40K - CYBER-MASTIFFS. THE CHAINSAW TEETH DOGS | Warhammer 40,000 Lore/History

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[Music] so the galaxy of 40k is almost incomprehensibly vast we often talk about the scale of the imperium and how entire worlds can seemingly disappear by mere administrative errors battles that cost lives in the hundreds of thousands to many millions entire fleets of ships battling for the survival of worlds below them who are engaged in world breaking assaults of their own as gigantic war machines charge city wars laying down fire with titanic fury so it is easy to forget that for all these epic struggles many citizens within the imperium still are contending with the struggles and nuances of everyday ordinary humanity including the threats and dangers that exist within hive cities for those people they would look to the adaptus arbites and local law enforcement to help keep civil order and unrest to try in some small way to reduce the dangers that exist and make everyday life somewhat more bearable of course the nature of those enforcers will vary and some may well be even above what we would consider as being highly oppressive others though may have genuine interest and belief in maintaining some semblance of order and justice in the darkened corridors of urban sprawl deep in the hives of imperial worlds it is worth noting that most imperial hive cities and more broadly imperial worlds will have their own localized and specific rules regulations and laws these will usually be enforced by local security forces and officials representing the hive cities noble families or planets to which they belong the arbitees sit above these local law enforcers as they seek only to enforce the broader laws of the imperium itself they ensure things remain stable and that for example planetary governors stay on track to deliver imperial tithes and can be helpful as an early warning system for inquisitors and other imperial forces as they will have a decent understanding of the day-to-day goings-on of a world and its hive cities they are often far from a large force and can be fairly easily overpowered should the tide turn against them as we saw upon the world of krieg generally speaking though such huge uprisings are not especially commonplace and so they are more concerned with how to deal with the vicious and violent elements within hive cities that range from subversive agitators up to the ultra-violent gene splice drug-filled cybernetically enhanced gang leaders who could break person in two with their bare hands arbitees are known for their familiar power mauls and they often also wield powerful combat shotguns for extreme crowd control when civil unrest starts to rear its head and these shotguns are as much a badge of office as they are and essentially identify the weapon with the arbites who will not wait long before laying down the law which in the imperium you will be shocked to hear is often terminal this is likely why the arbitees use so-called executioner shells the power of these weapons means they also serve as a powerful intimidation tool as the locals know the consequences should they step out of line like most things for the imperium these weapons are actually more advanced than basic shotguns and their workings are something of a mystery to ordinary imperial servants the secrets are left with those of the munitorum and mechanicus who dispense such hardware it's sometimes powerful more batons and shotguns that can lock onto targets to assist in challenging environments of a hive city are not enough you need a companion who can bring true ferocity to the lawless and the reflexes to use their powerful cybernetic armaments enter into the arsenal of the arbites the cyber mastiff cyber mastiffs are as the name suggests the cybernetically enhanced or constructed police dogs of the adeptus arbites these terrifying creatures form their own handler arbitees squads consisting of a cyber mastiff and its handler although like most things in the imperium this is not necessarily a hard and fast rule they will be keyed to their owners voices and smells to prevent any enemies who may somehow have the knowledge related to giving them counteracting commands the vast majority of cyber mastiff handlers though are in fact tech priests they're agents of the adeptus mechanicus who serve the imperium within the precincts of hive cities usually at the request of powerful arbitees judges who will have had to pull some serious political strings to get some advanced imperial tech into their vicinity these mechanicus handlers will be chosen usually for their affinity in caring for their charges machine spirits and have an extremely bonded relationship with their cyber mastiff who they will have spent years training and refining down their skills like most tech priests handlers will have been chosen early on within the mechanicus having shown some remarkable ability in technical capacity or hunting skills these tech priests will be deployed early on in their training to spend time among the arbitees and enforcers who they will eventually end up serving alongside they will first accompany high precinct tech priests to better learn proper procedures to maintain the mechanical bodies of cyber mastiffs as well as the inevitable incense rituals and commands to best appease and beg the cooperation of the machine spirits housed within them this training will also be supplemented with experience working alongside the arbitees themselves these early periods for attack priest cyber mastiff handler are essential because their success or failure will not be based solely on their affinity for cybernetic hounds but also on the ability to work closely within the adeptus arbites and this is essentially the entire purpose for the cyber mastiffs in the first place the cyber dogs of the imperium are massive and will easily stand waist height against your average adult human and are estimated to be generally over a meter long the animal's body is enhanced with high-speed actuators and motor systems over a carbon skeleton which is then wrapped in angular interlocking armor plates just how much though other cyberdog remains the original animal or not will vary wildly on some worlds they will remain near enough entirely organic with just limb reinforcements sections of armor and improved senses many of these dogs will retain some of their original organic internal systems most often muscles and nerves the location and access to advanced tech will also largely dictate just how modified or constructed a cyber dog will be it's worth noting that even an unadapted hound will still be considerably different than those we would know today humanity has spent millennia experimenting and tweaking with its own genetics not to mention the ever steadily evolving nature and abilities of humanity itself and the same can be said for the trusty hound some may be constructed as almost nearly completely robotic with only their organic wetware to classify them as a cybernetic creature not fall into the wholly illegal ai category the mechanicus robots also use this loophole to avoid being classed as completely artificial constructions these central nervous systems are thankfully not often extracted from living dogs but will instead be produced using vat grown or printed organic layers that are then able to take the cortical imprints required arbites cybermastiffs are heavily modified with cybernetics to give them tremendous sprinting speed their jaws use fiber actuators to snap shut with blinding speed and power from hydraulics to exert an absolutely merciless crushing force any undesirable element who finds themselves face to face with an imperial cyber dog is likely going to lose at least one limb in very short order if they cannot evade for the mastiffs jaws will snap shut faster than most can even see and with such force the bone is crushed like it were absolutely nothing however often when facing the dangers and horrors of a hive city or indeed its under hive more is needed when on the hunt these plastic beasts hound their prey sniffing their trail using rare chems within their cybernetic sense nodes they rest only when they have their prey or are commanded to stop on their masters command the beasts will engage their target to either dispatch or disable the criminal and those arbitees classified as cyber mastiff handlers are seen not simply as a singular ally but as one resource capable of deploying a powerful reinforcement that can match the effectiveness of an entire arbitee squad this is because cyber mastiffs are able to be fitted with also many types of sensor that multiply their effectiveness many times over there are a variety of scanners and detectors in use across the imperium which are known by the collective title of all specses bioscanners as the name suggests make the mastiff capable of detecting any and all biological life forms within range of its sensor which can vary depending on its power the scale of life form can also be narrowed down by its handler dependent on the need motion trackers are again fairly self-explanatory they can detect any movement made down to a precise scientific degree so any target within their sensory range is very unlikely to escape and the harder and faster they try to run the faster the mastiff can track them down some mastiffs may also be fitted with so-called side trackers these are arcane tools that are able to read shifts in warp space in lay terms they're able to detect the souls of those nearby this is obviously an extremely powerful and rare augment as it basically enables the mastiff to detect any and all individuals within a considerable area this is also a persistent power and the side tracker makes its user constantly aware of any and all targets locations and their actions and strangely they can also be aware of any actions performed previously that is to say a side track enables us to know where someone has been and what they have done which is very obviously useful for the arbitees this though is likely more relevant to an actual psycho's power as a mastiff is unlikely to be able to use this information although it may be able to record it within its wet wear for a mechanicus or inquisitor to extract their data at a later time the one limitation is that the side track can only detect creatures with a conscious living mind it can also tell if an entity is demonic or show a psycho and any of their related war gear cyber mastiffs have been adapted so they're capable of being installed with multiple adjustable teeth types in their mouths for whatever attack pattern their handler deems necessary and for whoever they're looking to hunt down for example they may be configured with highly sharpened blades to surgically sever limbs or a set of ultra hard armor-piercing spikes to grip anything from armor to bone to flesh and never let it go the most terrifying jaw configuration of all of course are those mastiffs equipped with chain blade jaws that's right they literally have the equivalent of an imperial chain sword but in their mouth and this means that you will have a giant cybernetically enhanced attack dog chasing you down when its vice like jaws finally grab hold of your leg nearly snapping it clean off that's when the mouth is going to start buzzing and the jaws become effectively an enclosed chainsaw shredding through flesh bone and metal and cutting to pieces those designated as threats to high of stability and the wider imperium and rightly so as if this were not enough some will also increase this effectiveness by also being fitted with magnetic jaw sections allowing the mastiff to attach itself to any metal surface most likely to lock its jaws around an opponent if successful it will lock itself in position to restrain the victim often it may also lock its legs then magnetically to a metallic floor making escape by dragging the hound near impossible any resistance by the target may also mean the cyber dog will then begin to activate its chain bite which even the sound of this starting up is far more terrifying than any growl will be enough to suppress all but the most insane and violent of individuals still you might think having a handler to these animals may at least grant you some mild possibility of survival this may be possible unless of course the dog has been specifically pre-programmed not to leave anything that it hunts down alive eliminator mastiffs targets are pre-loaded into their systems without any protection protocol they're then sent out with one purpose and one purpose only to track down and kill their specific target they will regularly do this with gruesome efficiency feeding back visual data to their handler in real time as savage as their physical weapons are many of the dogs are also equipped with ranged weaponry mounted on their shoulders this may take the form of laz weapons although it can also be things like vox hailers which send out vocalizations specifically designed to trigger fear with those in range which is often useful in large civil disturbances and riots in order to handle all of these tools the cyber dog's brains have been adapted to process tremendously intricate sensory input their senses will have been enhanced and when it comes to dogs their already highly advanced olfactory systems are now able to detect traces of scent that few other tools could locate consequently and to no real surprise cyber mastiffs are often employed to sniff out wherever hostiles have hidden themselves away in the vain hope of evasion which is very rarely successful i should note also that mastiffs are capable of carrying various utility packs for their handlers including extra ammunition medical packs and so on their mechanicus cybermastiff handlers will spend many years training their hound they will run training simulations drills and any number of commands and attack patterns embedded into the hound's augmented brains handlers can plug into the hounds of visual sensorium data and command them via vox receivers this enables a handler to control an essentially remote pilot a hound from a distance of often many miles away when requisitioned by an inquisitor a cybermassive handler acts in the role of combat and retrieval unit as well as surveillance and security each a service of great importance to those who serve in the inquisition it is though not entirely unheard of for individuals who are not trained cyber mastiff handlers to keep these terrifying augmented hounds by their side in fact cyber dogs are known to be kept even by those not equipped with the correct interface to make use of cyber constructs undoubtedly a trained mechanicus tech priest is vastly more capable of controlling training and maintaining cyber mastiffs but in actuality anyone equipped with a constructor array can with some mechanical knowledge of imperial tech program a cyber construct to obey basic vocal vox commands albeit far more limited because where the mechanicus will use cogitation patterns to engage the hound in tactical attacks a cyber mastiff under the command of an ordinary human will have to differentiate and decipher human speech of course humans have long since worked with hounds and so it is still commonly the most effective way for cyberhound to learn its master's intention by giving the mastiff a designation a name so it can identify when commands are being issued to prevent it from mistakingly selecting elements of random discussion as an order to this end any cyber mastiffs under the command of non-mechanicus or usually have something more like a code designation than necessarily a name like title and this is to ensure that it cannot become confused when orders are being issued and a random word gets mentioned where though might you see non-imperial officials handling such deadly beasts who would permit this well unsurprisingly no one would officially sanction it especially to cyber mastiff that has been heavily augmented unless of course they are operating outside of the normal laws which leads us conveniently to precisely the other place cyber mastiffs often found to be in use the gangs of the under hive law enforcement are not the only ones to use mankind's faithful companions across the galaxy ancient terror humanities expansion into the stars the dark age of technology and the age of the imperium all saw the use of trusted hounds they've seen it all so even now dogs are widely kept for obviously all the reasons they have been for many millennia their practical skills their companionship or just aesthetic appreciation but beyond just those purely organic creatures the cybernetically enhanced are used also by those less desirable elements including under hive gangs the gangs of the underhive have access to all manner of tools and hangers on bounty hunters and specialists so cybernetically enhanced or otherwise exotic creatures are nothing at all that unusual yet there's still something that will help to signify wealth and status within the dwellers of the lawless realm below a hive city the extreme polar end of that scale it is unfortunate that dogs can also be consumed as a readily available food source for some seeking something more than a cube of processed corpse starch although most it should be said will aggressively defend themselves and most have masters who will keep a close guard of them as they would also to their master in a hive city its guilds and underhives will commonly breed dogs to patrol and protect both their territory caravans and various holdings within the hive city of necromunda house orlock are known to use a wide variety of hounds to act as vicious and powerful guard dogs who are bull-like in their posturing and appearance but they'll also use more sleek and hyper-alert watch dogs patrolling their territory and then of course you'll also see toughened stocky fighting dogs they breed sadly for sport such as the nature of the bleakness in the underhive still though forging a brutal and loyal killing machine is far from an exacting science some augmentations of hounds may be more successful than others some can be merely just a little bit stronger or have enhanced joys others are the stuff of nightmares exhibiting lightning speed jaws which can shred limbs and cut straight through armor they can leap off walls dodge fire vision that lets them combine their hypersensitive smell with enhanced vision to give a visual landscape to the hound that is outside of its direct field of vision making their attacks entirely unpredictable some hounds that have been for whatever reason designed to be too powerful or aggressive may escape destruction and end up by one way or another in the under hive where it is near certain they will be appropriated by under hive gangs these massive cyber mastiffs will be kitted further with enhanced exo armor and all manner of weapons it is reported some have even been known to exhibit extremely rare digital weapons side note digital weapons are these tiny concealed weapons within very small objects usually a ring for example it is common for imperial inquisitors and powerful nobles to own such weapons as they are highly rare but today only the jacarro are known to be able to adapt and create such unfathomable creations so if a cyber mastiff of the underhive is wielding these things just how they were able to be found here should be of high concern for imperial investigators these exceptionally powerful aggressive and tough mastiffs are known as hard case mastiffs these are simply dogs which have been augmented so much and enhanced like you with drugs and other manipulating archaeotech they have become monstrosities and are extremely hard to kill often these most powerful of hounds will be found wandering through the underhive whereas other mastiffs will need to be attached to a handler or master for their control these hard case mastiffs like d060k13 of the orlock gang is a powerful and advanced cyber mastiff requires no master and understands that its mission is to protect their holding and territory at any cost it patrols the toxic waste of the underhive a one hound army of terrifying power that few if any should wish to encounter because the almost inevitable outcome of coming across a hard case mastiff will be your gruesome grizzly shredded death and then finally just a small afterthought to finish on i love these small details of things like cyber mastiffs they've been around for quite some time now being featured in the spin-off game inquisitor they've also appeared of course in the rpg dark heresy most recently there is a solid news section in the necromander orlock book house of iron and i've been collecting all of these necromunda books as they've got tons of interesting lore bits like this as well as rules for the specific gangs like esho and the house of blades the bounty hunters the hangars on etc the guilds and all this i want to talk about some of these smaller game systems like necromanda and kill teams soon so that's on my to-do list but these snapshot details of imperial life are what really brings the law to life for me it's all well and good for us to always hear about these world-ending battles between titans and yes i do have a new titan vid in the pipeline but i'd love to get down to this level as well the gritty toxic battles within the underhive where every shell counts and having a cybernetic monstrosity coming leaping out of the dark and taking your arm with it is just another day and some real bad luck in the underhive if you're interested in these more refined specific details i do recommend checking out necromunda and it's associated supplements because they give some real rich detail into the background of hive cities and as i say i'll try and look at this more steadily as we go along cyberhounds mastiffs are something though that are more widely used and perhaps is regularly represented and i think i want to start adding them to some of my forces even if these are just a simple token companion which serves no real purpose so i think for my upcoming imperial force that command team should have a hound to go along with and these details are something i want to continue to drill down on by the way hope you enjoyed the vid today if so please do drop a like if you're intrigued and want to pick up either necromunda or the house of iron book my element games link down below as always guys thanks greatly for watching i'll see you all in the next one [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Luetin09
Views: 230,311
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gaming, Discuss, Channel, Future, 40K, Warhammer 40K, Imperium, Humanity, Mankind, Doom, Fall, Space Marines, Heretic, Heresy, The Emperor of Man, Lore, History, Guide, Warhammer 40000, Warp, Immaterium, Rift, War, Slaughter, Horror, Nightmare, Tabletop, Inquisition
Id: tslgg7ZvsOY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 31sec (1291 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 31 2020
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