💰 $20,000 GROUP PULL 🎉 Celebrating #100 🤑 $1000/person on Dragon Link 🐲

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welcome everyone this is our $1,000 group slot pull it's a lot more than that though and you guys have no idea because we have our biggest group hole ever here we have 20 people putting in $1,000 that's $20,000 if that wasn't special enough we have one more surprise this is our 100th group oh yeah it's your birthday so to celebrate today everyone at the end of this group Bowl is gonna get a scratch ticket and you're gonna scratch it off to win a prize from our store and one of you guys is going home with it special $100 gift card to be a slot car amazing if you guys want to watch 100 group holes we have a playlist with them all click the button up in the corner over there anyways I got your money let's go gamble guys [Applause] alright let's get started [Music] dragon leg here we go you guys 11500 up there for the grands we're playing golden century two dollar denomination you'll notice we have $10,000 in there that's the most you can put inside of the slot machine we have another 10,000 on the side over here and we are all set to go hello what's your name where you from Amy from Indiana alright Amy we are max betting this puppy that's 25 credits times two dollars fifty dollars to spin when you're ready hit that 25 for me there please and you're counting those are some nice numbers alright so because we're doing $50 everyone gets 20 spins that's a lot of spins you guys let's keep it going go ahead we're doing 400 spins on the game today everyone put in a thousand myself included don't you know [Music] that major goes up about 40 cents every spin I love it I'm used to going up like a penny it is a 5-line a game there's a couple dollars [Music] Oh we'll get it we're looking for three flags or six dragon links for the bonus one more line it up [Music] [Applause] very rarely does that happen beautiful all right we have three more spins let's find ourselves a $500 mini $2,500 minor or hack another $500 major off you go I don't know if you can major twice let's find out last bit we didn't find we did just fine first bidder got the major shut the front door yeah BAM 517 for the major all right let's see their ass there we go [Applause] [Music] [Applause] 760 of $7 nicely perfect yeah go ahead and oh wait one second it might it might pay me out see yeah cuz it doesn't want us to go over the 10000 so we got a ticket for the 767 beautiful go ahead keep on spinning this could be a very long group of guys we very rarely do 20 spins on group holes but because we're gambling with so much money we wanted to make sure we had more opportunities to hit a rich last bin for you Amy all right oh there's that miner thank you amy Crispo come on down I'm sweating I think off my jacket now hello crystal how are you yeah where you from crystal all right represent here we go you have 20 spins [Music] five line game that is three horizontal lines or to be shaped ones upside down as well [Music] I just saw a major flicker by again 20 bucks whoa Tim more nice numbers [Music] [Music] flat it up you guys will hear me say it a lot tonight about always I'd say oh my god two more ooh I say it only takes one and why do we say that because one spin can always erase your losses and it could happen at any given time he does never know all right four more spins for you line it up one more [Music] okay last spin for you line it up couple dollars back there [Music] all right $70 nicely done Danny's up to make it easier on our heads I'm gonna add that 767 back in there so we know we started with 10,000 and where we're at right now there we go Danny that's you hi Danny where are you from Danny all right let's do it to it go ahead come on you got it you're up like I said it only takes one one little light hit one little bonus [Music] so we have a kind $50.00 back there it is again straight down the spine $30 back come on golden century one more flag or three more lengths needed there [Music] you got this [Music] we have two more spins for you there Danny alright last chance here we go all right Thank You Danny David's out come on down David we've had three spinners so far hi how are you good and now who are you today's lotto man is check him out on YouTube you guys it's got a huge following and we're seeing his face for the first time right now on our channel yes so welcome thank you and as appropriate is our hundreth group whole ever and we're doing a scratch card thing whoo now good timing it's all about timing you know all right well show us how it's done let's scratch off a big winner here 20 bucks 20 bucks there goes that major bye again [Music] five or six six okay another $20 looking for that next bonus [Music] nice 170 bucks thousand dollar dragon leg get the other team cut your money back alright alright a man that come on over another 10 spins for you guys here ready yeah line up those progressives Oh two more gosh I'm gonna wake up from that noise at Manila night I know we're playing with us [Music] [Music] that majors now to 524 last bit for you three - thank you guys so much earnest come on down earnest hey earnest how are you and where are you from nice love your t-shirt is that the one from casino swag calm yeah amazing check it out guys Casino swag calm alright are you ready to go I'm ready okay whenever you're set 20 minutes $500 mini $2,500 minor [Music] 20 dollars back there joining spins left to find that bonus come on see those flags or the links okay rah rah that looks like $100 I think because Dominus all right yeah hundred or it [Music] twenty dollars [Music] two more getting down those last few spins Oh [Music] alright last spin for you Thank You Ernest hubby bazap come on down a beat hello happy delario and where you from from Michigan and all right Abbi I'm ready are you ready yeah go to town [Music] well we want that minor we've done just over 100 spins on the game we are doing a total of 400 spins so plenty of time for more bonuses and more wins couple dollars there 60 bucks but you're good [Music] twenty dollars [Applause] another 20 [Music] that's oh we're looking for that too $20 hat is the bigger one in there I know it let's find it you are better than 20 bucks don't let anyone ever tell you otherwise there goes that major again my goodness all right happy a blast to spin for you [Music] ready - all right Jason's up come on guys we're still in this were still in there Jason how are you where you from Jason Ontario California serial numbers left that right there all right go to town my friend $20 one more one more there you go I said a $50 line in a $50 line it'll have $250 line it 400 all together nicely John as our Punisher they're 50 bucks [Music] nice drop it on that one $70 [Music] come on golden century one off it only takes one whoo suicide [Music] [Applause] [Music] rounded up Jason [Music] come on we're do we are do here is your last spin Jason ready 30 all right moving up we have Jerry come on down Jerry thank you - for clapping that was nice Ellie is there it's here that I like right there hey Terry how are ya and where you from Jerry from Cleveland okay Jerry whenever you're ready go ahead 20 spins all right there's your money back [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on dragon thanks [Music] those flags are teasing us big time get it ha ha [Applause] [Music] twenty dollars is it what next time is doing there we go alright Windex it has been done drop it come on three more Jim are warming up swarming up there you go I said [Music] uh turn 50 so I think 200 all together nice we're working hard for today you guys but it's all about timing still don't forget it only takes one trip man [Music] last bin for you there Jerry - sure I got our money back in that last bin choices up come on down choice after choice after choice we have Justin Chris and Linda hi Joyce how are you doing all right are you deterred by us at all you're good you're good good I love that positivity let's do it where you from Joyce South Carolina what's that I Cynthia all right go ahead xx spins shoosh hundred dollars nice one [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] there's your money back in and a hundred another 20 and there's money there you guys are gonna head there nice mom 20 dollars now it's time for that bonus [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] jari we want that miner that's $2,500 [Music] $2,500 we're good well let that one gone up $2,500 for a lime head shut the front door [Applause] all right alive again we're ready for more we'll leave it right back after these messages all right guys we just got paid we have a $2,500 ticket I'm gonna throw it in the machine right now so we keep track of where we're at here we go 67 247 we needed that one we need that one a few more times now let's do it to it you have one more spin choice so go ahead and take that one m9 $20 all right Thank You Joyce good job and you must be Justin where you from Justin Justin from Alaska all right another 20 spins here we go we have so far done half of our spins you guys we've spun 200 times out of 400 [Music] [Music] come on you want to give us another major the major is now higher than at watering out of the last I was out 564 come on give us a big bonus here [Music] 20 bucks [Music] now there's money back [Music] come on line those up please all right last spin for you [Music] whoo root Thank You Justin Chris's off come on down Chris I love Chris welcome back and where you from again New York Chris um New York all right we started with 10,000 the machine we're down four thousand dollars we've had eleven thousand dollars working through the machine so far though so we're doing okay we're doing okay still plenty of time then make it back anymore that miner is so delicious [Music] twenty dollars [Music] [Music] 20 back come on down China $20 it loves the pan oh sorry 70 there's a $50 line here there's here I didn't see lots to give us those twenties let's add a few more zeros to that [Music] thirty dollars we're moving up come on all right Chris last spin for you another it's running grass wit come on down Linda Linda I know our sisters went ahead to dance the last amp is so I know pressures on she's got to show the sister Linda way from alright LA in the house you ready all right just don't wait till the end let's eat it's gonna get it quickly okay there we go now we're talking [Music] my sister let's get that bonus for your sister now there you go three of a kind fifty bucks big money big money yeah line it up line it up three more [Music] [Music] [Applause] yeah link it up [Music] that does not help us and Sonia absolutely do it haha major at 582 now [Music] we need three flags on an all our head all right last bin for you all right let's find that big money Thank You Linda Manuel Manuel Manuel I said all right the first time during manual all right all right now the birthday boy in the house everybody let's get that birthday ready luck going hey where you from birthday boy Victorville California all right so is that birthday lock right here you got xx there's 10 all right we're gonna sir well then yeah good you to see if I'm going come on [Music] we are due for our second bonus that was good add a few more to that one [Applause] linkie linkie [Music] now when is that right now that was that when they have three more for yourself [Music] tomorrow and last man [Music] all right it's Brandi yeah all right Brandi guys how's it gone Brandi all right you can do better than that right all right so now stunt show the birthday Playhouse done [Music] you ready the about our hair go [Music] thousand dollars in the board [Music] now that's funny [Music] do for that bonus big-time [Music] do it there's your money back on that one [Music] come on 591 is a major now two more for you and last BAM [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] 3200 on the board all right we have three more spins of trying to find some more dragon lengths are you ready by the way it better than the birthday boy all right just give us one come on keep us alive give us live all right all right that means we get three more spins I'm gonna smoke girls fill it up let's go and fill this thing up go [Applause] [Music] yeah yeah take that fifty you know we will because we got three more spans [Applause] another 750 and three more spam I am sweating I don't know why stops sweating it it's good two more spin still all right one more spin let's see how [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you thought we were down and out we'll think again you guys we are back and bigger than a bar let's keep it going we'll be right back alright just got our ticket I'm gonna add our $5,200 in to the machine we were down over 6,500 and now down at just 1,300 bucks you guys that is incredible absolutely some may even say whoa Nellie that's amazing instead I'm gonna say yo Nellie cuz now is up next are you doing now where you from Nellie Ontario California alright here we go you guys alright 10 spins for yet whenever you're ready hit that play button right now Oh Nelly come on make me make me yell it $20 hat [Music] $50.00 live hit I think yeah oh no it's more than 50 what am I missing there hundred dollars I'm missing a light head in there somewhere nice one come on that was that one one more all right one more spin for their tenth one whoa Nelly [Music] alright where's the other half there now alright Rueben hey good ribbon how are you alright you ready to finish off those 10 more spins alright [Music] [Laughter] all right now there's money not it up come on golden sentry you line yourselves up nicely for us please it's get a full screen a wild shall we can you imagine that riff and a $30 [Music] yeah that's why we are counting don't you worry this is your last bit now here we go here we go it up Thank You Ruben Patrick's up come on down mr. Patrick are you ready for this one wait where you from there Patrick North Carolina alright show us how it's done [Music] they're in there little 20 bucks worth three more keep going on our line yeah we like that one that one pays we know that much [Music] 602 dollar major now whoa all right $50 back keep going $20 all right we'll take that another hundred bucks we are so drew for that bonus now come on I have not had the free games bonus yet all right now there are $50 you're getting a lot of money back so that's good yeah do it [Music] yeah yeah one more spin you got it all right Thank You Patrick that would have been another 2,500 right there Raoul's up Raul then we have Roberts isn't Risa you're gonna split all right you have 10 spins then way from from Vegas all right row go ahead and hit that play button come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] one of these times we're gonna get that row come on Oh $2,500 miners still teasing us oh wow a lot of red light hits in there last one for you all right couple dollars back there fine and what's your name Gabby Abby sorry all right Abby ten more spits keep it going [Applause] [Applause] [Music] come on dragon Lynx oh all right Abby let's line it up with your last spin here we go that was nice Roberts up come on over Robert for more spinners 80 more spins plenty of time I think to get a bonus how we doing good where you from Robert all right we need some Rudy luck Robert you can do it my friend [Music] come on $615 major now keep going on $10,000 the link on the I don't think anyone saw that yeah $50 bag let's line that puppy up that would definitely get us back up on top gotta get back in positive territory sale waived on that flag I literally jumped out of myself for that one yeah play that one back you're gonna see me like vomit myself out dude it's there it's playing with us catch your breath I can't even look anymore Oh wanna how you keeping so calm over there it's kind of scary [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] fill er up let's go [Music] three minis rooty-tooty all right Robert last bin for you let's find that $10,000 coin please all right I spin it Robert Wow but we know there's some $10,000 dragon links in there somewhere let's find them Susan Oh Nellie damn always a pleasure to see you where you're from again - then Schism Marian Texas are you ready for this all right we are - all right let's do it to it let's go for it $20 [Music] [Music] whoo you get that time you can take your time oh yeah you find it slap it there you go it works yeah you got a nice one there [Music] huh turn its money good job yes please [Music] [Music] [Music] one more yep I'm right there with ya I just I just pop something in my neck - oh please don't do that we're not sure you got this Susan red flags [Music] [Applause] forty dollars seventy bucks another 60 all right last spin for you Susan all right you get your money back and more in the last minute Thank You Susan Teresa two more spinners Teresa and myself everyone else is gone corrects all right it's Teresa right okay all right 10 spins for Teresa 40 more chances for another bonus you ready Tsaritsa all right hit that play button off you go there you go gormogon $250 line hit nice star star [Music] I want to I want to see you dance when you get like 10 cents that'll be fine I'll pull you down from the rafters there we go twenty dollars all right now big minor I think there's only two flags in this game I don't know the third one was taken at at some point $30 line hat one more for your 10th all right bring on over the other one I'm Mary how are you I'm great you ready for this ready all right 10 spins money back there come on for it all right last been free Mary all right thank you Mary all right everybody I am the last spinner to go we that means we have 20 more spins let's do it no pressure all right max bet $50 it's easy to with you know right I'm gonna find that third flag for you guys come on well mines were 50 bucks [Music] come on I found the third one guys right there I thought I was gonna find that third flag it was there the whole time come on there's the first in a second get them all together come on $60 $1 I live the pressure is immense my goodness how many more spins we have Brett four more spins come on let's turn it around here last two spins [Music] alright last spin I'm dragging linker ball and we're cashing out their 3,500 all right guys that's what you get when it's been four hundred times at $50 a spin that was a lot of fun we all put in $1,000 unfortunately we're not going home with all that today we're taking home is 600 and a 7-day five dollars with us today a little more a little more than two thirds the money came anyway I don't know about you guys but I just might classify that one as a wavy group no one's doing it with me this time no one's feeling that one alright you guys don't want to join me for a BC sports.com it's time to give out all your scratch cards and see what the big winners are all rights time to scratch our tickets everyone one of us $100 gift card everyone else has prizes from the BCS thoughts comstor start scratching [Laughter] [Applause] [Applause] double triple diamond deluxe with cheese I love this game I grew up with this game plays all time with the kids I used to play the 25 cent denomination and this is not that this is a ten dollar denomination games let's see how we do with this one all knitting here we go the way all right I just put 300 dollars in there so when they have 30 credits and is there
Channel: undefined
Views: 1,279,329
Rating: 4.5269074 out of 5
Keywords: Brian Christopher slots, slot machine win, big win, huge win, gambling, how to win on slots, how to play slot machines, gambler, casino, pokies, brain Christopher, bcslots, gambles, rudies, brian christopher, slot machine, bonus, free slots, free slot games, slots of vegas, slots lv, bryan christopher, how to beat slots, group slots, group pull, las vegas, vegas slots, cosmopolitan slot wins, jackpot handpay, high limit slot jackpots, high limit slot wins, dragon link slot
Id: Tr7YMDwz0_I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 2sec (3182 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 01 2020
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