4 Steps to Discovering Your Core Values

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hello everybody McKenzie Hagglund here I'm a motivational speaker and life coach and as always today we're going to focus on my favorite topic and that's you you changing your life let's say you decide you want to have a home built you're really excited you finally have enough money and you call up a builder and his first question is how many bedrooms do you want and you say well we need at least one but I haven't really thought about it and he says well how much light do you want to let into your house and you're like well windows are important so we would like to have some windows and he asks what size do you want your kitchen to be and you say well we cook every day so a kitchen is important and he says well what color do you want your house to be and you think well green Green's a good color I really like green so the Builder he goes off and he builds you a home and you wait months go by and the Builder calls you up and he says your house is is ready and we'd love to show it to you and you know he pulls up in his truck and you start to climb into his truck and he says what are you doing and you say well aren't you going to take me to my new home I'm really excited to see it and he says well that is your home but on the trailer that I'm pulling with my truck and the Builder is really excited he wants to show you this new micro home that he's built for you and you're disappointed because you think well that's not what I wanted in a home you would never decide to build a home without having a clear list of requirements that you have for that home how many bedrooms how light do you want it to be how many floors should it be what size do you want the lot to be these are all really important questions and what I wonder is why we allow ourselves to go through life without a list of requirements what is it that's important to us where are we headed what do we want most of us have no idea so we end up going through life and getting what we don't expect this list of requirements for our life is often known as core values now core values is a list of ideals that are important for you in your life it's what you're going to use to build a foundation if you don't have a list of values essentially what you're doing is allowing somebody else to build a home for you without a clear idea of what it is that you want and need and I guarantee by doing this you are not going to get the home of your dreams instead you're going to get whatever it is that the Builder feels important or whatever he thinks is interesting at that time this month were focusing on spring cleaning your life and the first step in doing that is deciding what your values are what's important to you we can't even begin designing plans or building a foundation without knowing what it is that you want if you're ready for positive change what I need you to do right now is grab a pen and paper well you don't want positive change in your life come on this is your life we're talking about do me a favor grab a pen and a piece of paper let's get started creating your list of core values is a four-step process we're going to start with step number one here and all we want to do is create a list of your values what are the things that are important to you and there's a couple of ways to go about doing this a lot of coaches use a technique called peak experience and that's looking at a moment in your life or a time period in your life that really mattered to you or that really created change for you you're going to take a look at that peak experience and pull out what was important to you about that experience so maybe it was about an adventure you had or it could be about that you were spending time with your friends and your family maybe it was that you donated your time or shared your knowledge with somebody else it can be any of these things whatever it was that was important to you during that moment for your life if that doesn't work for you another great way to do this is to just Google online list of core values and you'll pull up all kinds of lists and you can just look through those lists and pull out the words that speak to you or that means something to you and just write those down now that's personally what I did and here's the list that I came up with so you can see all of these words mean something to me connection compassion determination curiosity serenity generosity all of these words spoke to me so that's step number one it's just creating a list now once you have this list put together this the next step step number two is going to be pairing this list down so right now we have a fairly extensive list the next thing I want you to do is get it down to maybe five or eight words that speak to you the most that most define you and most encompass you so I chose for my key words connection empowerment is really important to me freedom of choice gratitude individuality curiosity and simplicity those were the words that I decided would make up my core values so take some time you know mark up your list pick out the five day words that mean the most to you alright step number three is to rank these which one core value is most important to you this can get even more difficult here's what I chose for mine so as you can see simplicity is the most important core value to me connectedness is next inspirational and empowering freedom of choice gratitude and curiosity so you can see this this list encompasses Who I am if I look at this list I really have a clear idea of Who I am as a person and what my needs are now that you've ranked your values it's time to go on to step number four and in my opinion step number four is the most important a lot of us may have or share the same value words what is different is that each of us defines those words differently it's important to know what each of those words means to us individually so let's take a look at what I did for simple so simplicity for me means that I'm living a drama-free life that I value experiences over possessions I'm debt free I have time for myself and for the people I care about I'm free to travel I can focus on a healthy body and a healthy mind I don't over commit to things and that I have plenty of time to reflect I'm an introvert and I need downtime in order to feel energized for the things that I'm doing in my life okay so now that we have a list of core values you're asking why is this important how am I going to use it in my life let's take a minute to talk about that so this is my list of core values let's say that I'm trying to decide on a career choice for myself I can use this list of core values to decide if I'm making the right decision one of my big core values is freedom of choice now any career that's going to put me into a set schedule is not going to make me very happy it's very important to me that I have the freedom to choose how I spend my time and what I spend my time doing also any job that doesn't let me use my curiosity I love to learn and look for new ways of doing things and if I'm in a job that is repetitive and doing the same thing over and over again it's really going to take away from this and not fulfill this curiosity value of mine so that's how we can go about using this list of core values and over the next month as we look at what it is in your life that you can get rid of and how you need to reorganize and where you're headed we're going to use this list of core values quite a bit because I think it's very important to know who you are if you're going to create your ideal life again I'm makenzie Hageman and I'm a life coach it's really important to me that you create positive change in your life if you create your list of values I would love to see it in the comments below or you can send me an email my email address is also down below
Channel: Mckenzie Guzman Martinez
Views: 94,250
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mckenzie haglund, core values, life coaching, changing my life, Self love, Change
Id: cd5O_jAFUjs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 20sec (500 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 07 2016
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