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hi guys welcome back to my channel I hope you're doing well hope life's treating you okay and all that jazz I've switched up with filming background a little bit today let me know how we're feeling about it so today I thought I would do a really chilled out video and I don't wanna make a really long intro so I want to get into it but today I'm gonna tell you ten things that I have done in my life ten habits that I've incorporated which I genuinely feel like have massively benefited me in both my mental health and my physical health if you're new around here you may not know that over the past year I've undergone an enormous change my life has literally flipped itself upside down and I have changed basically every part who makes me a happier and healthier person and I get questions all the time about where to start how I got into it the steps I took to get you know the ball rolling and I thought that these ten things were ten really achievable goals that you can try and incorporate into your everyday life which will eventually help you without further ado these are ten things that changed my life we're starting small okay make your bed the first thing you do when you get out of bed get out of it and then make it again even if your whole room is a mess if your bed is made it will make your overall room look better and you've already achieved something small that day start off your day by tidying your space a tiny bit and then when you come back to it at the end of the day it's made and these may seem like really small things that everyone does I didn't do that and now I do and it makes a huge difference the second healthy habit that I've incorporated into my life is as soon as I get out of bed I put on my workout clothes so I roll out a bet I make my bed I take off my pajamas and I put on my workout clothes if you put on your workout clothes first thing in the morning you are going to be more inclined to workout or to do that physical movement activity that you have told yourselves the night before tomorrow I'm going to wake up and do that if you wake up and get dressed for it you're much more likely to go through with that number three is drink a glass of water as the first thing you do when you walk out of your bedroom I always chug a glass of water a bottle of water a large glass of fluids into my body before I eat anything before I train it's the first thing I do it's so good for your skin it helps regulate your hunger cues and has so many kind of hidden benefits to both fat loss if that is what you are focusing on helps with your digestion and it just has so many health benefits to it and if you're someone like me who struggles to drink enough water throughout the day making sure you get a large glass in first thing set your day off right habit number four is to respect your space 10-minute morning suite that's what I call it I am an innately messy person it like it is horrific I am the messiest person I know and it's something I've always struggled with and it's a habit I really struggle to break and once things start to get messy I just allow them to get worse until I do like a massive massive tidy and a massive clean so a habit that I've incorporated into my life which has honestly changed my life is the morning sweep when I walk into my kitchen in the morning the first thing I do is I drink my water I turn on the kettle and while the kettle is boiling I will tidy up the kitchen from the night before so that's usually like emptying the dishwasher leaving anything that's in their sink or putting anything away that's drying and then just wiping down the surfaces so that your day starts fresh it kind of gets me moving and it means that it's another thing that I can take off of my to-do list speaking of tea another thing that I stopped doing which made an enormous change is I stopped putting sugar in my tea and my coffee I used to have like 10 cups of tea a day with a teaspoon of sugar in each one that is 10 teaspoons of sugar on top of everything else that I was eating so instantly if you stop doing that and stop putting sugar in your drinks that is an enormous cutback already and you barely even know you do get used to it like I didn't like the taste at first but you do just grow to like it and now I love it and now having sugar in my tea just I don't like the taste of it anymore so yeah that's just a really small habit that you can break to form a new healthier habit which will in the long term make a huge difference number six you also will know from my fitness journey video but if you are new here and you didn't come from that video you may not have seen it yet when I first started trying to change my diet make it slightly more healthy or slightly less calorie dense or whatever the case may be I told myself that everything on my plate if there are white carbohydrates to turn them to brown carbohydrates and to turn half of the brown carbohydrates into green carbs like vegetables you're still getting like wholemeal whole-wheat carbohydrates like brown bread we're and pasta brown rice you're still getting those carbs but you're also getting some more nutritiously dense carbs like vegetables which also have a lower calorie index so you can eat more of them you can eat the same amount of food on your plate your plate does a little more sparse but the calorie intake that you're actually consuming is lower and you're getting more of you know the nutrients that you actually need so that was a huge huge huge thing which I still do today if I've made myself like a dish that gets served with rice I will a lot of the time add vegetables to that rice and then that box out to either two portions or just a smaller portion of rice itself that's a huge tip that I would definitely recommend incorporating into your eating habits if of course cutting a few calories is what you have in mind writing daily weekly to-do lists I have three notebooks going at one time I have one that's kind of my broader weekly to-do lists I have one for my daily to-do lists where I cut down the weekly to-do list into bite-sized achievable chunks you know my to-do list will have six or seven things on it during lockdown I won't lie it's only got about four things and two of those things are workout and yoga because I feel like my productivity has gone down but in general it is a huge motivator to be able to tick off your to-do list I write my to my weekly to-do list on either a Sunday night or Monday so I know what I need to get done throughout the week and then I'll also write all of my daily to-do lists as well on that Monday so I can kind of see how my week is looking course I can change it I can cross things out and move things around I do that all the time but it's nice to be able to see your week and know as silly as it sounds things like hair wash day when will it best fit in because of what I need to do like do I have an event this day do I have to do this this day am i fake tanning this day I know that sounds really silly but it helps to plan everything if you know what you actually need to get done on those days I got this planner from Paper Chase and it's your personal assistant and it's great because I can plan my meals what I'm gonna eat I can take off my water and again I've already takes something off because I started with a glass of water once you start your morning with like positives that you've already done things I often find that it's easier to continue my day like that I feel like I've not achieved anything before like 9:00 a.m. I feel like my whole day is going downhill and for me I've got such a messy brain my brain is manifested in the mess in my home so I need to keep my brain tidy I need to keep my house tidy and if those both are balanced and staying you know pretty tidy my head stays above the water but the second I like one of those things slip it's a bad week for me the next healthy habit which has massively changed my life is meal prepping some people don't like to meal prep because they get bored of the same foods I absolutely love to meal prep I like to always have a freezer full of healthy meals that I can heat up at any time I'm never tempted to order food in I'm never tempted to just eat crap because I know I have nutritious home-cooked meals in my freezer at all time if someone comes around I know I've got food for them even though it feels like a bit of effort at the time it takes such a load off throughout the rest of your week and it also means that you can plan your meals and plan what you're actually consuming throughout the week it helps me stay on track with my fitness it helps me stay on track with the diet side of things and making sure that if I look at the written meal plan I can see healthy carbs healthy fats lots of protein and I know that I'm gonna get a balanced meal that day another kind of organization thing just making sure that you know what's going on that basically because I feel like most the time I've no idea what's going on okay next is to move your body every day so it doesn't matter how intense you want to move it as long as you are taking time out of your day to move it every day you're doing good so I do yoga every single day I have missed a couple days recently and I felt the difference and I did it this morning and I felt a hundred times better I follow yoga with Adriene YouTube videos she's incredible she is someone who I massively look up to do yoga every single day so even if I don't do like a strength training workout or a cardio workout I know that I have stretched my body I've given myself some mental time and some physical time for myself and you can build strength doing yoga like it's not just stretching there are strength body weight strength elements to it as well which is great so it's perfect for your rest days if you want to have some active recovery but I do it from my mind and for my my body insole maybe it has made such a difference to my life and I can't imagine not doing it and I honestly it's one of the best things to come out of quarantine is how good of a routine I've developed with my yoga practices and I absolutely love it like I preach it to everyone it has changed my life definitely it has taught me to kind of chill the hell out like I have a bit of a temper on me and I find it so helpful using deep breaths and taking pauses to actually control myself and to keep myself level-headed and calm and it has made a huge difference and it's also made me more flexible when I work out my dogs are so much less bad because my my muscles are constantly being stretched it's like a really thorough warm-up because I always do my yoga before my workout which leads me on to the next point kind of it's the same point it's moving your body every day but if you start with yoga or whatever you like to do just stretching seeing as I'm already in my workout clothes I'm on the mat I'm there I don't have an excuse to not train so I've definitely found that yoga has not just helped me in yoga but also it's helped to encourage me to Train because I'm already warmed up I always feel like a lot of energy after yoga and going straight into a workout it just it feels really good to me my healthy habit is incorporating yoga which has massively benefited my other training and keeps me moving and groove it [Music] about she got a bonus one so this is number ten but I have one more after this find better idols that's something that I've really been working on over the past year is seeking out and looking for people who I find really inspiring that promote a healthy happy kind lifestyle kind to yourself kind to other people like I previously said someone who I massively admire is yoga with Adriene she's extremely I mean from what I know I don't know her personally obviously but the things that she preaches and her outlook on life a lot of the things she says are very much in tune and in line with what I believe and I find her so refreshing and so relaxing to listen to she just radiates positivity and the importance of mental health how your brain and your body are connected and that I find extremely inspiring and has made a massive input in my life she is someone you know the word Idol is a very strong word but you know choose better idols it's like a phrase you know but she's definitely someone I look up to someone else is Natasha Oceane she definitely changed the way I see fitness the way I see food the way I see a healthy lifestyle and I think she's so incredibly inspiring and someone that I'm massively massively look up to and has taught me so much and I actively went to seek out people like that I am followed so many people on my social media that made me feel bad about myself that I felt weren't promoting things that were in line with my views and my morals and I am so glad that I did that because I feel like I'm now constantly being educated in a way that I enjoy and seeing other people achieving things in a healthy way that you you want to achieve is so much better like they don't use buzzwords like like quick like they use my buzzwords which is sustainable healthy finding people who are very much in tune with what you want for yourself is so imported find better idols don't follow people that make you feel bad about yourself that has definitely helped up here as well as my physical health and then the last one is a bonus one but it is to accept change over the past few years I've really taught myself to welcome change because change is something that is inevitable it's probably one of the only inevitable things to exist change is going to happen and I think if you if you constantly try and fight it and fear it that is an inevitable fear that you will always have that will always come true because change will always happen whereas if you are someone who welcomes change because change doesn't have to be negative a lot of change is massively positive and I feel like I can speak from personal experience that I've never changed more about anything in my life that I have over the past 18 months and the best outcomes have come from it accepting and allowing change to happen in your life can bring really amazing things to you yes change can be negative and yes change can be scary if you fight against it it's only gonna make the battle harder so that is something that I've definitely learned over the past few years it's just to embrace change and be the change if you don't want change to happen to you you have to make the changes happen and you have to be the thing the force that drives the change is that could be a political movement that can be your physical health your mental health the people you surround yourself with whatever you feel needs changing you can be in charge of that change and then scary changes are less likely to happen because the changes that you feel need to have then already have those are my 1011 tips and healthy habits that I've incorporated into my life which have genuinely changed my life and have made me a much happier person and I hope that this helped some of you if you'd like me to do more videos like this then totally let me know and I'll do it for you because I really like talking about things like this I think these are the kind of videos that massively helped me early on in my journey I hope it helps you too so yeah if you're new make sure you subscribe I'd love to have you and make sure you give this video a thumbs up if you did enjoy it and leave any healthy habits that you have down below that you think could help other people in the comments I'm sure it'll be really beneficial and yep have the best day and I will see you on Thursday bye [Music]
Channel: Emmas Rectangle
Views: 665,838
Rating: 4.9633856 out of 5
Keywords: EmmasRectangle, Makeup, Beauty, tutorials, Haul, Fashion, Home, Lifestyle, HOW TO LOSE 50LB, fitness, healthy habits, healthy morning routine, morning routine, lockdown morning routine, how to get motivated, fitness journey, weight loss transformation, fitness inspo, weight loss motivation, weight loss tips, tips for fat loss
Id: sEIn1rU8M3Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 35sec (1115 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 23 2020
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