4x4 recovery gear 101, modern gear vs old gear

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Oh Ronnie Dahl four-wheeling Australia welcome to a tutorial on recovery gear we have all the recovery gear that I can think of I've reached out to a few people borrowed some gear some gear have been sent we are going to start from a go all the way to Z explain what each individual thing is and then there'll be a separate video what I recommend to have as a recovery kit for for winching for snatching the full recovery kit the stuff that you probably don't need and the stuff that you should really have this could be a long video in the description below there's jump point so you can skip to any part of the video you wish to so if you're only here to look at the random stuff of snatch straps or all these stuff we're talking about here you want to go back and look at something you can jump around to your liking down below the old spade or shovel and a tire deflator double get you out of most situations the most important thing above all are proper recovery points on vehicles I've done a lot of videos where I've mentioned this so I'll touch on this briefly this is a recovery point this one happens to be an ARB one this is for an MP 300 nabarro now you can even see on a box it says rota for a four point seven five tonne and bow shackle and a tonne snatch strap so that means that this isn't rated for a 12-time snatch strap with an f250 pulling like a bull out of the gate so everything has a point where it's rated to and a point where it can break they don't make these for all vehicles unfortunately but there are other companies that do recovery points brand new vehicles are hard to get points for common vehicles are Hilux Land Cruiser patrol Ford Ranger every company does a recovery point for them still are recovery points this is a tree trunk protector we'll get two straps later this can be used as a bridle so if you have two recovery points on a vehicle which I'll recommend then you are dividing the load on the vehicle and it's it's a lot less stress on things then we move on to the rear hitch receiver these are actually quite cheap definitely get one of these good I will steer away from this particular one here this is a this is all my opinion by the way so if any company gets a bit tell you with me it's all my opinion in my opinion the came r1 this one here it's hollow I wouldn't go for something like that they actually are a bit weaker than a solid block this is your solid block that's what I would go for many different shapes and sizes many different brands this one fits a full time shackle rounding numbers here this one fits a 5-time shackle the big boy so this is what you put on an f250 or a ram this is what you put on a Land Cruiser Hilux patrol etc then we have your more fancy sexy-looking ones like the factor 55 they make some pretty really nice pretty stuff this can work with a soft shackle and a hard shackle goes in there so as you see here it is another factor 55 iron with a dead man soft chuckle I'll get one two socks off shackles in a sec and then you have max tracks they've even brought out their one now this one can only take soft shackle it's specifically designed for shot soft shackle only so it also looks pretty cool your most common shackle is the middle range one that is the 4.3 ton working load limit that is your most common one these you should have two of I reckon so we'll put those here then you have the big boy this is for your bigger vehicles and then we move down in size these are for the vehicles that have small recovery points or maybe only have a factory tie-down point I don't recommend using those but if you absolutely have to you have no choice then these are the ones you would use you giving your smaller ones here these are only rated to two tonne so what you need to do is factor in this strap again so you divide the load and only gentle pulls do a lot of digging make sure it is a very gentle recovery if you're going to use weak points like that I don't recommend it I would say I'll suggest not doing it but if you have to then that's your choice I'm not responsible for your break in your car it's off shackles I absolutely love soft shackles this is a gator jaw from America I think the Americans brought a soft shackle at first but now heaps of companies in Australia dormers all this one here has a breaking point of 14 tonne I've used this many times there's a dead man one they all the same pretty much this has more of a sleeve on it so it protects it a bit more and then IRB they've started doing our mazhab that also has a pretty cool sleeve on it which you can actually remove and you can wash it afterwards sand grains is your worst enemy with this stays Conor shackles like if you go on mud the stretching will cut the little fibers with the sand grains but we'll get it more into maintenance in a different video let's move on to Winchell's winch hooks and snatch blocks which are to do a winching we'll start with your winch hooks if you are going to go your Kelvin hook don't go to small ones they're not as versatile as the big ones the big ones you can actually fit the strap in here and yeah these are disciplined get rid of them get a bigger one but even better than that onto stuff that that I'll actually use on the front of my car I have an ultra hook this is factored 55 gear the ultra hook on the front has heaps of features Aman that's the one I preferred it also has like a lock of leverage like this as you see me screen right now I'll pull my daughters to fat with it to excellent hook they also do like your standard nipple one here that you put a bow shackle in one of these see it's like that and then you got the other ones here which have other purposes and you know for certain applications I'm not sure what this one's for but I'm sure I'll figure it out somehow this one here has a rope guard on it like I have on the one that's on mine this will prevent the UV light from eating away at your dynamic which will prolong the life of it whereas if you have your conventional Kelvin hook its exposed and also this can flap around a bit not only this brand but other brands have them as all they've got rubber backing on the back of them it's it stops it from moving around and there's a bit of giving it as all moving on to snatch blocks there are two different types of snatch blocks here you have these ones here there's a meant for steel cable this stuff here you can use dynamic on these but I would recommend not using it because it can get pinched in in certain certain ones like a IB one should be okay but I would only really use these for steel cable but you can use them for rope so this one's for instance it does have some sharp edges and whatnot on it and once I start rusting that stuff they can eat away at your rope azure so just keep that in mind so if you have these make sure you maintain them clean that rust off because it's abrasive this is like your modern stuff [Applause] and get all these in different sizes you can get a smaller one it's so tiny I do not recommend those I'll recommend a bigger one over the mass tracks one that they've brought out we shall I'm sure they sell these yet and then this guy here which is I don't know what this is from a guy Center Timmy 7p tactical recovery ring yeah this is probably the size that I would use it's nice and big the rope that goes around it has got more surface area it's not like a like a real sort of narrow section where all the pressures on one point I'm not an engineer but that's my theory behind using a bigger ring they're quite light as well these are bloody heavy this is so light now we're talking about straps we have kinetic rope this is stuff that's new this is new to the full drive industry the game whatever you like to call it snatch rope this is a Dobbin someone but you can get all different types and brands these are meant to stretch more than a snap strap I think from our experience it doesn't feel that much different we still need a real situation where someone's really really stuck we'll test them out there but what I will say is these conventional snatch straps these take up this room check that out that's your snatch strap rolls up that's your snatch rope so takes up a lot of room I haven't seen enough benefit to go with a snatch rope over a snatch strap yet that's just my honest opinion this stuff here lasts a long time if you look after it these have 20% stretch what I do find is if you join to snatch straps with each other you will get 40 percent stretch so if you need to snatch someone out it's got a camper trailer or telling a boat or something that's where you need the 40 percent stretch is much more gentle on the vehicles and you can give it a bit more gas acceleration this is for your round trucks your f250s this is a 15-time strap if you have a Land Cruiser and is a Suzuki stock and you really snatch him they go this is okay you're gonna know about it so that's what your heavy-duty stuff and then we got extension stress which I did have one cheese like cheese Dylan the point Dylan is here for this is for Java super center gear super cheap auto again I'm going to mention years old you can get cheap recovery gear that is good you just have to make sure is righted that is the main thing that we need to look at as long as it's righted that means it's been tested all big companies big brand names or big companies they all have certain Australian standards that they have to comply by all their stuff gets tested out so you can use cheaper recovery gear nice jacket now I've got two over here don't go off in your king swag mate tree trunk protectors if you look after your recovery gear to last year possibly a lifetime this is ten years old believe it or not this is seen a lot of recoveries with me on the end of it also good for a bridle strap then we have the ARB one this one has been abused a bit but still holding up really well this has been very abused out here on our testing grounds where we are now same thing that's the same same stuff as any arbitrary trumpet actor then we move on to these two straps from factor 55 these can be used as joining straps Dada's a bridle because the angle is too is too severe for bridle straps you want a bit more length these straps here can be used to repair things so if you have bent a control arm or a steering arm on the front you can actually use this with your winch to try and correct things pull things straight also good if you want to put around a headboard on a vehicle you don't want rolling over you can secure things to places that you normally can't recover off it's not meant to be used as a recovery point when you put it on different places on your vehicle that's there to assist and hold the vehicle while you are recovering by other means so two different sizes then we move on to the blankets Bob Dylan was just wearing before these have pockets in them you fill them up with sand you're from over the line most people give you one with each so this is a message to all brands out there give - and your recovery kits because I believe you should have one at each end when you're recovering when a winch line or a snatch trap or an extension strap you've got to have one at each end because if one end goes this will help dampen it and send it to the ground even if you don't believe that these work because in some situations that don't actually do much you'll see in our winching snapping video where we snap winch cables these did nothing however if you have these on the line even if you don't think that they're going to work we situation have them on there anyway because any onlookers or bystanders or or people coming past they can see that there's a line there because this is flagging that there's a line across the across the couldn't you couldn't be recovering across the road you need these on so people can see there's a line there the dead man this is my favorite piece of recovery gear for the year or last year anyway just came out in 2018 very versatile this can be used as a tree trunk protector you can sling it around a rock it has some forearms to pull off here so you can wrap it around things one of the coolest things about it is you can bury it in the ground and you can pull yourself out of sand and we've done this with it a couple of times for testing and we compared it to dropping a wheel into the digging hole track a wheel in there and winch off that which we did successfully do on a second attempt but we found this one here was much lighter work to use a dead man very versatile comes in a small bag so it does roll up and pack up it's not really much heavier than your tray table protector straps but if you have this I still recommend having a tree trunk protector because you can't really use this as a bridle on a vehicle without risking damaging it and this is you know it's not cheap but it's worth the price and you don't want to damage it sorry yeah just another option in recovery boards I've done a compare own max racks and treads before so if you go back and watch that you'll see my reasoning for what I'm about to say here so we'll start with the max tracks when you put these through the washing they shrink own up this size I'm just kidding these short ones they're mainly for leveling out your camper trailer so I'll use those when when we're out in the trip level the x2 out or whatever so that way I'm not sleeping on the angle or the kitchen on the angle but they're also good as a hi-lift jack base but we'll get to that they can work as a recovery board they don't stack so you'd only have one of these some people might not see the point of having it for a lot of people there may not be any point of having them but I'll use it as a leveling device this is the old style this is a second gen max tracks with all the plastic lugs this has been abused by other people this is Dylan's they have melted off there's a few holes in it but it still works it still bends still pretty good even if you knock all this off you can still use them this is Gen 3 this is the max track extremes I think is Gentry or maybe wrong these have metal metal spikes on them I believe that these are replaceable through on the back here these are coated in black paints but as you can see the black pants come off as exposed the metal underneath them so does they melt which is good and I believe it's aluminium I really rate these I like him we use them a lot on the last trip now we move on to now reminisce is my opinion this is my opinion in case I upset anyone here this is your treads I refer to these as your wannabe mash tracks it's like Pepsi and cola my opinion just want to put that in there in case I get in trouble here the reason why I'm not a fan of the treads and you'll see there's a compare video is these snap talking yourself four of them we broke all of them going up a hill did we drink on the max tracks out and then went and we got out torm and took him back to the shop the good thing about treads is they do give you a replacement if you break him say he opted to boss and Max tracks afterwards these are errands these are snapped made am i and how he snapped two of his as well just on the beach with a prado not a heavy vehicle just driving over snapped them I don't rate the treads my opinion I would suggest if you're going to go for recovery boards then I will go max tracks the good thing about recovery boards this is a solo recovery device it's like a winch except for there's nothing to winch off you don't have a winch there's a work in every situation you're really good in San so if you stuck by itself these will get you out a snatch strap line Jack's harloff Jack bottle Jack and mr. Jack I'm not going to get into these too much they're just your options out there I've done a soul video on holic Jack versus bottle Jack versus air jack the air Jack's not in the mix here watch that video to get an idea of the jack but my choice of Jack is the bottle jack like I said all details on the other video the ARB Jack this is like a new thing hydraulic it's like using this without having to use much effort not about item and I'll show you what I can actually lift us all its off the ground well nice little ways off the ground on the back it's time to go sideways so let's let it down this what I like about it instead of harloff jacks hollow jacks are free containers Jack [Applause] [Music] with your heart lift jacks your bottle jack and your Jack you will need a base plate your options are a steel plate a wooden board that's your cheap options you can get that pretty much anywhere otherwise you can buy a proper base plate this one's your Ridge right or one these can cost a bit though just keep that in mind and then you have the short mash tracks like I was talking about so this can kinda be used as a couple of different things that's another option it's got to be upside down and you put the pilot Jack Locke so well to the strange and weird and just useless stuff now the sideshow save your money here folks in my opinion these things are not worth the coin I'll lash down a bit to get this thing I was curious it didn't make it in time for my bottle jack video 2 versus video in all the jacks this is more of an indoor use thing but it actually it lifts pretty easy so I'll give it that so it works on compressed air and it can lift your vehicle but it's a bit bulky you'd have to unscrew all these bits and pieces to carry it around and it's pretty heavy so probably a good choice for at home not out here then you have the sand anchor the most useless thing I've ever used and it's not just this sand anchor here I've tried multiple types of child and with other we could never get these things to work properly on this plowing trial back in the other one they're way too easy I think I can change the angle on the fall I'll step out the lady - you dig in you can probably just look on YouTube type in sand anchor and I reckon there'll be like a very small amount of people that I've can figure out how to actually use these things properly but it is useless in my opinion and they're quite heavy take a lot of room clang around a lot I don't think they're very good other people may disagree but that's my opinion then we move on to this thing here I'll saw some adverts on social media and I thought you know what that's that looks like a cool idea but we've tried this out and this is what happened we got the Jeep bogged and we reckon how do we reverse who would've got the Jeep out because we struggles the bog just being all day as soon as we check these things on it dug bigger holes it just made it a lot worse so these are not your Chuck I'm on get out I'm sweet as [Music] I reckon they're making it worse because I saw you reverse up there before and you're actually cutting up the track yeah we're on private land by the way so we wouldn't be we'll be testing this stuff out in a state forest zone because you never know what stuff does that is terrible just pop the bonds when you shut that thing up [Applause] yeah so for the sideshow product here the 20 well 40 buck Evo stuff here that's making it worse now soon videos would actually help people but I think I was in a different situation on sand it just it just digs holes no way these these these are quite useless and the amount of stress they put on your drive line because washing the Jeep drive around with them is that all four corners are doing different things getting shock loaded we even stuck max tracks in to try and help getting it out but they shredded these blocks that's the one here to go shredded once we actually got Dylan out we went forwards again and then you're stuck straight away I already knew what has driven that this Jeep is almost unbearable I can't speak for them in mud because I haven't Charmin mud and it's the end of summer here in Western Australia it's bloody hot there is no water anyway if you've tested as a mod I'd like to know your opinion on it just save yourself 40 bucks and learn bodies that's all recovering in a nutshell folks stay tuned for the next video where I recommend certain kids for certain people depending on the vehicle the situation that I might put themselves in and the gear that they already have so stay tuned for that one that'll be on the screen somewhere thank you for watching subscribe here give it a thumbs up go back into skip points below if you wanna skip to anything else to support creation of content like this patreon.com slash Ronnie Dahl goes a long way to help the channel to maintain the level of content that's coming out thanks for watching
Channel: Ronny Dahl
Views: 141,861
Rating: 4.9547172 out of 5
Keywords: Off-road, tracks, 4wheeling, adventure, 4x4-off-road, 4x4 recovery gear 101 modern gear vs old gear, maxtrax recovery, recover off-road, recovery gear for beginners
Id: gy2-RUaYgUA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 15sec (1395 seconds)
Published: Sat May 18 2019
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