2 Quick Motion Design Techniques | After Effects Tutorial

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[Music] in this video we'll take a look at two quick and effective motion design techniques and how i used it to put together this motion title scene welcome back everyone hope you're doing well we're going to dive straight into the tutorial but if you're new to the channel my name is shaw gonzalez from animation deconstructed make sure to subscribe and turn that bell notification on so you know when i release new videos so inside after effects i have just got two text layers here and it's a 1920 by 1080p screen and i've got about six seconds long with 30 frames per second just going to create a background here new solid call this bg press ok and then come over and we're going to add a four color gradient i'm going to double click that and you should see something like this we're working mainly with two colors here so the first one being a dark purple which is one three zero zero one seven if you wanna follow along and the other being zero zero fff and eighty four i'm going to zoom out a little and i'm also going to spot this purple and then i'm going to move this down here to get some sort of interesting look move this over here and something like this i'm going to drop this behind the text next thing we're going to do we're going to work on the actual text animation starting with the motion text press the u button twice come over to the animate button and we're going to add an opacity i'm going to take down the opacity to zero and then i've just added marker on here at three frames if you want to do the same just press the star key at three frames forward so that we know where we're starting our animation going to drop down the range selector and i'm going to turn on the start move over to about one second and i'm going to drag this up to 100 next thing i'm going to drop down the advanced and i want to randomize the order so turn this on and if we scroll through this we should see something that's a bit more interesting next thing i want to do is we can twirl that up and just come over to the ad and i want to add a wiggly selector it's going to change a few things on here i don't want the mode to be insect i want it to be subtract so let's just move backwards a bit and then i'm going to move to the three frames and take the max amount and the minimum amount and you can see the first one is 100 and the other one is minus 100 so we'll take those back to the same parameters at the end keyframe these on at three frames move over to one second and the first one was a hundred percent and the other one was -100 now if we just give this play also want to just add a bit more wiggle to this so i'm going to take the two wiggles per second up to about six let's take another preview that's looking a lot better going to close this up and i want to add one more animator so the way you need to do this is just select the word text go over to animate and we're going to add a scale if you have the first animator selected it'll actually add the scale to that animator next thing i want to do is take the scale down to zero move to let's say about four frames i'm going to drop down the advanced and i'm going to take the smoothness down so this is going to jump around a lot more let's go to the offset and you can see you can drag this back to -100 keyframe that on at four frames move over to one second and we'll take this all the way to a hundred now we should get quite a bit of a different look to this close this up and the last thing i want to do is actually add a minimax effects to this so minimax drag this onto the word and there's a few things i want to do first i want to use the channel alpha and color and then i also want to just have this text stretching left to right not on the vertical i'll change this to just horizontal move to about the full frame and i'm going to drag up on this radius and you'll see what happens when we do this so i'm going to take this up to about 150 turn the keyframe on and press u so we see all our keyframes and i'm just going to add a few more as we move forward so let's take this down to zero move forward a little bit more drag this up something like this and then just take this down again something i want to do let's just press u twice and i want to change that scale let's drop down the advanced again and let's change this to randomize the order and take a look at one more time that's looking a lot better i'm going to twirl all of these up and then i'm just going to move to the third frame so i know when i copy and paste it's going to paste in the same place i'll just copy the animator 1 and animator 2 ctrl c select the secrets text ctrl v copy the effects as well and control v press the u button and let's just move this radius over so it's in the right place and then i'm just going to move this text forward to about the 10 frame mark and take one preview the last thing i want to do is actually add some glitch to this and if you watched any of my other tutorials this is pretty easy just right click new solid call this glitch texture okay come over here and type in fractal noise change the soft linear to block we're going to drop down the transform take off the uniform scaling and we're going to need to drag the scale width all the way up so hold shift and just drag it until it locks that'll be about 10 000 then i want to take the scale height let's just drag this up as well take down the complexity by 3.8 maybe i can drag this back a little make this a round number so you can follow along 250 and then i'm just going to come to the offset and just move this along until i get something in the middle here i'm going to pre-compose this ctrl shift c move all the attributes into the composition press ok and then drop this to the bottom then i actually want to pre-compose all the text and the glitch together pre-compose this call this text press ok and then we're going to go inside here turn off the glitch texture and i'm going to right click new adjustment layer and let's call this displacement let's add a displacement to this placement map double click we're going to point this at the glitch texture and you should start seeing slight changes to this so let's move over here so we can see it more i'm going to drag this up and you'll see we can actually add quite a bit to this let's choose 250 and then take it off the vertical and then i just want about six frames of this so moving to about six frames select the layer ctrl shift d to cut it and delete the other piece i'm going to move this over and then i'm going to duplicate that and just move it over again somewhere so that we get this intermittent glitch happening just play with the positioning the with these until you're happy let's do one ram preview on the background and take a look i'm really happy with that in this next part we're going to take a look at how to create this interesting swirling background to create this background up here we're going to actually just use a stroke with a dashed line first thing we need to do is actually zoom out slightly select our pen tool start at the top here i'm going to create an arc need to draw off the side here a bit and then just drag set this down to one point just so that we can see what we're doing something like this should be good we can always adjust it as we're working with our animation let's make this white and we don't need any full so select over there no full if you don't have a stroke just select the word stroke put it on solid and change it to white and i have one pixel moving forward let's press the u button twice and then pop up the stroke pop it down again and then we're going to change the butt cap to round cap and the miter join to round join this is going to give our stroke those rounded edges so let's take the stroke right up again and you can see that rounding on the edges i'm going to make this really thick so about 4 140 and then we're going to drop down the taper and the start length i'm going to take up to 100 the end length i'm going to take up to 100 you can see it really tapers this and makes it a lot thinner that's why i made it so thick next thing i want to add some dashes because we're going to create these dots all over so dropping this down you don't actually see anything you need to press the plus button to add a dash and then we need to press the plus button once more and this will add a gap for us i'm going to take the dash down to 1 and then drag up on the gap and you'll see we start seeing this line the stroke change let's leave this at about 45 and we can pull up on the next thing i want to do is add a repeater which will repeat this across and we'll deal with the actual size of these balls later so come up to add i'm going to choose repeater and we're going to drop down to see the options i want about 50 copies of these and then i'm going to drop down the transform of the repeater and let's change the position to -1 so it's moving back this way and the rotations drag up slightly but five should be good go up to that wave drop down over here and this is where it's going to actually control these round circles i don't actually want this wavelength to be anything so i'm going to take that down to 0 but the amount i'm going to drag up and you'll see this change as we drag up let's leave this at about 85 let's drag forward slightly so we can see our text i just want to have this arc kind of going on the outside of this text so with that thought i can select my word path 1 select this and you can see how you can just change this arc by playing with the bezier curve next thing i want to do is add a trim path drop this down move to the first frame and what we're going to do to animate this is actually animate the offset so i'm going to keyframe that on let's make this animation actually just four seconds so move our work area in here and make this about two it's looking pretty good last thing i need to do is actually animate this on so i'm going to change a bit of what this trim part is doing let's drag this up to 100 and let's drag this down to about 30. i'm gonna swap this around it's actually pulsing in and out and if you look here on the stroke here this line is going to start animating in right over here so i need to rotate this backwards so this will be controlled by the offset and if we just drag backwards we can see this just moving off slightly next thing we need to do is just come down to the copies keyframe the copies move this over to about say one second and then take this down to zero and let's take a look at how this looks i'm going to come over to the shape path just drag this out a bit you just want to play with this so that you don't actually see anything turning on last thing is just to change the color i'm going to select my background copy this green select the shape go over to the color of it paste that in and we should have our animation if you'd like to see more tutorials like this take a look at either of the two videos popping up on screen right now keep animating and until next time you
Channel: Animation Deconstructed
Views: 1,603
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Motion Design Techniques After Effects Tutorial, Motion Design After Effects, Motion Graphics After Effects, Motion Design, motion design tutorials, after effects title effects, after effects title tutorial, Animation Deconstructed, After Effects Tutorial, Motion Graphics Tutorial, Glitch Effect, After Effects Background, text animation tutorial, Motion Design Text, Motion Graphics Text, motion graphics text animation in after effects, motion graphics, after effects
Id: BUio7zLw5DM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 26sec (686 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 12 2021
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