4:30 AM Morning Routine | How to Wake up Early

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what is up you guys welcome to my 4 30 a.m extra early morning routine i'm gonna share with you exactly how it is that i wake up extra early in the morning just note that this video is in part filmed in real time first thing in the morning in the dark and of course in some daylight so that you guys can actually see what's going on so the very first thing that i've done for well over a year now if you've ever seen any of my other morning routines as they keep getting earlier and earlier they use a sunrise alarm clock that's the very first thing that gets me up in the morning it's simply just some natural light that will wake me up or simulates natural light and it will gradually get brighter and brighter you can also add sound i don't because i actually have a second alarm clock at the opposite end of the room and frankly i'm human this is the only way that it will actually get me out of bed so carl is usually asleep he stays in bed most of the time and he is not a morning puppy definitely very lazy and hates whenever i do get up super early now also a note i don't get up every single morning at 4 30 of course on weekends i do sleep in um one thing that i have been doing especially in the summer months is sleeping with a fan on we did decide to get a dyson fan and it is the greatest thing ever it's super quiet and amazing i also have a dupe of the dyson fan and i will share that with you guys because that is in my office that i work with every single day and it's just as quiet and amazing so i put on my slippers as is getting a little bit colder not really and i make my way over to my other alarm clock that has already gone off that is set for 4 30 in the morning so the way that i do this is i do some sort of a mission so sometimes i will have like a math equation or a memory game or i take a photo of something that is further away from the alarm so maybe the sink or something in my washroom then i go ahead and i brush my teeth i just use the diamond sonicare something something philips diamond sonicare i love it i've had it for a while and it comes in pink so it's super cute i also put out some water for carl and then i will wash my face so i have been loving the tula scrub that's what i've been using and then i usually will put my hair up in a bun using the little clips that i shared with you and my all-time favorite products i did this video on just like products that i literally use every single day and those little clips are definitely a part of my day so then i go through and i scrub and wash my face and i'm so curious you guys brush your teeth and wash your face like first first first thing because i do know that some people don't feel the need to brush their teeth and wash their face right when they wake up it is literally the very first thing i do and then i will go and change into my workout gear i do work out at home um i spritz on a little body spray so that i can smell delightful and then i usually put in just a quick little hair mask on days that i am washing my hair just to add in that extra conditioner i have a full video coming on just tips and tricks as to how i have grown my hair the other thing i do is i don't check emails i don't check anything on my phone except for turning on a podcast so i will usually listen to a podcast from the point where i am getting my hair ready to go just putting it up in a bun getting dressed and making my way all the way downstairs to grab my pre-workout so the very first thing i do whenever i get into the kitchen first thing in the morning and usually it is pitch black obviously i will light a candle so you guys usually see me check in on instagram with that and it drives me crazy whenever i don't check in before five so i've been getting up early and earlier to kind of have that accountability the other form of accountability that i have is going downstairs and checking in with the girls in my fit gym so i work out virtually every single day with girls from all over the world in the united states canada the uk and france and all over and so the first thing i do is i will respond to messages and emails while i'm still listening to my podcast and i will just do a quick spin on my peloton bike and it is just like a little bit of a warm-up for me especially whenever it's colder in the morning which during the summer it's not really but in the winter i come down in a sweater and then i will warm up so it just really helps to get the blood flowing and pumping gives me a chance to answer some messages as well and then i check in in the fit gym so right now i'm following the choose your own adventure i am going through a three-week program and then another three-week program and then i have programs set until the end of the year so i'm super pumped about it i've been traveling to the cottage and back so i've been able to keep up with it because it can go with me anywhere um this is the fitness tracker that i use i love it you guys ask a lot about it and i'm just obsessed with it so the only piece of equipment i really need on most days is just those cordless jump ropes which is perfect to travel with and this is exactly what the girls in my fit gym are doing i'm not gonna lie i thought this program was gonna be easier because i was just in a test group for a program that is launching in december which i'm so dang excited for which is basically the purpose of the choose your own adventure so i have a sample workout of this workout and my goal is basically to take the girls in the fit gym right up until the new year and have them end 2020 on a strong note if they've kind of felt like 2020 has been a bit of a wash for them so you can always apply it's on my website or you can send me an email or at the very least if you want to try the workout i'm doing right here i have it for free and you can send me an email for that and i will get that to you so i genuinely thought this workout was going to be easy it is so it's so not easy and what's cool is there's a ramp up so this is the beginner version which i wouldn't really call it that beginner it is you can modify it and then there's an advanced version in the next three weeks so it's technically a total of six weeks um it's crazy and it has been working everything i love that it's an asymmetrical workout i didn't know what that meant whenever i first started it but now i get it and it just basically it works the core it works your abs like crazy so this is the virtual fit gym app i check in with the girls that are in there they all have access to that app and they can check in with not only obviously their physical checking and like a cute selfie or whatever but they can track their nutrition and their workouts and that way i can hold them accountable and hold them to their stuff every single day and one thing i've been doing this summer is just going outside and enjoying a little bit of yoga and meditation i really am noticing the difference just you know even underlying stress and uncertainty and stuff that's going on this year i feel like tapping into that is so important and that is all on the same system that i just did the workout on so i can either access it on my apple tv on my phone or on my ipad or my computer so i'll just grab my phone and usually go outside and do some yoga some meditation which was just added to the library so that's kind of cool i'm planning on doing a three week detox throughout september um which is also included and there's all yoga and everything and i'm just noticing a huge difference for myself the other thing that i've been doing is trying to figure out my air pods so if you guys have any suggestions as to how to get those to stay in please share um i've been doing some stretching as well as foam rolling and i've been using this little massage gun not sponsored i just i love this thing i got it off of amazon it's kind of like a dupe of the theragun and it's been working like crazy i can link it for you guys it's been making such a difference in like just foam rolling and stretching everything out because i've been working out so hard um it was about time for carl to go for his walk so that was audrey taking him out and then from there i made my way back upstairs and i had some work to do so i've been using this little magnetic phone stand i love it it's what i used to go live every single day i shared it in that video with my top 10 fave products and i check in with the girls in the fit gym as well as my coaches i go live i face time with them all throughout the day that's basically what i do for a living i'm not a youtuber full-time then i grab my vitamins and i will usually make a fresh juice mixed in with my smoothie so i'll show you how i do that i also got a this is literally real time i got this text and i was like what so we got a little house update just the progress on that is insane and i can't wait to share everything with you guys but for my green juice i will usually juice a green apple cucumber carrots were in this one and i just pour out the juice so i will either have that separately and the reason why i separate this as andre will just drink the juice some mornings so then i personally will use the juice as the base for my smoothie and i usually do a superfood smoothie so i mix in my superfood powder and the strawberry one goes perfect with that and it just it literally tastes delicious and it's a great way to get in extra veggies and super foods and that has a huge part in why my hair has been growing because i also toss in some collagen and then no morning is complete without our disney area music this is literally how we live i will go ahead and feed carl while that disney area music goes on and we usually always start the day with the tree of life area music from animal kingdom if you are new here i am a disney nerd it is what it is um carl is even named after a disney character he's named after carl fredrickson this is his little snuffle rug something that we've been using every morning i feed him using that it takes him a little bit longer to eat his food and just gets him thinking um and if you have a dog that like eats way too fast and kind of makes himself sick great solution um some things we just picked up that morning was some little stress treats for him they seem to be working really well and he likes them and this is his food we usually get him stella and chewie's and he has allergies so even with treats it has to be sweet potatoes he has allergies to anything poultry so no chicken no turkey no duck so he loves salmon it's a trigger word for him he loves it and he does anything that's uh beef related so other than that he's good so then i go upstairs and i make the bed i have been asked in a couple of videos why andre is not getting out of bed with me to be honest i don't feel like anybody needs to see the pda so we gotta leave that part out i feel like morning routines with couples is kind of weird so he's usually either up and that's the honest truth or we just leave that part out so then from there i pour my bath i have a bath almost every morning i do not wash my hair every morning but i do use a custom set of like shampoo and conditioners which i'm going to share with you guys in an upcoming video and i'm super excited about that but i've been using the same system for a long time now and this one is like a lavender eucalyptus it's the best and then from there i just brushed out my hair and detangled everything and i did my makeup so this is like my super quick five minute makeup routine so i do an under eye stick i have a mint one as well as like an orange one that covers all dark circles then i will spritz my beauty blender or my beaky blender and i just use this tula face blurring primer which i love and i mix that in with a tinted moisturizer and then i dip some of the oil that like rose gold oil i love it and it smells so good i dip that onto the sponge as well and then i go through with my morphe bronzer i have it in originator which is like the perfect it's really dark but i love it it's actually tinted in the right way then i use the honest beauty peony pink cream blush and then i do a little bit of highlighter from benefit and then i do the tattoo studio eyebrows i also go in with a little pencil from benefit which i love and then i do a quick eyeliner and some eyeshadow this little orange palette came in my boxycharm box which i always do unboxings on my angie belmar vlogs instagram page and then i found this mascara from honest beauty it's the best mascara i've ever used it has a primer let that set and then i put on the mascara and that my friends is my five minute makeup routine i literally do that almost every morning if i am wearing makeup but in the summer very lightweight um then i blur i brush out my hair blow dry it and i will spritz my body with that tiki bars and tan lines and then i'm well on my way downstairs to get to work in my office so i kind of just cleaned up my desk this morning these are some books that i'm kind of lined up to start reading you guys let me know your thoughts and then i make myself a coffee i usually make myself a coffee once i'm ready to sit down so the only food that i really have is that green juice smoothie and then i have a coffee and then we go for breakfast later so my donuts dumbbells and dreams cup which i'm very excited about and is about to come off of the website so if you did want one make sure that you grab that so that we can make way for fall stuff so this is like your literally last call for donuts dumbbells and dreams from the dream big collection then i usually top it with like a little like a chocolate donut spritz on top of my coffee that's just an espresso machine that i use by the way and i've used that forever and these are all just samples and plans for the house and then i sit down in my office which i feel like i do not share enough this is literally where i work i work in my office i go through anything with my coaches anything with the girls in the fit gym anything that they need i'm a coach first so that's really what takes up the majority of my days either creating content for them systems for them going live facetiming hopping on zoom calls i have used zoom for the past seven years i know a lot of people use zoom now um the other thing we're planning is a disney retreat at our house in disney that we're building so next year our coaches are going to be coming to that so if there was ever a time to be on team uproar it would be now and literally like i found this on a total whim and it changed my life and it's literally what i do and i was not qualified in any way i did not study marketing or anything and i found this and it is now my full-time job as well as my husband's which is kind of crazy so then the freedom of our job is that we can you know pick up and leave in the middle of the day so one thing that we had set a goal to do was to be able to brunch and yes that was the most canadian moment ever those were canada geese going through the street so one thing we'd love to do is go to brunch we always go to sunset grill in ottawa we absolutely love them they're in lansdowne they're like the most welcoming bunch and one of the best parts is there is a winners right across the street so if you ever you know want to find me it's probably at one of those two places and then i go back home so we usually check out winners they didn't really have that much fall stuff and you guys this mummy okay honest do you like it because i will literally go back and get it i left it at the store and also that skeleton i think was really cute and this is all they had is slim picking so this then we went to michael's we went out and about michael's is slaying this year so i wanted to give a little touch of fall because i know you guys are dying for it right now and i'm buying strawberry straw bales too but i'm gonna have them delivered so now michaels will ship in canada i know in the states that's nothing new but in canada they never shipped anything so super exciting for me because i can get it delivered to the house um i picked up a couple like more harvesty fall things i didn't really get any halloween things but i got some super cute like pumpkin harvest stuff and i'm doing the whole front step and you know what's cool about watching this i forgot some of the things that i bought so now i'm getting more excited so all like pumpkin spice vibes which is also giving a little hint to what's to come in the decoration videos as well as just the themes and trust me we are going to hop into it if you are new i do a daily video throughout october um you can go check out the previous years it's called the not so scary youtube party and we do we go all month long and it's super exciting and super fun so i'm so excited i hope that you guys enjoyed this video i love hanging out with you guys i love chilling with you guys and sharing my morning routine and sharing all the good stuff if you guys enjoyed this make sure to give it a thumbs up if you need any details of any products that i mentioned or the fit gym or team uproar i will leave everything down below it's also on my website super easy access or just know i'm an email or a message away you can dm me on instagram at any time it's me that answers my messages i'm a human i answer my messages i do my best to answer every single comment so comment below let me know your favorite part of this very summer headed into fall morning routine and i will see you guys next time
Channel: Angie Bellemare
Views: 1,575,090
Rating: 4.9124236 out of 5
Keywords: morning routine, 4:30 am morning routine, roductive morning schedule, wake up early, angie bellemare, benefit cosmetics, honest beauty, workout at home
Id: 6dKveraV5MI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 25sec (925 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 29 2020
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