Minecraft Inventory Swapper...

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minecraft inventory swapper in this video i set it up so that every one minute your inventory is swapped with someone random in the game absolutely everything you have on you will be transferred to someone else and their stuff will be transferred to you it's just ridiculous it doesn't matter if you're in the middle of a fight with someone or if you're just casually mining some stone it swaps every single minute the question is whether i can beat everyone in the game whilst using a random person's stuff every minute can i do it stay tuned to find out and if you're in the large percentage of people that aren't subscribed to the channel then come on just click that subscribe button you know you want to it really does help me out and i promise you won't regret it let's also go for 20 000 likes for some uhc lot speaking of uhc i want to say that uhc arcade has been released be sure to join the discord follow the socials all the links in the description i play on it all the time enjoy the video and we're off right next to a cow yes wait i've just realized this doesn't matter if i oh no i've just got this and it doesn't matter this is good this is all going to disappear do i just wait i think i've just got to break stuff and i've got to break it for people not to have it i don't even oh okay yeah that's all right i don't really know what to think and iron mentor is about to swap already wait oh no check it out check it out okay wait is it a swap no no no no get out get out get out swap inventories i just got someone's stuff yes okay and they didn't get mine all right so if you chuck out the stuff beforehand oh that was so scary of me okay nice i'm a terrible person i love it let's just yep okay grab ourselves loads of wood oh yeah now we don't have to worry at all this is gonna be so good this is exactly what we need now i've also got to be careful about it because if my inventory is full it's going to be close to impossible to clear it out properly yeah that's the only way this is going to work and yeah okay quickly check out stuff that i need oh no get all out yeah okay go on someone give me some good stuff please diamonds oh okay someone did the exact same thing so okay all right otherwise it'll be good way too good to be true right any apples right so in that case let's grab a cow leather will be good for us no no no no ah i was checking text no that's annoying i just lost a load of stuff oh no i check my phone at the worst possible time that's not what you want in your sandwiches okay it's fine i didn't miss out on too much at least we got the leather and the cane still now if i show you guys we did disable chests so you just can't use them at all so no one can store their stuff in chess which is i mean it's good but people can still drop stuff so i don't really know and i definitely don't like the fact you just have to keep dumping your stuff out every minute oh for goodness sake oh someone we got someone's stuff nice okay then down we go and someone's given up all right that's poor fella just couldn't hack it i gotta get oh it's bastard i gotta keep an eye out for swap but there it is quickly dump everything out no no don't miss anything come on yes okay it's all gone oh okay good uh there's lapis there perfect let's find some diamonds now as well please if we can enchant that'll be good now it only swaps your inventory it doesn't swap your armor so if we get good armor and accidentally forget to chuck out our stuff then it'll be all right because at least we still have the armor [ __ ] it pickaxe and dump it all out oh my okay this is getting actually quite hard to dump it all out quickly enough all right and people are doing the exact same thing everyone's just chucking their stuff out otherwise you'd be getting some good stuff i just have to bunch it all together so it's somewhat near hey guys what's going on my name is welcome back strip mining with wisp episode 1600 million 945 621 they were going to be strip mining i didn't even know where that originated i just do no no quick quick quick come on all out okay good one second to spare and we didn't get any free diamonds that sucks it seems like all the random people were getting traded inventories with they know what they're doing and they're dumping out their stuff just like i am two people just died how three people just why are people dying oh inventory please go with the important stuff good and we didn't get anything of course see this is the thing whenever you're playing weird minecraft scenarios you have to think of the loopholes otherwise you never get anywhere the smartest players win and i'm not one of them but i copy the smartest players and hope that it works ooh okay big old cave and bad timing okay don't bother good stuff come on no no what do you mean oh oh okay that was close oh we got someone's stuff all right good i'm loving this oh if this is happening mid fights and stuff this is what is that are you two witches ganging up on me no thanks i'm like yeah yeah okay there's a guy behind me and big gold hello no no no no don't like you all right easy oh yeah that's something behind me final heels in 30 seconds when's the switch happening hey keep my eyes peeled okay i'm glad we put a notifier in chat otherwise i wouldn't stand a chance no one would there we are look at that all my good stuff just chilling on the floor and that's final heal okay hi buddy i want your string please or you can just fall into the lava okay okay oh we got two string we can make a fishing rod good oh spawner hello oh spider spawner as well that's great what's in here oh we can't use chests oh that sucks well if i break it uh nothing of course yeah you just can't use it that route look inventory check out all the good stuff okay good we did it just in time that almost yeah almost messed that one up big time wait where are my sticks no oh they're here okay good i thought i didn't get i'm just dumping out all the stuff i don't need so i don't have to go through it all later right i'm gonna make armor and make sure that it doesn't get taken off me that'll really suck if it does and another swap go on give me diamonds okay nothing yep everyone knows what they're doing this is not yeah this is not ideal i really was hoping that people were just gonna be bad that's all i ever hoped for in my uhcs that everyone's terrible and i'll win really easily oh hello oh what am i what okay one diamond are you serious what am i gonna do with one diamond there's gold there though at least there's something someone felt the need to tell us that they got a bucket that's uh okay thanks for telling us bud yes we can make a diamond sword at this rate inventory time oh basically we do keep the inventory don't we the armor even do we yes we do okay good and oh okay yeah fine we're gonna make a diamond pickaxe and hope that we can get two more diamonds because enchants will be big i'll be bobby obby bobby no that's oh i'm gonna lose something here make sure i get rid of all the good stuff i actually need yeah oh we got all of it just in time yeah okay i hate this this seems like a lot more fun in my head at least we're gonna have healing that's something yeah we're gonna have one golden apple so far yep diamonds there we are oh bnate vane yes you are gorgeous no it's a seven vein still good enough bad inventory time no we just got a load of someone's free stuff oh that poor fella oh buddy i am so sorry you just got finessed okay we just got a free diamond and some free gold i think let's go for a diamond sword sharpness one sharpness book however sharpness book sharpness book okay we're gonna have sharp three that is amazing and now we really need to know what to throw out otherwise we are going to be doomed oh shoot okay right now is how we need to know almost messed that up big time oh oh we got more stuff okay sharpness two the shardness two book and we need five levels for sharp three hey dump out everything we don't need right now and we'll make boots section one oh okay yeah bad timing don't accidentally pick any of it up dump it all out quick okay we're good we're getting free no we didn't get free stuff that time dang it was getting used to it don't explode thank you five levels now easy peasy and then i guess we just go up three minutes until pvp and i'll have sharp3 diamond and you know what i'm just not willing to lose it so i gotta keep the inventory nice and simple yep sharpness three dump it all out yes all right i'm just gonna make a fishing rod i don't need a bow it's just one extra thing to chuck out and i can't be bothered i lost everything oh that's quite funny i mean oh no i feel bad for you yeah see now i can chuck this all out really really easily that was no stress perfect aquafinity and protection up the surface we go oh it's inventory time no no no this is bad ah no no no no no oh shoot that really sucks that was not well timed at all i just lost five hearts i had to dump it all out it was better losing five hearts than my whole inventory it's fine it's pvp we can make one golden apple it'll do no no no no don't don't don't get rid of anything please nothing good okay yep there we are that'll do all right nice oh we got someone's crafting tables of course we did i'm actually just gonna dump out the enchantment table i don't care anymore and the sticks don't need it i definitely should have got iron though i all right i messed that up because now getting apples is going to be a pain and we lost the lava bucket of course we did i just need one apple i'll just play her no no no no no no no bad timing who is it oh no okay inventories nine seconds and they're still chasing dude we have to drop our sword yes he lost it yes no way i lost my gold but i don't care i don't care come here this is what you get i just lost everything because of you you fool no i lost everything oh wow really okay we need some blocks right well i've got to go mining again now because i need healing more than anything that that actually sucks everything i just worked for is gone that's ridiculous the only thing i have is my armor which is good but healing's pretty important dumping it all out i hate this god my good stuff's just sitting in a pile no i picked it up too soon are you serious we just lost it all right okay yeah i mm-hmm right oh wow okay yeah that really okay that one hurt that that one really hurt i'm not gonna lie okay yep i lost the head as well that's all gone everything is gone oh i only just finished sorting out my inventory okay someone please give me gold please this time please re-leather all right of course of course why would i get anything good okay at least we've got apples it's time to go get some healing i can't believe there's no quicker way to do this zero zero is this way aha i don't know whether i just go and try my luck do i do it ah this time dump it all out again please anyone want to give me gold oh i'll take a fishing rod yes please thanks that's happy yeah not too shabby i'm just gonna go for it i'm gonna pick some people off someone's got my sharpness 3 diamond which is just terrifying and there's a player here hello hey oh what open my inventory come here it's time to go please no don't you run from me i'm on three and a half hearts don't you okay we got him no gold what oh really we can't eat the heads or anything i should place one down okay yep chuck out the good stuff yeah okay there we are that'll do uh oh we got diamond pickaxe okay nice oh wow all right yep absolutely nothing good has come from this is such a bad idea one more diamond and we will have full diamond no healing because everyone dies there's a guy here hello i'm so sorry to scare you come here please no no please tell me you're gold no i just want a little bit of gold i really just wanted a little bit we're popping off with the kills but it's not what i want right let's just get everything in our hot bar that we need to drop and we just go like this dump it all out okay that should be fine if it's not and good yep okay fine even if i lost something that i should care about i don't care i'm on three and a half hearts i've gotta dig down yeah now i've gotta be so careful now i'm on three kills that's enough action for a bit any gold any cave nope but it is inventory swap time of course it is oh i almost picked it up too soon that could have been bad oh we got a new fishing rod i'll take it and there's a cave right here come on goldilocks i can make so many golden heads there's a diamond oh come here we're full diamond yes oh my so many extra diamonds okay at least the one thing no one can take away from me is the best thing i can possibly have full diamond and once again it's all just lying on the floor oh we got a free apple i'll take it goldies don't just okay it's not just a two vein good there's one more thing i have to care about so let's stick this in the hot bar as well two more gold and we can make a g head which will heal four hearts no yep that's all going out come on don't lose anything good i think we're fine please don't give me free healing and absolutely nothing of course why would i get anything that's i'll be way too blessed i picked up my items too early yes as long as it's not just me that's fine i can't believe i lost a sharpness three diamond sword to that all because of ill timing oh man there's only 28 players left oh okay yep inventory swaps coming okay i'll give someone just a full inventory of all this rubbish someone did the exact same i'm done with sorting my inventory out now because it's just a case of picking it all up and mining as quickly as possible quick oh that's fine that we got plenty of time yes because just got a hot bar now i love my life okay i just ate that's so much gold oh someone just got so badly finessed oh my goodness that is the best thing that could have possibly happened to me just there i genuinely think i could not have had a better switch and i just saw a name tag hello it's a helper i'm gonna gap you won't do it you want tussle we're doing it come here big boy come here oh they missed diamonds i'm taking it i've got hit come on no you're not wasting my time no get get all the healing get it all out okay quick ah okay we're fine holy smokes that was close i didn't pick it up too early we're fine it's all back oh i got someone's healing again we are oh honestly i just got fed that was beautiful but they go do i have a look oh they're here i just saw him they're digging up i'm not getting i'll be trapped right now no way oh yeah they're trying they're trying to trap me no way not doing it get it all out again everything we could possibly need good any free stuff nope nothing okay right if i keep my inventory like this and chuck it all out periodically i think i can do it right it's time to go up we've got plenty of healing i just need places to chuck my stuff out good do an order again and come on give me more healing please someone who's in a fight right now go on uh okay well we can get absolutely nothing that's fine i really hope someone accidentally burnt my diamond sword because if someone's running around with a sharpness three right now i'm not happy that's genuinely terrifying oh and this guy's above me he's still there oh shoot hey you wanna do it you're on tussle oh no there's another one over there i'm right by border okay we're going up no inventory swap time please please please get it all out oh oh that was really close okay i almost messed that up and too cold really was i bad santa oh this guy right below me since when oh it's a glitch player okay that's annoying and of course it's all out again okay this is getting boring unless yeah no it's definitely getting boring i was about to say unless something good comes but it didn't i'm always going to check out these diamonds because i don't need them and i don't want anyone else having them because i'm selfish but it's fight time that name tag maybe yeah it was i just saw our name tag right here oh here we are here we are one yes good all right didn't pick up anything too early happy days i'm gonna make sure i'm in the border because if i'm outside of it drop all my stuff and then get teleported to inside it then all my stuff is going to be gone i'll try this guy they're on 13 yes this is a kill no it's not i changed my mind i changed my mind you can get back i change my mind i don't want to fight you you can leave me be i have an enchanted sword and fully enchanted armor they've probably got my sword and inventory swap shoot don't don't don't don't okay oh good they did it as well got it all back can i go in do i do it no they've got good stuff yeah that's not oh this guy really this guy knows what they're doing are we doing this yeah no we're not i'm running cool you gotta hit see ya stay within the border stay within the border don't you oh i love you that guy just dropped me an ender pole i'm running we've got 20 seconds get back i'm chew even let's guys see him with his fists no inventory stop time dump it all out don't you even think about it larry got my stuff i hate you why no i'm literally punching this dude he just stole all my stuff are you serious what i'm gone i'm done no way this guy's killing me with a pickaxe even though he's got my sword i i'm so sad i am so sad all right i just gotta run guy got all my healing at least he took some oh what what did you get hit by i'm running or at least i have to chuck my stuff out i just have to hope that i pick up someone else's stuff yep no no no no goodbye i can't believe he stole my stuff no no no no no please no i really needed some stuff that's what what about this one what do you have for me blank you're on 12 i smack you with my fist ready to get no no no i have nothing i can't do anything i'm a useless pile of nothing right now oh unless okay i can make a stone sword i can make an iron sword that's not bad okay i'm going for the guy that took my stuff oh that's not you it wasn't you either oh no good news is we only have to drop three things now those three are four things even oh yes i think i got my stuff back i actually think i got it all back i'm gonna eat the g head now not risking it no way not risking oh projectile protection boots dang it i thought it was better okay happy days i knew something was around the corner hello right you and me let's do it let's fight this guy's on 14. there's so much more stack than me though do i just go for it it's the guy that gave me the pearl but i lost it i'm so sorry dude i let you down oh okay yeah we both know what we're doing that sucks okay yeah that out loud out that out uh that no no no no no ah oh some free heads i'll take it what's this guy you're on ten you know i'm behind you please tell me you don't oh yeah you do okay let's do it come here no right oh you've got stone sword yes that's what i was gonna have to do let's do it right now right here come here no no no no no no come here you are so low yes they gave up yes that's free armor oh mike it's so much good armor yes okay good oh my goodness prop two all right well that's never leaving my body i love it no no no no no no don't chase me okay good good get it all out get it all out all the armor no i didn't get all the armor out dang it yeah you know what i'm gonna do i'm just gonna chuck the armor in here so that no one else has it and i lost my sword look you get back thank you no thanks thank you but no thanks i've got a pickaxe that's it i've got a pickaxe mama i don't want to die whoa you're laggy oh no this is not the end of me here no way oh my ross what the heck this guy's so laggy what what is happening oh i'm gonna die no i died to a laggy dude and he's gone he's gone oh there were six players left oh my goodness he's chucking out his stuff i pick it up no i can't oh he lost it all he got teleported out oh no this poor fella oh he just picked up a load of stuff off the floor for free this guy's just chilling and it's another swap anyone losing anything guys on five oh my goodness this is so intense no one has any healing it's nine zero and four this guy is literally on half a heart oh he's going for him this is it he's gone oh my goodness it's a 1v1 eight and 5. this guy's got the enchanted sword who's gonna oh he's done it he's done it do not do this at home [Music] you
Channel: Wisp
Views: 1,752,711
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mine craft, minecraft but, minecraft damage swap, minecraft death swap, minecraft inventory swap, minecraft uhc, minecraft uhc but, minecraft but challenge, wisp, wispexe, lucky, luck, hypixel, challenge, minecraft challenge, vs, skeppy, dream, death swap, damage swap, inventory, swap, swapper, minecraft inventory swapper
Id: 9Zf0i6M3JBg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 27sec (1107 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 28 2020
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