My 6 am morning routine โœจ online school

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Ugh I just want to continue that dream I was having... Meh I can't remember it so I might as well get up. The first thing I do when I wake up is turn on some music and make my bed! And then I check on Arwen's food and water. Hi! Good morning :) Good on water? And... food. Maybe I'll put a little more food for you. My morning hygiene routine "must haves" include a "wet brush" (soft on hair), spray detangled to tame my wild bed head, hand lotion (eucerin advanced repair), and chapstick! I can't drink water if it's not with lemon lol. Hey I got your toy! There you are xD Arwen... Arwen Arwen Arweeeennnn!! You got it! 6:00 - 7:00 am is my "chill time" I'm either playing with Arwen, checking messages / my to do list, or watching something fun / positive! I've found the best spot in the house MWAHAHAAHAAA!! Sometimes I'll also go outside at around 7:00ish to check out the "mystical" fog and ward off any dementors of course! agenda: study for 1.5 hours Before I start studying I set up any titles for notes in Phonto My online classes are asynchronous (not at a set time) so I try to watch all the lectures and do my homework early on in the week. I kindly invite thee to join me for a peaceful morning stroll ;) I find that walking outside + doing short "sprint bursts" really wakes me up and gives me energy for the day! Hey birdies! A couple of weeks ago two huge flocks of birds suddenly moved to the lake. And so begins a "tango" with the birds I take a step forward and they fly a step back xD I JUST WANT TO BE YOUR FRIEND!!! plays *all by myself* Celine Dion Shoutout to my neighbors for all the lemons! My morning walk usually takes around 30 minutes (if I jog) and it helps me say healthy and really wake up! agenda: breakfast This month I'm taking a break from all caffeine (including decaf coffee or tea), so it's only for my mom :) Almost every other morning I have "healthy ice cream" for breakfast! They're super simple and quick to make, and you can add as many fruits and healthy ingredients as you want! recipe: 3 frozen bananas, 1 tbsp blue spirulina toppings: blueberries, coconut flakes, 1 banana Tip: wear off jackets or shirts when eating smoothie bowls that you don't care about staining! agenda: study 2.5-3 hours During one of my pomodoro breaks (I usually do 50:10 minutes), I head over and set up at my mom's desk since the lighting is great and it's usually quieter! I always initially write my essays / assignments in Grammarly. I usually study without music (it depends on my mood haha) and I try to get done as much work done as I can each study session! Come on! Come on Basya let's go! I can't open it! Oh my gosh! Oh, it's locked... wow I'm smart xD Okay let's go guys! You've got your fishing pole? Let's go on an adventure!! Someone's enjoying herself :P Sometime between 12:00-1:00 I go for a "morning walk" with my two younger brothers! In the summer we usually go to my grandparents' house though and swim at their pool instead. Where do you want to fish? Over here? You want me to do it? I have the honor of fishing? Munchkin: But don't break it Estella! I'll try not to break it, okay One, two, three Ta daaaaaa! You want to try again? Munchkin (my youngest brother) has suddenly been interested in "fishing" lately. Are you having fun Peter Pan? High five! We recused Arwen exactly a month ago, and she's turned into our morning walk companion! We tried to convince her to be an indoor cat at first, but she's clearly meant to be with *Aragorn* I mean nature (she was probably an indoor-outdoor cat before). Luckily she always just follows us around and comes home! Oh gosh, I just slipped and fell! Owwww xD We're fine, we're fine lol Alright let's go! Why do you have a little sticker on your...? AHHHH! Uh oh.. sorry!! Ooh what's that?? Is that a worm?!? Huh... I was vibing with the afternoon clouds when Peter Pan grabbed me xD
Channel: Study To Success
Views: 2,174,214
Rating: 4.9596963 out of 5
Keywords: morning routine, morning routine 2021, productive morning routine, school morning routine, online school morning routine, online school, 6 am morning routine, 5 am morning routine, 7 am morning routine, 2021 morning routine, my morning routine, waking at 5 am everyday for a week, waking up at 5AM for a week, student, high school, college, aesthetic
Id: v5FYHw2Akg8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 20sec (800 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 09 2021
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