4 Styles of Boxing Stances and Guards

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it's very hard for him to break my guard i've let the shoulder take the other   punch i can get there and back faster on  this video i'm going to talk about the four   different stances and guards that we see in  boxing i'm also going to tell you the pros   and cons of each one and give you some tips  on how to beat someone with that boxing stance my name is tony jeffries olympic medalist  boxer former undefeated professional seven   times national champion european champion  and today i'm joined by my business partner   top box and fitness expert Kevan Watson so  the first stance is kind like the roy jones   jr prince nazim hammed this is a stance that  everyone thinks looks cool and it does look cool   and people try to do which is having their hands  down so i'll be in front of my opponent I'll have my wide stance my hands down head  moving and this is a good stance   for a lot of reasons but as well it's a  bad stance for a lot of reasons and the   reason why it's good is i'm in front of my  opponent here i'm moving if he throws a jab i can slip and come back with my counter punches  there and it makes him really think and makes   him really wary about throwing the punches if i'm  in front of him like this then he'll throw a jab and i'll come back and he'll slip out of the way  so the pros with this is your opponent doesn't   know what you're going to throw which makes  it very wary for him to throw a punch because   he's going to be expecting a counter punch coming  from a different sort of angle than he's used to   and as well another pro with having this style is  you're staying relaxed your upper body's relaxed   you're not using too much energy compared to  traditional boxing styles where you might be tight   now going on to the cons about this style is well  the first one is your hands is down you're wide   open and all you're doing for defense is relying  on your reaction so you've got to have very very   good reactions to have this boxing stance so if  you're in the ring with an opponent like this   how would you beat them well i want to give you a  couple of different ways the first thing you want   to be doing is you want to be feinting and you want  to be thrown the punch because if he's feinting all   the time to me now what that does that keeps me  thinking and now i'm getting aware of your throwing punches because i don't know what's going to come  back at me so yeah definitely keep feinting and   then the other way to beat someone like this is  throw multiple punches if you're throwing single   punches throwing single punches i can always come  back with the counters and that's what i would   want if i had that boxing stance it's my opponent  to throw single punches so i can counter him fast   now what he should do is throw multiple punches  moving forward now let's see if he throws multiple   punches at me and i've got my hands down now i'm  here now i'm on the ropes now i'm where he wants   me to be which is on the rope so that's what you  want to do you want to throw multiple punches try   and cutting the ring down getting this guy to get  onto the ropes keeping them hands tight always be   wary of the counter punches coming at you number  two is the peekaboo style and we see fighters   like a mike tyson with his hands up in this  peekaboo style position and my favorite fighter   to have this style was ronald winky wright and  i've done a full video on the tight guard the pros   and cons so click up here wherever it is and watch  that full video because i'll break it down for you   telling you exactly what you need to know about  that and this is called the peekaboo style because   when you've got your hands up every time you  pull your hands down you've got to see a peekaboo   that's that's a joke you don't do that so with  this stance you've got your hands up and you're   very tight you want to be covering your full body  here so if i'm in with a traditional boxer and   i've got this peekaboo style my hands up and  he throws the punches it's very hard for him   to break my guard get through and create space with  these punches here it's great for not getting hit   that is the biggest pro for this is obviously  the defense you've got your hands up you can't   really get hit when you're in that position  now the cons for me totally outweigh the pros   the cons are even right there when he's still  throwing the punches if you notice he's just   touching there but the punches are still hitting  my glove against my head so i can still feel it   and as well when he is here and he's throwing the  punches like my vision is very blocked it's hard   to really see and when he throws them hooks around  the side i can't see these punches coming because   i'm blocking here now the other thing is when  i want to throw punches my punches have got to   come all the way from here all the way out all the  way back they've got that extra distance to travel   compared to the traditional style if i'm here  it's got less distance to travel than here and   now the less distance it's got to travel the  faster it's going to get there so there are a   couple of the cons of the peekaboo style so how  to beat someone with this style i mean the the   big thing is try and keep the punches long you  don't want to smooth your punches he's trying to   get in close to me so if he's in close to me now i  mean he's ranged now he can throw the punches and   land them i want to try and keep the punches long  keep him out the distance like this and then from   there what i want to do is try and create space  so i'll hit him up to the head to try and land   our body shot hit him up with the body then try  and land the head shots after that so hitting high   going low hitting low going high and as well not  smothering your work not letting him dictate the   pace and put the pressure on and definitely you  want to keep off the ropes when you're fighting   someone like this number three is the philly  shell now this is getting very popular through   the likes of floyd mayweather also roy jones was a  master at the philly shell as well and what you're   doing here you're defending your body with your  lead hand here your back hands here defending the   hooks that's coming in and then your shoulder is  defending the straight punches here and because your   hands are here you've got great vision to see  everything else that's coming at ya so when i'm   boxing the philly shell here and he'll pull the  one two i'll defend it like this one two again   so i've parried and then i've let the shoulder  take the other punch okay even when he aims for   my head there i'm defending that by blocking with  the shoulder which can be very effective and then   if he throws the one two hook i'll defend  it with this one so he's done the one two   hook there i've defended with my back hand there  again one two hook yeah so it can be very useful   for defending punches like i said with the vision  open it's great because you've got great vision so   the pros with the philly shell is like i mentioned  the vision is great because you've got your hands   here you're not blocking your face also you're  putting yourself in a great position to counter   if he throws a right hand at me i've blocked there  look i'm in that great position to come back with   a right hand of my own yes so them are some of the  pros there now the cons is you've got this lead   hand down here you've got to have great reactions  to be able to to defend uh the punches coming out   and as well with this you're blasting someone  in the arm if you're getting blasted in the arm   all the time guess what your arm is going to be  tired in round two three four five so you know   you got to think about that as well when i when  i box people who did this style i used to always   throw that big right hand over the top so i fully  jabbed the body that's through the right hand over   the top he's blocked it with his shoulder i would  step in and throw another one and keep throwing   them punches over the top and they were kind  of stuck in this position there so if you are   fighting someone with a philly shell what you  need to do is work on feints and getting your   feet closer to land them punches they want to stay  out of range like this you want to get your feet   closer and then throw the punches and land at the  punches now moving on to number four this is the   boxing stance that i recommend this is the boxing  stance that i did that i recommend everyone does   especially when you're starting out boxing before  you figure out what stance you want to do and that   is the traditional boxing stance with your legs  just more than shoulder width apart hands up by   the face you've got your right hand tight to your  body here to defend these punches your lead hands   out a little bit now you look at someone like a  triple g who's a master at this style with great   footwork and great defense hands up high now this  here is solid defending the punches and if i'm in   front of an opponent my my lead hand is out just  a little bit which means i can get there and back   faster than if my hand was here all the way  out and all the way back and with this hand   out as well it's great to find the range triggered  moving up and down keep my opponent thinking with   the feints up and down then throwing the punches so  you can really find the range with this lead hand   keeping this one tight before a he comes forward  with multiple punches let's block it up then i can   come back with punches of my own so some of  the pros with the traditional boxing stance   is i think the first one is balance so you're  in a great balanced position when you throw them   punches you can throw long combinations and keep  in a great balanced position i've done a video   on keeping your balance when you're throwing a  long combination so check that video out as well   so the balance is great compared to another  stance where it might be here with your arm down   and your weight's kind of more on the back foot or  to the first one that we did with the hands down   you've got that right guard you're kind of off  balance here so the traditional boxing stance the   balance is a massive pro for that one another pro  is you can work on all of your punches that you've   worked on in the past in the gym all punches  work from a traditional boxing stance compared to   this stance or this stance or this stance with a  traditional boxing stance you can pull off just   about any punch that you want and i guess the  cons with this is it's the traditional boxing   stance 95 percent of boxers have this boxing  stance so when you're in there with someone   you've got to do something special to be able  to land them punches you've got to be someone   special to have success in doing this because  people are used to fighting or training with   people with this boxing stance so how do you beat  someone with this boxing stance well basically   it's the same way as you would beat all of the  other boxing styles all combined so you've got   the feints you've got the multiple punches you've  got the head body punches and it really comes   down to the opponent you're in with what their  style is how good they are how good they're not   so guys but the most important thing is you  practice find out what boxing stance works for you   do that stick with that if you enjoyed this video  please subscribe this channel for more videos   like this also any questions leave them in the  comments below and i will be answering thank you
Channel: Tony Jeffries
Views: 860,126
Rating: 4.9703269 out of 5
Keywords: boxing stance, boxing stances, boxing stances and styles, stances in boxing, styles in boxing, different stances in boxing, different styles in boxing, philly shell, boxing, boxing defense, philly shell defense, defense in boxing, defense techniques, boxing guard, peekaboo guard boxing, traditional boxing stance, hands down stance, hands down boxing stance, boxing stance and guard, 4 types of boxing stances, boxing stance for beginners, boxing stance tutorial
Id: VJiMWKgIe9s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 47sec (647 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 21 2020
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