49 Years NO MEAT!!! The Dr Milton Mills Experience

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hello my name is dr milton mills i am a critical care and internal medicine physician currently living in the washington dc area i'm originally from oakland california grew up and went to college and medical school in the san francisco oakland bay area and moved out to the washington d.c area to complete my residency and i've been living out here ever since i am a plant-based physician and i've spent my life helping people understand the need to change our diet and lifestyle so that we can avoid the chronic diseases that tend to afflict people living in western countries and cause us to suffer from chronic disease and sadly to die prematurely and to suffer from things like dementia and other debilitating illnesses so my plant-based journey actually began in my teenage years when i was 14 i became a seventh-day adventist i joined the adventist church the seventh-day adventist church encourages but does not require its church members to become plant-based because that is god's original diet for us as outlined in the book of genesis when god created adam and eve he told them to be plant-based in fact he told them to be vegans they were to be eating and essentially a fruit-based diet after sin entered the world he did change their diet in chapter three we see that he enlarged their diet to include foods that formerly had been reserved only for animals bible refers to as plants of the field which can be interpreted as your grains legumes green leafy vegetables and root vegetables so those uh were now included in our diet while uh i understood that that was god's desire for us um i didn't think i could do it um the church does absolutely require that we adhere to the biblical prescriptions against against eating unclean animals uh such as scavengers uh and so forth so i did cut out things like pork shellfish and uh those kinds of animal foods but i did continue to eat hamburgers chicken uh fish so forth but about a year and a half after joining the church when i was 16 i was struggling with some personal issues that i was finding it difficult to get past and i was talking with god about it one night he said to me very clearly if you want a closer relationship with me you need a clearer mind and for that you need a better diet you have to stop eating meat and i remember very clearly i felt uh just this free zone of panic at that moment like how can i do this i i don't think i can do it and so i just said god if you want me to stop eating meat you have to take away the desire for me to eat it he did and i stopped that was a night in september of 1974 and i haven't eaten animal flesh since once i stopped eating meat i very quickly began to feel the difference in my personal health i um i had more energy um i required less sleep i was in my mid-teens and my acne cleared up like really clear that yeah this is definitely better for me from a health standpoint so i began to read everything i could find on the relationship between food and health and everything that i was reading was consistent with what the bible had actually said that the more plant-based a population or person was the healthier they were they they became and the longer they lived and the fewer diseases they had i then began to try and help educate people on the importance of changing our diet to help reduce our risk for developing all of the diseases that tend to afflict people i ultimately decided that i wanted to spend my life doing just that educating people about the importance of changing their diet and lifestyle to help them live healthier lives and avoid heart disease cancer strokes and so forth that ultimately led me to decide to go to medical school so that i could have the best understanding of human health and physiology but also to have the credentials that would allow people to respect what i was telling them when it came to changing their diet and lifestyle i was fortunate to be accepted into stanford university school of medicine and what was really special about that was there were opportunities to do a lot of research and also to do independent research which allowed me to explore this whole issue of human design human anatomy and physiology as compared to that of meat-eating mammals such as carnivores versus plant-eating animals such as traditional herbivores and again it became very clear that human beings were anatomically and physical physiologically designed as committed plant eaters when i finished residency i started working internal medicine clinics and something very interesting would happen i would frequently have older african americans who would come in to see me and tell me doc i'm having a problem with my irritable bowel is acting up or my colon is giving me trouble and when i did a careful history from with them i would ask well can you tell me what the symptoms are and and from what they described it was pretty clear to me that they were describing the symptoms of lactose intolerance and so i would have them do a trial i'd ask them okay i want you to go home have no dairy products whatsoever no milk no cheese no ice cream no yogurt for the next two weeks and then come back and see me and i would say in probably eight to nine out of ten cases so 80-90 of the time the problem disappeared and clearly it wasn't that the person had an issue with colon or irritable bowel it was that they were intolerant of the lactose that was in dairy products and they shouldn't of course have been eating them and when i explained that to them most of the people were very gratified and started to exclude dairy from their diet a penultimate moment came with this one particular african-american woman who was in her 60s she came back she had done exactly what i told her to do the problem had resolved and i told her well you see you're lactose intolerant and she looked at me she said oh i know that and i then said to her well if you know you're lactose intolerant why are you continuing to eat dairy products and she said because the dietary guidelines say i have to the government says that i have to eat these products if i want to remain healthy and and uh and have uh you know good bones and it was at that point i became really angry because um i knew that the government knew that there really was no evidence that dairy products number one helped build strong bones or prevent osteoporosis or prevent uh hip fractures and number two the government also understood very well that african-american women were genetically protected from getting osteoporosis in the first place then went to see dr neil barnard who was the head of the physicians committee for responsible medicine pcrm and talked to him about doing a study to look at the racial bias and institutional racism that led to the continued recommendation of the consumption of dairy products despite the fact that the government knew these products i refused to call them foods were inappropriate for americans of color and dr barnard immediately got on board with the project and got behind it and put the resources of pcrm behind it and out of that effort came a two-part paper that was published in 1999 in the national medical association's journal called racial bias in uh u.s uh food policy parts one in part two part one dealing with the issue of lactose intolerance and then part two taking a broader approach looking at the inappropriateness of the meat-heavy dairy-heavy recommendations for again people of color because of the fact that these recommendations tend to promote excess levels of disease and premature death in african americans and other americans of color pcrm was invited to present our paper's findings at the north american vegetarian society's annual conference called vegetarian summerfest which was held at the university of pittsburgh every summer dr barnard asked me if i would go and represent pcrm and i was happy to do so even though navs at the time was called the north american vegetarian society was actually a vegan organization but during summerfest was actually a entirely vegan event and um so i suddenly found myself immersed in an entirely vegan world um it's it's an amazing conference where they take over the university of pittsburgh and johnstown bring in their own chefs crew prepare all the food you can have every sort of permutation iteration of vegan food that you can imagine raw vegan cooked vegan oil-free gluten-free you name it it's there i really became much more educated about the cruelty that's involved in the production of eggs and dairy and also the health consequences of consuming eggs and some of the longer term problems associated with with dairy in terms of its impact on women's health and pediatric problems and it was at that point that i transitioned to eliminating those foods from my diet as well now i want to say that i was never a big uh um consumer of eggs or dairy even when before i went officially vegan because number one i was profoundly lactose intolerant um so i never drink milk couldn't eat yogurt main dairy consumption would take the form of the occasional use of cheese but again that changed after my introduction to the vegetarian summerfest and uh and then again most of my egg intake was in the form of what people would call invisible eggs meaning it would be eggs that had been used to make certain prepared foods but again um uh all of that changed uh um at around the uh turn of the millennium and so from that point forward uh i've been essentially plant-based and that's how my experience has evolved over the years one of the things that that is is very clear to me is that if i had not been plant-based i don't think i would have been able to make it through undergraduate school and possibly even med school because um [Music] you know i came from a poor area of oakland and um my first three years in undergraduate school i worked 40 hours a week and went to school full time at night and the first two years i did that riding the bus and public transportation which means i wouldn't even get home to like after 12 o'clock uh at night and have to be right back up in the morning at 6 00 a.m in the morning to get the bus to work and then once i actually decided i was going to go to medical school i had to quit my full-time job because the only way i could get my pre-med rex was to work in the daytime so i started working in a frozen foods warehouse at night so i was working three quarters time i would do three graveyard shifts overnight during the week get off at about six or seven in the morning go home shower change and then go straight to school so i could be in lecture and there's no question in my mind i wouldn't have had the energy or the mental clarity to do that if i had not been plant-based at the time being plant-based not only changed my life but it helped me become the person i am and the doctor that i am and is without question the healthiest for all human beings i've seen that also in my clinical practice i've been able to get people off their diabetes medicines to get them off blood pressure medicines i've met people who've cured been able to cure late stage cancers cure themselves of autoimmune diseases like lupus and others by going completely vegan and eliminating all animal foods so the potential benefits from becoming plant-based are enormous and enormously powerful if we would simply eliminate these disease-causing animal foods from our diet that our bodies clearly are not designed to consume you know questions often comes up is um why would it be important for other people to become plant-based isn't this a matter of personal choice well it really goes beyond personal choice because as a social species everything that we do impacts not only other humans but it also impacts the earth and it impacts the other creatures on this earth and so most immediately choosing to eat another living creature means you have to kill that creature you have to take its life it's a harrowing decision it's a decision most people don't think about because they don't have to think about it because they give that chore that job of doing the killing to to someone else and i actually had the experience of going to a slaughterhouse and watching animals being forced into these killing pins and seeing the terror and despair on their faces as they struggled to escape and and their cries for help it's a horrible thing to have to to to witness and to watch these animals don't want to die they don't want to die any more than you or i would want to die if somebody was going to come and kill us the question is why would we commit such a horrible act if it's not necessary and the fact is it's not it's not necessary we don't have to kill other animals to live and to be healthy and in fact all of the data shows that if we don't eat other animals we are healthier we will live longer we have fewer diseases we remain more functional throughout our lives and we have a lower risk for dementia so then the question is why are we committing such a heinous and spiritually reprehensible crime by killing these other creatures when we don't have to and when we shouldn't be doing it moreover when we choose to live that way and we create all of this disease in our body that's when we expect other people to step in and pay for it and people say well i have insurance yeah but what is insurance insurance is means that you've got a pool of people paying into your insurance company who are going to pay to take care of disease that you created when you're not able to to to pay for yourself i mean it'll be different if people said okay well you know i'm going to choose to eat this way and when i have my heart attack just put me out on the back porch and let me drop dead well nobody says that no everybody wants to be taken off to the hospital they want to get the coronary stents they want to get the bypass operation or they want to get chemotherapy and you know and and the millions and millions of dollars spent to try and recover their health and and save their life after they've thrown it away unnecessary lifestyle choices that could have prevented the diseases they've uh and incurred it's even more egregious for people who consider themselves believers in god and worshipers of our creator because it is crystal clear that god tells us that he created us to be plant-based he tells us in the book of daniel chapter one that eating a plant-based diet will make you healthier will make you mentally more agile and help our spiritual development so then the question is you know when the doctor comes in he says i'm sorry mr smith but you've got colon cancer well the first thing mr smith says is oh lord why me but the question is if you've decided to ignore the advice that god gave you if you decided to flout god's instructions to be plant-based because you wanted to eat the maimed tortured rotting body of an abused murdered animal when your body suffers the inevitable results of that kind of disobedience shouldn't you instead ask oh lord why not me why didn't you allow me to suffer the consequences of my disobedience much sooner than this instead of saying oh lord why did you let me get breast cancer it's like oh lord why did you let me go so long before i got the breast cancer because i did this by refusing to listen to the instructions you gave me you know we often sit down at a meal and we say a blessing before we eat but i sometimes wonder can god bless some of the food we decide to eat especially if he told us not to eat it we really need to sit back and rethink what it is we are choosing to put in these bodies that we know and say that we believe are god's temples because if we truly believe they are the temple of god should we be putting things into the our bodies that defile that temple that we know are going to create ill health and if we are struggling with as i was years ago personal issues that we are having trouble getting past maybe the problem isn't that god is not hearing us maybe the problem isn't that god is not trying to help us maybe the problem is god can't get through to us because our minds are so clouded with the filth and garbage that we're eating that the blood vessels are clogged up with grease and fat and toxins that our neurons are not working well enough for the holy spirit to speak to us in a way that we can hear if we really do want to facilitate the best relationship and communicate with communication with god we have to adopt the diet that he tells us he designed us to eat that will help improve and support that relationship and that communication and that is a plant-based diet built around healthy whole plant foods working with people suffering from you know a whole host of problems from diabetes to heart disease just the usual problems high blood pressure arthritis you name it i do encourage my patients to become plant-based because i know that it will help with those problems and that they will feel so much better i remember i met a gentleman who um had been scheduled absol actually scheduled for a hip replacement because of severe arthritis in his hip and he attended a lecture that i did this is up in rochester new york for a friend of mine who is a plant-based physician up there dr ted barnett and the gentleman decided you know what i'm gonna try this i'm gonna go plant-based and within two weeks his pain had decreased and to the point that he was able to move and to walk so freely that when he went back to see his doctor his doctor told him you don't need this surgery right now you don't need to have your hip replaced right now because your level of functioning has improved so greatly what i have found is that for a lot of people i don't talk to them about changing their diet for the rest of their life because for a lot of people that sounds like too high a mountain to climb so what i suggest is that look let's try it for 12 weeks if after 12 weeks you don't feel any better your uh lab results have not improved and you're no better off than you are right now then of course go back to doing what you're doing before but i know that within that 12-week period this person is going to be feeling so much better doing so much better their glucose blood lipids and other lab work will have improved so significantly that they won't want to go back to the way they used to live they won't want to feel as sick and debilitated as they had been feeling before one of the things that that i think that people have to anticipate is that once you let people in your life know that you're changing your diet everybody's going to become a nutrition expert for instance when i um to came home and told my father that i decided i was gonna stop eating meat he tried to intimidate me out of my decision um he said well look i'm not fixing anything different around here so if you're gonna eat differently you're on your own and looking back i i realize that you know my father knew nothing about being plant-based and from his perspective he probably thought i was doing something that was unwise and unhealthy and so his response was to try and you know shock me out of it um i mean fortunately he didn't try to tell me you can't do that i guess he thought he would just sort of make it hard for me and that eventually i would give up on uh what was you know a foolish endeavor i i'm happy to say that didn't happen obviously stuck with uh with my dietary choice and again i give god the credit for giving me the strength and the will uh uh to do that but um i think that you know people will have to anticipate that the people that you know some or even many other people in their lives may not understand their dietary choices and will try to actively dissuade them from continuing with that choice other things that that you uh challenges that i've run into is when i was a resident as a resident we were required to attend noontime lectures and because we had to be at the lecture we couldn't go get our own lunch so the um uh chief residents would have drug wraps provide lunch for the residents well when i would come to lunch it was always crap it was always me so i went and i told the chief residents i said look he said i don't eat the stuff if you don't have the reps start to provide non-meat alternatives i'm not coming in lecture and since the chief residence got brownie points on how many of the residents attended lecture it was it behooved them to talk to the drug reps to have them provide non-meat alternatives well then what would happen is that when the drug reps would provide the plant-based alternatives i had to make sure i was at lecture in me you know right when it started because those were the first things that people would eat and which was completely unfair because i'm like you guys can eat this the rest of this trash and i can't but you're going to eat up the you know anyway so it's kind of a mixed blessing one i'm glad they're eating you know the non-meat stuff but i'm like hey leave something for me you have to be assertive and not be uh intimidated by people's lack of understanding of your choices and be willing to uh help them understand how they can help you adhere to your choice so you know as a as a resident i i felt yeah i have a right to expect you to help support my dietary choice because i'm a part of this program uh when i went when i finished residency and started attending medical conferences uh you know when a drug company was launching a new drug and they wanted us to come to our conference to learn all about their new new drug launch they would send us these questionnaires to ask if we had any special needs well i was very clear about my dietary needs and i remember we had this really nice conference that was planned for um cancun i mean nice and i went and um the opening night banquet they had roast beef they had roasted chicken they had ham they had a shrimp buffet i'm looking at all this stuff and i'm like where's the plant-based alternative and so i called the coordinator over and i'm like hey um i don't eat meat what is there for people who are you know plant-based and she said oh well we have salad or stir-fry i said ma'am that's rabbit food if i eat that stuff i'm gonna be hungry in about an hour or two i'm like i need something to eat and she's like oh well okay well just tell me what you wanted and i'll have the the kitchen to prepare i'm like whoa whoa none of the other attendees had to come here with a menu in hand to tell you how to take care of them i shouldn't either this is a major hotel they ought to know how to fix plant-based options talk to them and have them come up with something i'm happy to say that she did exactly that and for the rest of the conference they had a great spread for the people who were vegetarian vegan but the thing that blew my mind was that after i had had this conversation probably seven or eight other attendees came up to me and said oh i'm so glad you said something i was thinking the same thing but i just didn't want to say anything and see that's why we suffer it's there's an old expression that says a closed mouth doesn't get fed and when we're afraid to speak up we don't have our needs met so we should not be afraid to be assertive um without being rude or mean or confrontational but but by being direct because we have a right to expect to be taken care of um to have our needs met and what we're asking for is not exotic it's not weird nobody has to go you know to the south seas to pluck some special plant that only grows on one island in the you know some coral atoll out there no we're just asking for healthy uh plant-based options that everybody by now should know how to prepare and to prepare well and again i'm not talking stir-fry and salad that is not gonna cut it do i have any regrets about being plant-based the only regret i have is that i ever put dead rotting necrotic tissue in my body at all if i could go back i would be plant-based from the very beginning in fact i would have been plant-based from birth if i could have chosen kathy and i went to the same church but i had uh started working in a free clinic in alexandria virginia this was in the days before the affordable care act and kathy uh was disabled and unemployed and so she got her medical care at this clinic but she saw one of the other doctors in the clinic not me one sabbath afternoon church she came to me and she said dr mills i was wondering if i could start seeing you as my doctor in clinic and you know it's from a professional standpoint it's always a little uncomfortable or dicey to be seen as taking one of your colleagues patients and i kind of said to her well you know what's the problem with you and dr so and so why why is it that you um want to to leave his care and she was saying well i just don't feel like he's really paying attention to my health needs my problems and uh and so i said to her well i said well listen let me talk to him and and uh um and i'll see you know if i can help resolve this issue thinking that maybe with me talking with him i could get him to be a little more attentive to her when i spoke with him about her um issue she was diabetic and she was her diabetes wasn't well controlled his statement to me was well you know you don't want to try and get your diabetics too well controlled because then their blood sugars will drop they'll end up in the emergency rooms and you'll end up being called in the middle of the night over the weekend it was a horrible horrible attitude um and i realized that this man was never going to take good care of her and so at that point i didn't care whether or not he got pissed off if she um decided to become a patient and i told her listen i'll be happy to have you become my patient spoke with the clinton director and she she did they changed her over to my schedule and kathy her primary problem was diabetes but she also had hypertension heart disease all of the problems that are associated with diabetes and at our first meeting i sat down and i talked to her about the the relationship between diet and diabetes and my goal was to try and get her to become vegetarian kathy went vegan overnight she cut out everything meat dairy eggs everything and literally her blood sugar started falling within days now prior to this kathy had been a diabetic for 17 years she had to quit work because the disease got so bad she couldn't work her blood sugars would average two to three hundredths she was taking insulin twice a day plus oral anti-diabetes medication she was on three different blood pressure medicines uh several heart medications she had blockages in her legs that was so bad that she couldn't walk a block without getting the severe cramps that would force her to have to sit down and and walk and i was one of the reasons she had to stop working within days i had to start taking her off reducing the dosages of her diabetes medicines over the next eight weeks i took her off of one after another of her diabetes medicines until probably after a little over two months she was off all of her diabetes medicines she eventually came off of two out of the three of her blood pressure medicines she lost something like 40 plus pounds without even trying and the claudication and pain in her legs cleared up and she was actually able to go back to work and she got her life back um there was another case we had a hispanic gentleman who was coming to the same clinic he had again very bad diabetes um that was not well controlled but he was only spanish speaking and he had a little booklet in which he kept all of his blood sugars and i mean he everything three times a day he was recording these really high blood sugars when he would come to clinic um you know we would sit down we'd discuss cases after patients were seen and and people were saying well you know he's just not compliant i was saying well he does not look like a non-compliant patient i mean this guy is doing everything we ask him to do he's this book is he's faithful in filling it out he brings it in and even though it's not good news he's showing us what his sugars are i'm like the problem here is not compliance the issue was that as i said he was spanish-speaking and every time he came in we didn't have an interpreter so i'm like okay next time this man comes to clinic we have to have a spanish interpreter here so that we can understand what's going on it turned out he's a truck driver and he's eating at all these greasy spoon joints you know and high fat food interferes with the ability of insulin to work and that's why his blood sugars were all over the place so through the interpreter i explained all this to him talked to him about the importance of of eating more plant-based diet eliminating you know fried foods greasy foods and again the next time he came to clinic his sugars were so improved it was like it was just amazing um so you know there have been you know a lot of stories one other time i was at a conference up in new york and um uh i was doing a pro presentation for the mid hudson vet uh vegan society and after uh the um my lecture was over this young woman came up to me she was probably in her mid to late 30s young caucasian lady and she was in tears and and she asked her you know what's going on she said i don't know what to do she said my husband two years ago was diagnosed with diabetes and it's just not going well she said you know prior to this you know he was a strong self-actualized kind of do-it-yourself man and but ever since he's come down with the diabetes it's causing more and more problems and no matter what medications they try we can't seem to get it under control and he's starting to lose hope and he's just not the person that he was and so i talked to her and i told her you know um if he'd be willing to try going plant-based um for you know 12 weeks i'm sure we could get this problem under control and they did call me the next week i talked to him a long time and he said he was going to try it to see if it worked and probably maybe a month and a half after that i i got this incredibly emotional email from her where she she was she said i'm in tears as i write this because things are so much better my husband has improved so much he's so much happier he's getting back to the person he used to be and you know of course she was thanking me but it really wasn't me it was it was the diet change so yeah so the bottom line is that i mean there's just scores of of of of stories like that of people whose lives have been completely turned around by eliminating uh unhealthy foods and embracing you know a plant-based diet um you know every time i i attend i give a lecture somewhere i have people come up to me kids who will say dr mills i stopped eating dairy and my asthma went away i can breathe i can exercise i can go for a run and not have to use my inhaler it's just story after story of the improvements in people's lives so as i said there are too many stories to be even told green leafy vegetables are powerhouses in terms of their health promoting ability so i try to make sure that i'm getting some form of green leafy raw green leafy vegetable in my diet at least three times a week i really like the spring mix that you get in the bank because it has several different kinds of dark green lettuces i frequently add will buy some arugula to mix in with that because i love arugula i try to include cruciferous vegetables in my diet on a regular basis again they're very potent in terms of their anti-cancer anti-disease capabilities if i had somebody who could prepare roasted brussels sprouts for me i would probably eat those three times a day but i do it as often as i can and i like to try to include legumes in my diet a minimum of three to four times a week in some form or fashion legumes are beans peas lentils and again the greater the variety the better because beans are again some of the most nutritious and potent plant foods that we can eat i try to get some kind of fresh fruit on a regular basis when i can i do multi-berry fresh fruit smoothies a couple times a week otherwise you know citrus fruits like grapefruits or now that we're in a peach nectarine season i try to include those just a variety of different plant foods and i have to be honest i love rice so i end up eating a lot of rice brown rice wild rice and so forth those are my personal choices you want to get some good plant-based cookbooks so you can learn how to really prepare you know good nutritious filling plant-based meals um so you can have some variety so you're not eating the same thing every day so you don't get bored and again you want to make sure that you are eating a diet that includes things like beans the grains root vegetables you know green leafy vegetables so that you're getting your calories and your nutrients educate yourself on the benefits so that you understand what you're doing and why you're doing it you go to youtube put in nutritionfacts.org and i'm telling you videos on science-based videos on every topic you can imagine will come up that will give you lots of good information i have a website it's dr milton mills plantbasednation.com has a lot of good lectures on protein anatomy physiology the microbiome and other topics posted papers and nutritional sources dr miltonmills plantbasenation.com kinda long but yeah that's it lots of good reference material there pcrm.org has a lot of good links on their website for additional information and resources and then there are scores and scores of really good books brenda davis uh has another she's a wonderful research dietitian who has some excellent excellent books out on diabetes and how to defeat diabetes uh dr greger has a book called how not to die which covers all of the science supporting plant-based diets for promoting health he also has a book called how not to diet there's just too many outstanding plant-based cookbooks to talk about but one i will uh give an honorable mention to is called flava my plate f-l-a-v-a my plate uh which is done by a very good friend of mine it's a wonderful cookbook but there's just again many many resources out there that really made getting started in this journey super easy i always tell people going plant-based is like having sex if you didn't enjoy it you weren't doing it right there is no reason for any human being with access to good nutritious plant foods to ever need to eat animal tissue all of the nutrients that humans need to be healthy can be found in plant foods with the exception of vitamin b12 which is only made by bacteria so even b12 that's in animal foods came originally from bacteria so all you need to do for your b12 is take a supplement and with respect to d3 if we get enough sun exposure we will make our own d3 and if not we can take a supplement but any d3 or so-called vitamin d that you find in animal foods is was added to those animal foods to begin with so instead of eating the animal foods you can just take the d3 directly so the bottom line is there is no reason whatsoever to eat animal foods and no need to all of the proteins that are found in plant foods are complete proteins so again you don't need animal food for protein you don't need it for anything and in fact the plant sources are much healthier and better for you so cut out the animals and eat plants directly you'll be better for it
Channel: Vegan Linked
Views: 232,097
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dr. Milton Mills, Dr Mills, What the Health, Plant Based Docs, Plant Based Doctors
Id: eU7MP01smjE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 27sec (2727 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 03 2021
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