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Okay so I just got to work and there's... What the? Hey Darryl! Just grab a camera meet me in my office. This video is sponsored by Lord's Mobile and since   we're opening a giant safe we're  gonna be giving away $30,000 cash! I really hope that's what's inside. Anyway stick around to the end of  the video for your chance to win! Alright what's up? Come take a look at this. I'm checking the security camera footage   and this random truck dropped that  safe off last night like 3 a.m. There we go. Is it locked? I thinks so. What do you uh... What do you want to do with it? We got to open it right? Alright setup some cameras. Owen you come with me. Chris! Alright we just got a safe! You got 12 hours of break into it alright? You can use anything you can find in  the shop except for the lightsaber. Alright? Alright. Chris! Other Chris! Yes? We got a safe. We're going to break into it! You can use anything you can find in the  shop, except for the lightsaber that's mine. Okay! Josh! Josh! Yeah? There's a safe. Someone dropped off a safe. I don't know who, it's locked. We're gonna try and break into it, so the  team has 12 hours to break into it using   any tool in the shop except  for lightsabers that's mine. Alright? Alright. Get started! Yeah uh it's locked we got to break into it. I think we should let the team have  12 hours to try and break into it. If they can't break into it I'm using lightsaber. If they break into it what then?  Do they get to keep what's inside? Yeah! That's what you want to right? Owen! Owen! Owen we just got a! Uh this is probably the  lowest I've ever seen Chris. Yeah. That's your second bad idea Ben. Now obviously my lightsaber is the most  powerful weapon we've ever constructed,   but will it always be the most powerful? I'm not sure, but what I do know is I can own the   most powerful weapons and troops in  the virtual world of Lords Mobile. I can't wait to share this  epic mobile game with you   and their massive giveaway  of $30,000 cold hard cash. Did I just become Mr. Beast now  that we have 10 million subscribers? Lords Mobile is a great game to kill time. There's a huge virtual world war going on in   the game and everyone's fighting  for their chance at the throne. With a simple tap you can choose your army,  different hero formations, create a badass city,   or you know make the best alliances so  you can annihilate millions of enemies. Plus you can be crafty and mischievous  by taking advantage of the other players. You can capture, sequester or even  charge ransoms to other players! The best part is there's so many  different game styles in one. From strategy, to RPG, city building, to MMO! Lords Mobile has it all! For the $30,000 cash giveaway there's two ways- There's two ways you can win! Click the link in the description below,   download the game and check the might  rank section at the bottom of the page. You increase your might by building  your kingdom and leveling up. When the events over, the top 10 might  players will win $1,000 cash each! Plus there's another 20 winners who will  also be randomly selected to win $1,000 each! Plus everyone who downloads the game will get  a $350 gift pack in the game automatically. All details can be found in the link below. Good luck! Alright guys I gave you 12  hours to break into the safe! It looks like you damaged it a little bit  but I think it's my turn with a lightsaber! I think that means I get  to keep whatever's inside. So you might want to stand back! Oh! Thank you! Safety first! Holy crap! If it's smoking that much that means  whatever's inside is probably on fire. Alright so we've literally, look! We are inside the safe. Guys! Oh my god! It's almost open I just gotta cut  these down with lightsaber and then   we should be able to have it fully open. Let's do it! It's the play button! Oh wow that's heavy! Youtube must have sent us a safe! Wait! There's no way Youtube sent us an entire safe! I think it's suspicious that the play button just   happened to be inside of that  safe that only James can open. Yeah I thought that was strange too. James do you have anything to say? It wasn't me guys, I promise! Let's just vote James off.  He's obviously the imposter. Yeah I'm voting James. Me too. Me three. Same. Guys please! It wasn't me! That's what a liar would say! I'm voting for James. It was me all along. Package just arrived from  YouTube and it's our diamond   play button for hitting 10 million subscribers. James has been waiting for  this moment for a decade so   you know I'm gonna have to mess with him. I found this safe on  marketplace let's have some fun. It's 3am so no one's here. I'm in a borrowed truck and  I've got a safe in the back. Now I get to do something  I've always wanted to do. Here it goes! Oh man alright in all seriousness. Thanks so much guys! I can't believe we've hit 10 million subscribers. That is absolutely crazy. Thank you so much for supporting the channel,   for subscribing after all these  years of making this content. We've got so much more on its way! We've already expanded the facilities so much,   we're hiring more people and we're going  to be working on even bigger projects. Plus we're going to be having an awesome  10 million subscriber celebration video. Very soon and I think, I think we might try  cutting this in half with the lightsaber   and as always YouTube members and patron  supporters will get to see that video first!
Channel: Hacksmith Industries
Views: 7,731,540
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: thehacksmith, hacksmith, whats inside, what's inside, safe, 100 year old safe, lightsaber vs safe, lightsaber, real life lightsaber, plasma lightsaber, retractable lightsaber, real lightsaber, justdustin, unbreakable box, unbreakable safe, breaking into a safe, superheated lightsaber, real cutting lightsaber, lightsaber in real life, extendable lightsaber, 100 layers, first to break into, mr beast, unbreakable, real life protosaber, real working lightsaber, 100 layers challenge
Id: 7py7NMMhE_M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 27sec (627 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 22 2020
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