Knife Making - Faceted Kiridashi
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Channel: Koss
Views: 10,597,568
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Keywords: kiridashi, Knife Making - Faceted Kiridashi, Faceted Kiridashi, knife making, making knives, knife maker, Fullmetal Kiridashi, making a knife, Making, koss, homemade knife, how to make knife, knife, a knife, steel, How-to, DIY, make, handmade, homemade, forge, blade, Tutorial, Custom, Grinder, pocket, knifes, hardening, pocketknives, travel, camping, do it yourself, своими руками, fantasy knife, pocket knife, knives, carbon steel, workshop sounds, how to make a knife, bushcraft, fullmetal, Scalpel
Id: KZ7AOun7xrc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 38sec (878 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 29 2022
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