see the lock clearly right so I think we should be good now and for this job we're going to be using uh we're going to be using a pry bar a top of the keyway tension tool made by LaLa Tools in uh 1.2 millimeters and I'm also going to use a hook something standard not too uh not too shallow not too deep let me see I think this one will do the trick yeah let's go for this one it's a nice profile and so these tools are from the law lock tools Valerian Euro set very very nice lock pick set up let's begin top of the keyway tension we have nothing on one two is set nothing on three four is set or seems to be said at least I think I got some counter rotation on fine go back a bit and we are open so that was the American Lock 1100 and I will show you the key now so that you can see what we were up against um so it is not the most interesting bidding to be honest uh pins one and three are zero cuts well basically they're already set don't even need to touch them um pin number two is a bit it's quite high and then three and four are pretty low so yeah not the most interesting key bidding here but it's fine and now we are gonna get it open and see exactly what is inside I was talking about some serrated key pins driver pins and serrated spools so let's have a look at that and I think I'm going to be using let me move the vice a bit make some room I'm going to be using my lpu rain uh pinning tray which was sent to me by Seth Clues shout out to you always awesome and uh we let me get my tools everything we need all right so actually we're gonna have to reset that because as you can see the keyway is wrong position that should be the trick key all right and so there is a Phillips crew down the shackle hole we're gonna need our screwdriver here 's our screw I think I will put it here and now the bottom plate should come right off there you go and now we have our cylinder and we're going to be using the sparrows gutting Ranch which is very handy to remove the clip because here basically basically what holds the lock together is this bronze colored clip also known as c-clips or circlip Circle clips good yep you can leave it here now we're going to use the key again to pull the plug out and we're gonna need a follower which is I'm going to be using this one which is made by sparrows I have some shims but I don't think we need to use that today honestly right and so here we gotta be careful because we our key pins are right here and I really like I don't know if you guys can see that but I really like to move the key and see these uh the pens moving all right now we're gonna get we're gonna get our tweezers which are also made by sparrows um I'm not a big fan of these sparrows picks because they tend to break kind of easily not as bad as the Chinese picks but still but I gotta say sparrows they make really really nice uh gutting and pinning stuff all right and so what I'm gonna do I'm gonna go one two three four five so left to right foreign [Music] another one another one let's better make a cat here number four and uh the last one is five which is also a serrated pin okay we will put this little guy here and now let's move on to the driver pins and so um pin number one will be here I'm gonna pull that slowly let me zoom in a bit so that you guys can see we'll not zoom in but move closer all right and the Springs are not very long and not a very strong so that's why the pin is not flying anywhere and uh it might need some help getting out okay we got it here so that is pin number one got pin number two hmm okay I think I got it yep let's go to pin number three pin number three fell down which is it's right here number four and number five there you go now for the springs I tend to be less gentle with the Springs as you can see [Music] because they're all the same when I got a new lock I tend I tried to be a bit more careful because sometimes they have different spin different uh Springs but these are all the same so it doesn't really matter all right there you go so let me see if I can zoom in a bit so that you guys can see right and so the focus there okay so let's talk about these pins that make this 1100 infamous so all the key pins are serrated as you can see and for the driver pins we have one four and five which are serrated spools there you go so this can give you trouble if you're not used to them pins uh driver pins two and three are normal serrated pins [Music] and uh that's it the Springs are just I guess normal I don't know if they're copper I guess I guess they are normal Springs nothing fancy here and so yeah that's it that's what that's what is inside the American Lock 1100 it's a very very nice lock and we're gonna reassemble it now make sure that everything works fine and we're going to start with the springs are done and I don't know if you notice but there is room for a sixth uh set of pins so maybe someday I'm gonna make a custom lock and I'm gonna put a six pin in there but then I won't have the key for that so we'll see we'll think I'm gonna think about it all right let's start from this side pin number five four three oh I dropped a pin usually I use followers for this but because the Springs are so weak there's there's no point really let's put number three better three and two and one all right and now I'm gonna be using the follower put them down go now key pens I'm gonna do it in order one two three four five and now we can put everything back together and we're done see clip in all good all set this guy goes back in plate and our Phillips crew that I should probably change because um it's seen better days is that and there all right so we're good I think make sure it's working yep so yeah that's it we are done and um so thank you very much for watching before uh you leave I want to give a queen a quick uh shout out to sep clues for sending me some nice stickers this tray and uh some locks that I will pick later on so yeah there you have it folks we've picked gutted and reassembled this American Lock 1100 I hope you found this informative and enjoyable if you have any questions or suggestions please feel free to leave them in the comments below don't forget to like uh this video if you found it helpful and share it with other Lux sport enthusiasts and if you haven't subscribed yet please consider doing so this was 80 Forest signing off until the next time stay safe stay legal and remember the right tension is the key to success have a good one [Music]
Channel: E.D. Forest | EDF0101
Views: 153
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: locksport, lockpicking
Id: 3LYSvcR3i-c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 31sec (1051 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 28 2023
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