4 Magic Words Got Him Out of Hell (Literally) | Near Death Experience | NDE

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[Music] my faith was materialism what I believed in all of my PhD friends and all of my friends believed that if you can't measure it see it weigh it count it it simply doesn't exist so when I was dying people asked me if I'm pregnant it's like I'm trying to explain to you like the last thing in the world I would have done was right I would have I would have sooner jumped off the Eiffel Tower then Pray when an absolutely silly notion I asked for morphine I asked for a doctor because the pain of the hole in my duodenum which was leaking hydrochloric acid and other delightful digestive juices I was dissolving myself I was digesting myself an insect and if you wonder what that feels like get a red hot coal out of a fire and stick it inside your gut I've seen two doctors in emergency and they were very nice but they didn't do anything they just sent me over to surgery they told me I had an hour to live that's what they told me and I would be having surgery right away so they sent me to surgery and I'm being honest to them I'm sure there wasn't anybody to do the surgery so that's why I didn't get any meds you know people tell me Well the reason why you had your near-death experience was because of all the narcotics you've been given and like I begged for anything and I was given nothing for 10 hours nothing what what about nothing don't you understand when the nurse came in and said that they were unable to locate a doctor that's when I told my wife I said tell my parents that I love them and I said goodbye to all my kids and she was crying like I never I'd actually never seen anybody in my life cry like that I mean she was crying from the soles of her feet all the way up and just shaking and throbbing and and she sat down and I looked at her and I said time for me to go so I checked out you know really really easy I'm you know I I found it the easiest thing in the world to die I was having a lot of trouble breathing for the last several hours all I was doing was trying to breathe I had enough sense to know that if you stop reading that would be a bad thing I just all I had to do was just stop doing that and I went unconscious awoke I was standing there I felt absolutely physically more real more alive and completely healed than I never know much so the first thing I did was I did a reality check which consisted of taking my hands and I felt myself from the top of my head felt myself all the way down right down to my feet and it's like feeling good matter of fact feeling really good so then I started to do a sensory check I know it sounds very rational but that's I was a very rational person I can hear the hum of the fluorescent lights in the ceiling hear them humming really loudly and then I looked and I realized that in in our you know as an art teacher so like in our vision we see 180 degrees with two if you have two eyes well I was seeing way more than 180 degrees and I'm going oh that's so weird and then also then I checked my depth of field which is you know like if you focus something far you're near as out of focus and vice versa I was going like I have complete depth of field I mean I I am focused on everything and then I'm like touch and like I'd already touched my body and it's like whoa whoa what like really you know very sensitive and then I like so I'm doing the bottoms of my feet and like I could read the texture of linoleum went through my feet I'm going like wow this linoleum's like so cool so I'm looking around the room and my wife's on the other side of the bed and then I notice in the bed mostly covered by a sheet but the head not completely covered was a person and I looked at the person who was facing my wife away from me and to my heart it for a remarkable resemblance to me now I knew rationally that that wasn't me because I was standing there and like you can't rational people know you can't bifurcate you know I mean that's crazy stuff that's schizophrenia to say that like you were standing over yourself looking at yourself right like I'm not crazy I'm not nuts that's not me so they're thinking how come it looks so much like me because could it be a coincidence no that would that's ridiculous so I'm trying to think of a scenario so what I came up with which I realized was absolutely ludicrous was is that the um French hospital Personnel had made a wax replica of me I realized one they didn't have the time to do that and that's like takes a lot of skill because it was a very good replica and three like what would be their motive you know I mean why would they go to all that trouble and expense um yeah I mean looking backwards at the time it was very disturbing so it made me angry I'm I'm so I'm I'm going towards anger and then I try to communicate with my wife her head down and tears running down her cheeks and I get no response and it was like infuriating one of her techniques to punish me when we were not getting along was to ignore me so I'm figuring she's really really mad at me for what I have done to her and ruined her life and so I turned to my roommate Miss Sheriff Loren who was a 68 year old super kind sweet sick Frenchman I tried to talk to him he looked through me like he couldn't see me which of course he couldn't I started yelling and screaming at him and no response and now I'm really agitated very very agitated yeah so I heard people outside the room calling me by name which I thought was strange because I was in France and um surprisingly the people in France speak French and Howard is not a French name they're speaking English Howard you know come with us so went over the door of the room and there were people out in the hallway and the hallway was gray and like a really really bad black and white TV picture very fuzzy which was weird because the room was so Ultra clear and the hallway was very indistinct and there's these people out there in the same common I said are you from the doctor I'm sick I'm supposed to have surgery I've been waiting like you know all day and and they said we know all about you we've been waiting for you hurry up and come with us so after some convincing I became sure that they were Hospital people to take me to surgery and considering the treatment that I'd had in this Hospital up to this point the fact that they wanted to walk me to surgery made perfect sense I mean I never questioned that and so we went on a long journey hell is a separation from God and the only thing that makes hell bad is on the people there God doesn't make hell bad if they were nicer to each other it'd be a lot more pleasant down there than it is in their separation from God and also means all the good things that God gives us like um there's no birds or butterflies or flowers or sunshine or rain or wind there's no candy there's no chocolate cake there's no ice cream it's pretty bleak what psychologists have found when they cage a bunch of animals in a cage for a period of time they start gnawing on each other because that's the only gratification they get in prison movies there's a concept of the new fish when I you know when a new inmate comes into the prison like everybody's excited because they want to initiate them which usually means brutal rape and other things right so I was new fish so hundreds of them had their way with me the physical part is awful but the emotional part is much worse than the physical part you know I you know when it was happening and after it happened it's like how could they want to hurt me that much why do they hate me that you know what I mean that's that's the part I couldn't I and I and and I and I can't understand because you know what I I know why now because they don't care they weren't they went direct to me personally it was just I was new fish and when they were done with me um by being done with me is I I was no longer responsive physically and emotionally uh too far gone you know the term that I like to describe was I was Roadkill in that place I Heard a Voice that said pray to God I literally I mean I literally heard a voice say pray to God I don't know who said that I don't know where it came from it kind of felt like it was like here coming out of my chest and I thought what a stupid idea I don't believe in God I don't pray and the voice said pray to God and I thought I don't know how to pray I haven't prayed since I was a kid you know it's like I don't pray I'm not a prayer forget it though I said pray to God real strong and I thought okay what would it look like for me to pray foreign seven years ago our forefathers brought forth in this continent a new nation no no no no no oh man I can't you know like I mean I'm I'm remembering things I've memorized because of course from my perspective 30 or 38 year old genius college professor department head I thought prayer was something you memorized when you were a child so I try to remember and like I finally come with it I come up with like the Lord is my shepherd and I'm so excited I murmured it I mean I wasn't I murmured it out of excitement that I actually remembered something that sounded like a prayer and upon doing that the people that were still around me which they were no longer um interacting with me because I had become tedious and uninterested they became very angry and they said to me in language that's the worst language I've ever heard in my life there is no God nobody can hear you and now we kind of really really hurt you like I'm basically telling me what we did before was nothing compared to what we're going to do to you now because they couldn't bear like my most miserable pathetic little prayer and then I thought of some other things like Our Father who art in heaven Hallowed be thy name and I mean I was only I was only remembering like phrases I couldn't remember like a whole verse I'm saying this stuff and it's really making them angry and the thing that I liked was um all this time I'd been defenseless is no matter how hard I had fought to fend them off me finally I find something they really don't like and the other thing I noticed that the more I said these things and I was shutting them are shunning him in anger the more I said these things the more it drove them away I could I could we're in Peach black so I can't say anything but I can I can hear them retreating and retreating and treating so like yippee one yippy skippy I'm like I'm I'm really making him mad and I'm driving them away so I'm like letting them have it with the stuff I'm just repeating this stuff over and over again and eventually I realized the only thing I can hear anymore is me and I can't hear them so like I become quiet and I listen and I listen carefully and I know some some place somewhere they're out there but I don't know where you know but they're far and that's good and then I think about my situation and realize I'm stuck because I can't crawl I can't move I can't go anywhere and I don't know where I am I mean I didn't have to debate this I knew that um I was not alive and I was not in the world where I grew up in Massachusetts we had septic systems and cesspools so what I came up with is that I had gone down the toilet and through the plumbing into the cesspool and I don't know if how intercessible theology you are but there's some layers in this Festival like at the top is floating the unprocessed stuff and the deeper you go the more it gets processed and then it all becomes liquefied eventually then goes out into the leaching that's what I I was trying to think of what part of the septic system I was in I know I knew that my life was filled garbage I knew that I was a selfish ass I knew that I mean in the world I never would have admitted that tree if you if you if you and I met if you'd met me as uh Howard storm Professor Howard storm you know at Northern University get you to admire me and be a fan you know oh all you all as you would be to me is someone to support my ego I I did my own life review and what I concluded was that I know this sounds funny but I graded myself after I went through my life and I realized that I was basically um f and D's in every Department my relationship with my father my mother my sisters my students my friends my wife my kids I just give myself fnds up and down the line because all I could see was all the ways that I had failed and I felt real real bad I realized that I I belonged in the place that I was and that I was stuck there and nothing was ever going to change it and that the only way that I could have any kind of an existence in that place was to somehow pull myself together and to become more vicious than they were no it's before you got a chance to bite me in the neck I'll rip your head off that would be our greeting you know you go from my neck and I rip your head off and I thought I'd rather not exist than live like that because I I'd rather not be than be one of them so now I'm in a dilemma because here I am there's no way out I have no way no way of knowing how yet they're going to come back and I can't I can't count on this this prayer bit which was quite insincere you know I mean it wasn't from my heart it was just like it worked it was but I mean how how much how long is that gonna work for me you know and I went into the deepest deepest despair I mean here I am in the Cesspool and now I'm I mean emotionally spiritually sinking into a deeper hole my little Minds working working trying to accomplish something when it comes up with like a eight or nine year old child sitting in Sunday school singing Jesus Loves Me it wasn't the idea the the words were good but it wasn't the words it was like when I was a little kid I believed in like this God slash Superman and when you know the alligators and bear said live under your bed that are trying to bite your toes remember them when they would start snapping at my toes at night you know in the middle of the night I would pray to Jesus and they would go away and then the and then of course I'm having voices in my head saying you don't believe this silly stuff you know like that you know you were a child you're an idiot you know it's not true and then the other voices were saying why would he care about you you've done nothing but use his name as a cuss word for the past 20 years you know like you know he's not going to listen to you even if he did exist he hates your guts you know I mean I get some having all this stuff going and like finally I'm like screaming in my head like stop it stop it stop it and I just yell out and said Douglas pure desperation Jesus please save me without the faintest idea whether there was a Jesus or not a Jesus or whether he liked me or didn't like me or you know I mean I had I had nothing except this faint hope that it might be true this impossibly bright light like if it was actually light light it would have it would have burned me I was like you know so overwhelmed by the brightness of the light and it's Beauty and then like I looked down at myself and I saw Gore and I was like dude I had been a viscerate okay um not pretty and out of the slide came hands in arms and he touched me and when he touched me three things happened one is all the gorgeous started to disappear and I became whole the other thing that happened was I was filled with ecstasy instead of being simply just nothing but pain from head to foot now all of a sudden that the pain goes away and I'm filled with ecstasy and lastly and most importantly um I experienced a love that I had never known that existed and unfortunately I haven't found any language yet that can begin to describe it he picked me up he held me real tight thing when he held me I knew that there was so besides all this healing and love and all that that he really really liked me a lot matter of fact I'm his favorite person in the whole universe I have to add unfortunately you are too and he likes me I mean he doesn't dislike me he's not he's not you know he's not mad at me you know he's happy so I'm holding on to Jesus I'm crying happy cried and he's um rubbing my back he gave me a nice very soft tender back rub and we take off just like flying in a helicopter except it was just Jesus and me without the helicopter all as I'm aware of because like I've got my face buried in his chest and neck was we're going we're really going and actually I'm a little bit scared because I'm actually thinking so I hope he doesn't let go of me so we're moving and um I'm trying to get my act together because I I'm feeling I've put a lot of slobber on him from my nose and mouth a lot a lot of slobber and I'm feeling bad about that because I don't have a hanky to clean them up I'm done uh okay so I'm trying to get together so I get enough together and I and I look and I see like we're moving towards a world of light and all around the world of light like a bazillion little lights going in and coming out and that's all this activity and I had this gigantic oh the God that I said wasn't we're going to his house we're going into his territory I mean I know that I just know that somewhere in that big Galaxy of light if you will there's God in that and we're headed towards it and I am the biggest idiot in the whole world and they probably hate me you know because of what I've said and done I think to myself he's made a terrible mistake I don't belong here and with that eat we come to a stop and we are outside of the wanted a flight which we could call Heaven because that's what it was I call it home he spoke to me for the first time telepathically and he said we don't make mistakes you belong here and I thought how do you know what I thought I didn't say that can you hear what I think and he laughed and he said I know everything you've ever thought and I thought I feel real uncomfortable with you knowing everything I've ever thought because I've thought things that I don't want you to know that I thought and immediately I thought of something that I didn't want him to know that I thought about which was I thought of abreast I've always I've always been a boob guy and you know what he did he laughed and laughed and laughed he thought it's really funny and I thought oh he thinks I'm funny he said yeah you're real funny and I was like he thinks Stephanie because nobody thinks so funny I mean like I have a wicked sense of humor but it's like it's New England it's very dry you know I make like a lot of jokes and people look at me like what's your problem so like we started talking and he kind of interrupted our conversation which is all telepathically um he had a young male voice he said I got a bunch of people I want you to meet and so he called out with tone musical tone and they came and there was a group of women they formed a serious circle around us and he said they've recorded your life and they want to show you your life so we proceeded to watch my life and that was a what I would refer to as a holographic projection of me interacting with people and the interesting thing was that there were props but usually not a background only when the background was appropriate we got tables and cheers and a floor and the rest just isn't there at all would go into a scene and like see what happened to the person after what happened to them after we'd interacted or what they were feeling would feel what they were feeling I was more manipulative and detached from people and Jesus and the angels clearly shared their um unhappiness with the direction I was going not in a cruel way just like um it's really disappointing and I felt their feelings and I felt bad that I was so such a disappointment they weren't angry they weren't mad they were just disappointed what I ultimately learned from the whole thing was that we were created to love one another that's our job that's the curriculum that's the whole the whole thing in a nutshell and that's the only thing that matters and what I was doing was moving away from that I mean I had a career I had a wife had kids I had a house I had cars you know blah blah blah I had all that I had the American dream and I was going somewhere and I won prizes at art shows and I got tenure and I was a full professor and I you know blah blah blah and none of that mattered and they let me know that none of that mattered at all matter of fact it was a it was very surprising just women because I'd say look look here I got you know a full Professor I'm 26 years old full Professor I've never nobody gets that you know I'm like yeah well that as of no consequence at all look us look here where you ignored a student who really really needed a friend and then they would feel so sad for that student and it's good and that's the Life review went on into my adult life I was begging them to stop it like I got it enough no no no and that said no you got to watch so we went through the whole thing it was uh brutal and I made them very disappointed and very sad but I got the point it was real simple we were here We were supposed to love each other and I completely missed it I thought my life was about being the most famous wealthiest important powerful person that I could possibly be I mean I wanted it all when we're over with that whole thing um he said do you have any questions and I said yeah I got a million questions so I asked him everything I could think of to answer he answered everything I've never told anybody everything because some of it gets like a little esoteric and um you know I've gotten in trouble for Stuff I mean I mean I've had people tell me that I'm the devil and I'm an apostasy and I'm might have had been accused of things just I'm just like real simple stuff like for example I mean I'll give you an example of like um when babies are either aborted or stillborn or die when they're very young um they just get another chance at life and people have been furious with me and call me all kinds of names because Jesus told me that I was like I'm sorry if you don't like Jesus plan that no he doesn't throw babies into hell he not only told me but he showed me and we visited some places that the universe is full of intelligent beings and varied life forms and that in fact this world is one of the lowest of them all there's a lot more spiritual kind good loving and intelligent beings all of the universe I asked Jesus and so what happens to people when they die and he said I said it's a really big problem because I mean he said usually when people die they don't know they've died because like when they were dying they were in suffering and when they died the suffering's over and so they feel really good so they think they've gotten well and they don't know that they've died at all it's funny because people are terrified of dying it's like no dying is really great when you're not doing well you know ran out of stuff to say so I said okay I want to go to heaven and he's like oh uh actually you're going to go back to the world and try and have the life that you have created to be in the first place so we had a huge argument people always say like argument I go yeah I argued with him as much as I could possibly argue I said why would you send me back to the world because it's full of cruel mean people and it's just terrible existence down there and he said the world that he said that's true there's lots of cruel main people when they said it's also very loving beautiful people and he said what's in your heart is what you'll find and if you have love in your heart you will see the love in other people if you have Beauty in other people you'll see the beauty in them he said it's what's in you is what you're going to find and you know what amazingly he was right again I've been doing this thing for over 30 years since eight well 33 years now since 85. and yeah if you seek love and beauty you find love in Beauty if you seek cruelty and ugliness you fight culture notice but I'm telling you the the love and the beauty is in everywhere and in everyone including people that do not strike you immediately as either loving or beautiful when I was recovering in what they um called the recovery area of the hospital in Paris the room was kind of dark it was daytime but the lights weren't on the room lit up and this young man beautiful young man in his like mid early 20s it appeared blonde wearing hospital scrubs pale greens scrubs through the v-neck construction sleeves and sneakers he comes into the room and he goes Howard how are you I'm like whoa once again perfect English no kind of a kind of a surprise in a French hospital long and short of it was he said I'm going to be watching over you and I want to show you that everything's going to be okay but you've got a long recovery ahead of you um but I will always be around and I said great great I mean so kind and I said so what's your name and he said oh don't worry about that he said you all never see me again said you just said you're going to watch over me and you're going to see me through this whole recovery and you would never you'd always be around and now you're telling me I'm never going to see you again yes it's all true he said I'll be around but you'll never see me again and I said I don't know that doesn't make any sense you know are you going to be with me he said I will be with you always know I will be with you and I said I will never see you again said you'll never see me again and I said very very confusing I don't understand he said that I have to go so he left the room went when he left the room the room went back down to grab and I was sitting there like what was that you know what was that all about crazy immediately the nurse comes into the room and I said who what was the name of the doctor that was just here and she said there's nobody here and I said no no no like the the young doctor with the blonde hair and you know in the sneakers and stuff you know um he said there was nobody in the room and I said there was someone just in the room he just left he probably passed him coming in and she said my desk is right outside this door I've been sitting at that desk for a long time nobody has been in this room or out of this room and I said no you don't understand there was this beautiful young man who was just here visiting me she said no one has been in this room I have been right here by the door nobody has come in the room and I said well you're wrong and I got really upset she got mad at me because I was arguing with her I mean her English wasn't that good my and I spoke very poor French but anyways we were having this argument she's like just she just gave up on me the thing that drives me crazy is that um it's so simple it's so easy to call out to God and have your life totally changed and you can go from despair to Joy you can go from Pain to Bliss you can find like all your problems aren't going to be solved immediately but with the help of God you will find the solutions to your problems you know you find you find a way through all the difficulties of life and find a community of support through faith communities it's like and and and and the thing is is that in in real churches real real synagogues real temples it's all free no cost no obligation I mean because you've got a bunch of people just uh living to try and be helpful and supportive to someone you would like to go a little bit deeper into his experience I would highly recommend checking out his book my descent into death there are links in the description for the audible version and the hard copy and Kindle version so check that out if you would like
Channel: Shaman Oaks
Views: 2,009,901
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: near death experience, nde, near death experience heaven, near death experience stories, near death experiences, shaman oaks, heaven, purpose of life, near-death experience, life after death, near death experience survivor, nde experience, near death experience interview, nde 2022, near death experience 2022, near death experiences 2022, near death experiance, near death experience storytime, nde interview, near death experience heaven 700 club, howard storm, hell testimony
Id: diPhrDPH8U8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 41sec (1901 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 15 2021
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