💸 28 PERSON GROUP PULL 😱$5600 on HIGH LIMIT CLEOPATRA 💵 at Ho-Chunk Gaming Madison #ad

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hey everyone its brian christopher from bc slots dot-com i am so excited we are here in madison wisconsin at the ho-chunk Casino I have a humongous group of people we're all putting in two hundred dollars twenty eight of us that's five thousand six hundred dollars going into high-limit cleopatra say hello to all of our players [Applause] alright guys let's go to our game here we go [Music] all right we're signing in right now for our group Paul take a look at all the people in line the yes all right guys here we go here is Cleopatra I put two thousand of our 5600 in there and I have two more tickets with another two thousand and sixteen hundred for later if we meet them if not we'll just keep on the side and we have our first person up hello what is your name where you from all right Alexis you have nine spins everyone is doing nine spins today at 2250 these are quarters everybody whenever you're ready you press that max bet button and away we go here we go guys we are looking a for three a speaks over the bonus Oh Nellie whoo hey that works so that does face back twice our bat so we're back up at even well done there's a line hit $30 that's the land [Music] Cleopatra herself is miles oh come on girlfriend alright last bin for ya all right Thank You Alexis city frenzy and what is your real name and where you from Bruce you ready bro show us how it's done let's do it wasted while there's 12:50 back come on come on Cleo $10 look at that 3 Cleo's on there too [Music] another 10 buttons come on I need a big good you do we do $30 wins oh that's something $20 this by the way I didn't mention it it's a nine lion game not it not a 20 line game darn it last bit last bit okay all right Debbie hi Kathy how are you and where you from Madison Wisconsin represent you Brad Rudy member yeah all right show us that Rudy luck right now let's do it to it nothing come on you guys wanna join the Rudy's oh okay there we go [Music] [Music] all right let's pin for you there's another 20 bucks one more yes all right another 5 bucks in your pocket thank you so much caffeine we got Peggy tendon hey Peggy how are you are you okay to do that in your own yeah all right where you from Peggy all right are you ready to go landed up Oh No oh we got blocked five bucks out of her okay Oh magnificent magnificent okay you got it 25 bucks all right hello sir Oh and what is her name David all right David keep it going [Music] Oh [Music] robbery all right one more spin we're a charity all right thank you David Kathy C is up and we have Chris Dunn and Jackie yes the other Kathy see oh yes she's got her bonus free trigger repeat chip here I've got my hand paint chip in my back pocket we got that one set all right where you from all right when you're set hit that button the way we go Oh Justin by inside their Han Solo in 45 bucks it's right Kathy [Music] Oh No [Music] [Applause] [Music] it only takes one spin to win oh she's getting excited for us too sir Cleopatra is our wild and she also doubles you guys which means if you get more than one of her and Alliance she quadruples or or more all right good one last bin are we all right yeah that's Ben now here we go that's been all right well done thank you so much Kathy all right Chris come on down hi what's your name where you from this is from Milwaukee Chris from Milwaukee all right Chris off you go 9 spins for ya okay there's 1750 Oh rarity 30 oh you got it you got it on the ad $45 nice one got it again another 40 bucks [Music] Vegas is gonna finish off with four more spins well thank you I appreciate that if you go you only won $25 a star that's a win oh yeah that's five more dollars you have one last band here it is oh you got happenings nice one $70 line thank you for your lot all right we have done this Jackie and I are you done and where you from DOM Illinois all right you ready for this all right whenever you're set off you go either are doesn't matter yeah [Music] [Music] ten dollars as flammables pleitos come on Cleo all right that was 3750 hello and what's your name and this is in the house everybody all right and finishing us off here yeah I like that attitude get it going and last Baltimore [Music] all right Thank You Anne that means Jacquie's up what's your name where you from all right Jackie y'all sent for this okay go to town you have nine hole spins max bad you know it is how we roll little hit there 20 bucks nice who is gonna get our first bonus today come on line it up [Music] five dollars [Music] ten dollars one more here goes all right thank you so much rat Ian now is it Jan am I reading it wrong oh sorry I thought hi that's so nice it looks very it's very close its close all right Jan's here I'm sorry about that hey where're you from Jan Jan from Illinois I'm proud member of the Rudy's miss Charlie Marie luck is really ready all right either those ones go ahead there we go there's a good head start 25 [Music] No [Music] Oh you can do a Clio you can do 10 ten dollars it only takes one [Music] all right one more in spin see now you can at least blame me in for that you know hashtag blame you Tony's up come on down Tony Tony then Jared and Jill we got a big crowd here takes a ball to get to the front hi you are Tony I'm told you are Tony where you from Tony I'm from Milwaukee from Milwaukee all right Tony 9 those bands off you go [Music] we'll bring up the winds actual light hold on go ahead get it $10 that's right oh oh we got blocked by it but you still got 50 bucks summer [Music] flio [Music] couple scare ups and last van all right there we have it thank you very much Tony Jarrod's up and in the meantime I'll get some of that Windex going on here we go yeah she's been why it's good to see you again I haven't seen you in a long time yeah what did I see you left been a while all right where you from again oh I'm glad I came to you this time awesome all right well you have nine hole spins off you go oh [Music] all those wilds are wasted you don't work a little better there you go Oh No mine it up oh all right 25 meters into 10 only on that one Cleo look into her eyes maybe yeah it helps dance to 1250 she's yeah she's she's waking up a little bit for us although fully awake my dear [Music] all right one more spin for you we got it all right Thank You Jared Joe come on down hi Joe how are you I'm doing very well where you from Jill Richfield Wisconsin okay let's do this I'm ready you got your lucky chip with you good to go sure yes oh there he goes $35 we can't be better than that I like your attitude got it again $60 can we do better than that I gotta wind exit oh you got it 20 bucks three four three so far [Music] we are to $5 [Music] all right one more spin for you here comes all right there we go thank you well done all right we have patty H up next patty and then we have Justin and Kelsey afterwards and then Ken so that makes you daddy boy your front patty patty from Chicago all right patty you all set for this nine spins off you go that's right it only takes one that way close close I know let's get a five trigger bonus please Apple insanity we can do this come on Cleo all right one more spin for you you got it all right Thank You Patti we're gonna gather you guys hold tight Justin how are you Justin right yes all right Justin where you from go brewers all right let's show them to lucky what you're made it up there off we go yes we're still looking for that first bonus [Music] do it since Lance is toying with [Music] we're getting there you feelin all right 45 more oh there we go [Applause] [Music] [Music] beautiful six in the corner they're alive here we go you couldn't get the last one huh yeah good Brewers last bin for ya all right well done another $250 I know let's keep it going then right tell see good out here [Music] yeah I know it's the best together [Music] this is a song I danced till my wedding actually not sure I'm not sure all right hello Kelsey where you from Wisconsin again oh my goodness all right you are our 16th spinner of 28 people guys so we have 12 spinners left 13 spinach are y'all ready to go all right off you go hit that repeat button [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] if you haven't picked a song to get married to you as the winner alright we've heard from them from the Brewers the Brewers in spell okay ii go brewers so you'll notice we had a five of a kind jacks that was that gave us 2,000 of it that's another thousand right there well you guys we started with a $2,000 ticket we were down to 300 now we're back up to 1935 it only takes three spins apparently all right what else you got in there Jack's again oh my gosh look at that beautiful [Music] five bucks another time I'm ready for that bonus [Music] all right one more spin for you perfect great spinning thank you so much all right come on down Ken then we have Kim Eric and Larry he has arrived tell us sir Hey what is your name where you from friends in the house from Chicago all right can show Bruce what you're made up off you go yes here we go 9 spins [Applause] well you're definitely so beautiful I rang keep it going [Music] [Music] ten dollars for two now mmm you can do it [Music] oh not in 21 days [Laughter] oh we got since they got tents for $25 you got it another $50 and one more spin you did your job yeah one more let's do it Big Finish all right well done thank you can't [Applause] hey Kim where you from change to st. Charles Illinois okay Kim you're ready Nidal Vinny do it to it we do or another big line here cuz those are pretty sick all right you found the first one you got the Kings chin teams 25:5 there's the second one now let's get this first second third together let's do it you got it not quite what's your name I arranged in the finish office pins for us Oh No all right one more spin all right thank you so much Eric Eric Eric from Anthony Eric from Appleton VL Center ready let's do it let's do it to it [Music] five dollars [Music] Oh [Music] five dollars Oh [Music] a little bit of action there $10 one more spin alright let's pin for you all right there we go thank you so much we have let Laurie Laurie then Mary Mary Mary Mary [Applause] you guys have fight over who goes first Laurie's up oh yeah here we go hey Laurie I'm ready for this bonus let's do it to it Laurie you're our 20th spin do it to it couple knives [Music] tenner Oh couple scarabs five bucks lineup oh my gosh if that one Clio was there that would have been a hanbei hands down no matter how many times I play this game so gets me $10 [Music] do it do it all right one more spin to go Jax all right drop it below thank you all right very fir F then we have Mary Kay Mary be and Mary s F lucky chip where you from Mary where bundle lock where's that sixty miles away all right we're learning yeah you can hit that once you either are cool [Music] [Music] wake up [Music] he made back 125 under 200 so we gotta get 75 parameter yeah that's always the goal you know there we go a little bit more is always good oh come on Cleo [Music] one more spin for you [Music] ten more dollars all right well done Mary Mary is that I'm Mary who are you from from where where's that is that close to here okay I don't know it's my first time here all right nice to see it Mary do you ever do it I do you guys ever do this you ever like when you're losing eat us you look at the characters you just like stare them in the eyes as if they can like read your mind and you're like can you please come on ya know does it just mean they're mad it's just me okay well I'll do it you do the spinning onto the look [Music] alright I'll stop it she's not listening there you go you got a line hit there $25 [Music] [Music] either it's unlimited money yeah if you can get more than that if you can get five of those Spinks it's an unbelievable amount it's a rare occurrence I think there's one video on YouTube we try that one min works a little better last one all right last one free Mary all right thank you very very sup come on down marry me share this Vince all right Mary and Ryan Mary Mary $10 get it there you go all right 35 bucks [Music] you guys are fine thank you do it to it Oh 25 $25 two more spins for ya oh I want to give all right Mary the fourth hey Mary how are you where you from is Mary a popular name in Wisconsin yes all right Mary you have nine spins on there do it to it only oh my gosh I didn't see those Queens there you got um oh no that means you got those one two hundred and fifty dollar I'm gonna say anything there's a line there shut the front door indeed yes well you did your part you made back your money and more now let's get a little extra on the side let's do it - yeah boss will be delightful this is Cleopatra love guys it's a hard bonus am touching all right $45 [Music] two spins another 40 bucks you're doing your bargain Marr you did a great job beautiful another we're $5 two more spins Freddie Mary cuckoos $25 and once they're all right [Applause] there's no more memories what's wrong we got an engineer though we have Andrew Stephanie Kirsten and Constance all right Rebecca how are you were you from Wisconsin begin you ready for this landed up nine spins I understand we've been so many people here from Chicago and Illinois and everywhere me be quiet you you you just record that camera back there that's gonna shut up for our cameraman camera woman sloth we thank you girl stepped up to the plate help me out cuz Britt decided to take a vacation Oh Missy Britt but I love you I love you too [Laughter] [Music] oh you guys 25 back all right one more spin [Music] oh you got $20 out of that one no thank you so much Stephanie hello Stephanie how are you very well where you from Milwaukee okay you ready you got it you got the canteen 25 good girl [Music] [Music] yeah good job man what's your name and Adam hi Adam you can do whatever you gotta do you know yeah I'll look in her eyes again don't scare away yeah I gave her all my sexy looks like you can touch it again if you want you do you know I need all the help if you guys look at their eyes write in the comments below don't make me feel alone here that's been for you all right thank you guys all right I lost jack Kirsten yes hello Kristen how are you hey great anywhere you're from Madison Wisconsin all right whenever you're set you have nine holes bins let's line it up one in Sam has gotten together now Oh what's your name Thomas Thomas is gonna take over show us how it's done Thomas [Music] oh that was cringeworthy that one Jill darn oh do it Thomas I'm pretty sure there's three in there somewhere last bin for your Thomas you got the nines there you go thank you so much you guys let's see where are we now we're at Constance and then that's like one since everyone is gone is that right did I miss anybody by accident all right hi Constance I'm doing great where you from Illinois you got your lucky chip look at this guy she brought her one-year Rudi's Jeb I love it all right let's do this yeah you press that one or that one which ever one you prefer we can do this [Music] [Music] come on Cleo you got the knives 1750 he's in the West okay this one what's your name again Andy coming over to take lots four spins [Music] all right last one one more you got it [Music] all right thank you guys well it comes down to the last spinner that's me Jen more spin now I don't need to remind you guys we only put a ticket in for two thousand I still have another 3600 over here so thank you for that so we're doing it fine we were down to 300 on this one ticket before one point so we have $200 to cycle through the Machine again and see if we bring back some of that money maybe some more maybe even a bonus last ten spins on Cleopatra nine spins look at me I'm try oh there we go thank you you're welcome I don't have so many [ __ ] stop [Applause] I'm thank myself now I guess I said a [Music] good start alright hundred seventy-five eight more Smith trying to steal extra spoons here [Music] it's my sexy look I don't know how verse elsewhere but not today that is really wow that is that would have been a happy a little something there $10 [Music] all right last bin of the group ball on Cleopatra here we go oh all right Kashmir with an even as $700 alright guys that was a lot of spins we just put into Cleo there's no bonus yet so if anyone wants the machine I'll give it to you for $200 we all put in $200 a piece and we're all going home with $150 a piece [Applause] very happy I'm happy and if you guys at home are happy and you want to join me for a group go to BC stuffs a jock home to find out what I'm gonna be in a city and near you thank you guys so much we'll see you next time [Applause] [Music] and a big THANK YOU to ho-chunk Casino here in Madison Wisconsin bye guys for an X multiplier can we do something with that they were there there this oh there's one there too
Channel: Brian Christopher Slots
Views: 198,196
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Brian Christopher slots, slot machine win, big win, huge win, gambling, how to win on slots, how to play slot machines, gambler, casino, pokies, brain Christopher, bcslots, gambles, rudies, brian christopher, slot machine, bonus, free slots, free slot games, slots of vegas, slots lv, bryan christopher, how to beat slots, hochunk, ho chunk, smoke free casino, nonsmoking casino, non smoking casino, group pull, group slot pull, group slots, cleopatra slots, cleo group pull
Id: d1a66kRbyAE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 8sec (2528 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 14 2020
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