42 Hour Journey On Sleeper Train - Amtrak Empire Builder ( Chicago → Washington State )

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we're going to be spending the next 42 hours aboard the Amtrak sleeper train the Empire Builder we're going to be riding across the country from Chicago to Washington State and our own private room with tasty meals beautiful views and more so let's go explore the train get comfy and I'll get aboard [Music] thank you [Music] communication [Music] [Music] okay would you like in this style to what uh and we're off good evening ladies and gentlemen my name is Rod I'm the doctor this evening I'd like to welcome your board Amtrak train number seven this is the Empire Building all right we're on let's check out this room so first off nice big window and it got really sticky curtains oh my they need some WD-40 but we have curtains that can close out the window we also have the fold out table kind of like an airplane it's a nice size you can have a meal here we have a computer here or something like that this time we have two seats and up top overhead we also have a bed that you pull down by pulling this lever all right it's got some blankets on it looks like it has a cushion pad so this thing can sleep two people you got the top bunk and then the bottom one can convert into a bed as well there's also a little net and a little baggie here for some storage keep in mind if you have the top bunk down you cannot stand up and it is hard so you will smash your head you can also use this top bunk for just storage of your own bags too let me go ahead and close this up got a couple coat hooks I saw this one here and this one I'm using for my coat and jacket there's also a tiny little closet it's got a couple hangers got some towels they gave me some bottles of water and it's a very small little closet so I just put my big orange fluffy jacket in there and that's pretty much all you're going to fit in there lights on the sea also like an airplane type light here and you can adjust it looks like a couple hooks for some like hangers or something we also have a nice vent blowing out some nice cool air and I think this can adjust the angle of it it looks like this time instead of actual buttons it's more of like a capacitance button you got the hold the call button so you have the ceiling light you can turn it off and you got the night light there's also a touch light for this another kind of airplane light where you can adjust it wherever you'd like and to the left of the seat we have this little kind of steps the storage area this is the steps that you use if you want to get up on the top bunk if you can't just kind of throw yourself up there but I'm just using it as my camera and bag storage underneath the steps last little storage area there's also a little cubby hole right here it does look like it has a little bit of crumblies inside of it there's also a small little mirror right here on the other side we have a full-size 120 volt AC plug we have a temperature control and then we have another touch light right here very cool it came with some nice fluffy pillows and some like headrests as well and underneath both of that there is a little bit looks like there's also a small little trash can right here which is nice all right let's see if we can open up this bed I believe you push this you pull this foreign this is gonna be really nice definitely enough room for me to lay out completely my feet aren't hitting the wall my head isn't hitting the wall it's nice and comfy something I did find funny is the top of the seats they're stuck on the wall that they'd go down with the bed but nope they're just there this is the room at and it's a lot smaller than the bedroom I'd say maybe about half the size of it there's no bathroom and shower in this unit but there is in the hallway and there's a shower downstairs foreign [Music] foreign it's definitely more than enough room you two people you could do it but you're definitely going to want to be close with them because once this is folded out they either have to be up there or sharing this bed with you I wouldn't recommend this for three people it's a little bit crowded for that it's honestly really nice to just relax and lay down and watch the scenery go by thank you nice I don't know Nancy yeah and uh go to bed wake up the next morning our temperature though it can snow one day it'll be all Frozen about three days later it's around 10 o'clock right now I'm just relaxing I had a really nice dinner I got my computer just about to watch some YouTube and now that it's finally dark we can test out the night light very cool it's like a blue Avatar glow not very bright it doesn't really light up much of anything but it looks pleasing then I took like once the bed's fully made there's really not a whole lot of room for anything else I pretty much have my water down there in my shoes and I could stand there if I'm feeling lucky other than that it's just pretty much the size of my body laying down but it's super comfy got a really nice view outside one thing you have to be aware of is there is no Wi-fi so I am using my phone as a hot spot hanged up my clothes I got all my gear over here to the side of me hopefully it doesn't fall in my head anyways I'm just gonna relax catch some good sleep and I'll see you in the morning because we're gonna have some breakfast morning [Music] I slept really good actually it was really nice and comfy and we're not too close to the cab up front so it wasn't too loud it's about 7 16 in the morning let's go ahead and get some breakfast looks like the other side has a nice view there's some coffee okay thank you come on down good morning how are you you're over here at the very end will they and we're moving pretty quick [Music] thank you foreign nice and quiet we just got back from breakfast and breakfast was really good I also walked the length of the train there's a bunch of I guess normal Passenger cars and there's a couple dining areas sadly there's no viewing cart and it's funny on the other end of the train there is another kind of copy of another sleeper train pretty sure at one point two different cabs break off and take the train into two different directions I think when we're close to Washington it's a beautiful day really nice scenery nice flat Lanes my ears popped a bit we must be elevating yeah I just had some really nice French toast can't complain feels like there's just an endless amount of those hay bales that one's mine they're fueling up the cab what we've been stopped here for 20 minutes I think waiting for that train to pass let's go get some lunch okay this works for me I better actually get my veggies in to Chicago so it's basically traversing all right I'm going to call it bumble from 1930s the sun's just peeking over there full looking sunset it's dinner time let's go get some grub ready so I ran out yeah head on down thank you let there be light oh just got back from dinner and it was really good I ended up getting the salad at the end the sun went down about an hour ago just watched in a movie and watching snow piercer I feel like it's a fitting movie to watch one on a train and I'm just gonna enjoy the night in my own little tiny private room thank you [Music] let's go take a shower that was the coldest shower I've ever taken no hot water [Music] well it's the end of the night just relaxing after my cold shower I feel nice and clean I'm tired got all the blinds closed the room's all closed up it's nice and cozy and I'm about to catch some sleep because in the morning I'm going to have yourself some breakfast and then we get off at our stop at Everett Washington so get some good sleep and I'll see you then it's you'd see the moon and the sun is just starting to come out it's pretty though Sun's starting to light up the sky We're stopped here for a minute I think I'm gonna go get some breakfast in a minute we'll see no top today Roosevelt it's very pretty here got mountains these little towns very cool I just finished packing up all my gear we're just rolling through the middle of some mountains it's absolutely beautiful out look at my little buddy here and I got myself about under two hours left on the train before I get up on my stop we broke the train from Chicago all the way down we're going to Everett Washington right here so real close to the end of the line we're just rolling through the mountains it's a beautiful day I can't get over how beautiful it is stream down down the mountains up there we'll do trees everywhere beautiful blue sky it's a nice day I know one of these tunnels supposed to be like eight minutes we're in here we made it ladies and gentlemen again from the dining cars you can tell we've just emerged on the Cascade tunnel we just popped out of the tunnel everything looks like it's covered in a little bit more snow and the sky went from Blue to foggy I guess the mountain must be trapping some clouds very interesting feels like another day we're literally in the middle of nowhere in some in some forest and mountains it's absolutely beautiful outside I got under an hour left on the train until we get to Everett I gotta hop on a bus but it's beautiful this is definitely my favorite part of the ride the scenery so far it's absolutely beautiful the trees are massive you're so tall [Music] [Music] that's incredible [Music] you can see the top could you imagine just having a mountain in your backyard pretty cool foreign I think those are clouds they're so low to the ground it's wild about 10 minutes till my stop oh well prepared wearing my coat and soon we'll be on a bus to Bellingham so beautiful this state I never realized it never been over here well I guess I'm just gonna relax for a couple minutes before I get off the train thanks for the stay room it's been real thank you thank you you too it's been real train thanks for the ride let's go catch a bus we're on the one o'clock to Bellingham nice views all right bus Bay A1 thanks boss oh yeah well here we are we're in Bellingham Washington I just got in the hotel I took the sleeper train to get to Everett and then I took a bus transfer to get from Everett to Bellingham and now we're in our hotel we're relaxing the train ride was fantastic the food was much better than the Texas Eagle it was actually like made in a kitchen and it was just a lot of fun the room at was perfect for just laying down and getting some rest especially with such a long journey but it was beautiful and my favorite part was definitely going through Washington right after we exited that tunnel it was beautiful with all the mountains and everything anyways I hope you enjoyed the video and the journey with me and I hope you come on my next Journey which happened to be tomorrow as we take a ferry from Bellingham Washington to Ketchikan Alaska it's gonna be like two nights on the ferry should be pretty cool so I'll see you then
Channel: Quiet Nerd
Views: 41,798
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: amtrack, amtrak, sleeper, sleeper train, japan train, cross country train, train, railway, travel, vacation, bedroom, roomet, family bedroom, train bedroom, review, fun, love, lucky, lovely, famil, friends, new, experiences, awesome, film, edit, happy, pewdiepie, :D, learning, loving, growing, new things, future, home, wealth, knowledge, trying new things, believe, Love, Lovely, beauty, Snow, snow train, snowpiercer, adventure, journey, sleepertrain, japan, roomette, Thanks!, Cheers, cheers, Cheers!
Id: Yblw4JiPqqU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 2sec (1982 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 05 2023
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