$4000 Tub to Shower Conversion

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[Music] [Music] this is it in all of its brown glory [Music] i have been requested to make this better and i already have putting that light in last night and getting ready for a fan but the big job is all this [Music] [Applause] there was some random piece of wood in the way that took a ton of chipping it wasn't a joist but it's in [Music] so [Music] i don't have a dream tool i saw a guy on youtube is this to make a couple of notches ram in this and twist it out [Music] uh [Music] [Music] [Music] success [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] with two hours there abouts it uh it didn't want to come out not too bad a little bit of mold over here we'll get to that but uh otherwise pretty good [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so many things could have gone wrong today and none of them did so all the insulation came out because we found traces of uh mice having a little party in here so i think they were scooting from joyce joyce cavity joist cavity under the tub that'll all be blocked off with uh cement board and tile the big mystery or getting the pipes out was easy enough the big mystery was what i was going to find under the floor whether i'm blocked by a joist or something there's always something and today there was nothing and it just looks super simple famous loves words but i said them that's where my shower drain is going to be x marks the spot i mean none of these are uh adjustable so i'm probably just going to cut here attach here and put in a put in a trap uh under the pan the pan comes out too we're gonna measure pan comes out to here and then we'll just have a little bit of extra tile past the sliding glass door to cover up the lip a little bit of trim i'm a little bit scared because the bottom didn't fall out well how about that measure re-measure imagine reimagine i'm losing my mind i was not meant to be a designer in any respect i think i've kind of got it now maybe [Music] getting there we have the uh gasket on an inch and a half pipe for the two inch drain looking pretty good [Music] progress has been slow today i thought i was going to be flying through this however lots of measuring judging depth these there's like three sixteenths of give either way for the uh drop elbow for the uh water supply i uh googled and youtubed like crazy and there was literally zero videos of people explaining how to do this so i was left with a very simple drawing saying you've got 3 16 from the finished wall don't mess it up okie doke got it i've done this once before uh with the uh with this so i was reasonably comfortable with that this i'm flying blind hoping for the best having hooked it up to the uh the water supplies and i won't be soon because there's no individual shut off so i'm gonna have to put the cartridge in and turn the water off before i do that but hopefully tomorrow i can cover the walls [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] i could not find a single video on youtube on how these actually obviously it's obvious how it gets attached but how to install it as for the finished tile surface i mean the only thing that i found is a single sentence in the installation guide what was it no more than 3 16 and no less than 1 16 from the finished wall that's not here yet for a guy who doesn't tile all the time this is a problem so lots of removing the board and putting the board back up and varying the amounts of tape tape on the nipple uh pipe tape on the nipple i've got it to the point where i'm confident that with if i need to i i can just beef it up with a little bit extra tape to have it not recess into the wall too far so far and have it come back out so i think i'm in that range but my god there was no easy way to figure it out it was trial and error and uh one interesting helpful comment that i did find online was do not set this permanently in place before you're ready to attach this tape tape this up on this end tape it up on the uh the supply valve the supply hookup end put them in together and they will tighten themselves and it gives you a greater leeway of how many turns you you can get you can actually get more turns because turning the odor piece will turn the inner piece what a mess i mean it's confusing for somebody who doesn't do this every well every month well maybe like two tile projects a year so to be continued and we'll see if it actually works out end of weekend number two first weekend i think hard to remember i think i just uh demoed and then started making plans for the plumbing for mainly for the drain and then i left it and this weekend yesterday the uh the pan went in uh oh i'm sorry last weekend i did all the blocking and all the measurements and just basically a lot of play then yesterday being saturday i came in put more in the pan finished out the plan for all the plumbing all the the depth of the the supply elbow and all the rest and today i just uh threw up all the dense shield and sealed up all the edges so i'm gonna have to wait for all that uh the caulking on it right on the the joints to harden a little bit dry so at least it's not tacky and then i'll seal the uh and all the joints like the instructions say i believe it's just mesh tape and uh i think unmodified thinset but i'll double check that so onwards [Music] okay [Music] do [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] so [Music] final little bits of mosaic back of the niche other side gonna get put in today after that finish up the trim on the the niche through the bottom niche and then just start tidying up and getting ready for grout and figuring out how i'm going to caulk or trim the where it meets the ceiling and then i've been told the door arrives the door arrives this weekend this coming weekend finally getting close well it's only been three weeks of weekends basically [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] bye [Music] so [Music] [Music] still very very hazy but all the grout is in and it's got that first wipe off and i'm just going to run outside and clean my tools and come back in and get back at it after it's sort of firmed up a little bit hard to tell but kind of looks okay [Music] i don't want to jinx it but so far so good slid right in it's heavy as heck but it slid right into the profile it's against the shower base even the uh the wall is i mean it's so level plumb that the uh the profile just covers an equal amount right to the top it's uh something i stressed about thinking that there's no way that the wall is gonna end up being plumb but yeah it's plumb go figure onwards getting closer got the door on there's a little bit of voodoo magic involving the the level and the plumness of this that made this wanna be a little bit off-center but i think i've got it in place and i've got some silicone in there and it should be fine the door without any adjustment meets the wall with a beautiful seal and it's actually got a wall channel to go on there anyway so i don't need to adjust that at all so next step is put that channel there drill four more holes and then it's basically just attach the hardware and take a shower [Music] a little bit of silicone and three screws left securing the wall channel to the glass plate metal thingy otherwise smooth like butter [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] much stress and thinking has gone into how to mount this onto the tile wall and make this fit with only plus or minus a sixteenth give so here we go [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all the holes in the tile took exactly 10 cheap amazon porcelain tile drill bits and you're about 12 a little over a buck a piece and i was getting about two holes per drill bit so there's a bit of value there and i'm done drilling all the holes a couple there you're there and i just finished putting in the uh the slide bar all looks pretty sharp actually i'm quite happy and this goes up to a full 80 inch shower head height so far [Music] pretty happy everything's gone reasonably smoothly in this last final stage now it's just a matter of a whole lot of caulking cleaning tidying up the gap at the ceiling and then uh and i think we're done [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] relax [Music] oh baby and when i talk to you it's up to you [Music] my dreams are only of you [Music] bye
Channel: Stephen Anthony
Views: 157,368
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tub to shower, bathroom reno, tile shower, delta faucet, diy
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 39sec (1839 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 29 2022
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