4 Most Common Blender Rigging Problems and How to Solve Them

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there are lots of small and big problems that can  go wrong with your rigs in the rigging process   some of them are the problems for the modeling  and can be fixed by root topology or modeling your   model in a different way but some of them fix in  the rigging process there are a lot of problems we   are not going to Deep dive into all of them we're  going to cover the most major and common problems   that you're going to face during your rigging  process to be specific 4 of the most common   problems that almost everyone faced before or  gonna face during the rgging process number one   the first problem occurs when you're going to  scale your skeleton to the model and just generate   your rig as you can see the rig is much smaller  than the skeleton and it should be the size of   the skeleton and your model this happens because  you're scaling your rig and as you can see this   scale is 2.560 it is not the one the scale should  be 1 to fix this problem simply click your rig   press "Ctrl + A" and apply this "scale" you can also  apply "all transforms" it works the same as you   can see the scale is all 1 and it's going to  generate the rig according to the size of this   skeleton I regenerated rig and as you can see  the rig is identical to the skeleton number two   the next problem is bending the join in the wrong  way I select my rig go to the pose mode and move   my leg as you can see the leg is bending in the  wrong way it should bend in the forward position   but it's going sideways to fix this problem go back  to your metarig skeleton and in the side view as   you can see it's almost identically straight and  the rig doesn't know which is the right way to bend   your model, to guide the rig and fix this problem  select your or a skeleton go to the edit and   move slightly to the forward it is the way the  knee bends and if you have the same problem in   the elbow just move it slightly backward in the  elbow position as you can see if I regenerate the   rig let's hide the metarig select the rig go  to the pose mode move my leg it's almost fixed   but to make sure it does not go sideways bring up  my metarig select it go to the pose mode select   the Upper Limb go to the Bone and in the options  and remember if you're not in the pose mode this   option will not appear to you I select the object  mode or edit mode I don't have the options you   should be in the pose mode select the Upper Limb  and in the rotation axis select the X manual I do   the same for the other one and we'll generate the  rig again hide the metarig and this way we make sure that   always is going to rotate in the x-axis and with  skeletons bending it slightly forward it means   that the knee should bend in that position number three The next problem is an unusual deformation   of your model when you're moving above for example  if I select my rig go to the pose mode and move   my head bone it should control the whole head as  you can see if I move it the head starts to deform because the influence of this bone on the head is  not complete and here if I move my right foot the   left foot also comes with the right foot these  actually a weight painting problem to solve this   problem select your model and go to the weight  paint find this skeleton responsible for moving   or controlling that part for example "spine006"  is controlling the head you can check it with   selecting each spine to see where they have  influence and as you can see here this "spine"   should have full control on the head full control  means the red areas blue areas means zero control   and everything in between is a percentage between  zero and hundred percent control I put the weight on 1 and paint the head to fully red it means this  bone will have full influence on the red areas It fix the deformation problem let's  check it select rig go to the pose mode move   the desired bone and as you can see the  head doesn't deform it is something that   you should put time on it and experiment  with different type of Weights between 0   and 100 in order to learn how to weight  paint correctly for animations but as you   can see the problem is fixed, it is what we want  now the next problem is moving the left foot   with the right foot to fix that select  your model go to the weight paint find   the right foot bone in the vertex groups in  the data "foot right" as you can see it controls   the right foot also it has a lot influence on  the left foot put the weight on zero paint the left   foot with blue it means the right foot bone  should not control anything on the left foot let's check it again go to the object mode select  the rig go to the pose mode move my right foot   as you can see it has a little bit  influence on the toes on the left   foot let's check it again select my  model go to the weight paint and with   the "strength" of 1 and "weight"  of 0 I paint the toes again it should be fixed now go to the object  mode select the rig go to the pose mode   move my right foot and as you can see it has  zero influence on the left foot number four   next problem happens when you have a stationary  prop or piece of clothes on your character that   should not deform with other parts of your body  for example here I have a revolver the side of   my character and revolver itself should not  deform with the body it should move with the   hip that's right but it should not deform if I  go to the pose mode move the hip as you can see   the revolver deforms and if I move the hand the  revolver deforms also fix this to problem go to the   object mode select the revolver go to the  modifiers and remove the Armature now select   the revolver "shift + select" the rig go to the pose mode  and select the rig that is gonna responsible for   moving the revolver for example the rig of the  hip press "Ctrl + P" and instead of "automatic weight"   select "bone" if I move the rig now you can see  revolver will also move with the bone if I move the hand   revolver stays it's because the revolver is  parented to the hip bone it's useful for the   stationary props of course if you're going to  use this weapon to draw the weapon or to shoot   with it you need to have a separated rig for the  weapon but that's for another course for another   time for now this method is usable for stationary  props for example for something attaching to your   hand to your hip to your leg but should not  deform like an organic body that's it for this   video if you liked the video please hit the  like And subscribe to the channel more videos   and tutorials like this are gonna uploaded soon  take care have a good day and bye bye
Channel: McK
Views: 19,506
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3D, character, 3dcharacter, modeling, texturing, rendering, rigging, animation, architecture, archviz, unreal engine, 3d art, 3d printing, blender 3d, blender, character rigging, blender character rigging, rigging problems, character rigging problems, character rigging tutorials
Id: 4pmCVaGMmdA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 55sec (415 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 27 2023
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