The Best Defensive Move in Boxing

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i block the two and close the hook and i'll roll  it on this video i'm going to show you the single   best defensive move in boxing there's so many  different ways to defend punches in boxing   and so many good ways there's a few bad  ways on this video i want to talk about   all of the defenses but like i said i'm  going to show you my favorite defense my name is tony jeffries olympic bronze  medalist boxer former undefeated professional   seven times national champion european  champion welcome to my youtube channel   so in boxing you've really got two parts  you've got the offense and defense you   want to be equally as good at both of them and  for this video i've brought along my business   partner boxing fitness expert glenn holmes so  the first defense is probably the most common   defense in boxing which is the parry i'm  in there with glenn he's throwing the fast jab i'm parrying it you see my hands coming out won't  turning i'm parrying this is a really good defense   and the defense that we've got to use at some  point all the time so i'm going to show you the   negative thing with this is if glenn thinks that  she was two jabs then he feints a jab look what happens   that hand comes out one more time feint the jab  he finished the jab my parry's coming out leaving   me open for a long left and i used to love to  do this every time i got home with an opponent   who when i was throwing a jab the hand was coming  out like this i was like yes easy battle it gets   smacked in the face with a big left hook now  the next defense in boxing is the block so this   looks like this when Glenn's throwing the punches i'm  blocking look he can't hit me how can he hit me   you can't get through you might be thinking  well that's the best defense but no i'm not a   fan of this defense at all because i've got my  hands on my face when he's thrown them punches   guess what i'm still getting that impact on  me brain it's still rattling my skull you   do have to do this defense from time to time  but it's not my favorite defense and i don't   really recommend you doing it all the time you're  the peekaboo guard when you've got your hands up   high and you've got that peekaboo guard yeah i'm  not a big fan of that and i've done a full video   on three different dances where i break down the  peekaboo guard the philly shell and all that you   can click the link below and check out that video  now the next defense is a slip another common   defense where i'll be slipping straight punches  if he throws the jab at my head wow i've slipped   what was the one two slip slip i'm slipping  now you might be thinking well that's a good   defense is that my favorite defense no it's not  my favorite defense the reason being is when i'm   slipping punches i'm in range to get hit i don't  want to get hit i don't want to be in range to get   hit do that is not my favorite defense although  you do get out of the way of the punches and you   can throw some counter punches but with the slip  you've got to really rely on your reactions now   let's move on to the next defense in boxing which  is the roll r-o-l-l i've got a spell across from   the accent the roll and how we do that we're  going to be rolling out the way of hooks so if   glenn let's just see he throws a two hook i block  the two and throws the hook and i'll roll it again   i roll it yeah good defense right you might be  thinking well again just like the slip i'm not a   fan of this because i'm in range for the punch so  it's a good defense the roll you can roll left you   can roll right you can do a roll roll but again  it's not the best defense in the world because   you're still in range now you might be thinking  i know what the best defense is in the world it's   the lean back because you're not on range show so  if glenn throws the jab throws the one two i'm leaning   back good defense right i'm not in range well it's  not my favorite defense it's a good defense it's   better than the other ones because i am moving out  the way and i'm throwing throwing up punches and   i'm not in range but so if he steps forward with  the one two one boom boom boom i'm off balance   and he's going to land that last punch so again  great defense the lean back you are relying on   your reactions but not my favorite defense of them  all okay let's get on with it let me tell you what   the best defense is in boxing but guys before i do  please subscribe this channel hit the like button   turn on your notifications for more videos like  this also if you've got any video requests let   me know in the comments below so my best defense  of all time what is it well this is it right here   yes one more time in case you missed it simple  right the step back is the best defense in boxing   and let me tell you why so i'm not in  range i'm not getting hit let's see   we i am in range that two islands do one two  and i'm stepping back guess what it takes all   of the sting out of the punch takes all of the  power out of the punch because i'm moving away   if i'm moving away i'm out of range i'm out of  danger when he's thrown that punch i used to   spar a lot with Carl Froch who was the wbc super  middleweight world champion and he was a master at   this yes he would finally get his hands down but  when you hit him he was always moving away and he   was always getting out of the way that punch which  made it really hard to hit with a clean punch guys   do you agree with me what is the best defense in boxing and let me know in the comments below   also make sure you subscribe this video for  more videos like this thank you for watching
Channel: Tony Jeffries
Views: 662,291
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: boxing defense, boxing, Best Defensive Move in Boxing, boxing defense techniques, boxing defense techniques for beginners, boxing defence, boxing defence for beginners, boxing defence techniques, defense in boxing, how to defend in boxing, how to defend properly in boxing, how to defend punches in boxing, boxing defense tips, boxing defense drills, tony jeffries defense, defense boxing, how to defend boxing, how to improve defense in boxing, basic defense in boxing
Id: ujwYFTinll0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 0sec (300 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 14 2021
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