Via Rail The Canadian Toronto To Vancouver | 5 Days & 4 Nights In a Cabin For 2

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Ya ya I follow them on their Amtrak journey’s so this is great!

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/666persephone999 📅︎︎ Jan 23 2023 🗫︎ replies

5 days 4 nights! I took the train a bunch of times in the early 2010s, pretty sure the schedule was 3 days four nights. Left Toronto in the evening, second night in northern Ontario, third night around Edmonton, fourth night around Kamloops, then arrived Vancouver in the morning. The original Canadian schedule in the 50s was 67 hours.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Ok-Touch487 📅︎︎ Jan 23 2023 🗫︎ replies

It seemed like they were the only ones on the train. They had that Park car all to themselves

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/SOSsprint15 📅︎︎ Jan 27 2023 🗫︎ replies

Really good review. Too many YouTube videos focus on the person doing the videoing, and not the subject.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Intelligent_Draw_557 📅︎︎ Jan 28 2023 🗫︎ replies
all right guys we are here in Toronto getting ready to head on an epic journey across Canada Toronto all the way over to Vancouver Toronto Union Station behind me and as you can see it is snowing we are all bundled up and we are expecting lots more snow as we go across the country so hop on and join us on this great journey on VIA Rail okay [Music] all right so with our sleeper cabin tickets we do get access to the business Lounge so we came in here we checked our bags and we've made our reservations for lunch and dinner for day one of this journey right now I'm gonna go grab some coffee and try to warm up from that very cold walk over foreign [Music] foreign [Music] there we go thank you [Music] done that was tricky [Music] foreign thank you okay so this is the lower level of the Dome car family style seating here very comfortable seats down here as well with the table space in front of you foreign [Music] foreign place to relax outside of the room we are here at the upper level of the Dome car and we're going to be relaxing here in these nice soft chairs and enjoying the beautiful views [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] so now we are in the lower level of the park car hanging out down here it's kind of like a living room it's so nice and so comfortable they have reading lights holders and really just a comfortable place to hang out let me show you around foreign [Music] [Music] snacks and the park car and also some games right here you can play like the Rubik's Cube let's see if I can solve that let us know in the comments if you can solve a Rubik's Cube and if you think we can Natalie can you solve that promising and there's a color missing a wild card all right so of course we are on board and we have got to show you guys around our room we got a cabin for two I'm gonna give you a quick tour of what this room looks like it's a really nice room we have a bathroom in here a sink and then I know it doesn't look like there's beds in here but there are so we've got these two chairs here and you can actually move these around check this out if you want to switch the direction that the seats are facing so that's really cool now when they make up the bed tonight those are actually going to be underneath my bed because my bed will pop out of here robs will drop down from up there we'll show you what that looks like later on but then the other thing that we have is of course very nice sink in here and added bonus we've got a drinking one in the room it's just for the drink of water and then our sink water let's soak and some lotion and then sorry about that sound we do have our own canoe right here in the room which is awesome as well that is actually perfect and you don't want to throw on a bunch of stuff in the middle of the night oh the train is moving too when he doesn't want to throw in a bunch of stuff in the middle of the night and go out into the hallway it's great to be able to just go to the bathroom right here a room there's tons of space here even if I'm calculating um when the beds come down it's going to be about right here so you'll still have this nice little hallway right here to move about so we're going to keep enjoying the views out the window and go grab some lunch but we'll come back tonight and we'll show you what it looks like once the room is all made up for night time foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] we are loving this room on the Canadian but this is the only place we can sit we can move these chairs around and sit here and look out the window to the side but there are two other areas we can go sit there's a parked car which actually has a bar in it and then it has a lounge area and a dome above it so it's like there's really three places to sit in that car and there's also a dome car which has kind of a lower living room style seating area and then an upper level Dome car to sit in as well so really on this train besides sitting in your room there's five different places we can go sit so even though we're going to be on this train for several days we're not going to get bored we're not going to be seeing it from the same place because there's a lot to go explore it's a really long train too so we get a little bit of walk-in every day and I think right now we're gonna go explore and see which of those cars we want to sit in and watch for a little while though foreign we are at our first fresh air break here in caprial and it is quite chilly out I think it degrees in the 20s okay we're in height so not going to be out here too long we're going to walk around a little bit stretch my legs and then we're gonna head to dinner so I'm looking forward to that but as you can see there's still a little bit of sunset behind me you can't see me very well you can see the sunset back there so we're gonna walk around a little bit here and stretch our legs [Applause] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] s are magically made which is lovely so we're gonna give you a quick tour of what it looks like once they make the beds and as I mentioned earlier the attendant has to use a key in order to move the bed so um that is controlled by them and so they took the two seats that we were sitting in earlier they fold down some magical way and they are actually underneath my bed and so this is where my bed looks like look at this it's huge I feel like it's fairly wide um it looks like a like an actual twin size bed to me and then I've got a basket here put my phone I got a light here and a little shelf up there and then here we've got an attendant call Button which I don't think I'll need I hope not and that's about it for down here not a lot not too much going on because everything else is out there and then she's got the ladder out here as well this looks like a nice sturdy ladder it's wood and it's got um these steps they have it so that um this is kind of like I don't want to say sandpaper but it's kind of it's coarse so that you're not going to slip on there yeah so that's really good so these steps are going to lead us all the way up to where Mr mermian is Rob is up in his Penthouse upstairs this is great up here look how much room I have I'm sitting straight up and I still have quite a bit of room so a lot I have so much stuff up here I have this little two pockets to hold glasses and my phone I think I'll put there I have an attendant call button I have a light I have another hook right here to hang stuff but most importantly this bed is super comfortable and so much headspace I can sit up I can turn all the way around this this bed is really wide like it's it's like an actual twin size it feels way wider than any bed I've ever had on Amtrak yeah and I have uh this net thing which you know honestly I've never fallen into the Nets I don't know what would happen it would probably feel weird but let's hope that doesn't happen tonight and I have that fan that's still going to be blowing at me tonight so I really like this up here I also have a little tray over here it kind of concerns me because this lip is so small and the train has been really quite rocking at times I wouldn't put anything like my phone up there or anything valuable because I feel like it would just fall all the way to the floor so uh yeah this is great I this this is one of my favorite setups for an upper birth sleeping combination that I'm trained so far [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] all right we have stopped here at Sue Lookout it's only our second fresh air break first one of the day so we're walking around here stretching our legs a little bit getting the fresh air I only have about 15 minutes here so what's up it's not too bad I thought it was going to be colder so as you can see I'm extremely bundled but it's not that bad here foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] we are heading really far north on this train it is quite cold so they do have hot chocolate on board but you got to make yourself so I'm gonna go do that right now foreign ation that should be good stir that up it smells good might be too hot on top but it's good [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] so we got off here in Winnipeg and we have a longer stop here because the crew changes over so we have a nice long chunk of time um we have about two hours but if you if you want to get back on the train before the time is up then you have to do that within the first hour otherwise you have to wait until they do it at nine o'clock but um we're enjoying our time here take a look at downtown Winnipeg foreign [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] so we thought we better get some steps in before we get to Edmonton so we're out here walking on the platform we got a short-ish stop what do you think Rob that's good I like it but it is a bit nippy I think the steps come double if it's 100 so 10 degrees I think so too doesn't like your body have to work harder to keep it warm so you don't freeze to death I think so I don't know maybe a doctor could tell us in the comments thanks foreign foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] all right we made it to Edmonton is a little after nine o'clock got in a little bit late but you do have a three hour stop here so we got off the train we're gonna walk around it's not snowing it was snowing on the weekend and see what the station looks like and then we get back on we leave here at midnight so just a few hours to look around now all right so we left Edmonton right at midnight 1201 and got on the train woke up early this morning and we are in Jasper and we have a couple hours here they closed the platform and so we have to stay off the train basically until 9 A.M before we get back on for brunch so we're going to walk around Jasper here it's so pretty um as the sun will be rising in a little bit and the lights are still up from the holidays so I'm gonna walk around and explore and as you can see from my breath it's obviously cold here so let's go see what's around town [Music] relax [Music] foreign foreign we've been on the train now for four days and three nights and had the same trained food quite a bit so I had a chance here in Jasper to get off and get some food from restaurants so we we picked Kim Hortons and uh we've got some coffee drinks and biscuits we're gonna try that out here we had this in Toronto so we already know it's pretty good [Music] thank you here in Jasper just got a little breakfast let me explain how things work here in Jasper because it's different than anything else that's ever happened when you get up at about 6 30 here and that's where they do serve a continental breakfast and then you're supposed to go into town you can do that from about 6 30 to 9. we just went to Tim Horton's got some kind of a real breakfast and then when you get back on the train they serve instead of breakfast or lunch they serve a brunch and that runs from 9 30 to about 12 30 or 1 so then you have to hold yourself till dinner so they basically serve two full meals and a continental breakfast on this day but you do have time to get off and get a real breakfast in Jasper so you can kind of plan that out however you want we chose to eat here at Tim Hortons and we're gonna eat a late brunch about noon and then also a late dinner tonight I forgot to mention how cold it is here in Jasper it is eight degrees this morning it feels like two degrees but they say it's a dry cold that's supposed to make us feel better I don't know there's a little bit of wind too look at this little man it's about as comforting as when they say it's a dry heat in Arizona not not good so we're walking back to the train right now because it's pretty cold I don't know that it's as cold as it was in Montreal when we were there last week but gosh but it is pretty cold so uh Jasper is beautiful though you can see the mountain now and we're gonna look at that as we walk back to the train foreign so this is the exciting part we are getting ready to head into the Canadian Rockies actually were sitting in them if you can see around me the sun is coming up and I'm not gonna lie I am really excited about what we are going to see today good morning everyone Canada it is a pleasure to welcome you aboard training number one the legendary Canadian on route to Vancouver British Columbia while traveling on the Canadian or responsible for your safety and well-being unsafe or disrespectful to behavior towards passengers or crew will not be tolerated we would like to draw your attention to our onboard CP instructions and quality or passengers traveling in our economy class we ask you please take a few minutes to familiarize yourself with a safety pamphlet located in deep rocket in front of you please make note of the emergency exits locate car but you're traveling in your sleeper cars your attendant will be there to explain the of your car and in the events of the train evacuation the on board crew will facilitate this process designing in the vestibule is not permitted for your safety you must wear shoes when walking on the train and all carry-on bags must be stored in the designated area please be advised that smoking tobacco e-cigarettes and cannabis is strictly prohibited on board the train and on station platforms crew members will keep you informative stocks and designated smoking areas along the way thank you very much and have yourself a wonderful morning once again ladies and gentlemen just want to welcome you award this is uh our Premiere day as we go through the beautiful Canadian rocking uh the one thing I just want to point out for new passengers that are joining us today and also for all other passengers on board please refrain from using any type of sanitary wipes in our toilet system as our toilet system is uh coming from it in the 50s therefore it doesn't work well so we appreciate if you do use any type of sanitary wipes please put them in our garages thank you very much we appreciate your cooperation on this matter once again thank you very much and have a good morning [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] the ladies and gentlemen Alan here and our activity coordinator just uh [Music] I love it [Music] right now uh we're if you follow the mile markers on the side of the train 17 tonight will indicate with our entrance into British Columbia that's the Alberta British Columbia border also known as the confidence now the Continental Divide is a division of the water in North America waters on the uh and Waters on the Alberta side roll up north to us straight and all the way to various tributaries into the Atlantic area great area right now uh we're at 3 7 18 feet 1131 meter that's the height of the Yellowhead top to have the distinction of being the lowest elevation path to get through the Rockies so obviously it was the easiest way to get through back in the day so at Mile 17.9 we'd like to welcome you in beautiful British Columbia also known as the yellow head path that this border uh is named after a metis chopper who applied his trade in this area my nickname for those days and this trapper what's called a yellow head in friendship with Ted Jones in honor of his uh work in this area we called it the yellow head top that's the indicator so enjoy your view that we continue on welcome to beautiful British Columbia uh on the left hand side shortly will be coming to Yellowhead Lake and I'll point to these places out as we continue along thank you very much this is pastor we have a yellow head laser on the left and over 9000 feet I think [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] Lake on the left-hand side the length of the lake is 14 kilometers the width is 4.4 kilometers has an average depth of 18 feet and a maximum depth depth of approximately 55 feet plate could also a recreational Lake a little fish on this Lake walleye Birch pickerel typical fish white fish typical fish that you would see in a Canadian lake has lots of water comes down the mountain in our closet into the lake we have Rainbow Falls and Thunder Falls that uh provide a lot of water volume in the stand up the uh far end of the lake the platform is part of the beginning of the freezer River via the North Thompson River via the Thompson River and via the crazy river it all empty empty a big ocean so again on the left hand side we have the famous Blue Lake 14 kilometers long before it hits over four kilometers wide exactly [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] lots of different choices to eat and I've really been impressed with the variety of types of meals that we've been offered this is chicken pot pie is absolutely delicious we've been served hamburgers and different types of pasta and prime rib but this pot pie for brunch today is very good thank you I have a drink here life is good [Music] they know what I did last day [Music] everybody oh wow [Music] okay yeah foreign foreign enjoy The View thank you [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] all right so we are stopped here in campus we got in a little bit early tonight and we were at dinner so we finished up our dinner and we still had enough time to come out here on the platform and check it out get some steps in it's actually not that cold anymore which is really nice it's hard to believe this but I'm saying it's only about 29 degrees Fahrenheit they said so that's actually not bad at all compared to the temperatures we've had along the way so I'm gonna get a couple steps in here and hop back on the train all right guys we made it to Vancouver what a gorgeous ride on board the Canadian we had a blast we hope you guys enjoyed coming along with us don't forget to subscribe to the channel give us a like and leave us some comments if you have any questions about our ride we'll see you soon
Channel: Grounded Life Travel
Views: 383,854
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: via rail, via rail canadian, via rail cabin, via rail room, via rail cabin for 2, cabin for 2, via rail cabin for 2 canadian, canadian, canadian via rail, cabin for 2 via rail, via rail sleeper car, via rail beds, via rail accommodations, via rail canadian train, via rail the canadian toronto to vancouver, via rail toronto to vancouver, toronto to vancouver by train, toronto to vancouver via rail, the canadian, the canadian via rail, via rail dining, via rail rooms
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 12sec (4272 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 20 2023
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