4 Ways To Change Your Life in 2023 | Jim Kwik

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[Music] welcome back to the quick brain podcast I am your host and your brain coach Jim quick and in this episode I want to answer the question what are four decisions you can make daily to change your brain your body and even your bank account and these are four choices in my book Limitless there's a quote from a French philosopher and he says life is the sea between B and D life is C between the letters b and d what does that mean b stands for birth d stands for death life C choice I believe every single morning you have a chance and you have a choice right to make things better to be able to grow to be able to move yourself in the direction that you desire and that you really deserve and so what are those four choices that you could make because when you could change your brain you could change your body you could change your bank account but it requires agency the things that you might not think all the time you have influence of that you have control over so I'm going to talk about these four things and when we're doing this I want to turn this into a little bit of a workshop I want you when you're done with this episode to make a decision like a real choice because we are the sum total of all the choices we've made up to this point good bad or indifferent what are we going to eat today you know how are we going to spend our time who are you going to spend our time with what are we feeding our minds you know are these things that are good for our brain or are they things that are detrimental to our brain and so the four areas and I encourage you if you can to be able to actually set aside everything you're doing set aside distractions and really focus it'll be a short quick episode but you will get incredible returns all right and so the four choices you can make are do something more of do something less of start doing something or stop doing things I mean these are really the only four things you could decide every single day you're either going to do more of something you're going to do less of something you're going to start something new or you're going to stop doing something and there is a hidden fifth Choice as well which I'll disclose at the end all right so are you ready okay so the first thing is do more of something there's a quote from Lucille Ball that says the more you do the more you can do and so in this category and we're workshopping this we're making this very active you're not just listen passively you're going to actually construct and you're going to make some real choices what do you want to do more of what are you currently doing what you want to do more of maybe it happens if we're talking about your brain maybe it's eating more of those brain foods right those avocados the blueberries the wild salmon right maybe it's hey I'm already meditating and I want to do more meditating I want to spend instead of 10 minutes I want to spend 15 minutes or maybe I want to do it one more time a day I want to do it twice a day you're doing more of it right you're increasing the duration or you're increasing the frequency see of something maybe it is a journaling maybe it is writing you're thinking about your goal in order to create something new you want to be able to do more of it and I generally what I'm thinking about is the 80 20 rule we've talked about in the past we talk about it in our book Limitless the prayers principle what is the 20 of the things that's giving you eighty percent of the returns 80 of the benefits maybe it's exercising right as your body moves your brain grows so you're going to make a decision right now maybe I want to do it more often maybe instead of three times a week I went up it to four times a week and this is also talking about the power of just one more as that episode we did with Ed mylette the power of doing a little bit more that if you increase something just one percent you get better one percent a day just one percent compounded exponentially over 365 days is about a 37 increase a multiplier of 37 that means 1.01 which is an increase of just one percent compounded over 365 days that equals a 37 multiplier wow what can you apply that to you want to apply that to your income to your influence to your intelligence right so that's the power of adding just a little bit more so what I want you to do as we're workshopping this think about it what's one thing more you want to be able to do you're doing it already but you want to add a little bit more to it either in frequency or in duration all right now the other powerful thing you could do is doing less of something maybe you're doing something right now that's not yielding you the result in your life in your relationship in your brain health right in your business and you want to just cut back a little bit hack away at the unessential so what are you doing right now that you want to do less of maybe it is binge watching your favorite streaming show maybe you want to cut back a little bit and spend 30 minutes less one less episode a day maybe it happens to be staying in in bed a little bit it you know maybe you're spending too much time in bed and you want to be able to get out of bed more quickly and you spend less time doing that maybe you want to spend less time procrastinating what is the habit or the routine the behavior you're currently doing but you'll get benefit by just hacking away and reducing it you don't have to eliminate it but you're reducing it so maybe you want to reduce maybe eating some sugar here or there and it's not the best brain food certainly it has detrimental effects maybe you want to reduce your sugar intake maybe it's uh you're quick to anger and you want to spend less time getting angry what are you already doing that's not empowering you to the next level of life or your next level of learning and you want to do less of all right so take a moment and write that down so first it's what you want to do more of you're currently doing it and you want to do more of it and the second what do you want to do less of just reducing a little bit frees up time and energy and attention towards something greater in your life now the third choice you can to make to be able to change your brain your body your business or anything in your life because it's the choices that really Define us it's the decisions we're making is what do you want to start doing what does that mean how is that different than doing more of you're not currently doing it but you want to start it all right there's a quote from Martin Luther King Jr saying you don't have to see the entire staircase just take that first step right we talk about in our podcast and Limitless and our courses those small simple steps right S3 small simple steps what do you want to start that is brand new and remember you don't have to go if you from not working out to to starting doing an hour workout every single day what's a small simple step that you want to start maybe it's just a 15-minute walk maybe you've heard me talk about having a dream journal and the power of remembering your dreams maybe you want to start doing that and your small simple step is going online and buying a journal and keeping it by your nightstand yeah maybe it's next time you're at the grocery store you buy those those blueberries right you make that brain power smoothie you're taking a small simple step what's good for your brain all right maybe it's a small simple step like you want to try meditating you've heard us do so many episodes on mindfulness on meditation maybe that's something you want to start brand new and so many people wait right you could identify with this something you've always wanted to do but we know knowledge by itself is not power it's a lie a lie is a limited idea entertain it's not power it only goes power but we what when we utilize it when we apply it so knowing is not enough right they say knowing is half the battle if knowing is half the battle then doing action is the other half of the battle all right so what would you like to add in your repertoire what do you want to add as a routine or a habit in your life first you create those habits and those what habits create you back and like again small micro steps what is a tiny little step you could take a small simple step to move you in the right direction because one step like if you're walking you take one step in another Direction it can completely change your destination right some people will call it their Destiny so the third question I'm asking you is what do you want to start think about that what's good for your brain that you should be doing but you haven't caught yourself to do it you've been talking about it but we know it's better well done than well said right you don't want to just say it to people around you you want you want to show it you don't want to promise your people around you and by inspiring and you're going to actually prove it all right so that's the starting part and then finally the fourth decision you can make each day to better your brain your body your bank account is to stop doing something so not just doing it less you're going to commit to stop doing that thing so what are you doing here's a question that's hurting you that's harming you that's uh that's taking you away from your goals that things that really light you up right and the things that sometimes if you're honest with yourself you complain or you make excuses because the truth is you can't be upset by the results you didn't get from the work you didn't do so what do you want to stop doing and think of all the benefits you will gain from stopping something there's a great book from Jim Collins good to grade says say no to good so you could say yes to what to grade right that good is the enemy of grade so what do you want to stop doing that might even be good but I'll leave you more room some time and attention some space in your life to be great at something else especially great for your brain so maybe you want to stop smoking maybe you want to stop watching something that's not nourishing you or inspiring you maybe you want to to stop fill in the blank because were all different right and we all have different struggles but the reason I bring this up it gives you a filtering system throughout the day you could ask yourself what's the best use of this moment right do I want to do more of something because it's nourishing do I want to do less of something do I want to start something brand new to get a new result right because insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting what a different result or do I want to stop doing something and just empty that space sometimes it's easier to stop doing something than sometimes it is to reduce something right when I decide to go on uh intermittent fast right we've talked about the power how it could free up some energy and your digestion system but it's so much easier because then I just not going to go to that fridge I'm not going to eat that thing and it makes it easier in my mind so you don't suffer from decision fatigue you don't feel like a brain drain at the end of the day because it's easier sometimes just to stop something and when you're going through this again these four things things you're thinking what can I do more of that's empowering for my brain and there are other areas of my life what do I want to do less of because I can't have the ability right now maybe in the time to be able to just completely stop but I want to reduce it and start getting some results I want to start doing something brand new to get a brand new result or I want to stop doing something that might be harmful or hurting me or taking up time and energy and resources from the things that really matter right the most important thing is to keep the most important things the most important things now there is a fifth option that we haven't talked about and I'll add this and I know I promised only four but that is to continue doing something we talked about insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result but you know the truth is and as your coach I have to call people sometimes on on their stuff and the truth is sometimes we need to hear that if we don't change it then what we're really doing is we're choosing it and can you relate to that if we're not changing the Dynamics of this relationship we're not changing you know these certain things that we're doing for health and we're actually choosing it so it is a choice so even not choosing something is a choice not making the decision is a decision to stay the course and sometimes you just want to continue doing something because it's working for you and so that's wonderful if you're getting great optimal sleep maybe you don't want to change anything you don't want to start something or stop something or do more of or reduce because you're in that zone but maybe you want to continue maybe there's certain areas of your life that is like oh this is good I'm happy with the results I'm getting and that's absolutely okay so a quick review and this is your homework assignment five choices you could make every single day four plus one what do you want to do more of please write that down what do you want to do less of please write that down what do you want to start just one little thing you want to start maybe you could do it for a day or maybe a week or maybe a month and start developing the habit and the rituals or what's something that you just want to completely just stop it's been on your list it's not who you are it's not it's not your your deep core it's not meeting your needs your goals your desires your purpose and finally honor the things that you want to continue because maybe it's just really working for you so that's it quick brains four maybe five choices you make every single day to have a better brain a better body A Better Business a better brand a better book a better bank account whatever it doesn't even have to start with the letter B I tend to alliterate a whole lot but if you want to make it simple you can even make a list right because you already have your to-do list so you could have your this is my tomorrow list right this is to do less list this is to my to-do list which is starting maybe it's also a not to-do list as we've talked about in the past these are things I want to stop or these are things I want to continue because they're nourishing me and then they're flourishing and so that's really the key so what I want you to do because I want to hold you accountable is I want you maybe to take a screenshot of this or take a screenshot if you're watching this episode or whatever platform you're listening to it or maybe your notes and just answer those four or five questions and post it and tag us so we get to see it and I'll repost some of our favorites as always we'll gift out a couple copies of my book Limitless you see me reposting the gifted copies we send out to you in our in our quick brain Army if you will people who want a better brighter brains right no brain left behind and when you share it it's a wonderful way of showing people your commitments so you could be held accountable to it and little by little a little becomes a whole lot I'm your brain coach Jim quick if you enjoyed this episode make sure you please share it leave a review that's how we keep this sponsor free please help us on this journey to build better brighter brains no brain Left Behind again I'm your brain coach Jim quick and I'll see you in the next episode [Music]
Channel: Jim Kwik
Views: 509,908
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Keywords: jim kwik, change your life, 2023 goals, how to change yourself, jim kwik podcast, kwik brain, kwik brain podcast
Id: w5yspRqB2w8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 49sec (889 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 26 2022
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