πŸ”΄ LIVE Slots for a BEAUTIFUL Win 🌈 San Manuel Casino

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beautiful live stream today check out our brand new shirts guys aren't they gorgeous i love that these are a beautiful shirt i said they were beautiful all the time we made them a nice rainbow color because they are our fried shirts as well because it month and every single t-shirt we sell over at vcsports.com five dollars for the center in palm springs for lgbtq community all right guys let's play some spots here we go let's line it up with some wheel of fortune mystery link yes please if you guys just came over from facebook then you know what's up because we just had a humongous humongous live stream over there it was such an amazing experience we ended up doubling up so good and we started with thirteen hundred dollars don't forget so make sure you go back and check it out if you haven't already let's jump into it shall we ordered my beautiful t-shirt proud mom thank you so much lisa love is love very sweet all right i got a thousand dollars in there to start us off here let me just put my player's card in and we are set to go 10 cents a nomination line it up buttercup let's start off with some six dollar bets y'all here we go what's up mandy in england good to see you in here [Music] so many people have already pressed that thumbs up like button thank you guys for liking the video and welcome to any new subscribers who just found us as well oh nelly we're looking for six of these wedges for the bonus thank you ian [Music] yeah let's keep it going and find another huge win please and thank you we've been having a great day we've had uh i think four jackpots today so hot trying some big bets too though but our one jackpot was on a four dollar bet t.o representing everywhere i think you had i'm rudy luck [Music] hey super grandma thank you for the super chat you're super yourself [Music] all right we're in for a hundred dollars at a six dollar bet hey carol hey doghouse slots and everybody where are those wedges we need six of them please or three free game symbols [Music] thank you cameron what's up connecticut [Music] three more two more turn [Music] all right we'll play it down to 800. right sheila wasn't that hot girl four dollar bet that was the lowest bet we did that whole live stream too [Music] all right one more spin oh no two more two two two turn it [Music] all right let's squeak out one more oh my gosh we cheated we've squeaked out an extra one and luck has arrived oh nelly all right we even landed the mini there for a hundred dollars there all right guys let's give her a swipe here we go see where the wheel of fortune will land all right those numbers get added to all those parts down below [Music] all right now we get to spin again thank you michelle for the super chat here we go gotta land one to keep going two more spins land one come on yeah double purple one more acting landed oh and britt's outfit today on facebook is beautiful love the colors absolutely take a look she's she's got the black beautiful shirt on very prideful all right here we go thank you hector for the super chat oh just missed a big one there visited the bc slots area plaza this weekend love playing your favorites thank you jim okay we got three more nice double green all right here we go thank you hector wonder which you like better low bets on high denoms or high bets on loading arms all right that's ten dollars times two i like them both i don't know it's hard to pick good evening mr christopher and mrs carter may tonight bring you excessive rudy luck thank you so much bob here we go thank you jessica davis for the super chat two more and last spin and that's it time to add it up see how we did bang bang is right beautiful that is wow that was hot big money indeed [Music] thank you so much for your super chat [Music] nice 210 dollars guys put this right back up on top thank you brad smith let's give it a backup spin rebecca smith like a spin there we go all right we'll cash out there back where we started a thousand dollars you guys nice one all because i did an extra spin i wasn't supposed to ha ha that was super duper hot well welcome in everybody if you just tuned in you're late that's all right i still love you i see you have your masking cape on tonight that's right biggie they haven't lifted the mask bandit yet at samuel well so we're going to be wearing our mask tonight i don't mind because i'm wearing my beautiful masks so i can breathe so nicely and thank you leslie for the super chat and you guys may have missed our beautiful t-shirts as well oh my gosh they come in either white or black let me show the back of your shirt bruh and that is like the best part right there i love that love my name in rainbow colors so fun all right mid-atlantic slots hey wayne how are you man good to see you thank you for the fist bump all right we're gonna go to next what's over here tons of games we're gonna get on is the question let's see let's see i don't know why but that is a big major let's do this one right here have a look guys oh nelly three thousand dollar major happy pride month brian you inspired my brother to accept who he was and shine line it up oh thank you so much joshua that's super sweet love that connie in the house hi brian and brick good seeing you at talking stick much rudy love and luck tonight thank you so much connie she's very generous of you [Music] all right guys let's do it to it here we go if you guys haven't heard yet there's a new rake and bacon coming out tomorrow and we're going to be uh featuring it during our live stream tomorrow night it's called raiken bacon deluxe so make sure you guys catch our live stream tomorrow night as we go live from valley view it'll be an amazing amazing run can't wait to try it out five cents a nomination eight dollars a spin here we go [Music] thanks wannabe let's do it to it broody luck to the beautiful britain brian thank you man let's get that delicious bonus now three coins we'll do it or some numbers with the train on the last reel as well happy pride fam thanks for the new pride shirt i needed a new rainbow bc shirt thank you so much jessica [Music] kenneth watch the facebook stream you are the comeback kid vanza thank you kenneth we just made a killing on that last live stream it was ridiculously good [Music] becca put 20 bucks in the buffalo and got it up to 22 hit a bonus we triggered three times casa 200 well done come on train darn it that was the mini train we could have had come on line it up the two best dressed celebs on youtube hi marco fans of pride thank you so much sean [Music] i don't even notice yeah very nice all right i'm stopping at 800 on this one now almost taking 200 from us [Music] how you doing i'm always working this is not a magazine there's some buffaloes in there and that's fifty dollars all together nice hit nice thank you so much oh one coin off do it to it all right buffalo's in there sixteen dollars two buffaloes eight bucks that's so nice that's right brenda i am doing eight dollars a spin [Music] one more oh we got a bonus a baby one but we got one twenty dollar bonus let's see what how many trains we can get that are worth twenty dollars a piece here we go [Music] all right every train that goes by is worth 20 bucks here we go [Music] let's go to 100 please [Music] man rude bonus well four train cars that's 80 bonus bring this back up to 900 almost that's not bad [Music] all right i still say we give it three backup spins here we go here's one and a two and one two three nice 20 hit at the very end thank you seth zetherbell all right one more backup spin do it do it dream me rude hey brian brick can you give a shout out to tanya vine or tania vine and perth and tell her to bring her son to see you in vegas absolutely come on down come on down all right guys good times good times why don't we see if there's uh some crazy rituals in the house over here [Music] yeah i know this game's usually full it's hard to get on it all right let's see if i can make this work here we go here we go okay you guys all right let's do it to it i'm going to try the max bed on this one why not i feel like some big bats are fun sometimes right doesn't always mean you're gonna win more but hey it's fun here we go ten dollar max bet [Music] line it up so we need to get coins on the first two reels that's it one coin on the first real one on the second then you get a feature otherwise we need three rings three rings for free games there's one there's two we got it double up nice add more coins now and more rude and more and and big wheel all right now we get to keep all those coins all right that wasn't bad at all big win beautiful love the non-smoking of salmon well keep pushing for you guys thank you julie we actually we absolutely do love it as always sending a luck from ohio line it up thank you kimberly all right 132 dollars that was a nice hit back it's 9.72 now if we can get a video to appear up there it means you're going to get something good taking chances looking for some wizard of oz thank you so much oh it exploded we got a jackpot feature that's incredible this is amazing all right let's start picking you guys let me know what i should pick here i'm going to start with the watts ew no more minis please no more minis pick one brett what do you want okay so brit and i are the worst obviously anna sean wants sunglasses there's a grand okay in honor of my wife and 13th anniversary ah thank you stephen congrats a lot of shoes people are asking for shoes you want to hit the other sunglasses up there super the grand is eleven thousand dollars cecilia megan want the present oh that's nice everything's triple down we can win a 33 000 grand now susie wants some silent hill tonight i don't know if we'll be able to because upstairs but we'll see if we can get there after it depends where we end up oh there's another president go for it brett all right let's see what we got right now two minis two miners one maxi two grand the minis are worth 45 dollars now the miner is worth 90 dollars now all right another necklace this cali girl all right we got three of them that's our first major second maxi and third mini all right mini jackpot it is all right nice one you guys we're back up to 987 dollars now welcome in everybody we're at uh 1200 thumbs up now hit that like button you guys if you're enjoying yourselves 5 800 people in the house thank you guys for tuning in make sure you hit that subscribe button oh baby we got a video we got a video that means we're getting something we're getting a bonus or a big win double up hopefully that means maybe we'll get a wheel bonus oh please please give me a wheel 45 and and ah all right well hey that put this back up on top we're in a profit wow another 100 bucks [Music] nice one all right up to 10.70 let's give it a couple more backup spins and last spin beautiful that was a great run leaving with a profit [Music] lovely excuse me all right let's go for a walk see what else we're going to play next [Music] over 6 000 people in the house if you guys press subscribe because i know at least 2 500 of you have not press that subscribe button it's free of charge you might have to click the hide the chat button first but then you can go ahead and do it keenan thank you for the good luck super emoji appreciate it i think it's time to try some quick hit all right quick yes quick hit super wheel hello from fort myers remember remember remembering your jackpot party thing long time follower thank you guys how you doing man thank you appreciate it all right retro 1030. can't fix that all right pretty sure you guys can do the math on that one oh my gosh 40 cent bed my water bottle was on the button so it wouldn't let me change it and when i pressed four dollars it did that instead oh my gosh 40 cent bet watch me get a jackpot now right i'm gonna rapid fire this bonus though all right get ready guys we're wrapping firing at 40 cent bonus omg here we go [Music] it's not letting me rapid fire at all oh well we got to enjoy the whole bonus then i guess big wins best of luck thank you slot sister great to see you today rc daily thank you for the super sticker [Music] looking for some monopoly as says kim thank you kim [Music] all right that's worth three dollars and twenty cents it's true right absolutely [Music] all right keep going 440 every every single uh wheel there's one all right thank you william for the super emoji 480 for every super wheel now got another one 560 for every wheel [Music] wow we're at 18 on a 40 cent bed come on where's all the quickest [Music] another one wow all right 720 can we get three wheels right now wow 32 bonus that's better than some of my other bonuses i get on a 10 bed yeah that was hilarious all right i have moved my water bottle now all right let's try the max bed now my gosh [Music] one dollar [Music] can we get three wheels now please and thank you ten bucks that's better now bet 60 cents yeah right and tada rude thanks adrian for the super sticker three bucks [Music] thank you claw master for subscribing [Music] [Music] [Applause] come on quick it line it up more [Music] all right three more [Music] nice three more and last spin find it on the last spin oh that would have been perfection getting the bonus on the first and last spin says my dog buttercup is always confused when i watch your feet i imagine you need to play something with rainbows rainbows you want huh i'll keep my eyes open for rainbows [Music] i do see a game you guys might like though and i haven't seen anyone ask for it yet either which is kind of spooky at the same time but here we are all right have a look [Music] all right yes we did a little um a vote on instagram slot madness for many weeks and this was a top winner overall you guys love this game you chose this one as your favorite over every other slot machine crazy top all right here we go 10 cent no i want five let's do five cents okay kids here we go 7.50 a spin scooby-doo we need six of those construction hats for the bonus thank you leanne for the super sticker i know this might be crazy to hear this out loud but i don't actually get to see every single chat going by you guys thank you i love this game you're welcome keenan obviously i do try to read everything two two two holy shoots that's an amazing hit thank you rocky for the super chat before [Music] wow up to 1100 now [Music] noise noise noise now if we can just drop in those hats and be done do it one more oh my gosh she's a teaser [Music] she's a teasing me we're up to 1800 likes right now thank you for the love everybody almost at 2 thousand three wow [Music] scooby-dooby yes he did lose john wow i double locked because i lost my money on both machines or did you use your own money was it her money okay two more yeah usually when we do those challenges with with you and marco that's always my money three more all right back down to our thousand dollars again [Music] 12 bucks [Music] nice rhonda's got her rude jacket her sweatshirt on she's at the casino with it good luck to you thank you for the super chat there rocky we started with a thousand dollars man amanda oh geez pete says i got a knock knock joke for you knock knock who's there no brit you don't say that he does no he said knock knock yeah oh he said oh sorry i messed it up because i was reading as if it was me saying it so who's there [Laughter] you need to find lucky pony love you says stacy well stacy we're going to be adding it in over to the plaza in las vegas they're going to be putting it into the brian christopher slots area there can't wait for that one to hit there good luck my man hopefully another handpay tonight let's do it thank you aaron yeah guys we just had a handpay on our livestream a few minutes ago over on facebook it was our fourth of the day in fact what a good day 15 likes away from 2000. [Music] [Music] g williams thank you so much for the super chat that's very sweet scuba deep [Music] hey beautiful hey leanne how are you leanne thank you so much for that banana says pete banana who oh yeah thanks paul for the super chat are we 2 000 likes we are way we're way past it 2100 likes now just became a socially delicious rudy's member about time line them up says nicole thank you nicole in fact guys it is the beginning of the month so if you guys have been thinking about joining our root members to become one of a part of our family our fan club go to rudysforlife.com you get to be a member for the whole month of june then rudy's for life.com real twinning slots hello you guys good luck brian thank you guys for that looking forward to meeting you guys hey one very knock knock hey who's there beauty this is this is the joke knock knock who's there banana banana who knock knock knock uh who's there is the next my next line i don't get it you'll get it eventually [Laughter] brad i think it's time for that bonus to land bananas banana banana hill you know what's coming yet you don't know you don't have any idea oh my gosh my gosh [Music] i'm not clammy enough for windex yet [Music] oh they're telling me in the chat i get it okay uh-huh scooby-doo we're down to 800. knock knock what the heck who's there i know what's coming now oh you know you know okay we need to come uh we need to come on mate in your aussie accent for good luck oh gosh come on mate that sounded more like goofy i think than anything thank you brad and australia an australian goofy at least i got the australian part down how do you make jonathan says how do you make holy water uh boil the hell out of it oh my gosh all right well this game's taking our money orange orange hill you seem like really proud now that you finally got it but i cheated yeah of course you did not intentionally i love that our livestreams have turned into dad jokes i know it's so funny blame patrick for that all right last spin all right cashing out there 760. you're welcome i'm gonna try another version of locket link now i'm gonna go for this one right here oh boy and there we go [Music] all right you need to practice it brian come on mike oh geez gosh come on mike come all night come on mate there you go all right let's change it up i want to do the five cent i'm here oh my see my fiji water screwing it up again it literally can't be anywhere 750 a spin we need three of these symbols in the middle three reels or three of the crowns oh nelly on a horizontal line pete where's your punchline dude i think you ruined it for him brett oh no i didn't say it i got excited lana that buttercup come on el diablo he is wild i sound like a ringo apparently can you refresh this for me brett come on get those crowns horizontal for me please it's just behind a lot not bad not bad at all mate says brad thank you brad okay sure nice one thirty six dollars skip it boop what are you doing there move one of the one chair to the left so do it oh my gosh says wayne thank you wayne you ricky real blast favorite over there yes you have rich agrees you've been watching me for many years that was like four years ago [Music] one of the two sexiest animals in the world i don't know set of jumper cables walks into a bar bartender says okay i'll serve you but you better not start anything orange and glad i didn't say banana again says one very thank you pete ready for that bonus [Music] one-off you gotta do it ryan who's there doris doors here door is locked that's why i'm knocking huh door is locked that's all oh door is locked [Music] brown chicken brown cow [Music] oh man come on just want to say hey from niagara falls love you about the bits your energy is so palpable yours and brits love cute is love love is so cute ally and aaron thank you guys thank you there we go texas boy says he thinks my water just telling me i'm betting too much so true [Music] all right let's move on back to slot machines oh that was so rude he's a good one tarn brian is tired of jokes you mean you're not gonna transition into stand-up comedy brian i stand a comic is a great job but not when you're reading other people's jokes [Laughter] [Music] i'm gonna wrap a fire for you come on all right we'll stop at 500 on here and swung off ah good to hear that joanne nice to have you with us as well thank you for the super chat [Music] what's happening brian i don't know i mean we're still up a lot of money darn two more and another one nice [Music] two more chances last chance on this one come on mate time for a bet thank you brad two more spins again ah darn it all right we'll cash out there 506. let's move back onto the gaming floor who wants some big wins thank you rocky get ready ding ding ding ding ding ding gaming floor let's go [Music] [Music] this is exciting welcome all right that's so right jessica stocks today for me on a win and now you take over the slot win good luck thank you talking to spirits great to see you again hope you're well button slipper is practicing a slapstick comedy thanks josh thank you alan for the super chat naomi you do make us laugh mate your love your accent challenge tonight yeah thank you naomi all right we're back spending ten dollars a spin here we go hey jonathan uh they don't have a slot machine most casinos don't anymore it's such an oldie but a goodie 10 max bed dancing drums explosion that was my first time super chatting on my phone what a pain in the tush that is says one very well we got that to close and we got a super duper pooper one yes there it is all right this is exciting 21.51.70 or 640 000 bucks up for grabs aaron wants to there's the major for 1700. nicole wants three yes one more pink for the major we need one more can't we do it keisha says eight that's good for a grand for 600 oh sorry an explosion for 640 000. do i see dragon spin back there yes sure do texas boy garrett wants four oh my gosh you guys are so good two majors two grands what else we got kathleen wants nine that's a minor corey and angie wants seven that's our first mini ew [Music] tanya wants 11. second miner tina wants number one another mini we have two minis two miners two mages two grands and the next one is amber wants 10. rudy 2d [Music] all right we got the mini out of the way at least it was a gold mini and we're back at it 10 spins looking to get three drums on the first three reels for the bonus line it up [Music] jessica what concert costs just 45 cents 50 cent featuring nickelback oh my gosh thanks jessica [Music] even josh gave gemma drum drums where are my drums we're at 8 000 people in the house hit that share button if we get up to 10 000 tonight i'll hit the high limit that was a big drum if we still have money at that point don't worry we got money we sure did we've had four nice ones today welcome mike thanks for hitting that subscribe button newbies 2500 thumbs up as well thank you guys for the love [Music] i want that bonus let's give three more rabbit bars dude close the pot no one off of the bonus there though [Music] oh my gosh missing one drum there it's over there you over there next time come on yes welcome to the new rudy is anyone who's just joining right now you guys are getting to take advantage of our double rudy's live stream this month and if you're at the socially delicious level and above you get a third live stream as well [Music] well we gave this machine a couple hundred bucks there i think 300 actually last spin all right it's called there time to turn this money into some real cash let's go danella thank you for the super sticker [Music] all right kids see we're gonna go to next have you guys seen the shirts yet beautiful beautiful love our beautiful shirts just add them to the store today again five dollars from every shirt is going to charity you guys are supporting the uh the center in palm springs it's uh for lgbtq youth and others we love them so we're supporting them let's see where we're going brett let's go to this one oh yeah almost fell over there [Music] all right here we go awesome thomas and pora says you always do well on ultra fire link or any fire lake let's see a huge line it up buttercup thank you so much william if you ever see american gods slot please avenge me it took 600 without a bonus that's rude yeah [Music] all right here we go this is called gold standard jackpots rapid f not rapid fire max pete one dollar [Music] five dollars one dollar one dollar [Music] oh five bucks thank you annette i played that many times my dear [Music] yeah on the back of the shirts we have our logo in rainbow color come on drop it in [Music] rude this machine does not get angry but it does this instead and it gives you a spinning wheel on the last one there too 100 bucks left [Music] thanks so much for that two bucks seriously [Music] all right we're due for some double and triple digit wins maybe quadruple quintuple wins dare i say come on line it up five dollars oh mary thank you for the rainbow unicorn all right that didn't work out but i'm gonna throw another 500 in this puppy right now let's do it five bucks come on double zeros come on triple zeros come on spinny spin spin [Music] here we go line it up buttercup yeah that worked out finally nice one nice oh my gosh do it [Music] back at 500 and five bucks why couldn't you guys move up too that was nice [Music] thank you paul q for the super sticker hey tony in sweden where else you guys watching us from right now let me know i'll play down to 400. oh baby come on drop it drop a trumpet [Music] yeah there it is that's what i'm talking about [Music] beautiful beautiful let's give it three more spins thank you apple vickers oh for the super stat with another one stopping at 500 again touching all right it's cash out there nice one 500 love that bump right so good when that happens dennis say brian and britt love you guys and love the beautiful shirt gonna get one tomorrow thanks for supporting a great cause our pleasure absolutely all right let's see we're gonna go to next here that's what we're going for dinner tonight hung bao so delicious really good oh i found some high limit dragon cash hello oh it's out of service no are you heading service this one's good though this one's good [Music] all right [Music] pump [Music] all right here we go golden century there's the money up for grabs up there sorry allison i don't see anything there from you but thank you if you did uh if it did go through all right let's try 25 maybe oh boy that's a big bet 12.50 a spin maybe give it a shot why not here we go let's get that comeback going you boy you boys and girls line it up [Music] oh i got some free play to use still bruh remind me i think i had a total of like 440 that i had today i've already used 200 of it all right up to 8 500 people guys we're getting close to that 10 000. [Music] we'll do a little bit of high limit action if we uh can get up there 2700 likes i like it i'll settle at either 10 000 people or five thousand likes one of the two come on bonus time please thank you brad [Music] i play powerball every now and then but i lose every time [Music] oh nelly [Music] we got it oh baby perfect timing oh baby 150. hi the miner we got to find the miner now the miner's worth 1250. let's line it up buttercup nice talking to spirits laughing with ghosts i vote high limit regardless i'm sure you do thanks dear i mean me too rules of rules i'm sorry i'm gonna be sent to my corner come on drop it oh easily yeah we're already at 3 000 within 15. we're 15 likes away from 3 000. all right last spin here goes tell a bigger story that's what i want give me a novel danella thank you so much just grabbed her beautiful t-shirt beautiful two more spins next time you're in arizona please come to tucson and play at casa del sol i'm only an hour away from tucson thank you so much kim last spin yeah back in it there we go well our facebook live we ended up in the high limit room because i was already there and uh we just stayed there and luckily we came away big winners ended with a nice jackpot [Music] no last man [Music] all right thank you lady just ordered her for sure [Music] mike c thank you so much for the super chat nicole just got her beautiful t-shirt and that bonus was beautiful that was a lot more beautiful than i thought it was going to be wow nellie nelly nelly thanks mike all right awesome awesome bonus mate thank you brad uh back up to 873 i'm glad we just tried those 1250 bats i forgot we're doing 12.50 actually uh-huh all right that was great cam absolutely five of a kind 27 dollars what happens if we go up a bit [Music] what does that do for me oh it's still 12.50 okay come on [Music] thank you buddy and boys for subscribing 8 700 people in the house welcome guys 3 100 likes thank you for for the love there's some uh love from the wilds there and some love coming in from marlene hey love you're back in canada i was just there the other night i want to see you how long are you going to be there good luck thank you so much we're only live here tonight tomorrow night we're going to be doing a very special live stream over at valley view we'll be premiering the brand new raiken bacon slot machine called the rake and bacon deluxe maya thank you so much for the super sticker super chat back at it [Music] mary ann faruga frugia thank you so much for the super chat [Music] oh i did i said it twice i think thank you mike again for the super sticker super chat we're at 777. what happens if we go up a bit dollar denomination larry dixon thank you so much for the super sticker i don't know why i'm doing this bigger mess right now i'll try a couple of them i'm giving you guys a taste of the highlighter room i guess 25 bed i wanted a little taste myself so you know come on there we go i think they're all five five dollar line hits in there so that should be 125 and it is 125. okay that worked out okay what else you got [Music] five bucks [Music] dropping those fireballs or three flags three flags or six fireballs [Music] mama g says good luck been a while it has addie joe thank you so much thank you mama g hello it's youtube [Music] all right let's give it three more spins on 25 dollars [Music] so i am i have to presume that corn squealious got a second job rudy luck campaign thank you sheila yes yes he did indeed new uniform and everything mike c thank you again for the super chat do it let's give her one more spin do it well hope you guys enjoy those big spins we're almost close to going in the high limit room we'll cash out there 600. [Music] all right all right this is fun let's see we're going to go to next what's over this way i don't think we need some rainbows oh i see a game i'm going to try and get on it's probably full though but we're going to try anyways [Music] talking to spirit it says clear stroke everyone hit that like button positive vibes only win big that's right positive vibes let's do it let's get it [Music] let's see if i can get on here [Music] are you cashing out right now you will for me oh thank you oh nice sweet well thank you so much for watching i'll give you guys some lucky wristbands then for sure [Music] is it is it in your hand is that the one there's another little thing if i get three dollars i'll let you know guys say hello to buffalo link buffalo link i just played it for the very first time today in the casino and i came away a huge winner so hopefully i can do it again right now [Music] i'm getting that here guys you're welcome thanks for watching all right here we go let's get ourselves all set up here [Music] all right we're gonna try some max bets on this game let's try some ten dollar bets y'all there's the jackpot numbers for us all as well larry says i sent a super sticker and i meant to send a super chat please come to parks thank you so much larry arlen says good luck tonight win that jackpot thank you yeah so i accidentally handed my wife a glue stick instead of chapstick she isn't talking to me i imagine i imagine all right guys here we go six hundred dollars and ten dollars a bit let's line it up let me go back a little bit further so you can see everything on the screen there all right so we need to get three of those coins for a bonus please see up there 851. that's what you gotta get uh see every time you get land one of these buffaloes it adds one up there it's got it's gonna give you a free feature any time before it gets up to 1800. it is the changes on each one i did not miss the joke arena i got it two more what do you eight total we need an eight total come on coin going coin there's three buffaloes so even if your buffaloes don't line up they get added up there haven't had a feature on ten dollars yet not the feature feature but i had a bonus earlier today you guys are gonna love seeing that that bonus come out thank you bonnie for grabbing your beautiful t-shirt so did patty thank you patty paul reed thank you for the super chat two coins we need three coins here come on one more got it there we go [Music] all right we got bonus in the bonus now on buffalo link line it up times two multiplier in there these buffaloes add up there during the bonus two joseph thank you for the super sticker come on coins let's re-trigger this puppy yes we did it nice [Music] this is why i love ubc showing us and teaching us a new buffalo game that's right linda thank you so much oh come on we need eight of you two coins for re-trigger oh wasted wilds [Music] thank you chris there's another 12 bucks there three more we got wolves and nines times two we only have two more spins left we need a re-trigger come on coins last spin coming in all right 62 bonus we're up to 914 buffalo's up there 20 bucks for nines all the way across let's get that holding spin bonus now come on four more yeah you have another one oh one coin ah [Music] oh one off look at that one there too dollar bill we need some big buffalo hits come on buffaloes buffaloes we are up to 9 000 people in the house holy buffaloes holy buffaloes thirty dollars times 36. [Music] you can get a freaking wild on the last spin yeah on the last reel wow is a schnauzer it's not quite a jackpot it's and i believe it's 100 and 80. 1080 yeah right if my math is correct yeah that sounds right we are almost at a full comeback we started with a thousand we lost it we added 500 so we're all in for 1500 and that was 10.80 we're down 30 bucks you guys shut the front door and 9 200 people just caught that right now 9 200 people i know about 35 or 4 000 of you are not subscribed do me a favor hit that subscribe button you guys let's get it up there oh we needed that bonus now too come on that was beautiful you know it wow that is the best line here i ever had on there bo shizzo welcome south bronx hi how are ya oh thank you oh thanks so much here lucky wristband for you thank you very much you're welcome talking to spirits laughing go see what those positive vibes can do nice absolutely super nice thank you so much [Music] drop it drop it drop it two more ouch [Music] hello jeremy let's get that hamper only takes one spin to win says joshua absolutely that was close to a handpay very close indeed look at all those buffalo's up to 9.73 now again guys one more uh for that you're gonna get a free feature before it gets up to 1800 900 come back kid rides again banza thank you joanna susan just ordered her beautiful t-shirt thank you so much for more [Music] all right we're at 1300 i'll go as low as 1200 i think on here buffalo buffalo buffalo that was so hot [Music] [Music] all right we're at 12 30 so three more spins [Music] and last spin all right we'll leave it there leaving 994 buffaloes there as well for somebody who wants it beautiful run hello how are you thank you so much thank you all right let's keep it going you guys huge huge win that was so hot all right what else do we feel like playing what else we feel like playing [Music] what's over here what's up here [Music] oh i found a dragon lake let's do that how about some dragon riches everybody who doesn't love dragon riches [Music] nice nice nice all right i'm doing five cent denomination max bet i'm enjoying this bigger bets we're basically doing high limit ready without being in high limit room i am cheating a little bit all right 12.50 a spin we'll see how long it takes to get a bonus here or how long it takes for me to lower my bet hopefully you get something in here look at some cute little piggies speaking of piggies make sure you guys come back to my double livestream tomorrow night rakin bacon deluxe we are to premiere that for you guys so you can check it out oh my gosh i cannot wait that's 50 bucks live at four o'clock pacific 7 eastern on facebook tomorrow and then we're jumping over to youtube right after thank you kai for the super super uh super chat let's find those six coins already come on thank you rocky for the super sticker [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh one more off we need one more of those balls for the bonus three balls or six coins is what we need thanks again kai for the super sticker all right he's got some wilds in there 100 line hit hello nice one [Music] do it [Music] thirty seven dollars [Music] [Music] i'm gonna try a couple backup spins one more mother liberty thank you for the super [Music] chat [Music] 35 five bucks three three three two that was a major i just went by there too one more all right two more spins [Music] and last spin oh we got a five of kind piglets again that's a good 50 line hit 65 altogether we got some more spins oh yeah there we go that was so lucky 75 starting off with no i haven't used my free play yeah i forgot i actually i was loading it when we hit the buffalo bonus yeah or the line hit or bonus i forget all right guys let's find those big numbers up there and those big words tell me a story lightning link what do you got for me here we go i think it's time for that marriage to drop 784 dollars that minor to drop 250 or that many to drop for 50 bucks that's a story for me let's get a bigger one all right last spin oh my gosh that's a quiet quiet bonus all right 125 back up over a thousand which is nice let's give it three backup spins on this game here's one and two and last bench all right we'll cash out of there hi how are you very well thank you oh yeah we're live right now doing our live stream for everybody how are you yeah yeah well good luck to you let me give you a lucky wristband hold on i can reach it out i can't breath can you help me there they're all tangled in my pocket thank you very much good luck to you all right guys i got a big ticket here let's go let's go i'm going to the high limit room i don't care we're going we're going bran let's go you know what's funny so i just i'm just yelling we're going brick we're going and you're like brian and people are looking around like we're fighting or something like we're leaving the casino you know that's what it sounded like to them i bet so funny all right oh we don't want tables we want spots yes all right guys hi limit room we're we'll be at 10 000 by the time i'm done in there i hope so i hope so too all right let's see what happens in here then okay we don't have a lot of time because we got dinner plans but let's see we're gonna get on right now let's see let's see [Laughter] [Music] people were asking for this one earlier so let's give it to them here we go ultimate fire link in the high limit room oh boy i'm one or two behind i think there we go noise [Music] yes high limits is talking to spirits laughing with the ghost yes yes yes let's find that lucky luck look now this is a very volatile game though so i don't know if i really want to bet that high on it i'm gonna start with some 10 beds and then oh nelly okay i'm going to 20. i'm doing 20 now [Music] i have not used all the free play let me do it right now yeah because i don't want to forget i have 245 left in free play i know it is the worst feeling you guys when you go home and oops and you didn't use all your free play absolutely well especially for me when you live like an hour away from the casino you're at there we go all right 245 dollars being added in there nice okay let's do it 20 spins [Music] ten dollars back we're playing high limit right now for 9 300 people give him that bonus already come on need a balloon how's our bat back be there stacy [Music] oh boy three keep pressing that thumbs up though guys if you haven't done it yet thank you so much for the love [Music] 20 30 [Music] 4 fireballs pokemon rude i thought it was yeah all right well we already used our free play up oh my goodness [Music] all right i don't have much uh but i'm gonna try let's see no fantastic here we go two two uh it's the france two more oh my goodness four fireballs do it to it [Music] four of a kind 20 bucks two yes hundred and seventy dollars to start oh nelly now now it's getting real i just hit a two dollar bit and i got an actual bonus that never happens for me on this game ever ever ever rudy luck positivity all the above and having all you guys in the house definitely helps oh it was oh you know what it was true it was the windex and the fantastic obviously all right you guys i'm gonna sit back a little bit further so you can see everything all at once in case something above lands too here we go says talking to spirits laughing with ghosts that's right get ready all right there it all is you ready guys here we go absolutely 20 bucks 40 bucks mini is way at the top there's 320 dollars just like these yeah that'd be cool if we got a hamper here too yeah two more thank you brandi subscribed to her beautiful t-shirt at bcslots.com nice twenty dollars three more spins let's get that big old comeback we need to win 600 on this game to break even on this live stream but between the two live streams we are up right now [Music] 400 has landed on the top top row go mate get a huge bonus thank you brett last one give me one oh my gosh thank goodness that was dramatic saw your kings versus queens challenge loved it you're a hoot and a half when you all get there bs make sure you don't almost curse of course i would never back in it i know they're teasing us big time [Music] yes got one we need to drop two more one more and we have 100 210 on the next level right there we're gonna drop that one right now you guys ready right there it's gonna drop here it goes all right i'll take that one instead all right we got it beautiful keep going yeah oh baby we're getting to the top if we get that top row we win 722 dollars please but we need to get four more fireballs down here first [Music] bandsalicious drop it last chance [Music] these are dollars you guys dollar denomination 40 20 20 40 50 50. all the way up to 100 up there last spin coming in i think i think it's a good time to remind everybody to press that subscribe button and press that like button here we go last spin [Music] let's see what we got line it up oh my gosh we got a profit for the day beautiful double profit day wow the schnauzer you guys we do have enough for backup spins don't we wow that was amazing look at that 15-92 we have enough for four backup spins we made a profit playing on our own today a profit on our facebook live and a profit here now amazing all right you guys here we go you got four more spins let's line it up ten bucks [Music] talking to spirits live from the ghost thank you so much my dear love all that positive energy uh-huh it works man it works two more [Music] that was for slot queen all right last one here goes all right and there it is you guys that was amazing oh my gosh you would say that one absolutely guys thank you so much for tuning in today hope you had an amazing time like i did head on over to bcslots.com get your swagger t-shirts this one for donating money to charity for as well don't forget and we'll see you back tomorrow night four o'clock pacific on facebook five on youtube as we're playing the brand new raiken bacon thank you for the uh super chess thank you moderators thank you everyone for your support in general and the thumbs up the subscribing i love you guys so much we'll see you back here tomorrow thanks friend gabby bye
Channel: Brian Christopher Slots
Views: 144,912
Rating: 4.9045396 out of 5
Keywords: Brian Christopher slots, slot machine win, big win, huge win, gambling, how to win on slots, how to play slot machines, gambler, casino, pokies, brain Christopher, bcslots, gambles, rudies, brian christopher, slot machine, bonus, free slots, free slot games, slots of vegas, slots lv, bryan christopher, how to beat slots, Brian Christopher LIVE, LIVE SLOTS, San Manuel Casino, Beautiful
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 12sec (4872 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 02 2021
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