$47 Luxury 5 Star Buffet | The Best Buffet in Bali - Lobster, Caviar, Cocktails, Wagyu, Foie Gras...

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] f [Music] good day everyone this is Tim and I hope you're doing well and it's a little bit of a cloudy day here in Valley and it's starting to spit so hopefully the rain holds up for a little bit otherwise we can rest in there and B is quite amazing really enjoying the time here and uh got a chance to not only eat uh a lot of the Balinese food and lots of food from Indonesia but also got to do a bit of activity as well hiking up the mountain and catching the gorgeous sunrise and to top it off uh having a monkey to steal your breakfast was uh quite the experience so uh I notice that also the buffets here in Valley keeps getting better and better I recently got a chance to visit The Mulia buffet uh I think that's on Instagram so I'll post a link there but that I believe is B's largest buffet with a dozen or more stations from the traditional food to the international and all that wonderful baked lobster as well and uh really great to get to try the biggest buffet in Valley and today I'm excited because I am here at the St reges uh Resort and this is quite Grand because earlier I got a tour with Aries around the property and uh it is spectacular and large and with a property this big you definitely need a cart and the good news is at the end of the resort they have a buffet as well and uh while this may not be the biggest I think this is Val's finest because the dishes you get the best of both worlds oh just going to make my way here thank you so uh little congested here but uh not only do they have Buffet but they have a selection of plated dishes that you can order over and over again and uh those are quite fine uh luxurious items as well so I can't wait to check this out uh so really grateful that you can join me and also uh it is starting to rain so I better get the umbrella out much better and uh nice to be Shel from the rain and really grateful that they provide umbrellas and uh since it is raining I'm also really grateful uh to vessie for sponsoring this video vessie is a West Coast company that makes amazing waterproof breathable sneakers that keeps you warm and dry when it's cold outside and keeps you cool and dry when it's hot and wet like it is right now so uh whether at home running errands or when traveling exploring having a nice waterproof breathable pair of sneakers that are comfortable are a mus and they are certainly my go-to sneakers uh at home where uh like here when traveling and uh let me show you just how waterproof they are and I see a body of water there and this is a gorgeous area that kind of Feeds out to the beach and these are the Soho sneakers very comfortable and I'm very carefully watching my balance fully submerged and completely dry so no more wet socks here and the umbrella serves not only to Shelter From the rain but also as a way to balance so uh give them a try visit vessie online and there you'll find many styles and colors to choose from the ones I was wearing again were the sohoo sneakers very comfortable lots of cushioning and very stylish as well and not only do they have amazing Footwear but they have apparel as well from the overcast jacket that keeps you nice and dry and warm when it's cold and wet outside and they have accessor series the shoreline belt bag is my favorite for traveling keeps your valuables safe and secure and dry as well so check online often for any new Styles offerings or sales and if you happen to miss one of their sales vessie was kind enough to offer a promotion visit vessie online and use code Tim Lee to save 15% off your purchase that's vessie online and use code Tim Lee to save 15% off uh your purchase and with that I think uh the buffet is about to start and the the I can't even speak the buffet happens in two phases the first phase is cocktail and the second phase is the actual buffet and I think we're going to start on the first phase I hope you're hungry or thirsty come on let's go and it's nice to get out of the rain and this is a beautiful reception area and I believe the buffet is back there and up in front is the wonderful uh cocktail area a little sweaty and and uh hopefully we can dry off come on let's check it out oh Ty Naomi this looks beautiful ah and I see this may I have a table wow oh thank you very good oh thank you Gary so nice to get a table and to dry off and Gary was nice enough before even sitting down we've got a signature cocktail of St Regis I think this is their version of the Bloody Mary but before the drink let me show you the room here really elegant ceilings and piano music and right over there is a wonderful display of sparkling wine and champagne what a nice start to the buffet and I think we'll try the drink cheers [Music] that is a wonderful Caesar reminds me of Home in Vancouver where this drink originated wonderfully prepared and just the right spice and uh we'll try the celery salt it's going to wash your eye very nice so I think I'm just going to enjoy and uh we'll take you back for the main part of the buffet and for now I'll leave view with this gorgeous view of the cocktail area and the outdoor Garden but moments later celebrations [Music] began and hopping over to the lounge where they have a bigger table to try the Myriad of drinks they just keep coming from the orange to the green thank you so much the ban Metropolitan with the Gin cranberry ban syrup the servers just don't stop and while I was struggling the table next to me was setting a fantastic example with a little bit more celebration and a little bit more sparkling wine the hour went by quickly all right so it is time for the buffet and if I look a little bit uh weary and that's because I am and generally I don't eat anything before going to a buffet and uh having an hourlong cocktail buffet was not such a good idea and the servers and the hosts were way too accommodating that drink there is a pandan hangover it is the cause of and solution to Hangovers and again they just don't stop but now I think uh we need to kind of refresh ourselves for the buffet and there it is oh thank you thank you so much all right thank you well I am uh more alert now than ever nice to meet you oh oh this one here Li thank you so much wonderful oh thank you so much all right so the first time for the first time yes and it's beautiful thank you so much water please SP how about sparkling yeah no alcohol no more alcohol yeah all right thank you so lick is so gracious and she explained that again this is the best of both worlds the traditional buffet and a menu that you can order from and luckily the drinks there's no alcohol and uh I can't wait Lily is bringing a glass of sparkling water much needed but let me show you the room it is just as beautiful beautiful open open space lovely Gardens and I think over there is a grill station outside and to the right is the busy Buffet station but while we wait for the sparkling water let me show you the menu so this is unlimited but from 12: to 3: and we have wonderful drinks and the nice thing is there is no alcohol although you can get an alcohol package but look at the signature dishes because this is frunch you get eggs oh wagu beef duck liver Lobster as well and uh wonderful dishes as well more Lobster and there's more next page the wonderful desserts along with the International Buffet station so really nice to see and I think you get some local dishes as well and as simple as it is I think I might go for the nasty gang or the mang and oh here comes lilc oh thank you lil oh we'll do and this is much needed thank you I can use a glass of water and with that let's go visit the buffet and this is amazing on the right there are performers so really beautiful here and further on the right something I don't want to see at this moment because things are still spinning a little bit but let's grab a plate all right so this is so elegant here and uh I know this isn't the biggest but it certainly is the best and I cruised around and this is the cheese and bread station and I know I tend to stay away from the bread but uh I can't resist look at this I think I just need to go for a pandan Danish with almonds very carefully right over here and and I will just stick to that one bread item and look at this hard workking chefs there but right here these are egg Nel New Egg can't wait to give this a try and moving on look at these crispy fritters so wonderful veggies right here and a little bit of an egg roll okay and as much as I love the egg roll I think I'm going to pass on that because there is so many other good choices and I think up there is the appetizer station and look at this little bits and bites my favorite starting off we have some beautiful potato salad with a little bit of fish R and the good news is that that is the limits to their salad station oo a beautiful martini glass full of quinoa and ham and a wonderful egg as well I think this is salmon roll with a little bit of eggs we make some room and there is more a little bit of gaspacho to start the appetite and then rounding the corner let's see what we have oh beautiful so some uh Vietnamese uh spring roll and some oysters let's go for one of those but maybe another just for backup a little bit of Minette little bit of fruit salad some salmon so actually they do have some salad but that's okay it's very small portions and oh some shrimp a seafood salad and what is this this is a beetroot panacotta dessert and veggies together so this is incredibly elegant let's see so I know this is more for the mains but I can't resist a little bit of the crispy pork and the crispy skin one here and one more for bid measure I oh beautiful thank you and look at this they have caviar hi Addie how are you oh can I get uh some caviar oh yes please oh thank [Music] you little bit of [Music] garnish thank you Addie so I think we are in a bit of trouble uh there is something more on the table I think Chef was kind enough to give one of their signature dishes this is avocado on toast West Coast St with a salmon so really kind of them and uh right across the room there I see the sticky beaks from Australia whom I got to meet at the cocktail bar really wonderful and Kira celebrating her 50 let's go say hi so it's pretty amazing here lots of people celebrating Kira's 50 the style counselor and we are with a whole bunch of sticky beaks cheers to youal cheers cheers to Australia and to the Commonwealth cheers Che thank you so much it's a pleasure and uh really grateful to to get to meet all these wonderful people and thank you thank you and and the drinks never stop oh I'm sorry I'm sorry all right cheers all right so we better get back to the table sticky beaks oh thank you so much thank you it is so nice to meet the wonderful people there and uh coming back to the table there is more because they bring more food to you at your table I think that is a beef stew and Chef is coming as well Hano EG oh wow thank you so much thank you Chef okay this is incredibly gorgeous that is a ragu of chicken with potato and a deep fried poached egg now the scary thing is I haven't even started yet and I'm actually not sure where to start but let's go for the caviar first and in order to get to the caviar we have to shift over the champagne what a wonderful thing to say a little bit of lemon give this a try all right absolutely luscious beautiful bleen wonderful pops of caviar and a gorgeous sauce that's a two biter and it's nice to start with a caviar but I think the roasted pork doesn't wait got to eat it while it is nice and warm and crispy double pork that is shatteringly crisp I'm not sure if you can hear it but I sure can absolutely perfectly prepared pork nice and Luscious layers of fat and uh so crispy and crispy throughout and as good as this avocado toast is I think this can wait because Chef brought over this wonderful uh dish here little bit of potatoes little bit of chicken Ragu and a deep fried poached egg can't wait to dig into this remove the garnish and will we get a runny yolk yes we will look at that a lovely and I think we'll get a fork or a spoon I think this is the finest buffet in Valley wonderful sauce with the mashed potatoes and now the egg yolk and that chicken Ragu and so crispy and Luscious perfectly poached egged and a little messy was tempted there for a moment now look at this this is a wonderful egg I think this is egg nille as they say wonderful cream some salmon row I wonder if there's anything in the bottom give this a try oh it's much too pretty to dig into but that's okay no worries here and let's see a little bit of the cream and asparagus so rich and creamy and I think I'm going to dig into it with a knife and if you empty it out oh my goodness there is something at the bottom oh I think this is lobster and I think that is an accurate guess oh cheers it is lobster luscious chunks of lobster creamy avocado or asparagus mousse brilliant got to move this to the side for more dishes oh oh and here comes Chef chicken oh chicken wow chicken with mushroom uh I'm sorry put oh and withut inside like a chicken K oh beautiful thank you Dharma this wonderful thank you so this is pretty amazing I don't think I ever have to leave my seat the food just keeps coming let's give the chicken k a try oh a little bit of cheese okay mushrooms creamy sauce with a bit of potatoes and I am making such a mess oh very good everything is very good I think I got to try the original dish this is the beef stew with a little bit of potato and luscious beef and more beef oh get the beef stew this is as simple as it sounds incredibly tender incredibly delicious and Incredibly deep in flavors oh so good and Chef is coming again p with tomato sauce oh thank you so much okay oh we'll do so it's really kind of chef with so many dishes and I think we got to try the prawns and a little bit of salad to cut the richness there we go oh that is wonderful and as we're enjoying the food here the sticky beaks are on to the next round and I think I'll join them to bal's best buffet so I think I am going to finish this round off uh because there is still so many many more dishes and with the buffet stations and the servers that come drop off dishes to you and the menu that you can order this is uh very substantial so I'm going to finish this off and we'll take you back what I thought was a small first round was anything but with all the dishes coming but without skipping a beat I made sure to try the oyster while they were nice and fresh and they were shucked perfectly beautifully Briny and fresh and for a little bit of contrast and texture that wonderfully fried veggie Fritter beautifully crunchy and that beet wot panacotta interesting much sweeter than I thought but to Mellow it out finally that avocado salmon toast really delicious and what makes it more delicious a little bit of potato salad not realizing how high they pile up the avocado it was tough to fit on but very good and finally the pandan almond Danish really delicious flaky custardy and crunchy from the almonds and I think with that let's go for round two and uh it doesn't feel like round two feels like a lot more let's go it's always nice to pass by by with a wonderful performers really relaxing and uh let's grab a big plate this time all right so I am getting full and uh I hope chefs uh don't put more on the table but oh so finally we get to the caues beautiful salmon oh that is so hot and being a sticky beak myself hi there he team I've got oh that looks wonderful the all the crispy pork just one but you can go back for more and more and more wonderful let's touch Bas lat all right we'll do all right so so wonderful wonderful folks here and it's a lot harder to uh describe what you're eating than one may think and let's let's see what this is okay so some beautiful chicken medallions and sorry if I steamed you up there oh and it gets better I can read the sign this is a wonderful Seafood graten wow let's go let's go for one of these and these are warm oh and some beautiful lamb maybe just one so I'm glad they give you a big plate and I'm glad the uh dishes are individually plated so that they have uh all the components composed and I'm hearing a happy birthday and the sticky beats there are [Applause] [Applause] [Music] celebrating [Music] you so a really nice detour there and uh really nice for Kira to celebrate with great friends and look at this I think this is beef and pasta and let's see oh I heard this was really good and Cara mentioned the Korean pork is delicious and I can see why because of the fatty goodness little bit of rice and the plate is almost getting full some wonderful fish and as good as that looks I think I have the salmon and moving on this is the chili crab I hate to turn down chili crab but it's too much work and uh there's so many other good things here let's see so we have some dim suum on layer one and some gorgeous Soups On Layer Two hi chef hi and this is something I might go for later some chicken meatball soup and normally I do go for the salmon and the tashimi and the sushi but uh I am getting so full here and there's so many other dishes let's see sambal some uh green beans and sausages and one thing I did miss is the wonderful ham I remember the time in Spain so maybe that on a nice piece of bread and as much as I would love to have some I think I will pass let's see what this is beautiful pasta and I don't think I can say no to some wonderful prime rib or some roast beef hi chef yawan oh you must be the most important person here the beef looks wonderful can I get a little bit oh beautiful a thank you so much a little bit yeah thank you do you have any potato oh beautiful potatoes thank you Chef that looks wonderful and I think this is it for the mains for now all right so the table is filling up and remember when I uh didn't get the ham well I think Chef has brought it for me here and as good as it looks I think the beef rump will have to take priority and I think we need to dig into that right away so a wonderful fat here okay and I know rump is maybe not a typical cut in North America but this is so tender let's give it a try oh it's as tender as a prime rib you don't even have to chew it look how easily it cuts again this is a butter knife and uh it just pulls apart and to get the perfect bite a little bit of potatoes wow that potato was so fresh and hot freshly out of the oven blistery skin and a soft custardy and hot paint fluffy potato in the inside but painful in the best possible way and the beef rump is really good too just got to be careful and speaking of hot I think the seafood Graton should be worth a try let's give this a switch around all right and these plates are getting heavy I'm not sure if I'm just tired from the alcohol but let's give the the seafood Grana try nice and broiled looking really nice and [Music] creamy that is the creamiest sauces I've ever had and that groty cheese nice and strong and sweet Seafood really nice got to go for that salmon and sometimes salmon and fish run the risk of getting a bit dry at the buffet but while it looks dry on the outside it cuts easily and this is the belly so a little bit more forgiving little bit of potatoes not dry at all wonderfully flaky just on the verge but still nice and moist and I got to try P suggestion of the Korean beef and uh again nice and fatty and I think a lot of intense GOI Jang flavor hopefully balanced with a better rice that was a good suggestion the beef or pork is nice and thin and tender and uh intense flavors but wonderful rice as a foundational canvas really nice so as good as this is I think I got to try the sandwich and I am so glad that this is open faed so half the amount and I think we need to do a little bit of a knife and fork and they are generous with their mustard let's give this a try the bread is a star and so is the ham and the cheese the rocket and the mustard but sometimes you just have to eat a sandwich with your hands nothing like fresh crusty bread a little bit messy and very good so I'm going to finish up all the food here from the buffet station I know there's other ones that I didn't get to but I think I'm going to going to pause for now because I did order a couple of things on the menu and uh I'll take you back when it comes and in fact I think it's coming right now oh wow thank you so much holy cow thank you Romy so this is I guess a Balan uh lobster omelette and uh I think I'm in trouble if they're all as big as they are I ordered three three different dishes not three of the lobsters and this is a lot of plate shuffling oh and this is heavy my goodness and that is a true cast iron skeleton look at this I can't wait to give it a try this is sizable so this is the head of the lobster and a little bit of lobster meat so let's go for a little bit here with a little bit of The Omelette and the sauce oh when they cook lobster to order everything is cooked perfectly the eggs are nice and fluffy Lobster is cooked perfectly springy perfect texture and it's that sauce so [Music] flavorful oh no I see Romy coming oh Roy oh my good thank you so much again what oh wow wow thank you so that's looking like a wonderful wagu beef with some nice crunchy bits and the wagu steak let's dig in and oh Romy is here again this is oh thank you Romy and there's no room on the plate on the table perfect thank you so much thank you Romy thank you so which one to choose let's go for the wagu steak first okay oh and this is a wagu rump so it should be nice and fatty and it is tender A little bit of steak and I think this is I think an egg sule let's give this a try very nice there is a bit of a true to the wagu still very flavorful but I think the roast rump is a lot tender but not bad at all and I think we got to try the duck liver just trying to make some room here let's cut into it and there are two there is a duck liver mousse on a waffle and a duck liver I think this is on some apple compost and a wonderful duck fat there let's give that a try there we go perfect combination wonderfully seared nice and fatty and a a nice sweet tartness of the apples and item number two with the waffle and the mousse oh m this is wonderful and there's a little bit of a surprise this is not just a waffle it is a waffle sandwich waffle cut in half with some wonderful tart Berry jam and that wonderful duck liver mousse such a big bite so I'm just going to nibble my way through to finish this round and I can't wait to take you back for this dessert but a little bit of a drink maybe the water I think I've reached the alcohol limit for today so there was so much food and uh I think I overdid it with the menu items but I actually found out there was a barbecue station and as much as I wanted to try I had to restrain maybe next time but now I think it is time for dessert and I'm just looking for a plate here all right so A beautiful dessert station this ginormous chocolate fountain is calling to me but I will need to restrain for some of the other mini Sweet Treats starting with the mango coconut panacotta and I think this is a pandan apricot cake a little big but that's okay so wonderful paneton and some fruits at the bottom so one of my favorite cakes a baba but not only any Baba this is a rum Baba nice and soaked through with a little bit of chantilli there we go off to the side stable o and look at this some black current yogurt and then this is a lavender velvet so I got to be careful with this sometimes for me lavender tastes like soap but we'll give it a try and a little bit of a chocolate dessert this is called a pear Bell Helen I think Helen Helen let's give this a try and one more spot here and I think this is it all right so you would be proud of me because I restrained myself I saw there was an ice cream station but uh a little bit of restraint and uh this is what I have so I can't wait to dig in I got to try that rum Baba [Music] oh this is a already a good start this is so light and soak with the rum syrup and a little bit of cream and fruit for freshness so nice and although this is much too pretty to break into I think we will try the uh handan cake but we're going to have the trio first or more appropriately a TW cheers oh very close stick into the cake okay and it just cuts in beautifully oh that is just a gorgeous pandan Mose so light layers of cake very floral and I remember earlier I had the pandan hangover that cocktail this is the same thing but opposite this is so light and Luscious but creamy and Rich at the same time and I think a cup of coffee is needed and I see it coming all right thank you so much again oh perfect timing so good and I think we got to try the lavender cake and this is the lavender cake in mousse form a little bit of hockey and here we go very nice and there was a risk of this tasting like soap and I'm glad to say it tastes like nothing of the kind very delicious and finally the mango coconut hanada let's give this a try oh very light just melts in the mouth luscious and very tropical so this is St reges and this is the restaurant here called uh Bona and uh they only have this on Sundays and it is certainly a treat fantastic luxury dishes from the caviar to the Lobster to the wagu beef and the duck liver and of course that wonderful cocktail hour at the beginning which you really need to be cautious for so thank you so much for joining uh lots of good food lots of new friends that are enjoying a couple of drinks so again really grateful that you can join and until we see each other again I hope you're keeping well I hope you're eating well and I hope you're traveling well and with that I think we need to finish off the bubbly here's to wishing you and yours all the best God bless cheers oh round three just dessert a when you did you say that the video didn't see that but so it is such a joy to meet all the wonderful people and what she was referring to there was uh someone had an incident with those steps and gravity
Channel: Tim Lee
Views: 74,475
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Best Buffet in Bali, 5 star luxury Buffet, Lobster Buffet, Endless Cocktails, Best Seafood Buffet in Bali, Best Seafood Buffet, Vegas style Buffet in Bali, Vegas Style Buffet, Wagyu Buffet, Lobster and Caviar Buffet, Indonesia's Best Buffet, Best Buffet in Asia, St Regis Bali Resort
Id: 1eE_RiwIWaI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 59sec (2519 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 18 2024
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