Why is Everyone Quitting Keto? (What Went Wrong)

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let's take a good hard look as to why everyone seems to be quitting the keto diet seems like everywhere you turn someone is abandoning it or no longer doing it or cycling it instead of doing it as a lifestyle now which I don't see as necessarily a bad thing but I wanted to reverse engineer what's gone on in the last couple of years why are people pivoting what's changed now I would say that I've changed but in reality like I've cycled on and off of a ketogenic diet for the better part of five years so I've always touted the benefits of coming on and off so that you get various benefits in both categories but that's neither here nor there I really wanted to address why so many people are just shouting this from the rooftops and I think the first one that we should really address is people probably embarked for the wrong reasons they probably did it as a you know lose weight quick kind of thing or maybe social media influence them to do it or maybe it was the appeal of certain foods I definitely talked to a lot of people that were interested in going keto because it felt like they could eat foods that were taboo for a really long time so they were able to eat cheeses they were able to eat these higher fat things butter my sister is a perfect example she went on a ketogenic diet as a triathlete as a mountaineer and she really enjoyed her performance but she started to notice some things she didn't like but one of the things that she mentioned that she's going to stick with even though she's not doing it anymore is she noticed that she no longer has phobias of cheeses or phobias of butter and things so I'm like you know what that's a win like even though you're not doing this low carb thing anymore you've learned that these certain fats aren't a problem right that you can have them it's actually made for a more well-rounded person but I think that Allure got a lot of people in and then just like anything you try something for a while and you get used to it and it's the honeymoon period's over and it's not as great anymore so that could have been a big reason now I think that some of the 180s that people have done where they almost seem anti-keto now that could have been avoided by just utilizing keto as a tool in the toolbox from the get-go now what I mean by that is just understanding that keto should be treated as a hormetic stressor right it's almost like throwing a weight vest on like sometimes it it makes some things more difficult it makes some things easier but at the same time it's training your body in a different medium and you need to look at keto in that way rather than just adopting it as your Forever lifestyle because maybe that's not realistic maybe it's not realistic for a human to never have a carb again right so if you adopt that mindset then you feel like you're pigeonholed you feel like you're trapped you feel like you're restricted and human beings can only feel restricted for so long before they just rebound right so that's my personal opinion on really the main reason the next one is possibly a distrust in dogmatic behavior and dogmatic groups a lot of times we as people like a little bit of tribalism because we like Community but we don't like dogmatic Behavior okay we get a little bit turned off by that and when members of our own Community are starting to sound extreme we sort of have a social proof reflex to sort of avoid that even if it's happening subconsciously and I noticed that even happened with myself whereas someone that was a big part of the keto Community when some people started getting so loud and not to mention somewhat loud and inaccurate it pushed me away it made me think oh maybe I don't want to be affiliated with this I like it for my own reasons but I don't necessarily want to be affiliated with this loud partially incorrect group when I say incorrect I just mean twisting science or misunderstanding things so I think we've had a nature to just kind of say maybe I step away from that but I encourage people to find the reasons that you do it not other people because those other people should not scare you away from doing something that made you feel really really good now the next one is one that's a little bit more physiological and this is something that I've seen a lot of people encounter and that is a micronutrient deficiency now what I mean by this is if you are eating lower quality cuts of meat lots of processed meat lots of processed cheeses things that by all means still fit the ketogenic macros but you're not actually paying attention to food quality it does not take long for a micronutrient deficiency to develop both from a mineral side of things and purely water soluble and even some fat soluble vitamins remember on a lower carbohydrate diet you lose more water because low levels of insulin allow you to excrete more what ends up happening is you lose those water-soluble vitamins and if you're not replenishing them and playing a really really critical role in scrutinizing what goes in your mouth you could end up in a bad spot I've always been a big fan of keeping High vegetable content in my diet like keeping a high amount of cruciferous vegetables trying to focus on getting things like some organ meat now and then so that I'm getting a lot of vitamins and minerals that I might be missing from some of the starchy vegetables and some of the starchy carbohydrates and fruit that I might not be having on a ketogenic diet I do also think that as much as it sounds cheesy because we all probably grew up in this era of like syndrome vitamins being pushed down our throat right like you got to take your multivitamin it's the only way to be healthy I think as a defense to that we've sort of pushed away multivitamins but the recent literature is demonstrating that multivitamins are quite strong and especially on a lower carb protocol or just any diet in general like a good multivitamin is quite powerful like it fills gaps I think where people run into problems is they treat it as a crutch no it's there to fill gaps you know you ate well today but maybe you're missing out on some thymine maybe you're missing out on B6 right you need whatever you take a multivitamin you fill those gaps and no harm no foul but a lot of the multivitamins have preservatives in them they have weird things they have sugar added to them people are always asking the multivitamin that I recommend I do take one and this is the honest very honest truth I take one from Bomar nutrition it's three capsules a day but it's got all kinds of interesting things in it and one of the things I noticed is even with their B12 they're using methylcobalamin they're not using cyanocobalamin which is like a cheap shortcut to vitamin B12 bottom line is I put a link down below yes they are a sponsor on this channel but they sponsor this channel because I legitimately use their products not the other way around and that truly is the truth so that link is down below if you want to get a special discount I definitely recommend you check out their multivitamin it's good whether you're low carb or not it doesn't have the garbage that a lot of these ones on the regular grocery store shelves do and I think you'll really like how you feel I noticed a difference with my complexion with my energy I brought it in probably I don't know maybe a year and a half two years ago and was just blown away by the formula so anyhow link down below Top Line of the description underneath this video this next one is a very real thing the online pressures dare I even say a little bit of bullying right and it's almost academic bullying and I put myself up for scrutiny here by saying this but whenever you talk about a low carb diet or Keto you immediately get blasted as a zealot as a grifter as someone that is anti-science simply because it goes against the grain of normal conventional nutritional wisdom but it doesn't mean that it's wrong there's a lot of things that are more Fringe a lot of things which by the way keto is not Fringe a lot of things that are a little bit more narrow that haven't gotten broad yet that may look a little bit foreign and strange on the surface but by no means should be bullied or teased or made to feel like a complete lunatic I'm sure if you've done keto you've been called at all you've been called dogmatic you've been called a zealot you've been called probably crazy a lot of negative things and sometimes you even get pushed into a corner where you just have to say you know what I'm not going to argue I know what works for me and this is where it can be tough and I know a lot of people a lot of influencers that were actually very esteemed even academic influencers that said you know what I just I'm not going to talk about it anymore this is the lifestyle I'm going to live but I'm just not going to talk about it because all it does is open up a can of worms of negativity so I think even though you might see people quitting keto or people talking about it less I talk to a lot of people that still cycle in and out of it they just don't publicly talk about it anymore because it's too much pressure like I understand I get that but what I want you to remember is that you're just finding your way and people can say whatever they want but you got to do what works for you and even though they may have negative things to say you're just doing what's best for you and finding your way and it's not with malicious intent you're not trying to you know save the world you're just trying to fix yourself the next one is really a misinterpretation of science like we're misinterpreting a lot of things and this has happened in the keto communities but it's also happened throughout the internet I'll just give you a perfect example there were studies that have come out that have said okay well the ketogenic diet or a low carb diet will make you diabetic or will increase your or decrease your glucose tolerance these are not accurate when they're twist hit right like people will take these studies and make huge claims online that scare people away from the ketogenic diet and actually get people to stop because they're saying I'm going to make myself diabetic when in reality an increase in glucose on a ketogenic diet is entirely normal because you're reallocating glucose to the brain because the muscle cells don't need it as much so glucose levels temporarily go up but as soon as carbohydrates are cycled back in which huge important point they should be occasionally glucose tolerance improves again so in there's rodent model and human model data to support this but what happens is science comes out and the science is nice and even keeled but people grab it and they do what they want with it and they put their own title on it and then there's all kinds of different mediums out there that look scientific but they are not and they give a scientific title that is completely distorted a perfectly even killed study a lot of these studies although some are funded by different organizations and that definitely exists a lot of them are even keeled and they tone down their conclusions their abstracts accordingly it's just what we do with them on social media and unfortunately that's what the mainstream sees so because of that sort of misinterpretation people abandon keto and I'm not saying they shouldn't I'm saying that hey well maybe you should listen to both sides of the equation and try to weigh in when you should do keto and when you should not I want you to remember that when new literature comes out and this channel is all about new literature you need to learn to grow from the literature grow from the science not react okay because one study is not the end of the world especially if it's a mechanistic or just a rodent model study it doesn't pave the way for the rest of your life but it gives you another nugget another little tool in that toolbox say hey how can I do this better how can I grow versus react and a huge one and one that I deal with all the time whether it's special forces whether it's military in general whether it's law enforcement whether it's just flat out CrossFit or people that are workout performance oriented is going to be performance they notice a decline in their performance over time and there's a couple of things that go on if you do not adhere to a strict ketogenic diet and you live in that gray area of occasionally having a little bit of carbs but you're not like full keto that can mess you up and that's simply because when your glycogen levels are not your glycogen but your Ketone levels are high enough for a long enough period of time and you're actually getting yourself low carb enough eventually your body will establish new ways to create carbohydrates and restore muscle glycogen this takes time it takes 90 days sometimes more and some of these longer studies demonstrate that this continues to change over the course of one in two years where the longer you are lower carb the more efficient your body is at restoring glycogen from other substrates So eventually you have just as much glycogen as you would otherwise which means that you could do anaerobic activity just fine okay but people don't go strict keto for a year or two candidly I did and I think it made a huge difference as to why I could perform at a high intensity in a ketogenic state on the other side of the equation people that do say okay I'm gonna have a little bit of carbs to fuel my workouts or post-workout to backload or whatever they're not adding enough they're putting themselves right back into metabolic Purgatory in this like gray area of the body not knowing what to do it's okay if you're going to fuel for a workout fuel appropriately half 75 grams of carbs or something chances are You're athletic enough and you're moving enough to burn it and you're still going to be in a ketogenic State and let's abandon this whole keto fixation for a second are we trying to achieve ketones or are we trying to achieve optimal Human Performance and result so low carb is your lifestyle and you periodize your carbohydrates around your workout then carb up appropriately and get that dang workout in and then go back to low carb after your workout window it's plain simple so you don't need to be dogmatic with your approach to anti-keto just because you're no longer keto you've learned something valuable and it's a new tool in your toolbox I'll see you tomorrow
Channel: Thomas DeLauer
Views: 608,741
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: keto diet, why i stopped keto, quitting ketogenic diet, stopping keto, why i quit keto, quitting keto, stopping keto diet, is keto healthy, why im not doing keto, how to stop keto without gaining weight, after quitting keto, keto diet for beginners, keto diet explained, keto diet foods, is keto diet safe, is keto, is keto bad for you, is keto diet healthy, is keto safe long term, is keto sustainable, thomas delauer keto, thomas delauer
Id: IxPpElrnOaQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 44sec (824 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 03 2023
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