$4,000 High Limit Group Pull ✦ 20 Person Group for GET HIGH FRIDAYS ✦ EVERY FRIDAY at MGM Las Vegas
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Brian Christopher Slots
Views: 249,920
Rating: 4.5059929 out of 5
Keywords: $4000 High Limit Group Pull ✦ 20 Person Group for GET HIGH FRIDAYS ✦ EVERY FRIDAY at MGM Las Vegas, large group slot machines, high limit group pull, how to join a group slot play, bryan christopher, huge group play high limit slots, briangambles.com, bryangambles.com, brain christopher, jackpot handpay, huge win, mgm casino las vegas, mgm grand las vegas, brian christopher, group play slots, high limit slot, slot machine, live play slot, las vegas slot machines
Id: nEhVkvMqDU0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 47sec (4547 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 17 2017
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