$17 Vegas Filipino Buffet Feast | Giant Crispy Pata and Massive Lechon

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[Music] good day everyone it's Tim here and I hope you're doing well this is Vegas and I'm actually not on the Strip This is the Chinatown area Spring Mountain and uh as nice as everything on the Strip is and it is uh wonderful Stakes there from Peter Luger's fantastic service I think I am all staked and buffeted out and it's always nice to go off the strip just a little bit because you get the amazing deals here and uh really thank for good friends Flynn and Rose from explore Vegas and I saw one of their videos and they were talking about a fantastic Filipino Buffet right here in Spring Mountain incredible deal I think it's like 17 and change for a fantastic Filipino feast and recently I've been to a wonderful Filipino Buffet as well called Cina NE Lorraine and it was fantastic and if this place is any good as that and I we are I am and we are certainly in for our treat this is n Gloria and from what I've seen it looks pretty amazing with lots of deep fried goodness from the chicken skin to the wonderful chuch churon so uh I hope you're hungry uh come on uh let's go in and uh have a Filipino Feast let's go so this is kind of nice to be out of the Vegas Sun and uh I can see a bit busy Buffet here so many items and I see people enjoying their food and I wonder what is good here hey Georgie hey Felicita hi to oh there's so much good food here and I can see all the dishes there all densely packed just like the places in Manila what's your favorite k k k and Salita I like the pan for oh pan SE I can't think of a better combination than k k and and pan seed so I think I better uh check out the menu there or check out the buffet all right thank you so really nice people here and I think we better get started what do you have there K and oh okay so again many good recommendations from the palab book and the K car definitely will go for that yeah all right well thank you so much thank you see you thank you hey Grace how are you hello how are you guys oh wonderful and so much food here uh and I'm getting a little hungry um can I go for the buffet yes wel this is pretty amazing it's about 17 and change $18 thank you Grace all right we'll do I ordered one buffet and uh nice to get a table and a drink and I couldn't resist I saw the Lun and the crispy po so those aren't included in the buffet but I got one of those and uh can certainly use drink and uh again yes the buffet was about7 $18 and uh I think with that uh we shouldn't wait too long uh let's go have a nice Buffet the buffet is looking pretty fantastic and I saw they have a freshly fried up Bango right there so uh let's get a plate and this is kind of nice cuz they have whole dining room over here with all the people in enjoying their Filipino feast and let's take a look oh my goodness so hard to know where to start but I guess we'll start right at the front and you know this is a Filipino Buffet because you see the big pot of rice right over here but I don't think I'm going to go for the rice because we have the pan seat babook and there is the Bango let's go for some of this here oh a little little bit of uh crispy chichiron on top and a little bit more oh and the people here are so kind more food on your tray top with an egg and this is a scary part because the the tray is about to be full even without your doing but I think we'll need to go for a little bit of the fish Alice thank you so much oh small no no no small or smaller yeah oh yes there's so much food here oh oh there we go little bit of teamwork and this is the Boneless milkfish here all right so I think little portions but a lot of portions would be fun some more noodles and a little bit of beef and I'm careful not to get the sauce on the fish so that I am not sure what it is but there is one way to find out a wonderful I'm kind of cracking up here what is this one toino tosino and okay just a little bit and the great people here are uh explaining what these are the tacino little bit of anchovies and oh a wonderful C and I am going to wait a little bit because I think that I need the rice for oh and look at this this is the favorite the ker K and of course the rice is needed and I got to show you the Crispy Crunchy goodness that's behind there this is uh chichiron fried crispy goodness and I think this is the intestines and uh ah chichiron bulak bulaklak all right all right one here and another one for good measure and I just can't resist with a carry carry let's get some rice and as nice as a seam rice is I think we'll need a little bit of garlic rice not a lot just enough for the sauce a little bit more for the kry kry lots of tripe lots of meat right there and also a little bit of the Curry so a little bit of soup and I believe this is saw pass back in the Philippines I think chicken and macaroni all right and rounding the corner let's see and this looks like a familiar dish this is a lot of uh this is awful and awfully good this is internals and I think this I had this in Tanga a long time ago and unfortunately I forgot the name so if you know please let let me know and I think that is a good start to round one all right I think I'm in a bit of trouble here in fact I know I'm in a little bit of trouble I always love to come back to the table when there's something more but this is a little bit more excessive than I can imagine and the crispy p is not included in the buffet but uh when I ordered it I could swear the picture looked a lot smaller than what it is here so definitely a wonderful problem to have an I think I'm going to have to take that back to the hotel CU I no way I can finish it and I don't think I can't even speak I don't think I can even finish this on the trip so uh I'll have to pack it up uh on my flight back and it'll be fun to explain to TSA but let's uh give the cheron a try while it's nice and crispy and it is shatteringly crispy and again this is intestine so not for the faint of heart and very rich and to cut the richness a little bit of vinegar very nice a very good start and I got to try the macaroni and chicken soup [Music] very creamy and uh the Italians may not like this because the macaroni is very soft but perfect for the soup that is very good and while it's crispy let's go for the Bango oh freshly prepared and I think I shouldn't have waited so long let's get give this a try oh beautiful fish and chips Filipino style crunchy crispy coating boneless and Meaty as well and a little bit of Tang and sharpness from the vinegar make sure you get the Bango when you come here in fact can't really complain about anything it's a really tasty here so let's go for a little bit of the rice right mix it up and that feels like home the peanut sauce is creamy and Rich lots of flavor and to add a little bit more flavor little bit of bong got to go for the beef and I was going to say this is fork tender but it's actually spoon tender look at that just melts in your mouth love the tripe because it soaks up all the peanut sauce as well little bit of the bag I don't know which is more tender the beef or the tripe but they're oh so good and finally the pans se but I do love to eat noodles with uh Chopsticks and unfortunately they don't have any here so I brought my own there we go let's give it a try okay I should have eaten this when it is hot but that's okay Lessons Learned you still get a bit of crunch from the chichon and the sauce is so flavorful wonderful textures and I think we'll need to combine actually we'll go for the sweet meat right here all [Music] together so nice but I have to dig in to the crispy po while it is still crispy let's give this a try then move this out of the way [Music] plastic knife is not going to cut it so to speak let's give us a knock ooh and I think I've seen Filipinos cutting the wonderful Meats with a plate oh look at that like a hot knife through butter wonderful layers of fat and meat and crispiness and I certainly overdid it this time nice and crispy and Luscious let's give this a try I'm not sure if you can hear the crunch but I can because the skin is fried to Perfection shatteringly crisp and the meat here nice and tender and striations of fat makes it even more luscious but we'll need to cut that that with a little bit of the sauce as big as it is get the crispy po it is so delicious a little bit of Spice from the sauce so I'm going to finish this up and uh there's lots more dishes over at the buffet that I haven't tried and I'm so grateful I'm situated at such a wonderful place right next to the buffet and uh I'll take get back for round two cheers that first round took so long to finish because there was so much food and that panga stew absolutely wonderful a bit of Tang a bit of spice and the wonderful organ Meats uh awfully good as they say and using a bit of rice for the curry chicken a great match as well and unfortunately I ran low on rice so I had to use SE with a K kry sauce very good and that bowl of beef belly that was served to me that is actually leun koali but even better in a rich flavorful Curry very nice so I think with that it's time for round two and uh the buffet is densely packed just like the cities in the Philippines kind of like Manila and there's uh many more dishes to try come on let's go all right so there's still so many items I haven't tried and uh I think I definitely need the rice and that's a good start with some more noodles and I think we'll start from the uh that end of the buffet here because there's something I've been dying to try here and it's not the vegetables but it is is the dino Guan the uh I think this is a blood stew let's give that a try a little bit of drip and hence the rice and the noodles for that sauce and we can't say no to some vegetables in the form of peanut B right over here some more veggies that I had earlier that was SE Sig okay and this is chicken in a wonderful soup and I think I got to go for a little bit of that something nice and refreshing I think I'm going to skip but just for a little bit of skin and a little bit of the broth all right and moving on from the panga stew we have I think this is Banana Blossom a little bit of coconut sauce here let's give that a try since we have the rice right over here all right and rounding the corner let's see what we have and this is a section I never got a chance to visit a little bit of fish and oh this is a dreaded vegetable this is a bitter melon so I'm going to definitely pass on that another beautiful lusia stew and oh more pork belly I'm going to hold off on that because between the pork belly I had and the crispy po I think I'm more all pork bellied out and let's see this is pork with liver oh this is pork with liver okay well I think I'm going to give that a try it's really good with a little bit of liver and Grace has convinced me for the igodo thank you so much welcome and then we have more chicken and what is this this also has a um inside um me yeah with li oh okay okay and this is B piece B okay I hope I'm saying that right here we go and this is getting to be a messy plate because we have all the sauces and I think we need something crispy to round it off and we'll top that off with a fried ancho V on top but do you know what's better than a fried anchovie fried chicken skin look at this so when I go for fried chicken uh you get the fried chicken and the meat but I think you get the best part of a fried chicken and that's the skin number one on top of the fish and number two and that definitely round rounds off round two round two is a lot more manageable and uh I think I just got to try that chicken skin this is worth the price of the buffet alone again it's a crunch shatteringly crisp and in the middle is that wonderful pocket or layer of chicken fat that just explodes in your mouth and what would make it better a little bit of the sauce and this is the veggie dish the benette and I can't think of a better way to eat your veggies than with chicken skin very good and that is Rich but I think you counteract the richness a little bit of the soup and this is soup number two the chicken almost like a cagon oh that is so refreshing very flavorful a little bit of Tang from I think it's Tamarind and uh just opens up the appetite once again so good and I got to try the uh horror aspect of the Philipino Cuisine this is yoong and I think and again apologies for my pronunciation but I think this is a blood sauce here I'm going to switch to a spoon got the blood and the rice together there we go it sounds terrible but tastes like Heaven There is a bit of a tank to it but the meat again is so tender and uh I think here it's all about the sauce and the tenderness and the crunch very nice and I noticed that the noodles were contaminated with the sauce let's give it a try though very nice and I got to try as recommended by Grace the dish with a little bit of liver let's give that a try again tender it's a stew and one of my least favorite things are bananas but I think banana blossoms might be a different story let's try it out that is very good and the reason is it tastes nothing like bananas a nice floral Aroma and the wonderful textures and coconut as well and I see something coming oh my [Music] goodness oh thank you Grace I remember Will Rogers once said if stupidity got us into this mess then why can't it get us out and I think I'm practicing that right now I forgot I was really overzealous with the ordering uh and Grace was smart enough to know I would not be able to finish and uh luckily this is in a takeout container let's give it a try Okay so this is super crispy and in Lon sauce kind to speak that is piping hot fresh out of the fryer skin is nice and crispy and when you bite into it that wonderful pocket of pork fat just envelops the mouth a little bit painful but well worth the pain a little bit more very good so I'm not going to finish the crispy po or the lrin kalian and I'll definitely take that back and uh I will finish my round two and I will take you back for round three I am incredibly full with the lechon and uh it was a modest round too but uh with everything else it was a lot of food everything here is absolutely wonderful except for that fried sardine way too salty and thank goodness for the SE too came to the rescue guzzled it down and I think now it's time for a little dessert and uh that would cap off a Wonderful Buffet the desserts at the buffet are quite modest and uh if you're hankering for something more exotic you have the traditional ton banana not my favorite though and some traditional Filipino dessert but I think after all that food all I need is just a little bit that Billow Billow Tapioca And I think I'm going to skip the sweet potato let's go for a little bit here okay and that's probably the smallest dessert plate I ever gotten but that's all I need okay what an incredible meal and uh finally it's dessert time this is beloo a little bit of coconut tapioca and uh wonderful jackf fruit there let's give this a try Smoky warm warm comforting coconuty and not too sweet a sign of a Great Dessert very nice so just a little bit of dessert to finish up and a lot of things to pack up and this is naai Gloria again it's off the strip and thanks to Flynn and Rose from Explorer Vegas for uh recommending all the great places especially really helpful for me when I come to visit and again this isn't on the Strip This is in the Spring Mountain uh Chinatown uh Asia Market area and uh it's nice to come just a little bit off the strip and you find great deals everywhere so uh if uh you want more Filipino food I think they even have a little grocery section with all the Filipino treats so lots to do here and thank you so much for joining and until we see each other again I hope you're keeping well I hope you're eating well and I hope you're traveling well uh lots to finish up and uh I'll leave you for now but I think one one more lechon before it gets boxed up very good thank you again and God bless bye-bye for now
Channel: Tim Lee
Views: 103,772
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 25sec (1525 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 17 2024
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