[46] Medeco M4 Picked and Gutted

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hello legend of the samurai here with the medeco m4 uh this is their patent extension that's superseding the m3 and it has a couple of notable upgrades from there particularly how the key is constructed uh and how the sidebar operates so this instead of a single slider that the m3 had it has four side pins that interact with that sidebar and prevent it from falling in completely and it also has a little uh interactive on the key which makes the keys much harder to duplicate all right so first we'll pick this open and then i will discuss a little bit in more detail about what is in this particular lock and why so key does work and just tensioning clockwise and make sure everything's nice and scrambled so this lock when being picked clockwise actually mixes shear and sidebar feedback at the very beginning without having to do anything with the side pins so if i go in i can actually feel a little bit of drag from the sidebar pins if i have tension on the lock so if i feel that drag i can let off tension rotate the pin reapply tension and see if i've gotten it there but this does not differentiate true from false gates so i may have to come back later and fix things all right i think i have the feedback mostly where i want it so i will start lifting okay and i've got a decent amount of false set so i think i have my rotations good but i could still be in false gates so i'm going to switch to a little hook that's better suited to lifting and i'll go for shear okay and based on that full set i think i'm set everywhere so i will switch to a little side pin pick and is binding three is locked up so three as a false gate i have to lighten up ever so slightly and then i can sneak past it one is good two is good and we are open uh and this apart from the drivers dropping in can go full circle all right so now take this apart and show what is in here i will also show what was originally in here because the pinning i received this lock with was not quite up to what i would have expected so first unload from the top all right so from the front there is a barrel driver i will attempt to get these arranged properly here show this is in the right orientation that's the next one sorry here i have a little mushroom driver so keep it in four legs to get stuck all right so set that there for a moment and go close on these briefly so we have barrel drivers in one two four five and six a mushroom in three and then all of the key pins i have in here uh have false gates i'll show those closer in a little bit and then one of them is also spooled at the top so that's what i have installed in here take out sidebar and show those elements and these similar to other medicos the anti-drill inserts will actually keep you from pulling the plug out knock those out of there so one of those sits in front of the sidebar groove so you have to have the plug turned in order to remove that here's our housing there's our sidebar groove other than that it's uh pretty normal now here's our plug get this sidebar out of here sometimes it wants to get stuck and keep track of those little springs unlike previous generations of sidebars that had holes specifically for the springs these ones are just sort of sitting in a little pocket and there is also a little pocket there so nothing quite retains them here is our sidebar so we have four sections and each section has a bit of a fence and that is checking against those true gates that are lined up on those sliders and we can see we have one two three sliders here that do not have useful false gates from a picking perspective and one of them that does and it's shallow enough that it didn't engage very strongly uh these other ones have false gates uh in one and four uh the interactive pin does not so shut the bottom of the plug here so we have the four sliders again and how this interactive works well first let me take the sliders out they're all individually sprung all right so how this interactive works is we have this little button on the key that can be pushed up and so there is a little ramp right here and as the key moves past that it pushes that little bump up into the open space and then that acts as a bidding surface that will lift the slider in that position and that can be put in multiple different positions so that extends differs further the sliders themselves so here is one of them so we have a deep true gate and a little bit of a false gate and then uh this little bit is what interacts with the key so i have two of that bidding depth and one of the higher cut and that has a false gate that appears above the true gate same little uh protrusion there there is a third bidding height here that also has a false gate but uh mylock does not have one but that's just due to bidding and then the interactive here it does not have a false gate just has the one true gate but then it has these steps milled out and so the keyway ends right flush with this surface and that little button gets pushed into this cutout which then lifts the pin i will show my pins and drivers so these are older biaxial pins that i simply have a supply of so we have one deep truegate and one false gate show that for all of them this one has truegate false gate and some spooling at the top trigate false gate true gate falls gate and finally truegate falls gate now these drivers so these are the medeco version of the asa style barrel drivers and they come in a number of different heights and the other two are identical and those interact with counter milling and this is uh the same style as the as a barrel counter milling there are two sharp cuts and so if you start with the barrel under both of them you have three distinct clicks as you go up to set they do not mill chamber number three and that is why i have one of their normal mushroom drivers in number three i can show that these do in fact click into that milling pretty nicely uh not quite as nicely as you would expect in say one of the newer asset twins but it's still functional uh as i received the cylinder so i purchased this brand new and as i was wiping off some of the extra oil after disassembling it this plating just completely wiped off with a soft cloth so i think that is likely just a defect i i don't know that it is widespread but uh it happened to this one now i will show the pins that this was delivered with so these are key pins without any full skates anywhere some of them do have the milling which does not extend uh the true gate to the bottom instead of the broaching found on other pins and that will prevent uh wire decoder attacks some of them are still broached all the way through and most of these have this spooling up at the top but it's down quite a ways from the shear line so you actually have to overlift one pretty significantly to get caught up in that i have a feeling it might be more related to foiling a different kind of wire decoding attack uh because that height is not entirely consistent so these are both a number five cut but this one has a wider top than this one the thing that i was hoping for uh was more of the barrel drivers i only got one every other pin in here is standard and not only are they standard apparently there is a new style of standard keypin so go close on that that is a very significant bevel and so i have an older biaxial standard driver right here and they are very lightly domed and they do not have that massive bevel and this has a couple of effects so these are the same size driver one is that uh this one because of that bevel it allows you to hold looser tolerances on your key cutting it allows for more wear in a lock it can make the key smoother to operate as the key and the pins wear down but it also widens the shear line which does make them easier to pick for instance this bevel is wide enough that a number six cut key pin i believe i can show that here because i have a six cut so that sits right about there and if you put a barrel over top of it you actually do have to lift that pin in order to set that barrel if you put one of these beveled drivers over top of it the bevel is just clear of the edge of the chamber which means you don't have to touch that pin ever it will just set itself if you apply torque to the plug now i don't know if that's intentional but this lock was pinned out of an m4 kit or so i am told so i'm assuming that is a general change to the drivers i can show these a little bit more so one thing i noticed about uh this spooling here there is another style of security keypin so this is an older biaxial pin uh they call this a ringed pin so this in addition to having a true and a false gate it has two if i can show that rings milled into the lower portion of the pin and what those do is as the sidebar fingers come in these can as you're lifting drag past and give you very very strange feedback so it makes picking significantly more difficult if you have these installed but these are all at the tops of the pins and on a number three cut they do just barely sit inside uh that sidebar window but all of the higher cuts it sits completely above that window so it does not give you that kind of feedback so there are the original pins this lock is significantly easier to pick as it was pinned i have no idea if this was the intent i assume medico has pinning specifications that they do in factory and whether or not a locksmith follows that is up to the locksmith so i have no idea whether or not this would qualify as an acceptable bidding but this is what i received and in order to give this lock as good a chance as possible i put in my own pins to take advantage of all of the security features that it has to offer the sidebar itself uh it's interesting it's cleverly done uh this particular lock isn't the best example to showcase uh how difficult it could be because two of these i only have to nudge them uh the third one has no false gate and the fourth one has a full skate that doesn't grab super hard but i have heard from other folks that the sidebar can be very very tricky to get past especially depending on where it binds the thing that really makes these locks difficult is the counter milling coupled with the barrels although that isn't actually a new feature this here is a biaxial plug so this is an older lock note that it does not have the cutout so this is an m3 plug which has the cutout for that slider this one does not have milling but the biaxial does and so i i don't know exactly when this core was manufactured but they were doing milling and i have found barrel drivers in biaxial locks and i know the newer m3s all had that same milling so i don't know exactly when it was introduced but that's not a new feature hopefully it persists uh and is included in all of the m4s and hopefully they put as many barrel drivers as possible in there because that's really what gives these a lot of pick resistance the other thing that gives them very nice pick resistance is false gates on the pins and as not a single one of the pins that i received has a false gate i did not feel that it was a fair demonstration of this lock to pick it with these installed because it is much simpler i will also note that i picked it in the more difficult direction for this lock so picking clockwise i end up with sidebar and shear feedback at the same time and if i end up in the false set from the barrels and the mushrooms and i'm stuck in a false gate it is not feasible to rotate out of that you have to drop everything back and re-rotate in order to get through that so you know this lock in this direction is quite difficult to pick in the opposite direction everything isolates very cleanly uh so i would pick two pins to get to a little bit of a full set and then i got perfect sidebar feedback set all of those rotations then the side pins would start binding set all of those get a deeper false set and then go to shear on the barrels without having to worry about interacting with anything so it's just a simpler pick in that direction so this was the the hardest i could make this lock with what pins i had on hand they certainly can be extremely difficult it very much depends on when all of the elements bind in relation to each other if these side pins had started binding during all of the sheer feedback that could make things much much more difficult because if i have to keep dropping things to go set these and then reset these it could ping pong back and forth and be a nightmare all right so i believe that is all i have to say about the m4 it's certainly an interesting lock i look forward to seeing more people pick them as they become available there's our original pins and once again here is our key with that little interactive i think it is an upgrade over the m3 but i think at least for this lock the things that made it harder could also have been installed in current uh m3s so definitely a step in the right direction and it will be interesting to see what stock pinnings actually look like from the factory and what's included in the m4 pinning kits all right thank you for watching and have a nice day
Channel: legendofthesamurai
Views: 3,592
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: yQXz1h86h4k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 18sec (1398 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 22 2021
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