The "1 Billion Dollar Morning Routine" - Habits of the World’s Most Successful People

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We've all heard that if you could win the morning you could win the day one of the ways to doing that is to create Regular rituals and routines so you don't have to think about what you need to do and if you can set up routines and habits especially early in the day you could benefit from this science and momentum and create positive momentum as opposed to being reactive like how a lot of people do they pick up their phone the first thing they start reacting and driving distraction and and Reaction as opposed to proactively spending time with self-care and self-love and having a vision and a direction for your day So let's get into it. Now as I jump into this again. This is my ideal day So sometimes I can't do all of this but I could do as many as I can so the first thing I do when I wake up is I recall my dreams when you're dreaming is that you're actually Processing and integrating and working on solutions your subconscious mind to the things that you're focusing on during the daytime But most people forget their dreams after that I get out of bed and I make the bed Okay and now this is something that is obvious that most of you do but if you don't do it Take two minutes and make your bed because that's a success habit Right, if we're talking about positive momentum the science momentum getting things done checking things off doing it with excellence then make your bed It's worse than one or two minutes because again how you do anything is how you do everything and have a good check Mark on something like making your bed is very powerful because it teaches you to be able to do something Really well and excellence like they do in the military and the other benefit is when you come back at the end of the day you come back to success you come back to your Bed already made after that what I'll do is I'll go into the kitchen and I'll have a tall glass of water because you know We we use a lot of water and most of us are very dehydrated at night. I'll take my supplements there I take my probiotics, which is the big one because your gut is your second brain We talked about quick brain, you know being your brain in your head But you also have incredible amount of nerve cells and your gut and so I want to make Trump that's being fed. And and Healthy so I take my probiotics Then what I do is I do my breathing right? I'm thinking about the things on Focusing on here. I'm thinking about excellence. I'm thinking about hydration. I'm thinking about oxygen whatever your breathing technique is I focus on breathing. So whether it's box breathing or alpha breathing Whether it's wim Hof's method I do a breathing technique because I want to fully Oxygenate my body and you know my brain which is obviously part of my body also as well and maybe we can do another episode Dedicated towards that I do my meditation in the morning and also later in the afternoon or evening sometimes before I go to bed But I always do an early morning meditation I do it for about 20 minutes mindfulness is so important So I want to have a clear mind as I enter the day and some meditation puts me in that space 15-20 minutes some of you use headspace have on some of you use the muse device use some kind of technology. I Meditate then from there. I do one or two minutes of just movement and this could be different It could be cal ascetics it give me burpees But I just want to get into my body after I meditate And so I move it my body pretty intensely for a couple minutes And if I'm in a hotel room, maybe I'm just doing jumping jacks, but I'm basically I'm doing crunches for two minutes straight I'm just waking my body that is not my exercise for the day It's just for me to get my heart rate beating and getting some movement and in my body from there I take a shower and I it's cold shower and I do believe in cold therapy. It works for me It helps me to reset my nervous system ice baths are very powerful Because it helps like if you hit your knee you put ice on it to reduce swelling and inflammation It's cold therapy is a very powerful way of resetting your your nervous system and reducing inflammation so I take a cold shower when I get out I go to my normal routine right of Shaving and brush my teeth a lot of good stuff Then I make a tea and my favorite tea is like a brain tea, you know It's a it's a combination of gotu kola gingko lions made some MCT oil and some other gems as I go through it I sip my tea, and that's where I write my journal and I'm a big believer in journaling I've been doing it since I've been in college and I feel like some of the most amazing Thinkers of our time and in history, they they journal and they keep Diaries. I mean you think about Edison einstein? Da vinci even though their journals are are priceless right from there right from journaling since i'm writing and I liked writing There's a lot of studies saying that handwriting is better than actually typing then since i'm writing already i'm go to my to-do list and We all have an ongoing most of us have an ongoing to-do list of things that we need to get done For me the big thing is I just want to be able to accomplish As a total win Three things for work and three things personally and they don't have to be all epic big things. But I just feel like that if I could get three of my work goals done on my to-do list and three of my personal things to do Then it's been a great day. And you know, it's kind of like my friend clay a bear talked about a champagne moment It's like your champagne moment when you're looking back at the end of the day saying yesterday. It was a great day Today I crushed it today. I won and in addition to my to-do list. I Also have a list to feel list because I feel like we are a lot of our who we are as our states and emotions and I think I don't want it to be just Where I happen to feel a certain way by accident, it's but by its design, it's the metaphor I always talk about the difference between a thermometer and a thermostat and thermometer reacts to the Environment and I feel like sometimes if I act like a thermometer I'm just gonna react to everything that's going on in my world and I just might have a some good positive states as Opposed to being a thermostat where I said in advance a standard a goal, you know my firm. I too feel list certain feelings I want to feel throughout the day so I could design it that way to feel loved to feel curious to feel bewilderment right connection gratitude I Also have besides that to-do list and to feel list. I also look at my to be list Like who do I want to be today? And you know, do I want to be a good partner? Don't be a good friend and a good a good leader a good teacher a good coach I feel into what I want to be that day because not just about you know or not It's kind of cliche but there's a truth to it. We're not we're not human doings, right? We're human being so who don't want to be today? from there If I have time, I will make time for the things that are most important is I read I read for about 20-30 minutes So after my I do my reading then I go and I um, I make my brain smoothie brain berries Which are your blueberries and avocado and your leafy vegetables? And water and everything and when I'm done with that smoothie I go through my brain training in One of our quick learning online programs at quick learning comm we have an online speed reading course online memory course Thinking course academic success. Of course. That's right - my my brain training and I like to do it in the morning because I want to jumpstart my brain my mind if you will And also my body and that's the goal for me and that focusing in the morning So after I do certain brain trainings which are all in our programs, then I really start my day You
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Keywords: 1 Billion Dollar Morning Routine, 1 billion routine, morning routine, morning routine be inspired, be inspired morning routine, 1 billion morning routine, morning routine billionaire, billionaire morning routine, be inspired jim kwik, jim kwik morning routine, morning routine jim kwik, Habits of the World’s Most Successful People, habits of successful people, morning routine habits, success habits of billionaires, success habits, successful people habits
Id: SELWtQpcy1A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 27sec (447 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 22 2019
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